Parents Connect With Recipe Sharing

MPA Diwali celebrationIn the spirit of sharing, the Parents Association is starting a recipe exchange. We’re all cooking a lot more and are sharing some of our favorite recipes to try and enjoy throughout winter! This first week we’re focusing on Diwali. More details will be provided in next week’s Panther Post.

A Recipe for Diwali
This weekend, many of our Indian friends will be celebrating Diwali, the Festival of Lights. Celebrations include decorating the house with lights, lighting firecrackers in the evening, exchanging gifts and eating delicious food and desserts. One sweet delicacy that is synonymous with Diwali is Kaju Katli. MPA parent Seema Anwar has graciously provided an old family recipe from her mother-in-law for this delightful dessert.

Kaju Katli

Ingredients: cashews, sugar, water, and butter, ghee, or coconut oil. (Optional: rose water or saffron strands) Read More

The Baldwin Family Gives Hope

the Baldwin familyDuring the Fall Campaign, we are excited to share stories from our community about the impact the school has made on their children and their family. Heidi and Ryan Baldwin, two of our Lower School parents have seen the belonging their girls Audrey and Anna have experienced since joining MPA.

How did your family come to MPA?
We came to MPA because our older daughter Anna was at a different school for her PreK years, and it was not the right fit for us. She was experiencing some bullying and we did not feel supported in the response from the school to keep her safe and protected. At that point, we started the search to look for a new school for our family. When we visited MPA, it felt like home. When we met with teachers, administration, and the staff, we knew it was the right fit for us and that proves to still be correct today. MPA works so well because of its mission, vision, culture and values. These aren’t things we just say, they’re things that everyone at our school stands behind, lives, and breathes. Read More

Important COVID-19 Update

student using hand sanitizer station on campusOur entire community continues to thrive and work together to safely remain on campus during these challenging times. Thank you for your continued diligence in prioritizing health and safety at MPA during this pandemic.

We are pleased to report that we continue to have zero instances of community spread on campus. As was shared during last month’s Panther Post, we had just four instances of MPA community members contracting the virus due to outside exposure. During the month of October, just two MPA community members contracted the virus, and again, all outside of the school walls. Read More

You Give Joy

lower school student sliding down the slideby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

Life these days seems a little like standing in a dinghy in rough seas, not knowing when the storm will be over. It has been difficult for many of us to get our sea legs, to find our balance. Over the last eight months, I have often felt tossed about in my own little boat, alone and at the mercy of factors outside of my control. The responsibility of reimagining and reopening school safely in the midst of a pandemic at times seemed crushing. Finding balance felt illusive.

And yet each day I spend in the midst of this amazing community is pure joy and offers a renewed sense of purpose. Yesterday was a perfect example. Lower School students gathered virtually for the second time this year to further explore their CHAMP (Character Happens At Mounds Park) character trait for the year, “perseverance”. The theme was brought to life through the delightful new book, “I Promise”, written by LeBron James, and was read to students by the book’s illustrator. The assembly ended with a special chant led by Lower School music teacher Mari Espeland, followed by students making an “I Promise” pledge to persevere through adversity. I was inspired by the students and a specific line from the book, “Get right back up and let my magic shine.” Read More

Middle School Athletics Update

middle school girls passing a basketballMiddle School Basketball
The Mounds Park Academy athletic department has made the decision not to play Middle School basketball in the Catholic Athletic Association (CAA) this winter due to health and safety concerns. Our athletic department will provide Middle School Students in Grades 5/6 and 7/8 an opportunity to train and play in co-ed in basketball setting. Scheduled sessions are in line with students who are on campus for the hybrid learning.

These training and playing sessions will be supervised by the coaches of these programs. All of these programs will be held after school from 3:30-4:45 PM. Health screenings will occur prior to participation. Masks must be worn during these training sessions. Please bring a water bottle with your name on it. All student pick-ups should be made from Door #7 of the Lansing Sports Center. Click here to register for these opportunities.

Middle School Swimming
The Mounds Park Academy athletic department has made the difficult decision to suspend club swimming for students in grades K-8 for the 2020-2021 season. Health and safety concerns around COVID-19, lack of available pool time due to density control, and transportation issues have prompted this difficult decision. We look forward to welcoming our young swimming Panthers back to the pool in the 2021-22 school year!

