We Dared To Dream

preK student in the makerspaceby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

The chair of our recent ISACS accreditation visiting team asked a founding faculty member a simple question: “Is the Mounds Park that exists today the school you envisioned all those years ago during its formation?”

“In many ways it is,” she answered, “But in many more ways, it exceeds what we dared to dream back then.” That single statement represents the hoped-for outcome of the last 18-month process and is at the heart of the report the visiting team wrote. As Head of School, and as a parent, I was overjoyed.

Mounds Park Academy is a proud member of the Independent Schools Association of Central States (ISACS). The purpose of ISACS is to promote the development of strong learning communities characterized by high achievements, social responsibility, and independence of governance, programs, and policies. This goal is achieved through a rigorous accreditation process, targeted professional development programs, and focused support services. In preparation for re-accreditation, we’ve spent the last 18 months reflecting on our mission and program and writing a very comprehensive, 147-page self-study report. Read More

Experiential Learning In Fourth Grade

fourth grader learns to write brailleIn conjunction with their current literature unit based on the book “Granny Torrelli Makes Soup,” MPA fourth graders had a special visitor! Ms. David, a former third grade teacher who was born blind, and her guide dog, Raz, helped the students understand what life is like being blind and better understand Bailey, one of the main characters in the novel.

Starting with the alphabet, they learned Braille through the formations of each letter made of split peas, and they even walked around the school with blindfolds on to see if they could follow Raz’s lead. Thank you to Ms. David and Raz for a wonderfully experiential lesson! See all of the photos from the activities here.

Your Gifts Make College Counseling Possible

college decision day 2018This article is the fourth in a series called “The Fall Campaign Stories of Impact: Five Weeks, Five Stories, Five Reasons to Give.”

Think of a list of common fears, and a familiar few come to mind. Public speaking. Air travel. Spiders. And here in Minnesota, an early snow! Another typical source of anxiety is the college application process—a journey in U.S. culture that’s often driven by worries about attending the “best” school, instead of the right school.

Lisa Pederson, MPA’s director of College Counseling, addresses that sense of dread head-on, with compassion, expertise, and a proven program that empowers students to customize their college search based on their unique strengths, interests, and long-term goals. “The best fit for one is not the right fit for the next, even among high-achieving, academically strong, and otherwise talented students,” says Pederson. “Today’s college admissions professionals are looking for the authentic voice in their applicants, not a packaged one that checks every box.” Read More

Online Directory Change

upper school students on laptopMPA is making an important transition of its online community directory into Schoology. Starting December 1, the community directory will no longer be on the MPA website at moundsparkacademy.org/families.

This will eliminate the need for a password on the website and reduce the number of MPA passwords you need to utilize. It will also provide greater data security and enhanced mobile responsiveness.

The following are directions regarding how to access the new directory today. If you have any issues, please email Jay Springer, MPA webmaster, at webmaster@moundsparkacademy.org.

On Desktop

  1. Visit https://app.schoology.com/login.
  2. Login to Schoology using your parent login.
  3. In the upper right-hand corner, using the drop down button, navigate to your parent profile. You are now viewing Schoology as yourself, not as your child.
  4. Along the top navigation bar, click on Resources > Apps.
  5. Click Approve then refresh the page. This is only needed the first time you open MPA Resources.
  6. The MPA community directory should fill the screen and be usable.

On Mobile

  1. Download the Schoology app (if you haven’t already) in the Apple or Android App Store.
  2. Login to the app using your parent login.
  3. In the upper left-hand corner menu, select Resources > Resource Apps > MPA Resources.
  4. Click Approve then use the back button to get back to Resources. Click MPA Resources again. This is only needed the first time you open the MPA Resources app.
  5. The MPA community directory should fill the screen and be usable.

Why Does Participation Matter?

fourth graders give presentations to lower schoolHere at MPA, we’re so thankful for the commitment of our parents, grandparents, alumni, and community supporters. We’re also proud of the way our students grow during their time with us. We encourage students of all ages to participate in the things that matter most to them and to push themselves outside of their comfort zone to find out who they truly are through involvement in a wide range of opportunities.

