Head’s Message: MPA’s Strengths Reconfirmed by Data

by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I asked a certain fifth grader what she liked best about MPA. Without missing a beat, she said, “The Head of School.” (I think she’s angling for an iPhone.) When I asked my daughter Ari again, she had a hard time deciding between her “caring teachers, the interesting classes she is taking, and her kind and curious classmates.”

With the exception of the Head of School comment, her responses are very similar to what I hear from parents, other students, and alumni every day. What I have come to know about MPA anecdotally, data has now reconfirmed. You may remember taking a survey before Winter Break administered by the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS), our accreditation association. We received the results this month and they are outstanding. I’d like to share some of the data and a few of my observations. Know that you will hear more over the next 12 months as the data shapes and informs the self-study report we will write for re-accreditation. Read More

Equity and Inclusion at MPA

A statement from Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

Mounds Park Academy is enriched every single day by students and their families from around the world, some of them fleeing from violence and war. The recent executive order temporarily preventing citizens from certain countries to enter the United States represents a dramatic change in the way our nation interacts with many groups of people, both here and abroad, and has caused stress and feelings of uncertainty for these students, their families, the larger MPA community, and our world.

If you or a student you know is affected directly or indirectly by these changes, please let a division director or me know immediately so that we may extend additional support. We have implemented additional age-appropriate support already.

I would like to reiterate that our school’s mission and values place the utmost importance on equity and inclusion—it is central to who we are as a community. MPA stands together with other schools as we reaffirm the right to a physically and emotionally safe learning environment for all students, regardless of race, color, national origin, immigration status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or religion. This is not a matter of politics. It is a fundamental issue of equity and inclusion.

As we have since 1982, MPA faculty and staff will continue to work exceptionally hard to ensure that every child here knows he or she is loved, valued, and respected and that this environment is free from fear, violence, and intimidation.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Head’s Message: Dream Big. Do Right. The Value and Essence of an MPA Education

By Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

MPA Fall 2016-322The days prior to Winter Break are marked by recent graduates returning to MPA to reconnect with teachers and friends. While I certainly enjoy their stories, I also have an ulterior motive—I want to know how well they believe MPA has prepared them. Over the years, I frequently hear that they feel well prepared to take on the challenges of higher education. In particular, their writing skills far exceed their peers. Another very common observation is that they feel comfortable approaching their professors after class. An alum attending Harvard University reported that his classmates were in awe of his courage to show up during office hours. I’ve also heard from alums that they notice the advantage they have over their peers in their ability to think critically and present their ideas effectively and thoughtfully.

These anecdotal stories are now supported by research. Every year, the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA conducts a national longitudinal study of all college freshmen in the United States that covers a wide range of student characteristics. The National Association of Independent Schools asked HERI to create a special report.

Compared with all college freshmen, independent school graduates reported entering postsecondary studies with more skills and experiences that help them succeed in their new educational setting. For instance, when all students were asked about activities they performed frequently in their last year of high school, a higher percentage of independent school graduates noted:

  • Being asked to support their opinions with logical arguments;
  • Asking questions in class;
  • Integrating skills and knowledge from different sources and experiences;
  • Seeking solutions to problems and explaining them to others; and
  • Seeking alternative solutions to a problem.

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Reflections From the Inauguration

Day One: January 19, 2017
by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School
The Upper School trip to the presidential inauguration began at 4:15 AM on Thursday morning as 43 students arrived at Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport. There was great excitement and energy despite the early hour. KARE 11 was there to greet us: https://kare11.tv/2jdPXpF.

We arrived safely and were quickly on our way for a brief meeting with Minnesota United States Senator Al Franken. We were honored that Senator Franken left the confirmation hearing of Governor Rick Perry’s nomination as Secretary of Energy to meet with us. Senator Franken couldn’t have been more gracious greeting students, posing for a picture, and answering some tough questions put forward by MPA students.

There was certainly a buzz in the District, felt by students as we traversed the National Mall for a visit to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. After a brief boxed lunch on the grounds of the Museum in the warm, D.C., students spent several hours moving through the powerful and sobering depiction of the Holocaust. Our visit ended with a chance to debrief the experience and ask questions with Warren Marcus, an official of the Museum and friend and former colleague of Upper School Director Mark Segal. Once again, students asked thoughtful questions as they wrestled with making sense of the incomprehensible.

IMG_0720webOur day ended with a bang, literally, in Foggy Bottom. As we exited our restaurant, we were treated with a fireworks display just blocks away that marked the ended of the special concert for President-elect Trump on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Tired, but ebullient students and adults found their way to our hotel for another short night before making our way to the steps of the United States Capital to witness the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the Unites States.

