Belonging At MPA

from Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

It has been a hectic several weeks for members of the MPA community! We had a wildly successful Spring Auction with more than 250 parents, alumni parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty, and staff gathered at A’Bulae in St. Paul to celebrate MPA and raise much-needed funds for our students. It was a full house, and everyone seemed to have fun and were undoubtedly happy to be together again.

Yesterday, we hosted Grandparents and Special Friends Day with several hundred attending for Lower, Middle, and Upper School students. For some, it was their first time in the school and the first time experiencing a little bit of the magic that happens each day at MPA. In my opening remarks to the grandparents and special friends, I shared research highlighting the importance of grandparents and mentors/role models to young people’s academic, social, and emotional health and well-being.

The importance of a strong sense of community to the growth and well-being of young people cannot be understated even more so as we emerge from the pandemic. Belonging is an essential human need, and we all require and long for caring, genuine, and ongoing connections with others. In a school environment, students deeply desire to be accepted, respected, included, and supported by others in the school social environment.

A recent article in the New York Times caught my attention and presented evidence that all educators and parents feel instinctively. While I have been concerned about student mental health for some time now, and MPA has made it a priority to address, the article powerfully but sadly presented the current reality of our young people in a post-pandemic society.

There is some good news. In many instances, young people are avoiding high risk behaviors. “Young people are more educated; less likely to get pregnant; use drugs; less likely to die of accident or injury,” said Candice Odgers, a psychologist at the University of California, Irvine. “By many markers, kids are doing fantastic and thriving. But there are these significant trends in anxiety, depression, and suicide that stop us in our tracks.” For example, emergency room visits for suicide attempts rose 51 percent for adolescent girls in early 2021 compared to the same period in 2019. The figure rose four percent for boys.

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MPA Moments That Matter

from Natalie Waters Seum, director of admission and communication

One Thursday per month you will see a guest Head’s Message from a member of the Institutional Advancement Team. We hope these additional perspectives will help you catch a glimpse inside the inner-workings of your school.

In honor of the conclusion of MPA’s treasured Book Festival, I want to share with you a book I’ve been listening to on my commute. I believe this book should be required reading for everyone in the business of people: “The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact,” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath, the bestselling authors of “Switch” and “Made to Stick.” Like all great books, it was recommended to me by a trusted friend and colleague as one that directly applies to our work in admission and communication.

The premise is that moments matter—our lives are defined by moments—and through intentionality, some moments can matter much more than others. The opportunity lies in our ability to engineer moments that will have a lasting impact on those we serve. They describe in detail the four elements impactful moments often contain and how to build in these elements: Read More

The Importance Of Reading

Head's Messagefrom Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I delight in the number of students who come into school in the morning with a book in their hand and a finger holding their place. Clearly, they love reading as much as I do. Reflecting on the great books I’ve read, from Dr. Seuss to Chaucer, I see how reading has changed my life. Through reading, I have plumbed the depths of despair and witnessed the triumph of the human spirit. I’ve lived through momentous battles and traveled the world. Reading has transformed me and made me into the person I am today. While my parents actively encouraged reading, it was in lower school that I learned to love reading, and it was my teachers who introduced me to great books.

The 22nd Annual MPA Book Festival (April 5-17) is a true reflection of our mission as we choose to celebrate reading in such a joyful way. By coming together to celebrate reading, we send a powerful message to our children about its importance. I am very grateful to the MPA Parent Association for sponsoring such a fantastic event. Funds raised from book purchases support the MPA library and directly impact students. Read More

Let’s Dream

from Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

“I need to start living again,” I said to myself last week after exchanging a series of texts with a good friend that I have seen only once in the previous two years. I immediately texted her again, and we made plans to meet for breakfast over the weekend. Perhaps you’ve had a similar experience. The last two years of the pandemic have been difficult for a number of reasons, including the lack of opportunities to socialize with and expand our circle of friends. I noticed this at school also. My heart was bursting at the seams during our Lower School Art and Music Show last week, and I realized how much I missed the casual, joyful interaction with parents.