Just like our students’ participation in their own learning and development, we challenge our supporters to participate through our Joyful Learning, Joyful Giving Fall Campaign. Every gift adds up to a big impact. Learn more about that impact on individual students and on big projects. Your gift ensures a top-notch education and joyful experience for every student here at MPA. Click here to make a gift! Read More

Coffee With The PA On Saturday

PA hosts coffee Don’t miss this new opportunity to meet the Parents Association! This Saturday, November 3, the PA is hosting several neighborhood coffee events, where you can come and meet MPA parents who live in your neighborhood. Parents of all grades are welcome!

Your coffee hosts will be at the following locations:

Amore Coffee–St. Paul
879 Smith Ave, W.
St. Paul MN 55118

Dunn Brothers Coffee–Minneapolis
5008 Xerxes Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55410
9-11 AM Read More

Your Gifts Make Foreign Language Instruction Possible

French III student reading to fourth grade French studentThis article is the third in a series called “The Fall Campaign Stories of Impact: Five Weeks, Five Stories, Five Reasons to Give.”

Bilingualism is one of the best things you can do for your brain. Research shows that young children who learn a second language have improved cognitive abilities, attention control, and problem solving skills. As they progress though school, continued language study correlates with academic achievement, higher ACT and SAT scores, and better performance at the college level. And as we age, fluency in more than one language has been connected to faster stroke recovery and delayed onset of dementia. Read More

Bring A Friend To MPA Day

middle school music classHas a friend or co-worker ever asked, “What is MPA really like?” Do you know a family who would be “SO MPA?” Have the parents of your child’s neighborhood friends ever asked, “What makes MPA so special?”

Bring A Friend Day is a fantastic way for those outside our immediate community to experience firsthand who we are and what it is like to be student at Mounds Park Academy! On Friday, November 30, we are inviting students in grades one through nine to bring a friend to MPA for a special day of learning and fun!

The invited friend should be near the same grade as your child and each child may only bring one friend. Space is very limited by grade level. Please have the family of the visiting friend register online at moundsparkacademy.org/bringafriend by Friday, November 23.

On the day of the visit, if possible, please help the visiting family with transportation to/from school. Visiting students are welcome to ride MPA buses, but not District 622 buses. Bus passes may be obtained from the Office of Admission. Visitors and their hosts should check-in together at the South Entrance at 7:45 AM.

Visitors will follow a typical school schedule, attending all of the regular classes with their friend. Teachers will take the time to introduce visitors in each class and help them feel welcome. Lunch will be provided, or the friend may bring a bag lunch. The day ends at 3 PM in cafeteria and does not include after school care or activities.

If you have any questions, Contact Nate Bander, Admission Outreach Coordinator via email at nbander@moundsparkacademy.org or 651-748-5518. Thank you for sharing your love for MPA with friends! We can’t wait to meet them!

Our MPA Moments

bill's lunch with seniors in the pcrby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

Every fall, I invite seniors to have lunch with me in small groups of eight to 10. It is a fantastic time to check in with them about how their senior year is going, learn what their plans are for next year, solicit their feedback on my leadership, and thank them for serving as leaders and role models. I also ask them to share their “MPA moment”–the moment, memory, or experience that captures or illustrates the MPA mission to them. I enjoy hearing their stories and it only deepens my love and appreciation for this amazing community.

A common MPA moment I hear often has to do with their experience of a PreK-12 school under one roof. Seniors will talk about what it was like for them to have an Upper School buddy when they were in Lower School or how much they enjoy now the “pairing assemblies,” when as seniors, they are matched with younger students. Their eyes light up with joy as they share the special relationship they have developed.

Read More

Join Us For Halloween At MPA!

halloween parade 2017All parents are welcome to attend the MPA Halloween Parade on Wednesday, October 31! The festivities will begin with warm drinks and treats in the Lower School Atrium, courtesy of the Parents Association, at 2:20 PM. At 2:30 PM, Lower School students, dressed in their costumes, will parade through the student-lined hallways. This is one of MPA’s signature PreK-12 events that has become an honored tradition. Are the younger students or the older students more joyful? It is always hard to tell! Please join us!

And as part of MPA’s efforts to be a more allergy aware school, we are also happy to share the Snack Safely list and a peanut and treenut-free board of ideas on Pinterest to assist you in what to bring to our Halloween festivities!