Defined By Our Independence

from Bill Hudson, head of school

The independence of Mounds Park Academy is fundamental to who we are. I bristle when people talk about MPA as a “private” school, partly because of an implied privilege or elitism, but more importantly, because independence allows the school to be purely mission-driven and not beholden to a larger entity such as state, federal, or religious oversight.

Independent schools share certain fundamental characteristics of purpose, structure, and operation that define a school’s independence:

  • Independent incorporation as a non-profit 501(c)(3) institution with clearly stated educational goals and non-discriminatory policies in admissions and employment.
  • An individually developed mission and guiding principles as the foundation for the school’s program.
  • A self-perpetuating governing body whose role is to plan for the future, set overall policy, ensure the school’s financial sustainability and independence (primarily through setting tuition and generating charitable giving), and appoint and support the head of school.
  • An administration free to implement the school’s mission by designing and articulating its program, hiring and developing a capable and qualified faculty and staff, and admitting those students whom the school determines it can best serve.
  • A commitment to continuous institutional growth and quality manifested by participation in the ISACS septennial accreditation process.

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Community Support For MPA’s Track

from Bill Hudson, head of school

You wouldn’t know it, but somewhere below several inches of snow lies the MPA track. While we wait for spring to arrive, our track and field teams and physical education classes make do, anticipating the day they can move outside. And yet, the track itself is in bad shape after many brutal Minnesota winters. Imagine what it would be like to have an outdoor track that reflects the excellence of our students and athletes. I believe that if we can imagine it, we can achieve it.

MPA athletic programs have enjoyed a rich tradition of success by providing student-athletes with the tools necessary to succeed on and off the field. MPA athletics are not simply extra-curricular programs; they complement our academic experience, provide balance to our students’ lives, and foster school spirit. Through inclusive teams and a no-cut policy, everyone can be an athlete at MPA.

For example, MPA student-athletes have won ten state championships in track and field events. And yet, we cannot host home events because of the condition of the track. We haven’t had an outdoor track worth of our students’ achievements and capable of hosting competitions. Click here to watch the 2023 Fund A Need video, and learn more about the impact of this project! Read More

Dr. Hudson Reflects On A Night of Pure Imagination

from Bill Hudson, Head of School

I am a huge fan of “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory”. I read the book as a child several times and watched the movie as often as possible. (The original movie with Gene Wilder, not the 2005 version with Johnny Depp. I’m kind of a snob about that.) Nothing made me happier than the beautiful rendition of Pure Imagination sung by the concert Choir at a past MPA Spring Concert. Imagine my delight when I heard that the Auction Committee chose “A Night of Pure Imagination” as this year’s theme! But don’t worry, I was told that I couldn’t wear an orange top hat.

Movies aside, “A Night of Pure Imagination” is a wonderful theme for the Spring Auction for it speaks to what we can accomplish together when we unbridle our imagination. The song “Pure Imagination” is about the power of imagination and the endless possibilities that come with it. I truly believe that if we harness our collective imaginations, there is nothing we can’t do.

The MPA Spring Auction isn’t just a fundraising event, it is about celebrating our community and joining together to build relationships and honor every member. We are so excited to be back in person at a beautiful venue again this year, the InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront, on the evening of Friday, April 21. “A Night of Pure Imagination” is a chance for new and seasoned parents, alumni, grandparents, parents of alumni, and employees to celebrate all we’ve accomplished.

A true community endeavor, the Spring Auction relies upon hundreds of community members and area businesses to succeed. I am exceptionally grateful for the work of our volunteer planning committee of Bethany Branan, Julie Bixby, Nikki Butts, Rebekah Cook, Sarah Cotter, Lucia Gray, Jessie Flynn, Tina Heidelberger, Natalie King, Tara Lafferty, Amy Minear, Molly Oliver, Renee Roach, Leslie Todero, and Deanna Walsh under the leadership of host Mindy Ruane.