If you have questions, please contact the MPA Athletic Director, Dan Haase via email at

Celebrating Fine Arts Faculty Accomplishments

Ms. Sonka. teaching artThis week, MPA art teacher Renee Sonka and MPA theater teacher Heather Mastel were both featured and celebrated around the local and arts community for their crafts. We are so grateful to have such creative and passionate teachers in our MPA community!

Ms. Sonka’s sumi-e ink and watercolor artwork is featured in a virtual exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. This show contains over 2000 pieces, but only occurs every 10 years. View her work in the online exhibit here. Read More

Classes And Activities Cancelled November 3

Photo of north entrance of school from fieldDue to a water main break, all classes and activities will be cancelled tomorrow, Tuesday, November 3. We apologize for any inconvenience that this creates for your family.

We anticipate that Lower and Middle School will be able to return to their regular schedule on Wednesday, November 4 while Upper School may need to learn virtually through the end of the week due to the location of the water main break. We will update you again tomorrow based on the progress of the repair.

If you have any questions, please contact your division director or email

Thank you for your understanding.

Help Us Kick Off The Fall Campaign

The MPA Fall Campaign Committee invites you for a fun virtual kick-off event on Monday, November 9 from 7-7:30 PM. Hear a state of the school update from Dr. Hudson, listen to great student speakers, help us meet a special giving challenge, and celebrate the success to the start of the school year with other MPA families. The whole family is invited to attend to learn more, join in singing our school song, and if 50% of our community joins the call, we have a special challenge donation we will be eligible to receive from a generous donor of $10,000! Join us to learn more about this year’s You Give Fall Campaign, how your family can join in, and help us to build community virtually until we can all be together again safely in person. Contact Jennifer Rogers-Petitt, director of development and community engagement with any questions at Join via Zoom >

Parents Connect Wednesday Mornings

lower school students harvesting the gardenThe Parents Association invites parents and guardians to get together Wednesday mornings after drop off. We are still walking! Mark your calendars, it will be fun!

Wednesday, November 4 and November 11 will be a 30 minute walk with Michelle Mick. We’ll meet in the Lower School Parking lot by the crosswalk and head out, rain or shine. Chat with new parents and connect with friends. Younger children and furry friends are welcome to walk with us.

Future Wednesday morning walks will depend on the weather.

Remember to bring a mask to all events! Hope to see you there!

Traditions Reimagined

lower school students watching the virtual halloween paradeby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I was at Home Depot a week or so ago with my husband Ross picking up a few materials for a home improvement project we are working on. What was supposed to be a quick trip turned out to be an adventure as he led me on a search for the plumbing aisle. Exasperated (and a little bit irritated) I asked him why this detour was so important. He said he wanted to purchase six feet of PVC pipe for Halloween. Still a bit irritated but now curious, I pressed further. As it turned out, he saw a device online constructed out of PVC pipe that delivers Halloween candy into the bags of trick or treaters while maintaining proper physical distancing. As head of school of MPA, I had to applaud his creativity and adherence to proper health and safety measures.

Like so much in our day to day lives, COVID-19 is requiring us to reimagine just about everything, including Halloween. Hardly a day goes by when a need arises to rethink a tradition, policy, practice, or program. Teachers, students, staff, and administrators have all become adept at holding fast to our traditions and values while at the same time making the necessary accommodations for health and safety purposes.

Our much beloved Halloween tradition, the Lower School Halloween Parade, is the latest example of this phenomenon. It is one of my most favorite traditions for many reasons, not least of all the joyfulness of a PreK-12 school under one roof. It is pure magic seeing the joy-filled faces of the older students and the excitement on the faces of our younger students as they parade through the Middle and Upper School hallways—and to have parents on campus to witness it. Not to fear, a virtual parade of sorts is taking place as adorable pictures of our Lower School students in their Halloween costumes are on display on the many display screens located throughout the building. I’ve seen Upper School students seated to watch the rotation in its entirety—staff too. Click here to see last year’s parade on campus and here to see this year’s virtual version. Read More