Head’s Message | 11/19/2015

billccThere are a number of ways to measure the overall health of a school. In the last week, two such indicators resulted in a stunning affirmation and validation of Mounds Park Academy–Give to the Max Day and our Fall Open House.

Meeting and exceeding our Give to the Max Day goal is definitely impressive. We are thrilled with, and so incredibly thankful for, the generosity of our community that raised nearly $135,000 on this day. We are equally excited about the participation of so many members of our community. Gifts ranged from five dollars to five figures. As a community, we’ve demonstrated to ourselves and to others that this community is passionate about our students and we are willing to invest in their future. Read More

Head’s Message | 11/12/2015

billccI remember the days when getting an A was all that mattered to me. As a student, a grade was the ultimate vindication of my effort and intellect. As I matured, I became aware that I was more interested in what I was learning and less interested in the grade I received. Fast forwarding to my teaching years, my journey was complete because grades were the last thing I was concerned about. Instead, my focus became challenging the intellect of my students and stimulating their thinking. Somewhere along the line, I learned to use assessments (report cards, comments, and test scores), not simply as a “photograph” of them at one moment in time, but as “data” to paint a portrait of each student to capture the fullness of who they were. Read More

Head’s Message | 11/5/2015

billccWhat better way to begin the week than by attending the Lower School Monday Morning Meeting? During the meeting, students from each grade level stand before their peers and share what they are learning. This past Monday, our PreK students shared their observations of a pumpkin, including size, color, consistency, and uses (think pumpkin pie!). More than just a nice and timely connection to Halloween and Thanksgiving, this activity begins to introduce students to the elements of scientific observation. In the language of educators, it is called project-based learning. Read More

Head’s Message | 10/29/2015

billccWhat were you doing the evening of August 24? Most likely, you were at our Back to School Night, sitting in the Nicholson Center answering the question, “MPA is important to me because…” The response to that simple question was profound:

“Being a great human being and citizen is as important as being a great student. MPA values this and it is why MPA is inspiring.”

“We are like one big family. You can’t find that anywhere else!” Read More

Head’s Message | 10/22/2015

billccThere is so much to love about fall: the cooler weather, beautiful colors, crisp apples and pumpkin lattes, cookies, pies, and breads. In schools, fall is also test-taking time as students across the country take standardized tests. Mounds Park Academy administers several tests in October, including the ACT Aspire—a vertically articulated, benchmarked, standards-based test—to students in grades 3–8 and the PSAT in grades 10 and 11.

There is much heated debate in today’s educational landscape regarding standardized testing. Researchers at MIT, Harvard, and Brown recently released a study that showed raised student test scores were not associated with an increase in “fluid intelligence”—a term used to refer to our ability to use logical thinking and problem solving in novel situations rather than recalling previously learned facts and skills. Others, such as educational researcher Alfie Kohn, continued to express concern about an overemphasis on standardized testing in this country, believing that this trend is robbing children of a well-balanced education. And still others, as highlighted by the Time Magazine article “Why It’s Time to Get Rid of Standardized Tests,” are worried about bias in standardized testing.

At MPA, we firmly believe that Read More

Head’s Message | 10/14/2015

billccIts has been a couple of very busy weeks at Mounds Park Academy. This week, we hosted Dr. Will Grundy, NASA scientist and lead investigator of the New Horizons mission to Pluto for a presentation to grades 2-12 on Tuesday. On Wednesday, we welcomed over 200 guests for our annual Grandparents and Special Friends Day concert and celebration. Though different, both events are windows into what makes MPA such a unique and special place.

I was very impressed with how well versed our students with the Pluto mission. Their questions were insightful and the students asking them were both curious and confident. Dr. Grundy was impressed and enjoyed meeting our students and teachers. His presence caused quite a stir and by the number of autographs he signed, he was treated more like a rock star than a scientist. Only at MPA!

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Head’s Message | 10/08/2015

Dr. Bill HudsonHave you ever considered the value of a really good question?

“What if we put wheels on it?” led to the rolling suitcase.
“What if Morse code could be adapted graphically?” led to the creation of the bar code.
“Why did my candy bar melt?” led to the invention of the microwave oven.

According to Warren Berger, author of “A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas” questions are more valuable today than answers. “As society’s collective knowledge grows and becomes more accessible through technology, no individual can possibly keep up with all the knowledge available” writes Berger.

I’m sure Dr. Will Grundy knows this very well. Dr. Grundy, a Lowell Observatory Planetary Scientist and co-investigator on NASA’s New Horizons mission to Pluto and the Kuiper belt, will be speaking to MPA students next Tuesday. Innovators like Dr. Grundy know the power of questions and that creativity and persistence overcome failure. They also know that the path to discovery is less like a straight line and more like a treasure map.

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Head’s Message | 10/01/2015

Dr. Bill Hudson“When the rubber hits the road.”

Like most dads, my father had a number of sayings that he would turn to in giving me advice. You probably know what I am talking about because it would usually result in me rolling my eyes and bracing myself for a lecture. One of those sayings was, “when the rubber hits the road.” It was always in the context of talking about values and integrity, when character is tested by an actual circumstance or situation.

Every organization has a mission statement. Most just hang on a wall or grace a website. It is a rare occasion when a mission statement is actually tested. The Mounds Park Academy mission states: Read More

Head’s Message | 9/24/2015

Dr. Bill HudsonOn most mornings, as I stand at the front door of the school greeting students, I see ninth grader Siri hand-in-hand with PreK student Connor as they make their way up the sidewalk from the bus drop-off lane. Though they are not related, Siri has taken it upon herself to ensure Connor finds his way to his classroom each day. It is obvious Connor adores Siri and seems always to be sharing, with great gusto, the wisdom of a four-year old. I suspect the feeling is mutual as Siri smiles and patiently listens to all he has to say. Read More

Head’s Message | 9/17/2015

Dr. Bill HudsonI still remember the days when I would leave school with fingers caked with chalk dust. I celebrated when the old filmstrip projectors gave way to VCRs and Betamax video cassettes. Yes, I’m that old.

Technology in support of learning has changed a great deal in the last 30 years since I first started teaching. It has helped educators push boundaries to deepen student learning and provide opportunities to broaden our student’s experiences. Our new virtual classroom, funded by donors at the Best of MPA, is an excellent example. Read More