There is still time to buy your tickets to the auction. You will want to do that by tomorrow because prices will increase on April 1. We want to ensure this community-building event is accessible to everyone. If ticket prices are a barrier for you to attend, reducing pricing is available based on your need.  There is also still time to contribute a few bottles of wine for the fun wine toss, donate a silent auction item, and sign up to be a sponsor.

Finally, you don’t need to buy hundreds of candy bars to get your own Golden Ticket! Back by popular demand, MPA’s Golden Ticket is your opportunity to win one of our amazing Live Auction items for only $150. Purchase one of 100 Golden Tickets which will be drawn during the Spring Auction program (not necessary to be present to win). Win one of the fabulous trips and experiences worth thousands of dollars! Tickets are now on sale!

I hope you will consider attending and contributing in some way. Like the movies and the song, MPA is about fueling the imagination of our students and encouraging them to dream big. Imagination and creativity are two important attributes of a mindset necessary to navigate our ever-changing world.   Please join me for a “Night of Pure Imagination.”

AI To Advance And Deepen Learning

middle school student coding on laptopby Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

The debut last fall of ChatGPT and, more recently, Microsoft’s Bing GPT-4 and Google’s Bard have been getting a tremendous amount of press lately and have many in the educational field up in arms and very nervous. I’m not one of them. Instead, I believe that artificial intelligence can benefit students and teachers significantly to advance and deepen learning.

ChatGPT is not a technology to be feared, discouraged, or banned but to be embraced and harnessed. Artificial Intelligence can assist students in understanding complex topics better, provide assistance with homework, and sharpen their critical thinking skills. I don’t believe that AI will ever replace a teacher, but instead, it will provide them with a powerful toolbox to assist them in very practical ways so that they have more time to spend with their students.

Last fall, I wrote about Climate Alpha, a company using AI to understand how climate change will affect property development. Climate Alpha founder Parag Khanna began by asking, “How are cities adapting and investing in infrastructure to protect against climate impacts? Where are jobs growing? Where are people moving now, despite extreme heat or wildfires or sea level rise?” Climate Alpha is an excellent example of the shift from the Information Age to what author and futurist Daniel Pink calls the Conceptual Age. While the Information Age was all about big data, the Conceptual Age is concerned with using the information in new and novel ways to make the world a better place. Read More

Please Welcome MPA’s Lower School Director!

Dear MPA Community,

I am overjoyed to be writing to formally introduce you to Ms. Jennifer Le Varge, MPA’s permanent Lower School director. The search for Ms. Le Varge began last September and engaged many members of the MPA community, extending from students to teachers to families and beyond. The search was wide and thoughtful in partnership with Carney Sandoe, resulting in many highly qualified candidates. We were fortunate that Jennifer was among the finalists. She rose to the top through the process based on her deep experience, varied skills, and beautiful alignment with MPA’s mission.

Ms. Le Varge comes to MPA from the Luanda International School in Angola, where she is the Primary School principal. Before that, she was the Seoul Campus principal at the Korea International School. For 12 years, she has served as principal at schools in Asia and the Middle East. Before that, she spent valuable time in the classroom teaching PreK and early elementary. She holds a Bachelor of Science in elementary education from Boston University and a Master of Arts in anthropology (ethnography of education) from the American University of Beirut.

One of the things that stood out most to me in getting to know Ms. Le Varge is her alignment with the MPA way. She believes in the power of experiential learning, the importance of collaboration over competition, and the significance of strong school-home relationships. She makes sure that student learning is at the center of all decision-making.

“During my finalist visit, the positive community of MPA stood out to me. Everyone I met was kind, enthusiastic, and focused on student learning. I was also impressed by the focus on creativity and well-being in the MPA approach. I am really excited to join the community as both an educator and a parent,” she shared. You can learn more about her professional philosophy here and more about her personally here.

I am so excited to introduce Ms. Le Varge to more community members! As her relocation plans fall into place, I will invite you to a series of gatherings on campus. Please be sure to look for those to be scheduled and shared soon.

I also intend to provide time and space to show our immense appreciation for Dr. Ann Jurewicz, interim Lower School director. We are all indebted to her for sharing her expertise, wisdom, and energy with us this year. Watch for opportunities to thank her for her service to MPA at the end of the school year.