Photos above courtesy of Jarvis Zhang, MPA Class of 2017.

Day Two: January 20, 2017
by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

After a short night, students and chaperones answered an early wake-up call at 4:15 AM for a hearty breakfast before embarking on a busy day. We were honored to see MPA and one of our chaperones, Jennifer Lindrud, in the New York Times: https://nyti.ms/2j1joh0.

Our bus parked near Washington Nationals Baseball Stadium and walked three miles only to wait nearly four hours to enter the National Mall to view the inauguration. Inching forward slower than a snail’s pace, we were unaware that protesters were blocking several entrances to the Mall. We were never in any danger, but there were reminders all around us that not everyone arrived with the intent of celebrating.

We finally entered near the Washington Memorial and viewed the inauguration from a distance, but with a beautiful vista of the Capitol and the White House. A jumbo-tron brought the events within view. The mood on the Mall was generally joyful but often solemn. There were both cheers and tears. As the weather wavered between rain and brief bursts of sun, power peacefully transferred from one president to another.

After the conclusion of the inaugural address, we toured the World War II, Korean, and Vietnam War Memorials. I thought it was particularly meaningful, paying reverence to those who gave their lives for freedom and democracy. As we left the District, we made a brief visit to the 9/11 Pentagon Memorial where 184 individuals lost their lives on September 11, 2001.

Our day ended with dinner in Alexandria, Virginia where were joined by six alumni who live and work in the area. We all enjoyed hearing about their work and their appreciation for how MPA prepared them for college and career.

The students were fantastic today. They walked more than 10 miles today and stood patiently, and respectfully, in line for many hours. They are a wonderful group of young people and I was glad to witness history with them. It was a good day—one we will certainly remember.

Day Three: January 21, 2017
by Peter Millerhagen ’17 and Katie Murr, Lead Teacher

On Saturday morning, the group was pleasantly surprised with a 6:15 call to rise and shine (much better than our previous 4 AM wake-up calls). After breakfast, we boarded the bus and drove to Manassas National Battlefield Park. The first and second battles of Bull Run were fought on these rolling hills, and a guide gave us insight into the struggles of individual soldiers and the strategies used by the generals. After the tour, we headed for Charlottesville, Virginia. At the historic Michie Tavern, we were treated to a traditional southern buffet of fried chicken, beets, coleslaw, and cobbler. Following a quick trip to the gift shop, we departed for Monticello, Thomas Jefferson’s plantation.

MonticelloMonticello sits atop a large hill, surrounded by sprawling forests and pastures. It is a place for contemplation. We learned that Jefferson wrote the words “all men are created equal” while owning more than 600 slaves over the course of his life. We also learned about a man who read for 15 hours a day, tried architectural ideas deemed crazy by others, and wrestled with some of the most significant concerns of his day. In many ways, Monticello spurs more questions than answers. How can the man who wrote the most ringing endorsement of equality simultaneously own other human beings? How can a man so willing to experiment in some areas of his life be so unable to consider change in others? How can the United States address the hypocrisy in its own history while still uplifting the values it holds dear? This sense of uncertainty hung in the fog that shrouded Monticello that day, and it is a reality that permeated much of the inauguration trip.

Day Four: January 22, 2017
by Pranay Somayajula ‘18

MLK1We began Sunday at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial. Strategically situated just across the water from the Jefferson Memorial, the MLK Memorial reminded us of our nation’s long and arduous struggle to pursue the truth that “all men are created equal.” We then walked to the Lincoln Memorial, where we looked out over the same view that Dr. King beheld when he delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Standing on the spot where this speech was delivered proved to be a moment of profound reflection for many of us.

We then made our way to one of Washington’s newest and most significant museums: The National Museum of African American History and Culture. We branched off and spent the next few hours roaming the museum, exploring its vast and diverse collection. Some items, such as Emmett Till’s casket or a segregated water fountain with a sign reading “Colored,” served as solemn reminders of our nation’s dark past regarding issues of race. Others, such as Chuck Berry’s cherry-red Cadillac or George Clinton’s P-Funk Mothership, were more lighthearted examples of the massive influence that the African American community has had on American culture. The National Museum of African American History and Culture has been lauded by many as providing one of the most thought-provoking and insightful portrayals of the African American community that the country has ever seen. When we left, there wasn’t a single member of our group who didn’t feel the same way.

