Head’s Message: Dream Big. Do Right. The Value and Essence of an MPA Education

By Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

MPA Fall 2016-322The days prior to Winter Break are marked by recent graduates returning to MPA to reconnect with teachers and friends. While I certainly enjoy their stories, I also have an ulterior motive—I want to know how well they believe MPA has prepared them. Over the years, I frequently hear that they feel well prepared to take on the challenges of higher education. In particular, their writing skills far exceed their peers. Another very common observation is that they feel comfortable approaching their professors after class. An alum attending Harvard University reported that his classmates were in awe of his courage to show up during office hours. I’ve also heard from alums that they notice the advantage they have over their peers in their ability to think critically and present their ideas effectively and thoughtfully.

These anecdotal stories are now supported by research. Every year, the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA conducts a national longitudinal study of all college freshmen in the United States that covers a wide range of student characteristics. The National Association of Independent Schools asked HERI to create a special report.

Compared with all college freshmen, independent school graduates reported entering postsecondary studies with more skills and experiences that help them succeed in their new educational setting. For instance, when all students were asked about activities they performed frequently in their last year of high school, a higher percentage of independent school graduates noted:

  • Being asked to support their opinions with logical arguments;
  • Asking questions in class;
  • Integrating skills and knowledge from different sources and experiences;
  • Seeking solutions to problems and explaining them to others; and
  • Seeking alternative solutions to a problem.

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Birthday Boxes Bring Lower Schoolers Together

CHAMPHeaderOn Wednesday, the CHAMP assembly celebrated the culmination of the Birthday Box service project—a Lower School tradition that has grown and evolved over many years. Students worked in mixed-age groups to decorate the boxes and make cards, and boxes were then packed with items such as small toys, cake mix, frosting, candles, and books. The items in each Birthday Box were selected by faculty members with change donated by Lower School students. The boxes will be sent to Emma’s Place, a local Maplewood residence that helps women and children “get healthy and get ahead.” See more images from this important work here.

Invite a Friend to Pajamarama!

PajamaramaMark your calendars for the annual Pajamarama on Thursday, January 26! The evening will begin at 5:30 PM for current families. Children will enjoy crafts and activities, a Disney-themed orchestra concert performed by Upper School students, storytime with milk and cookies, and more…all in the comfort of their jammies!

New this year, this event will include prospective families who are interested in Lower School at MPA. Please invite your friends, neighbors, and colleagues!

No registration is necessary for current families. Prospective families may RSVP and find more information here.

Sharing Spanish Skills

SpanishSra Gleason’s Spanish 5 and Señor Witt’s third-grade Spanish classes have been getting together on a regular basis to benefit both ages. With a focus on monsters and Latin American legends, both classes shared stories, plays, and games to further their skills in comprehension and speaking. Even though vocabulary was different for each class, everyone benefited from the presentations and conversation practice. Find more photos of these growing friendships here.

Sign Up Today to Give Blood

The Upper School Student Council and BloodDrivefirst graders would like to invite you to give blood on campus on November 15. This long-standing tradition offers a wonderful opportunity for these students to work side-by-side and inspire others to give. Register to donate at redcrossblood.org and help spread the word!

Oak Meadows partnership benefits all

by Sam Sauer, Communications Intern, IMG_9513Class of 2013

For 17 years, Mounds Park Academy has had a wonderful partnership with Oak Meadows Senior Living in Oakdale. Last week, as the culminating activity of their unit on aging, second graders visited the senior center to share stories they wrote, sing songs, chat with the residents, and quickly form endearing relationships.

Second graders begin this unit by learning about the signs of aging, and brainstorming what they believe to be signs, such as grey hairs and wrinkles. This brainstorming then evolves into more serious topics such as, “What is arthritis?” and “What really is a stroke?” that are then discussed in more detail.

Then Oak Meadows staff members come to MPA to teach students not only the best ways to communicate with the elderly, but also how aging feels to them. This is done through hands-on learning experiences such as taping fingers together to experience arthritis stiffness, putting marbles in shoes to feel the discomfort, and trying to read with glasses that impact their vision. By putting themselves in the shoes of the elderly, students are able to understand more thoroughly the experiences and hardships that the elderly feel daily.

Opportunities like this help close the gaps that exist between generations in our society. Learning how to effectively communicate with a wide range of people regardless of age, race, or gender is integral to the Mounds Park Academy mission and critical for future success. We’re so proud of these second graders and grateful for this long-term partnership with Oak Meadows.

Find wonderful photos from this second grade unit here.

Birthday Boxes: Community Service in the Lower School

birthdayboxesEach year, students in Lower School participate in various community service projects. One longstanding project at MPA is the Birthday Box program. This program provides a box of birthday essentials for children in less fortunate situations who are celebrating birthdays. Each gift box is packed with a cake mix, frosting, candles, book, small toy, and a handmade birthday card by one of our students.   Read More

New Panther Club staff

We are excited to welcome Ruth Gatti to the Panther Club team! For the last 11 years, Ruth taught children at House of Hope Preschool in Saint Paul, and also has experience with high school students and adult learners. Her experience as an educator is diverse and we are so fortunate to have her on our team, sharing her love of learning (and her experience as a reading specialist) with us every day after school! Ruth is a warm, friendly, passionate teacher, who happens to also be the loving grandmother of two MPA students, Claire and Greta Hanson. Please stop by sometime after school and welcome Ruth Gatti to Panther Club!

Summer highlights

Group photo in France


The summer of 2015 was a busy one for international travel and jet-setting MPA students, staff, and faculty!

MPA adventurers had a blast in Perú, spending an afternoon with local school children in Pisac, visiting the Cathedral of Cusco, and marveling at historic landmark Machu Picchu.

Upper School explorers visited many historic and contemporary landmarks during their trip to England and France in June. In France, the group participated in a dancing class in Brittany and a traditional French cooking class in the Loire Valley. (Group photo in France, right)

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