In just a few weeks, on Friday, April 22, we have an opportunity to burst out of our pandemic cocoons for an evening of fun, strengthen friendships, make new friends, and celebrate our school community. While the MPA Spring Auction, “Let’s Dream,” is the only fundraising event of the school year, it is so much more. Whether you are a new or returning family, you will enjoy the laid-back atmosphere held this year in a stunning setting. A’Bulae is a truly unique venue set atop a building in Lowertown St. Paul with sweeping vistas and a rooftop terrace.

“Let’s Dream” is a wonderful celebration that raises over $200,000, directly benefiting our teachers and students. It is a chance for parents, alumni, grandparents, parents of alumni, and employees to celebrate all we’ve accomplished. Our volunteer planning committee, Karen Chan, Rebekah Cook, Sarah Cotter, Lucia Gray, Amy Kotch, Tara Lafferty, Jennifer Macdonald, Amy Minear, Renee Roach, Mindy Ruane, Kelley Still, Leslie Todero, and Lisa Vale, have been hard at work planning a wonderful evening. Hundreds of community members and area businesses have joined together to create our fantastic 170+ item silent auction. There are also a limited number of golden tickets that are still available that provide the opportunity to pick any one of the fabulous live auction items. Read More

Rigor With Purpose

CircuitLabI enjoyed the opportunity last Friday to visit with fifth-graders about their SEEK (Science, Experiments, Explorations, and Knowledge) Projects. A tradition for more than 20 years, Middle School Science Teacher Courtney Nagle describes SEEK as “the scientific method on steroids!”

As I wandered around the Family Commons, I was impressed by the variety of scientific experiments students chose and was struck by their curiosity. In particular, I was delighted with their ability to critique their project, talk about what they would do differently next time, and how what they learned could be applied in other contexts. The SEEK Project is an excellent example of what we at MPA call “rigor with purpose.”

Rigor is different from difficulty. Traditional applications of rigor most often entail more and harder assignments that are “pushed down” from the teacher and “piled on” to the student. In reality, such an understanding of rigor requires little more than lower-level thinking skills such as factual recall and procedural regurgitation rather than greater cognitive complexity. At MPA, rigor with purpose is meaningful learning that goes deeper to challenge students’ thinking in new and exciting ways. Read More

Welcoming Back Smiling Faces

In Story
From Jennifer Rogers-Petitt, Director of Development and Community Engagement

One Thursday per month you will see a guest Head’s Message from a member of the Institutional Advancement Team. We hope these additional perspectives will help you catch a glimpse inside the inner-workings of your school.

If you’re like me, over the past few weeks, you may have been reflecting on how different our spring breaks were two years ago compared to this year. Two years ago, my two kiddos and I were enjoying a memorable trip to New York City, gearing up to take in Broadway shows and the many sites. Halfway through the trip, major sports teams, businesses, public spaces, and what felt like the entire country began to shut down due to this new virus that was sweeping across the world. One day we were walking through the bustling Times Square, and the next day I was worried about our ability to get a flight back home.

Two years in, so many things in our lives continue to be different, but I am so happy to see many areas returning to our new normal. Seeing many of your students’ smiling faces as we made the move to masks being optional, having parents back in our hallways, and being together to build community have been wonderful steps forward. Read More

Understanding MPA Athletics

Danfrom Dan Haase, Athletic Director

One Thursday per month you will see a guest Head’s Message from a member of the Institutional Advancement Team. We hope these additional perspectives will help you catch a glimpse inside the innerworkings of your school.

At Mounds Park Academy, we believe athletics complement the total academic experience and development of the student. Students learn a great deal from their participation in interscholastic athletics. Concepts such as teamwork, sportsmanship, leadership, self-confidence, self-esteem, and developing a healthy body are all vital components of our Upper School athletic programs.

Athletics at MPA strive to provide an opportunity to all students to discover their interests, improve their skills, and have fun enjoying the activity with their friends. To accomplish this, MPA practices a no-cut policy in all athletic programs. A no-cut athletic policy allows inclusion to all interested students who would like to become a member of a team. Teams are established based on the interests and registrations of each of our programs.

