Five Things To Know About MPA From Elizabeth Jacobson Faye

Elizabeth on the Deep Portage tripLeadership opportunities, getting to explore her passions in the arts, and bonding as a class–these are the five things Elizabeth ’27 wants you to know about MPA.

1. Tenth grade takes an annual trip to Deep Portage.

Every year the sophomore class gets to go to Deep Portage together. It was so fun riding the bus and doing activities while getting to know my grade a bit better.

2. Creativity is encouraged.

In concert choir, we do a competition between sections where our section leaders take a popular song, change the lyrics to make them choir-related, and then we perform for a panel of faculty judges. This year my section (the altos) won, which was exciting.

3. MPA has a variety of offerings.

MPA offers lots of different art classes. Personally, as someone who loves art, it is really cool to try things I’ve never done before like ceramics. Read More

Then & Now: The MPA Theater Department’s Growth

The MPA theater department's performance of The Wizard of Oz in 2015from Sarah Ley ’18

“There’s no place like home” is a quote you may recognize from the 1939 classic “The Wizard of Oz.” Dorothy, the story’s protagonist, discovers that “home” isn’t so much a place as it is the people and experiences that bring her feelings of belonging and comfort. MPA often acted as a second “home” for us, thanks to wonderful faculty and staff, unique courses, and cherished friendships.

When I was a student, I found a home in the theater department. Thinking back on my favorite memories, many are defined by the musicals I acted in during Upper School. In Spring 2015, the first was “The Wizard of Oz,” directed by Elizabeth Seal. Opening after the retirement of beloved longtime theater director Barb Bradley, Oz marked a new era in the department. With a cast and crew of 60+ (no small feat considering graduating classes of ~50 students), the show drew veteran actors, newbies excited to explore theater, and, as munchkins, roughly 20 Lower and Middle Schoolers.

Since then, the theater department has continued to grow and adapt. Despite smaller cast and crew numbers following the pandemic, Middle and Upper School drama teacher and director James Lekatz shares that interest increases every year. In fact, the 2025 musical’s cast size will be double last year’s. Audiences have also returned en force, with several performances of the Winter Show selling out. Heather Mastel, Lower and Middle School drama teacher and director sees similar growth: this year’s Middle School Show, “Little Women,” boasted a cast of 25 and sold out all shows.

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The Joy Of Being A PreK-12 Family

Student performers at Remember The TimeThis message is from MPA’s Office of Admission from the March 9 issue of Inside MPA. Click here to get in touch with Admission and learn more!

To close out the month of February, we gathered together in the Family Commons for “Remember the Time: A Black History Month Showcase.” The event was a wonderful reflection of connections forged between students of all ages–a distinctly PreK-12 experience.

Ahead of the event, students were immersed in research, combining prior knowledge with new findings and growing their appreciation and understanding. Older students mentored younger ones, guiding them through these discoveries, while they brought fresh perspectives that reminded us all of the joy in curiosity.

Then, the evening opened with a gallery-style viewing of student work displayed throughout campus. In Lower School, a model of the historic Tremé neighborhood in New Orleans and Basquiat-inspired artwork. In Middle School, educational videos describing biographies of influential inventors, scholars, activists, and artists. In Upper School, the halls were lined with a timeline of Black History in America. And so much more. Read More

Five Things To Know About MPA From Emily Baker

Emily on the soccer teamWhat five things do you need to know about MPA? MPA tenth grader Emily Baker is here to tell you. We’re so happy to see the campus pond and native gardens made her list!

1. Athletic teams are no-cut.

Don’t be afraid to join a team; MPA welcomes all skill levels! Whether you’ve been playing for years or just starting out, there’s a place for you. I’ve made so many amazing friends on the soccer team and have grown so much as a player.

2. Student ambassadors are here to help.

As the Middle School representative on our student ambassador leadership team, I get to help welcome new students and make their transition to MPA as smooth and fun as possible. It’s such a great way to connect with others and make everyone feel at home!

