Next Steps In The Head Of School Search

Original publish date: May 13, 2024

Dear Mounds Park Academy Community,

I am writing with gratitude and to update the community on next steps in the head of school search process.

First, a heartfelt thank you to the many parents, students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents of alumni, retired faculty, and other community members who have participated in candidate forums and completed surveys. Your participation and feedback are essential and demonstrate the collective strength of our community. The feedback regarding all three candidates has been very strong.

Thank you also for providing such warm welcomes to each candidate who has visited. Each commented on MPA’s strong sense of community and belonging. Each also remarked on the joy of learning being profoundly evident at the school as they greeted students, walked hallways, and visited classrooms.

We also want to inform you the fourth finalist candidate has withdrawn from consideration after accepting an offer elsewhere, which means the candidate visit portion of the process is complete. This is not at all unusual in head of school searches, particularly with candidates of the caliber that MPA is considering who are highly sought after. The inherent fluidity of search processes is the reason we selected four highly qualified finalists rather than narrowing the finalist pool down to two or three.

After thoroughly vetting the feedback from our community on the three visiting finalists, the search committee will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for a new head of school. We hope to announce the new head of school in June, before the end of the school year. As a reminder, the new head of school will start in the summer of 2025 after Dr. Hudson’s retirement.

On behalf of the entire search committee, thank you for your support of and engagement with this process. Thank you also for showing our finalist candidates what is so unique and wonderful about MPA. Should you have any questions, please email


Betsy Van Hecke
MPA Parent of Alumni
Chair, Search Committee

Engage With The Candidates

Original publish date: April 23, 2024

Dear Mounds Park Academy Community,

As we move into the final phases of the search for MPA’s next head of school, I am pleased to update you on our process and timing, as well as share the upcoming engagement opportunities.

The search committee has been extremely busy since our last update. The committee reviewed 11 excellent candidates presented by our search consultants, Carney, Sandoe & Associates. We narrowed the pool to eight semi-finalists, hosted 90-minute individual Zoom interviews with each, and selected a group of four inspiring finalists.

We now look forward to the next set of interviews, which will be held in person at MPA during the month of May. The visits involve a robust schedule of interactions with students of all ages, parents, parents of alumni, alumni, trustees, faculty, staff, administrators, and the search committee. In addition, each finalist will meet with Dr. Bill Hudson.

Knowing that Carney, Sandoe & Associates and the search committee have already ensured that all finalists are highly qualified school leaders, the campus visits are used to determine cultural fit with MPA. Equally important in this phase is ensuring the finalists feel warmly welcomed at MPA and get to know the community, school, and environment.

Please mark your calendars for the following open forums, which will provide you with opportunities to hear from our candidates and engage in Q&A sessions. Read More

Head of School Search Update

Original publish date: April 2, 2024

Dear Mounds Park Academy Community,

I am writing to provide an update on the head of school search. You may remember that I last reached out shortly before spring break, sharing that we had finalized the position description. That document continues to be available on the head of school search website and will guide the search committee as we move to the candidate evaluation and interview stages.

Other than helpful training on how to avoid implicit bias in the hiring process, these past few weeks have been relatively quiet for the search committee. In contrast, our search consultants, Carney, Sandoe & Associates, have been very active speaking with potential candidates.

Looking ahead, things will get busy again for the search committee very soon. We expect to evaluate candidate dossiers and select individuals for first-round interviews in mid-April. We anticipate inviting a select few finalists to MPA for interviews and interactions with the community during the month of May. Given the fluidity of the search process, those date ranges may change. We will continue to share updates regularly and confirm dates with you just as soon as possible.

I feel confident that as we search for MPA’s next head of school, the varied voices within our community are being shared, and potential candidates are hearing what makes MPA such a unique and wonderful place. Please know that I, along with Tiffany Scott Knox, chair of the MPA board of trustees, am available to you should you have any questions.

Betsy Van Hecke
MPA Parent of Alumni
Chair, Search Committee

If you have any questions, please email

Sharing The Position Description

Original publish date: March 8, 2024

Dear Mounds Park Academy Community,

The search committee is happy to report that the search for our next head of school is well underway. Our motto, “Dream Big. Do Right.” sends a strong message to the world about our priorities. Through the decades of its existence, MPA has come to be known as a school that values the whole child, has strong academics, and is a welcoming and inclusive community. Our next head of school will be joining a school that is well-positioned for the future.

As many of you are aware, our search consultants, Jennifer Wong Christensen and Bob Vitalo from Carney Sandoe & Associates, were on campus on February 22 and 23. During that time, they met in person or virtually with more than 70 community members, including faculty, staff, students, current and former parents, alumni, and trustees. Each participant was asked to explore the same three question threads:

  • What makes Mounds Park Academy special and distinct? What do you value? What should never change?
  • What is the work ahead for the next head of school? What is on the “to-do” list for the next two, four, and six years?
  • What are the personal qualities, skills, and experiences you want to see in the next head of school that will make that person successful at MPA?