MPA is proud to offer 23 Upper School athletic offerings for students in grades 9-12 and is a member of the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL). The MSHSL provides uniform and equitable rules for students in extracurricular activities, and they promote, manage, and administer athletic programs for students at members schools on a Subsection, Section and State level.

MPA is also a member of the Independent Metro Athletic Conference (IMAC). The IMAC consists of six mission-driven independent college preparatory schools. The IMAC conference was formed in 2014 based upon an agreement with the Blake School, Breck School, Minnehaha Academy, Providence Academy, and St. Paul Academy. The conference was formed in the interest of keeping an appropriate perspective on the role of athletics in secondary education. Read More

Cultivating Scientists For The World

Head's Message from Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

While walking the indoor track in the Lansing Sports Center last Friday, I took note of a large wooden structure assembled on Court Four. I had a hunch that it was a model constructed by our students on the FIRST Robotics team. If you are not familiar with FIRST Robotics, it is an international organization that combines “the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology.” I’ve been to several competitions, and I have to agree. According to FIRST Robotics, “teams of students are challenged to raise funds, design a team ‘brand,’ hone teamwork skills, and build and program industrial-size robots to play a difficult field game against like-minded competitors. It’s as close to real-world engineering as a student can get.”

FIRST Robotics is a terrific example of inquiry and problem-based activities that align with our MPA science philosophy of fostering creative, inquisitive, and critical thinkers. The science department is firmly rooted in the idea of the “citizen scientist,” a term that encompasses scientific research, concepts, and principles and public engagement in order to expand the reach, relevance, and impact of science to the whole of society in service of the common good. It is true that a number of MPA graduates go on to become doctors and scientists. It is also true that when they chose other fields of studies or careers, MPA graduates carry with them the knowledge and experience of how science impacts our world.

What is unique about the MPA science philosophy and curriculum is the emphasis on engaging students in the application of scientific method, principles, and research to real-world problems and nurturing important competencies and skills. Taking an inquiry-based approach, students working individually or collaboratively come to understand how content is useful and can be applied to everyday problems, both large and small. The following are only a few examples of our distinctive approach in action. Read More

Take An MPA Art Crawl

Lower School Art Tourfrom Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I am thrilled to see parents in the halls of MPA once more—we’ve missed you! With Omicron infections on a downward trend and our high vaccination rates, we have been able to open the school once again for parents. On my way back to my office after morning door duty on Monday, I happened upon three parents who had been enjoying time walking through the halls. In particular, they mentioned to me how impressed they were with the beautiful art our students have created that is on display throughout the building. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t stop to admire and enjoy it as it is one of the things I love most about MPA.

I was recently reading through the open-ended responses from the parent satisfaction survey administered in December and one comment caught my attention. In it, a parent questioned the requirement of art and theater in Middle School. I certainly respect the perspective of parents and realize that every child will not always enjoy the arts. I also know the importance of the arts in our mission and the long-lasting impact it has on students. An incredible amount of research has been conducted over the last decade on how music positively affects the brain and cognitive development.

For instance, one study found, “Involvement in the arts is associated with gains in math, reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skill. Arts education can also improve motivation, concentration, confidence, and teamwork.” Another study by a 15-year literature review done by the NEA found, “A growing body of evidence suggests that at virtually every stage of life, the arts can foster openness to novelty, encourage connections to people, places, things, and concepts, and promote the ability to take multiple perspectives, among other positive outcomes.” Read More

Maintaining Vigilance

from Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

“This is going to be bad. Really bad,” I said to myself as I listened to a podcast on my drive home from school late one night two years ago. It was in early January that a colleague of mine who works with international students first told me about an outbreak of new flu virus occurring in China, but the details were sketchy. I was desperate to learn more and somehow came across a podcast that went into great detail about the seriousness of the new strain—and I was deeply concerned. And scared, if I am honest. There was a lot I did not know two years ago but I knew the strength of our community.

It is hard to believe it has now been two years and yet it seems like just yesterday. I could only imagine then the implications of the pandemic and its effect on all our lives. It has taken an academic, social, and emotional toll on our community and yet we have persevered and deepened our resiliency. I am proud of our students and grateful for the trust and partnership of parents. Read More