3. We have a lot of school spirit.

MPA is all about lifting each other up. This photo captures the amazing turnout at our last Homecoming soccer game, an early morning match where the community’s energy helped push us to a dub! Read More

MPA All-State And Honors Music Updates

Truman Wilgocki '26, Chali Yang ’26, and Warner Reid ’26, who performed with the All-State Choirs. Congratulations to Truman Wilgocki ’26, Chali Yang ’26, and Warner Reid ’26, who performed with the All-State Choirs over the weekend! Truman and Chali were members of the Tenor-Bass Choir, while Warner sang with the Mixed Choir.

They auditioned and were selected for membership, attended a week-long camp this past summer, and had a reunion concert at Orchestra Hall. Truman, Chali, and Warner gave a beautiful, expressive, joy-filled performance. All three are members of the MPA Concert Choir and Madrigal Singers.

Finnley Henrikssen-Myers ’28 also had a big weekend singing in the State 9-10 Honor Choir! Finnley auditioned last fall and was selected to be a member of the Tenor-Baritone-Bass Choir under the direction of Marques L.A. Garrett. Read More

MPA Students Recognized by MSAA

The Art Department is thrilled to share the list of students honored in the 2025 Minnesota Scholastic Art Awards!

The Scholastic Art Awards is a highly competitive, nationally recognized competition for students ages 13-18. Gold Key awards will go on to competition at the national level.

This display of awards represents a variety of mediums, styles, and techniques, as well as countless hours of work over the course of years of skill development. We are so proud of the accomplishments of these artists!

  • Yuhan Zou ‘25, Drawing, Gold Key, “目”
  • Ella D. ‘29, Painting, Gold Key, “Defused Emotions”
  • Jenny Liao ‘28, Painting, Gold Key, “Winter Owl”
  • Juliun Menasco ’27, Photography, Gold Key, “Froggy Curiosity”
  • Nicole Kim ‘27, Fashion, Silver Key, “Background Spotlight”
  • Lucy Smith ‘25, Mixed Media, Silver Key, “Artist Blues”
  • Grace Nelson ‘26, Painting, Silver Key, “Intergalactic”
  • Zayna N. ‘30, Photography, Silver Key, “Sage”
  • Cosmo Vanzyl ‘26, Ceramics, Honorable Mention, “Bloom”
  • Cosmo Vanzyl ‘26, Ceramics, Honorable Mention, “Trust”
  • Amy Xiang ‘26, Drawing, Honorable Mention, “Fireworks”
  • Marlaina Minear ‘25, Drawing, Honorable Mention, “Self-Portrait”
  • Laila Mosley ‘26, Painting, Honorable Mention, “Savory & Sweet Dining”
  • Sukey R. ‘29, Printmaking, Honorable Mention, “Balanced Composition Lino Print”
  • Sophia T. ‘29, Printmaking, Honorable Mention, “Leaves in Symmetry”
  • Thomas Dickson ‘26, Printmaking, Honorable Mention, “Street Print”
  • Yuhan Zou ‘25, Sculpture, Honorable Mention, “Fresh Breath”

See an album of their award-winning work here!

Five Things To Know About MPA From Maren G.

Maren with her i-term group in QuebecAs an eighth grader, Maren speaks to leadership opportunities in Middle School, competing on the Nordic ski team, the value of a closely-knit community, and more!

1. We have i-Term in Middle School.

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to travel to Quebec, Canada last year for i-Term. I learned so much about French-Canadian culture and ate a lot of local cuisine.

2. Athletic team experiences are memorable.

I ski every winter on MPA’s Nordic team. It is a great experience and has provided the opportunity to meet new friends, enjoy the Minnesota winter, and improve my skiing!

3. There are so many fine arts opportunities.

The options MPA provides to excel in fine arts has made me a more well-rounded person, and I enjoy being able to play both violin and sing in choir.

4. Students are encouraged to lead.

MPA encourages students to join clubs or create their own. My friends and I run Design Club in the middle school. Some of our past projects include designing the middle school planner, locker posters, and appreciation gifts for our teachers.

