Incredible Summer Drama Opportunities

heather teaching dramaby Heather Mastel, MPA drama teacher

One of the reasons I love teaching drama is how it resonates with children. There is movement, humor, and creativity. It also teaches collaboration, communication, empathy, reflection, and problem-solving skills for creative challenges. I am excited to bring these learning opportunities to Summer at MPA! Children in Beyond Drama Class will create their own short play, while Beyond Acting! gives lower school students the chance to design, write, and choreograph. The One Act Drama Camp will challenge middle schoolers to rehearse and perform a one-act performance in just one week. We will also go see “Shrek Jr.” and tour the Guthrie Theatre.
For more information about these incredible drama classes and so many other opportunities, visit Next week in Panther Post, we’ll share much more about our brand-new summer musical program!

Parent Education With Dr. Jules Nolan

middle school girls walking into schoolThe MPA Parents Association invites parents to attend two upcoming talks by Dr. Jules Nolan. Please note that these talks are open to all MPA parents, not just Middle and Lower School. However, the Wednesday discussion will be geared toward Middle School families, so while all can attend, the content will be focused on that age group’s developmental needs.

The Middle School Parent Event is Wednesday, February 21, from 8–9 AM in the Porter Conference Room. Dr. Jules Nolan will present “Social and Emotional Learning: A Better Predictor of Success in School.” This session will explore social and emotional learning, a skill set that is foundational in learning and life, and is currently the focus of new standards and benchmarks from the Minnesota Department of Education. Participants will better understand the five areas of SEL skills and how to develop lagging skills in the areas of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.

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A Joyful Valentine’s Day

pin the lips on the valentineA big thank you to the whole community for spreading love and joy and making Valentine’s Day on campus such a special one! We hope you had fun with our giveaway contest and are so grateful for each and every one of you!

See some adorable Valentine’s Day party photos here! And, yes, that is Ms. Petersen sliding down the bouncy house slide!

Meet Ms. Stinson

Teacher talking to studentThird grade teacher

How many years have you been at MPA?
Thirty years plus—I started teaching at MPA in the 1985-86 school year.

What do you love about MPA?
I love the individualized instruction and attention we can give each student. Due to small class sizes, we know our students very well and can give them the support and positive interactions they need to grow as learners. We differentiate each lesson and help each student become the best they can be, and to grow and thrive each day. Feeling positive about learning and having confidence to move ahead to meet expectations means everything. These components are the recipe for success.

How does MPA nurture students who forever dream big and do right?
We love all of our students as individuals and support their dreams, efforts, and strengths. We encourage them, every day, throughout their world of learning and growing.

If you have worked at another school, how has your experience at MPA been different?
It is different because we truly “believe” in kids.

What would you tell a parent considering MPA?
I would say, “If you want your student to be supported and celebrated as a learner, leader, and achiever, come to MPA!” Read More

Celebrating an Allergy Aware Valentine’s Day

lower school valentines dayPopcorn, Pirate’s Booty, birthday cake applesauce (seriously, try it!), and more! As part of MPA’s efforts to be a more allergy aware school, we are happy to share the Valentine’s Day edition of the Snack Safely list!

Looking for something beyond the little ones’ tastebuds? We are also very excited to share that MPA is on Pinterest, and premiering a food-free Valentine’s Day idea board! Head there to find tons of fun and slightly out-of-the-box ways to say “I care about you!” to all of your friends this Valentine’s Day! We can’t wait to celebrate with you and see what your creativity brings to the Lower School festivities on February 14!

The Great Kindness Challenge

lower school students hugging at CHAMP assemblyIf this is your first time hearing of “The Great Kindness Challenge,” it can be described in many ways. By definition, it is an annual, nation-wide initiative that takes place at the end of January. To those who see our Lower School students participating, it is one week dedicated to enhancing a pervasive culture of kindness in our school. To everyone who witnesses the Challenge taking place, it is a system of encouragement for our littlest minds to consider how their random acts of kindness add up. Lower School students are taking action and participating this week, as kindness is a core principle of their CHAMP program.

“Character education is one of the most important cornerstones at Mounds Park Academy. Our commitment to educating the whole child means that academic preparation is but one aspect of education, and that the artistic, physical, social, emotional, and ethical development are equally important. In practice, character education comes to life through the Lower School CHAMP Program,” Dr. Bill Hudson shared in an earlier Head’s Message.