Thank you in advance for giving Ms. Le Varge a warm MPA welcome. Please let me know if you have any questions. I wish you and your family a joyful spring break and look forward to seeing you on campus soon.


Dr. Bill Hudson
Head of School

Community Is At The Heart Of Our Mission

from Bill Hudson, head of school

I was away from school last week, attending the National Association of Independent Schools annual conference held in Las Vegas this year. I have to admit that it was a bit surreal. While the conference center was first-rate, staying in a hotel casino was disconcerting. At the risk of sounding like a fuddy-duddy (even using the word makes me feel like I should be a patient of Dr. Rick in the Progressive Insurance commercials), the noise level, the smoking, and gambling were discombobulating (more evidence I need Dr. Rick’s help).

However, the conference itself was very good. Independent school heads of school and educators from around the country gathered to learn, share best practices, and celebrate independent schools. There is much to celebrate, including record enrollment, academic innovation, and student success. There is also much to be concerned about. Social polarization, political acrimony, the “Great Resignation,” the lingering effects of the pandemic on learning, parental angst and anxiety, and the increasing accessibility of artificial intelligence are all negatively impacting the academic, social, emotional, and mental well-being of our children.

The news is not good. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) recently released the results of their biannual Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). Forty-two percent of high school students report that they “experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness during the past year,” up from 36.7% two years ago. Females and gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth are struggling the most, although increases across all racial and ethnic groups worsened also. While there are many reasons to explain the worsening of the mental health of young people, the internet and social media seem to have the most significant effect. Read More

The Challenge And Inspiration of Change

from Lamar Shingles, director of equity and belonging

Editor’s Note: Periodically, you will find a guest Head’s Message here from one of MPA’s administrators. We hope you enjoy reading their thoughts and reflections about life at MPA.

If you ask anyone who knows me well, I have a deep fascination with understanding how things work. My mother recalls many instances where her home and possessions became a canvas for me to explore my mechanical inclination, two of which would define me above all others. She loves to reminisce about how I used to take apart working kitchen appliances and put them back together before I was old enough for kindergarten. Infamously, there was the time she came home from shopping with a friend to find that her ambitious high schooler had rendered her car unroadworthy, determined to find the issue, and fix it. As she looked precariously upon the bevy of unidentifiable parts strewn across the front lawn, instinctively, her mind searched for ways to fix her car—and me. However, as she observed and allowed initial emotions to subside, she recognized the most important thing to do was embrace my intrinsic motivation to “work the problem.” Not only did this establish the necessary conditions for learning to occur in the moment, but it also expanded my capacity to identify and resolve problems in the future.

While I ultimately did not become the NASA engineer my mother probably assumed I would be, the lessons I learned influenced my career path, nonetheless. Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) work is uniquely challenging. It is intentionally disruptive of the status quo. It is difficult to define, and few standards exist to guide the way. Progress and success can be even more difficult to identify as they are predicated on both individual and collective exploration and growth. I often think of the work as an iceberg, 10% is what everyone can see, while 90% exists below the surface.

2024ward outlines a strategic vision that defines the guiding principle of DEIB work: “Deepen our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging and ensure it is reflected in our policies, programs, and practices and in the life and culture of the MPA community.” Such a commitment requires an approach that must be as unique as MPA itself. It will also require resilience, creativity, empathy, and participation from all within our community.

This year has marked real progress in our DEIB journey. At the core, we are continuing to build our capacity to define and sustain this work while building off previous work. Administration has participated in True Colors and Intercultural Development Inventory trainings that enhance our ability to collectively and effectively lead MPA. Student support has been significantly elevated with the addition of assistant director of equity and belonging, Samantha Sanchez. Faculty have begun training in Culturally Responsive Teaching practices that will help us understand and address implicit bias in the classroom. Employee affinity groups have emerged. A faculty and staff equity and belonging committee has been established that is working to define shared language and equity standards that will dovetail with our curriculum review process. The MPA Parents Association established a DEI committee and paved the way for the creation of affinity groups for parents of LGBTQ+ and neurodiverse students, and the ability to form more groups going forward. We have also recognized and are actively working to improve how we address the needs of our international students and provide greater support for our host families, who selflessly open their homes to our international students.