Head’s Message: Witnessing History With Our Freethinkers and Right Makers

By Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

WPInaugurationIt is rare that we have an opportunity to be a part of history. On Friday, I will be with 43 Upper School students witnessing the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States. Our road to Washington D.C. had its genesis in the Upper School Election Club and has been in the works for nearly a year. No one could have predicted the outcome then, but along the journey, MPA students have learned a great deal about themselves and their place in the world. While it hasn’t been an easy road, they have debated ideas, sought understanding, grappled with difficult issues, and explored the privilege and responsibility that comes with citizenship. Students have wrestled with the balance between respectful discourse and passionate advocacy for social justice and the common good.

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Head’s Message: Creating the MPA Makerspace

MPA Fall 2016-322by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

When I was a child, I spent countless hours playing with LEGOs. Mind you, it wasn’t the LEGOs popular now that come with instructions and a pre-defined outcome. In the days before Minecraft, you would have found me building cities out of blocks, Lincoln Logs, and even leaves in the fall. I liked to take things apart, to understand how they worked. I didn’t take time to read the directions (I still don’t) but rather jumped right into putting a new toy together.

Looking back, I can clearly see that I was, in today’s language, a maker. In a time (way) before 3-D printers, CNC routers, and laser cutters, I learned how to create, solve problems, and learn from failure. I learned how to look at a challenge from various perspectives and with persistence—attributes of a growth mindset, a concept coined by educational researcher, Carol Dweck. I didn’t have anyone to teach me woodworking or metallurgy and didn’t pursue a career in design or engineering, but still rely upon that mindset. How I approach not only my career, but life itself, flows from those formative experiences. Creativity, problem-solving, confidence, and critical thinking are skills and competencies that emerge from making and that I draw upon each day in my work.

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Head’s Message: Join me at MPA Talks!

reversempatalksoptions-01by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

The MPA community is centered around learning—not just for our students but for all of us adults as well. To offer opportunities to expand your knowledge and thinking as parents, MPA partners with the Parents Association to offer a wide variety of meaningful sessions throughout the year like many schools do. However, MPA is proud to take that one step further by offering you opportunities to learn for the sake of learning, to be inspired, and to engage in the same critical thinking as your children do at MPA every day. Once such opportunity is the third annual MPA Talks, which will take place next Wednesday, January 11, starting at 5 PM in the Gallery. Read More

Head’s Message: With the Right Fit in Mind

by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of SchoolMPA Fall 2016-322

With my son Mateo, it’s all about the right fit. There is nothing more challenging than taking him clothes shopping. Clothes cannot be too tight or too scratchy, and must feel good. I’ve given up trying to get him to wear anything other than Under Armour shirts and pants. You won’t find any nice family portraits in our home with color coordinated, matching outfits!

Selecting a college is similar to clothes shopping with Mateo. The approach of MPA’s college planning process is to find the right fit for each student, which reflects our commitment to provide a highly personalized approach and individualized attention. The right fit comes also as a result of research and self-reflection, the intellectual ambition of students with what the college or university offers.

We take pride in our approach to finding schools that align with the interests, priorities, passions, and aspirations of our students. Some MPA students choose Ivy League or comparably selective schools. But this is because of their own search process and initiative, not as a result of MPA pushing students so that the list “looks good” in marketing materials. It is not uncommon for some independent schools to measure their success by the number of students attending high-profile schools, but not MPA. Read More

Head’s Message: Gratitude and Joy

by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of SchoolMPA-Fall-2016-349

Like many of you, I’ve spent a good amount of time lately thinking about gratitude. As Thanksgiving approaches, we naturally contemplate the goodness in our lives. Such reflection takes us outside of ourselves to acknowledge the experiences, events, and people in our lives that bring us joy.

There is a large, and rapidly growing, body of research demonstrating that gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. In the “How of Happiness,” researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky defines happiness as “the experience of joy, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.”

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Head’s Message: Let’s Double Down on our Mission

by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of SchoolMPA Fall 2016-259

Regardless of one’s political affiliation,  this has been a tumultuous campaign and the outcome of the election brings a measure of closure. However, it also leaves some with more questions than answers and there are individuals and groups of people feeling unsafe. In times like this, when we are being tested, we are called upon to double down on our values to guide our actions. As a school community, we must double down on our mission: “We teach students to think independently, communicate effectively, and act with respect and integrity in a diverse community that models intellectual ambition, global responsibility, and the joy of learning.”

I have been exceptionally proud of the Mounds Park Academy community in the months leading up to Tuesday’s election. Honest and respectful conversations took place across divisions, in and out of the classrooms. Ideas were debated, issues were deliberated, and positions analyzed. These discussions were undergirded by principles of respectful discourse that cut across party affiliation. Though naturally strained at times, they became teachable moments.

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