Read More

Launching The Search

Original publish date: February 16, 2024

Greetings, MPA Community –

I am pleased to provide this initial update on the progress of launching a comprehensive national search for Mounds Park Academy’s fifth Head of School. To ensure that the community has opportunities to be informed, engaged, and provide feedback, I offer the following:

  • you are formally invited to a listening session as detailed below;
  • you are welcome to participate in the community survey linked below;
  • our head of school search website is live and can be found here;
  • our dedicated email address,, has been established for you to communicate with the search committee chair, communications director, and me to share your thoughts and provide feedback.

As I shared earlier this week, selecting our next head of school is one of our community’s most important decisions. It is more than just finding a leader to serve in that capacity; this is an opportunity for us to build upon Dr. Hudson’s legacy and collectively shape our community’s future.

We are committed to ensuring a thorough and diligent search process, and we look forward to your engagement in the exciting journey ahead.

Tiffany Scott Knox
MPA Parent
Chair, Board of Trustees

Dear Mounds Park Academy Community,

It has been an emotional week for the Mounds Park Academy community. Dr. Hudson’s announcement that he will retire at the end of the 2024-25 school year has provoked an outpouring of gratitude for his extraordinary 11 years of leadership at MPA. I’ve also heard many express excitement as we think about the next step for the school, built upon the strong foundation Dr. Hudson helped advance. And, of course, it’s natural that we also feel a sense of loss mingled with our happiness for Dr. Hudson and his husband, Ross, as they begin to look ahead toward an active and fulfilling retirement. Read More

Engage With The Search

Two students working on science lab togetherOriginal publish date: February 21, 2024

Mounds Park Academy and its board of trustees are committed to an open and transparent search process. To that end, please feel welcome to email your questions to until the formal search email address is established. All questions and comments will be shared with Tiffany Scott Knox and Betsy Van Hecke while Natalie Waters Seum, director of admission and communication, will respond on the group’s behalf.

There will be a variety of ways for the community to engage with the search including a survey and facilitated group discussions. The first discussions will occur next week, so please save the dates and times that work for you … Read More

An Important Message From The Head of School

Dr. Bill HudsonOriginal publish date: February 13, 2024

Dear Mounds Park Academy Community,

With a myriad of emotions, I share my intent to retire from Mounds Park Academy at the conclusion of the 2024-2025 academic year.

The decision to retire has not been arrived at lightly. Following much consideration, I believe that the time is opportune for me to embark on the next chapter of my life, filled with the anticipation of quality family time, exciting travel adventures, and the exploration of the collection of unread books that have patiently awaited my attention—a prospect that fills me with both excitement and gratitude. This is a stage of life that my husband Ross and I have planned for, and he will join me in retirement.

I also know it’s the right time for Mounds Park Academy in many ways:

  • an experienced board of trustees and a talented and dedicated administrative team are in place;
    our exceptional faculty and staff are committed to the holistic growth and academic success of each student;
  • the launch of a new phase of curriculum development will further empower students to navigate an increasingly complex and global society and world;
  • a strong fiscal foundation and a long-range plan are in place to ensure the sustainability of MPA for many years to come; and
  • we benefit from an elevated profile as a premier independent school in the Twin Cities, known for its safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment, dedicated to academic excellence, and fostering the growth of the whole child.

The incoming head of school will join MPA at an ideal time, coinciding with the school’s accreditation self-study and the development of a new strategic plan. Read More

An Important Message From The Board Chair

Tiffany Scott KnoxOriginal publish date: February 13, 2024

Dear Mounds Park Academy Community,

In its 42-year history, Mounds Park Academy has benefited from extraordinary leadership shaping and guiding its mission, values, and growth. This has certainly been true since Dr. Bill Hudson assumed the role of head of school in July 2013. When Dr. Hudson informed the board of trustees of his decision to retire at the end of the 2024-25 school year, I was both sad and excited. I am sad because Dr. Hudson has been such an effective, nurturing, and visionary leader, but I am excited as we think about the next step for MPA, built upon the strong foundation he helped advance.

Dr. Hudson will leave Mounds Park Academy more vital and vibrant than when he arrived in 2013. In his years leading our community, he has been an exemplary steward and champion of the Mounds Park Academy mission and vision, and his legacy will leave an indelible mark on MPA. During his tenure, Mounds Park Academy set a foundation for long-term financial sustainability, reimagined the school’s curriculum for the 21st century and beyond, successfully navigated a global pandemic, and redeveloped a strong sense of community. But perhaps above all, Dr. Hudson’s tireless work to strengthen a diverse, inclusive, and joyful community where students and members of the MPA family realize they are welcome and loved and can learn and thrive is his crowning achievement. These ideals are embedded in every division and embraced by the tremendously talented faculty and staff Dr. Hudson and his team assembled and cultivated. Read More