Implementation is and will continue to be a multifaceted journey with many destinations. Guy Kawasaki once stated, “Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.” I have been asked many times, “why do you do this work?” My response brings me back full circle to the intrinsic motivation my mother helped to cultivate. This is challenging work. But most importantly, it is work with purpose that is inseparable from my internal desire to leave MPA better than I found it.

The Evolution Of Our Science Curriculum

from Bill Hudson, head of school

In high school, science was not my strong suit. Although I did well, I was only really passionate about science in my senior year when I discovered physics. It was a watershed moment for me, and physics helped me to develop a genuine interest in and true passion for science. I only wish I had it earlier in my academic career. Forty years later, I’m happy that today’s students have opportunities I didn’t.

The Upper School science curriculum has undergone a well-planned, research-based evolution over the last four years. The new science curriculum is a comprehensive program that coordinates mathematics with science as a coherent whole with a distinct view of how each concept builds a framework upon previous learning. Physics, traditionally taught in twelfth grade, is now taught in the ninth-grade year. Biology is taught in the sophomore year and chemistry in the junior year. This new sequence now allows for a series of science electives to be offered in the senior year, building upon this new scope and sequence. The new electives give students a choice and the ability to go deeper into a particular field of science. Read More

Meet Lower School Art Teacher Ellen Scharfenberg

Ellen ScharfenbergHow long have you taught at MPA?
I came to MPA in the fall of 2021. I was looking to move back to the Twin Cities area after having taught elementary art in rural Wisconsin for four years to be close to my family.

What’s the best thing about being a teacher at MPA?
I think the best thing about being a teacher at MPA is the wonderful people that I get to work with. Not only are the faculty and staff at MPA truly amazing teachers and professionals, but some of my closest friends.

Describe your typical day. 
My typical day at MPA begins with prepping art materials for my classes that morning and probably talking to Ms. Mastel across the hallway. I usually teach three Lower School classes in the morning, followed by a great lunch by our Sage staff. I always try to take time to eat and connect with my colleagues. After lunch, I either help with Lower School lunch or recess and teach two more afternoon classes.

Do you have a favorite lesson to teach?
I think that one of my absolute favorite lessons to teach is the second grade fall cabin project. This lesson is a great way for second graders to practice using a one-point perspective and learn about the other elements of art such as space, overlapping, and making objects smaller as they get farther away. Read More

Kindness Is In Our DNA

from Bill Hudson, head of school

Several weeks ago, I spent over an hour on the phone trying to clear up an issue with the automatic payment for our cell phone. We suspected possible fraud and had canceled the credit card on file, but I forgot to update my payment method with the service provider. I like to think of myself as easygoing and patient. Still, my frustration grew to anger as I tried to navigate the online customer service portal. Later, after spending more time than I had on hold, I wasn’t very kind to the customer service representative I spoke with. It wasn’t my best moment.

In a recent Harvard Business Review article, Christine Porath of Georgetown University says there’s been a definite increase in angry, uncivil, and obnoxious behavior in many workplaces around the world, including businesses, hospitals, restaurants, airlines, hotels, stores, and schools. In a 2005 survey, about half of workers said they were treated rudely at work at least once a month. In 2011, the percentage rose to 55%, in 2016 it was 62%, and in 2022 it was 76%, with 78% saying they witnessed incivility in their workplace at least once a month. Incivility is harmful both physically and mentally.

The number one cause of incivility? Stress. In a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world, complete with social and political divisiveness, it’s not a surprise. According to Porath, the antidotes to incivility in the business world are hiring well, training and coaching, empathy, recognizing and rewarding civility, and modeling. These interventions are similar to what might occur in a school community. It is my experience after working with, and in many different schools, the culture of kindness at MPA is the strongest I’ve encountered. I believe it is in the cultural DNA of MPA. Read More