5. We have a small, close community

I am grateful for the opportunity to attend MPA with my three sisters. I have one older sister who is a sophomore, and two younger sisters who are in sixth grade and third grade. I am lucky to see them at school thanks to the cohesive community bond we have between divisions.

Five Things To Know About MPA From Hadley R.

Hadley playing basketball at the Target CenterWhat makes your MPA experience unique to you? How do you find a home at MPA?

We’re excited to launch this new series, in which we’ll share what’s special about our school through the eyes of our community, from cherished traditions to memorable classes and projects. Middle School student Hadley shares her top five things to know about MPA!

1. We have no-cut athletics.

I had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I was able to play with the varsity team at the Target Center!

2. There’s a variety of fine arts.

This year, I loved building the set for “The Odyssey” in Theatre III class!

3. The i-Term experience.

I’ve done the Survivor i-Term and New York i-Term. It’s such a fun experience to have with my friends and make new ones along the way!

4. We have an annual Hour of Code week.

I get to learn coding in different settings and ways.

5. We have an amazing Middle School band.

I love playing the trumpet and learning more about the instrument!

MPA Experiences At The January 26 Preview

Two middle school students coding with sphero We’re thrilled to offer six MPA experiences at the PreK-12 MPA Preview on January 26, 2025! These are formatted for your family to completely customize your time at the event and take part in the hands-on, joyful learning MPA students do every day. In this casual format, you can explore as many sessions as you’d like and switch to a different one at any time. As you explore our classrooms, interact with students and faculty, and experience firsthand our approach to learning, you’ll discover what makes MPA a spectacular place to learn and grow.

Lower School Homeroom Teacher Meet & Connect | Recommended for Lower School
Meet our Lower School teachers! Stop into the homeroom of the grade(s) you’re exploring to meet, connect, and ask any questions you may have for our faculty.

Reach New Heights On The MPA Climbing Wall | Open to all ages PreK-12
Belay on! The MPA climbing wall is open to all skill levels and ages. With MPA physical education teachers as your guides, you’ll receive tips and support to reach new heights.

Behind The Scenes Of “Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery” | Open to all ages PreK-12
Go behind the scenes of “Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery” with the cast and crew of the show! You’ll get to tour the set, peek at the makeup and costumes, meet MPA theatre faculty, and explore the magic of our Black Box Theatre. Read More

Calling Alumni And Parents Of Alumni Musicians!

Musicfrom James Lekatz, Middle and Upper School drama teacher and director

For those of you who were involved in the arts at MPA, the fall was full of excitement. As you grabbed our instruments, opened your scripts, or massaged your clay, you knew magic was in store. This week, the Nicholson Center will be filled with music as band, orchestra, and choir start their concert season. In November, the Middle School play, “Little Women” will open. Walk around the school, and you will see the walls covered in kindergarten to 12th-grade artwork. MPA vibrates with art! We are so lucky to have the arts as one of the main tenants of the school. MPA believes in the transformative power of the arts and arts education, a counter and radical mentality to the world we live in. We are looking forward to seeing alumni in the audience for these vital moments of joy.

As the arts are always pushing us forward, I am looking toward the spring. This is my second year at MPA, and I have seen the show posters around the garden level. What high school produces “Candid,” “Anyone Can Whistle,” and “Marat/Sade”? How were these productions able to take place? How big were those orchestras? I have met a handful of MPA alumni, and some of your favorite memories of MPA include the musical. I have heard wonderful stories of community, transformation, and sometimes regret for not starting sooner in the department.

This year’s musical is The Wizard of Oz, and here is where you come in. While you will not be in a costume on stage, we are looking to grow our orchestra pit. If you are a musician who plays an instrument, would you like to join us? Would you consider sitting side by side with current MPA students, filling out the sound of that iconic score, and sharing your joy of the arts with us?

Please contact Hannah Lawson, orchestra director, or James Lekatz, Middle and Upper School drama teacher and director, at to learn more.