Making an impact


Joining together to create a tradition of community and philanthropy

Fundraising at MPA makes many things possible, and foremost is providing new opportunities for growth and learning to our students. Our fundraising philosophy is based on three important elements—respect for our families, an appreciation for transparency, and a sincere need. This year, we invite and encourage our whole community to join us in joyful learning and joyful giving by participating in our fall campaign and attending our signature event, the Spring Auction.

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Homecoming 2015


You’re Invited!
September 25 & 26

Join us and sport your Panther Pride! Save the date for MPA Homecoming on September 25 and 26, 2015. Activities include a pep rally, alumni gatherings, milestone reunions, lawn games, great food, soccer, volleyball, tennis, and activities for all ages.

This year, we are celebrating our alumni reunions along with Homecoming. A special congratulations to the classes of 2011, 2010, 2005, 2001, 2000, 1995, 1991, and 1990 and we hope to see you all back home soon!

For more information about Homecoming, including the schedule of events, please visit

Cardboard Challenge Event at MPA!

Be a part of the Cardboard Orchestra. Bring your imaginations and create something AWESOME out of cardboard and other recycled materials!

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2014 • 9 AM – 1 PM

Nicholson Center at Mounds Park Academy

This is the third annual Global Cardboard Challenge hosted by Mounds Park Academy, inspired by the short film and global phenomenon, Caine’s Arcade ( Children will be exposed to a day of creative play!


The Global Cardboard Challenge is a fun, playful and inspiring way to foster creativity in children through a simple process called creative play. Through creative play, kids engage their imaginations and open up their minds to what’s possible – and then they turn their ideas into something real. In this process, children learn to develop and test their own ideas, take chances, solve problems, get input from others and become better creative thinkers. At the heart of creative play is the idea that children are naturally creative and curious. Adults can help foster this natural creativity by giving guidance, context and support; it doesn’t take much more than a little time and space. Creative play intersects a variety of principles and practice from educational theory, like project-based learning, constructivism and design thinking; but most importantly, it’s based on the authentic experiences of every child and recognizes the simple things adults can do to help.

(To learn more about the research behind creative play, please go to:

Please direct questions to Parents Association Event Chairs,
Makai and Jolene Catudio at


Singapore Math Event — May 12th

What’s So Great About Singapore Math?

Monday, May 12 • 6:30–8 PM
Recital Hall at MPA

Singapore’s National Mathematics program is an internationally renowned elementary mathematics curriculum, producing top international results year after year. Is it really that much better than other curricula? Can the pedagogy matter for something as easy as addition? Yes, yes, and yes, and this talk will show you why.

Meant for both parents and educators, this talk will explain the main ideas of Singapore’s Mathematics program, what makes it so special, and why it is producing top results. You will learn the core features of a solid mathematics education, focusing on the skills and knowledge needed year after year to be prepared for algebra, and how this curriculum succeeds in giving your student that preparation.  Along the way, you will learn what steps you can take to ensure your child’s mathematical preparation for algebra, and how you and your student can enjoy learning mathematics.

The speaker for this event is Allison Coates, executive director of MSMI, the Middle School Mathematics Institute. Ms. Coates holds an S.B. in Mathematics from MIT and an M.S. in Computer Science from University of California, Berkeley.

Bringing the Games to Life: In French!

12347502355_5ea91d664e_bFrench language students at MPA are engrossed in a multi-week unit focused on the 2014 Olympic Games. With French being one of the three official languages of the games, teacher Liz DesLauriers is acting on this perfect opportunity to bring learning to life for her kindergarten through fourth-grade students. “It is really important that my classes are fun and exciting, with units and activities that are relevant to my youngest language learners.”

At grade-appropriate levels, students are describing the sports, reading the French Olympic website, sharing their opinions about what sports they like, studying the French, American, Russian and Olympic flags, learning about the geography of Russia, tallying the medal count for French-speaking countries, and even collaborating with the Spanish classes for some “Olympic” events.

