New Student Application is Opening!

MPA is delighted to announce that the admission application for new students to join us in the fall of 2024 will open on Friday, September 15!

If you, as a current family, would like to add any additional siblings to the MPA community who are not already here, please get started on the application process just as soon as possible. Space will be very limited in many grade levels. As a small token of our appreciation for your early application, current families are invited to use a $75 application fee waiver code 1982 for new student applications submitted prior to October 15. The deadline to complete the application process will be February 15, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact the admission team at and we’ll be happy to help!

Homecoming 2023: Wild With Panther Pride

Homecoming is quickly approaching with festivities planned for September 26-30! We have several ways for you and your student to get involved in this year’s slate of events.

  • Sign up to volunteer on Friday at Middle School homecoming games or on Saturday throughout the day.
  • Sign up your Lower School student for one or multiple athletic camps on Saturday.
    • Soccer Clinic with Mr. Sheehan, 8-8:45 AM
    • Track Clinic with Mr. Pettipiece, 8:45-9:30 AM
    • Climbing Wall Lessons with Mr. Ryther, 10:30-11 AM or 1:30-2 PM
    • Volleyball Clinic with Ms. Kunze, 1:45-2:15 PM
  • Cheer on MPA athletes at football, soccer, tennis, volleyball games on Friday and Saturday.
  • Encourage your student to wear spirit wear based on their division, including their free Homecoming t-shirts on Friday across all divisions!

View the full schedule here.

For questions, contact Jennifer Rogers-Petitt, director of development and community engagement at or Dan Haase, athletic director at

PreK-8 Grandparents & Special Friends Day

We are excited to host our annual celebration of Lower School and Middle School students and their special guests on Wednesday, October 18.

Grandparents and special friends can join their Lower School students in the morning for classroom visits, Middle School students in the afternoon for classroom visits and Bingo, plus enjoy a special joint music performance!

RSVP is required for all guests by Friday, October 13. Parents are welcome to join the full day program or for the music performance at 11 AM. Please note: October 18 is a full school day, a change from an early release date in prior years. If you wish your Lower School student be released at 11:30 AM with their grandparent or special friend, please contact the division office.

RSVP here.

Read more details here.

Everything That Is Good

from Bill Hudson, head of school

“Everything that is good in this country, everything that is worthy in this country, everything that is beautiful in this country, begins with a teacher.”
—Kurt Russell, 2022 National Teacher of the Year.

My heart was full Friday afternoon as I looked across the south lawn during our annual Ice Cream Social. Actually, it was bursting, and I likened it to what happened to the heart of the Grinch at the end of the “Grinch Who Stole Christmas”! It was our largest social ever, and seeing students playing with one another and parents and teachers talking with each other on a beautiful late summer afternoon was exceptionally heartwarming. The school year is off to a fantastic start, one of the best in my 11 years at MPA.

This past week, I made the rounds of Lower School classrooms to welcome new students and reconnect with returning students. My visits also allowed me to witness our amazing teachers in action. Watching them is like watching an orchestra conductor who seemingly effortlessly moves from one movement to another while keeping each musician playing in concert with the other. Considering the ages of Lower School students, that is quite an accomplishment! MPA is indeed fortunate to have highly qualified, experienced, and skilled teachers who are also very kind and caring people.

At my nephew’s wedding last May, I caught up with a childhood friend of my nephew’s, a middle school teacher in a suburban school district outside of Charlotte, NC. When I asked him how things were going for him, he casually said he “did a favor for the school” by teaching a class with 70 students because the school district could not find enough qualified teachers. The class is so large that it is held in the cafeteria, and while he has a teaching assistant, the TA spends most of his time dealing with student behavior. Read More

Parents Association News & Events September 14, 2023

Faculty and Staff Appreciation
Tuesday, October 10-Friday, October 13
The school year is getting into high gear and the first round of parent/teacher conferences is coming up. The Parents Association and MPA parents and families are continuing the tradition of donating snacks and treats to help our staff get through conferences and to show our appreciation to all MPA employees. Please consider donating a beverage or snack for Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week. Remember to adhere to MPA Peanut/Tree Nut Policy when choosing snacks. Suggestions can be found on Sign Up Genius. Thank you from the MPA Parents Association! (Contact Tara Lafferty for questions). Sign up here.

Volunteer for Homecoming!
Friday, September 29-Saturday, September 30
MPA is looking for help during Homecoming Week. Whether you’re a new kindergarten family or a seasoned Upper School parent, the Parents Association invites you to help our school this Homecoming. MPA needs parents and students to help run the concession stand during Middle School and Upper School athletic events. We’re also in need of help to register students at Lower School workshops, help students on the rock climbing wall, don the Panther mascot costume, paint faces, and more. Upper School students can earn volunteer hours by participating. Middle School and Lower School students are welcome to work in the concession stand with parent supervision. Check it out here. Read More


from Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

Daily, I am touched by the kindness of the MPA community. Most recently, the many cards and expressions of care regarding my mother’s death have helped my family and me through a very difficult time. In my experience over the last ten years, I’ve taken kindness for granted at MPA because I see it so often. I see it in the way members of the community greet one another, how students go out of their way to welcome new students, how they clean their tables after they eat, and the respect between adults and students, to name a few.

I’ve been thinking a lot about kindness or the lack of it in today’s society. People seem angrier, less patient, more rude, and sometimes cruel. At the grocery store, on TV talk shows, in line at a drive-through, on the freeway, or in restaurants, we seem to have lost our humanity. I worry about the direction our society is heading and have been struggling with what my responsibility is as both an individual and as head of school to counteract these troubling, negative trends. Read More

Lower School Division News, September 7, 2023

from Jennifer Le Varge, Lower School director

Mark Your Calendars

  • Friday, September 8: Picture Make-Up Day, Non-Uniform Day
    • MPA Ice Cream Social, 3 PM, South Lawn
  • Thursday, September 14: Curriculum Night, 6-8 PM
  • Monday, September 25: No Classes, Yom Kippur. Register for K-8 Panther Care here.
  • Tuesday, September 26-Saturday, September 30: MPA Homecoming Week
  • Friday, September 29: Homecoming Assembly, 2:20-3 PM, Lansing Sports Center
  • Saturday, September 30: Homecoming Events
  • Friday, October 6: Picture Retake Day
  • Monday, October 9: No Classes, Indigenous Peoples’ Day
  • Thursday, October 12: All School Conferences, 3:30-8 PM, MPA
  • Friday, October 13: No Classes, All School Conferences, 8-5 PM, MPA
  • Wednesday, October 18: Lower and Middle School Grandparents and Special Friends Day (details coming soon!) (note: Dismissal is at 3 PM.)
  • Thursday, October 19-Friday, October 20: No Classes, Fall Break

Welcome (back) to MPA Lower School! It has been wonderful to welcome the children back to school for a fun year of learning. Since the first day, the children have embarked on their exciting learning journey for the 2023-24 academic year. Every other week, an issue of Division News will come to your inbox, chock full of helpful information, reminders and news. Please read on for some insights for the next few weeks:

FastBridge Screening: September 4-15
The MPA Lower School offers FastBridge Learning screening tests up to three times each academic year. These screeners help our teachers to identify the current phase of development in literacy and math skills for each child so that we can offer more personalized learning opportunities for students. The teachers review the screening scores as one piece of data in context with other information gathered about each child’s learning journey. As a result of the screeners and other educational data collected by teachers, some students are identified as potentially benefiting from additional support to help them meet their learning goals. In this case, our learning specialists will be in touch with families to set up a plan for additional support. Your child’s FastBridge screening results will be shared with you by our learning specialists, Ms. Alyssa Andretta ( and Ms. Robyn Kramer ( Please feel free to reach out to them with any questions you may have. The fall screening tests have started and will be offered during the following assessment windows: Read More

Parents Association News and Events, September 7, 2023

Welcome to the PA, Panther Parents! Our goal is to enrich the MPA experience through community building, continuing traditions, supporting faculty and staff, and acting as a resource for all families. All MPA families are members of the Parent’s Association, and we would love to see you attend or volunteer at one of our events. We offer activities across all levels of the school community, and we want to connect with you. If you’re interested in learning more about what we have to offer, please email,

Upcoming Events
September 8: PA Board Meeting, 8:30 AM, PA Room at MPA
September 28: MS Coffee Talk, 8:15 AM, Porter Conference Room
October 9-13: Staff Appreciation, donation and volunteer sign-up coming soon!

Safety and Security Update

THANK YOU to all of the parents and guardians who are already in the habit of wearing their nametags!

It is MPA’s number one priority to provide the safest campus environment possible for you and your children. We ask that you share this critical information with all of the drivers in your home and others who may provide transportation for you.

Drive-Thru Lanes
In the interest of safety, courtesy, and efficiency, we ask that drivers refrain from pulling in front of another car or “leap-frogging” to the front. To make the process as efficient as possible, please pull up all the way to the crosswalk to allow maximum space in the drive-thru lanes. Please help ensure no gaps are present in the drive-thru lanes, even if that means your child needs to wait or walk further to enter the vehicle.

Entering and Exiting the Car
Children may only enter and exit the car from the right/curbside in the drive-thru lanes. If you need to leave the vehicle to help your children in or out, please park in the lot and walk them in, using the appropriate crosswalks. No Lower School student should cross the crosswalk into the parking lot without an adult caregiver by their side. Read More

COVID-19 Community Update

As you may have seen in the news or within your social circles, there has been a recent uptick in new COVID-19 infections. MPA recommends guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this school year to keep students healthy and on-campus learning as much as possible.

If your student or someone at home is experiencing symptoms or is aware of a known exposure, please follow the CDC’s guidance on masking, testing, and isolation by clicking here.

If your student or someone at home has tested positive for COVID-19, please click here for recommendations and a helpful calculator for masking and isolation. In general, if someone has tested positive for COVID-19, they should do the following:

  • Isolate at home through day five (counting from day 0 as the day of symptom onset or positive test).
  • Monitor for moderate-to-severe illness. If moderate-to-severe illness occurs, isolate for ten days.
  • After five days, isolation may end, but individuals should continue wearing a mask around others through day 10 OR once two negative antigen test results have been received at least 24 hours apart.

Additional details regarding exposure and steps to take after testing positive are available at the links above. In addition, please email with any questions or concerns. If your student needs to be away from school due to illness, including COVID-19, please use the appropriate absence notification steps based on their division.

The State of Minnesota has again provided free at-home COVID-19 tests for students and school personnel this school year. If your family needs a supply of these tests, please email to request them.

Thank you for your partnership as we work toward a safe, healthy, and happy learning community this school year!