Earlier this month, students held a celebration in celebration of the Opening Ceremonies. They decorated cupcakes with the Olympic flag and practiced using proper table conversation including, “Please pass me …” and “I would like …”  They used vocabulary specific to decorating and eating cupcakes and followed directions in French. DesLauriers added, “But equally as important, they had tremendous fun practicing their French in a real world situation that was significant and relevant to them.”

View photos from this event here.

3M Scientists Visit MPA iLab

Create and Innovate! Carol Hatcher and Amy Krohn, both scientists at 3M and parents of MPA Middle School students, worked with Lower School students in the iLab. The message? Creativity to leads to innovation. The difference? Innovation is something one can USE. Ms. Hatcher and Ms. Krohn challenged students to build a structurally sound climbing apparatus to save a colony of hypothetical ants from an impending flood. On hand for materials … just two sheets of newspaper and a piece of tape!

LS Used Uniform Sale extended

Screen Shot 2014-01-23 at 1.38.02 PMLooking for gently used uniforms? Stop by the Use Uniform Sale until Monday, January 27th at 12:00 pm.

Friday, January 24 7:30 am-12:00 pm
Monday, January 7:30 am–12:00 pm

Birthday Boxes-Community Service in the Lower School

IMG_4113Each year students in Lower School participate in various community service projects.  One project that has been long standing at MPA is the Birthday Box program. This program provides a box of birthday essentials for children in less fortunate situations who are celebrating birthdays. These gift boxes are each packed with a cake mix, frosting, candles, book, small toy and a handmade birthday card by one of our students.

This year it is the second grade that directed this activity as part of the CHAMP program (Character Happens At Mounds Park).  During the week of January 13th – 17th all students in the Lower School were asked to bring in spare change to contribute to the purchase of items for the boxes.  Each day that week, students collected money in their homerooms and second graders counted this change.  Throughout the week, students are asked to bring pennies on Monday, nickels on Tuesday, dimes on Wednesday, quarters on Thursday and dollars on Friday.

To help make this even more meaningful we asked that the students work to earn their contribution by doing extra chores and helping at home.  Through these efforts we hoped to help students realize that even one person can make a big difference. Our goal was to raise enough funds to fill 30 boxes, each box costing about $10.00.  Every day second graders gave a lunchtime report on our progress.  We were touched and amazed as our amounts grew each day giving us an ending total of $685!  We more than doubled our goal!

On Wednesday, January 22 the Lower School came together in our CHAMP assembly to work on boxes.  Students worked in mixed-grade level groups to decorate the boxes and make cards.  Boxes will be packed with purchased items and sent to various food shelves in the area.

The character focus throughout every step of the Birthday Box project was cooperation. From collecting and counting money to cleaning up after the assembly, each step involved the need to cooperate among the students. It also provided the setting for faculty to point out how successfully, and how fun, it could be to work together towards a common goal. Each child made a difference on their own and yet the whole group accomplished so much more by working together.

Thank you to all of the students and families that helped make our Birthday Box project such a huge success!

Anne Scalia and Scott Wilson

Second Grade Teachers

Pajama Rama

The Mounds Park Academy Upper School Orchestra presents a FREE night of fun and games for children of all ages! There will be activities for your children to enjoy prior to the concert followed by a performance of many familiar pieces. Feel free to wear your pajamas and bring your blanket and favorite stuffed animal to the performance!
5:45 PM — Fun Tables with games, face painting and more in the Cafeteria
6:30 PM — Performance in the Nicholson Center

We hope to see you there!

Kindergarten Teacher Kristine Petersen Featured in Stillwater Living Magazine

kristine-petersenKindergarten teacher Kristine Petersen is featured in Stillwater Living Magazine this month as one of “Three Generous Neighbors.” Ms. Petersen’s passion for experiential and service learning has inspired students for the past 26 years, and continues to do so every day!

“I have been given so many opportunities to become the teacher I am today because of the innovative learning environment I have worked in at Mounds Park Academy for 26 years. We believe in seeking out knowledge in order to provide an educational journey that is joyfully rigorous and stimulating, but also a journey that develops life skills through real experiences.” – Ms. P

Read the full story by clicking here.