Kindness and compassion make a significant contribution to the early character development Dr. Hudson speaks of. Thus, all week, students have been taking action to complete the “kindness checklist.” Many students have quickly figured out that their daily behavior already checks a thing or two off the list!

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Register For Little Dribblers At MPA!

Little dribblersMPA students in grades 1-4 are invited to join MPA parent Clarence Knox for Little Dribblers! You can register here for the program, which includes six afternoons of basketball at MPA, all for free!

Coach Knox brings years of experience coaching basketball at the youth and high school levels.  Little Dribblers will take place on Wednesdays, beginning January 31 and continuing through March 7, from 3:20-4:20 PM.  Students will learn to love basketball while playing in a fun, light atmosphere. All skill levels are welcome to join us!

A complimentary, allergy-compliant snack will be provided. Little Dribblers will be capped at 15 students, on a first come, first serve basis.  A wait list will be started upon reaching 15 students.

If you have any questions, please email or call Nate Bander at 651-748-5518 or

Faculty Explore the 6 Cs

The 6Cs at MPA with students doing projectThe academic emphasis on only reading, writing, and arithmetic is long gone; the emphasis today is broader and more nuanced than these foundational skills encompass. Some schools, including Mounds Park Academy, are even broadening the skills identified in the “21st Century Skills” movement, commonly known as “the 4 Cs” or critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity, to include two additional Cs: culture and connectivity.

At MPA, we welcome the increased focus on these critical skills, because, as a progressive and independent school, we’ve been emphasizing them since our beginning in 1982. This was long before the 21st Century was in our public consciousness. We have known for 36 years that these skills are critical for students to become engaged, thoughtful, and informed global citizens who are able to use their deep content knowledge to make a difference in their communities, in our country, and in the world.

We asked six MPA faculty members from across our community to share how they develop the 6 Cs in their students:

Thoughts on Critical Thinking from Jason Schwalen, Upper School English

In the English Department at MPA, we are creating students who are not simply critical thinkers, but informed thinkers who are willing to use those critical thinking skills to confront and solve the problems our culture has carried throughout history…attaining justice, equality, equity, and inclusivity begins with education.

In order to move our culture in a positive direction, our students need to be informed readers, critical thinkers, and skilled writers, and we build these skills by analyzing authors and artists who have attempted to document and improve our culture. Examining these authorial perspectives—and writing about them—helps create a foundation that equips our students to assess, analyze, and tackle the challenges that accompany trying to change the world. Read More

Meet Colleen Casey

Mom with two Mounds Park Academy studentsLower School parent
Lake Elmo

What do you love about Mounds Park Academy?
The teachers and the environment they foster in the classroom. I love the early exposure to a foreign language, art, and music.

How is your child encouraged to dream big and do right at Mounds Park Academy?
CHAMP assemblies and the big kids consistently mentoring the littles.

What would you tell another family considering Mounds Park Academy?
It is worth the investment. The teachers view their jobs as a calling and go above and beyond. They really get to know each student.

In what ways has Mounds Park Academy prepared your child for life in the 21st century?
To be inclusive.

What do you hope for your child in 20 years?
That they are independent, kind, and hold high self esteem while being humble.

Is there anything else you’d like to share about your Mounds Park Academy experience?
It was the right decision to send both kids here.

Mounds Park Academy, a PreK-12 private school in Saint Paul, is currently accepting applications for the 2018-19 school year. For more information about admission and to schedule your tour, visit We look forward to getting to know your family!

Lower School CHAMP Service Project

students decorating birthday boxesEvery year, MPA Lower School students contribute to various community service projects. One project that has become a familiar tradition at MPA is the Birthday Box program. This program provides a box of birthday essentials for children who are celebrating birthdays in less fortunate situations. These gift boxes, decorated by all grades of the Lower School, will be packed with cake mix, frosting, candles, books, toys, and handmade birthday cards. Collecting more than $1,200 in change this year, the students are sending 80 Birthday Boxes to Emma’s Place, a social services organization in Maplewood.

The first and second graders were the leaders of the Birthday Box project this year in cohesion with the CHAMP program. Last week, Lower School students donated money to purchase items for the boxes. But the interesting component was that each day required a specific coin: pennies on Monday, nickels on Tuesday, dimes on Wednesday, quarters on Thursday, and dollars on Friday. In seeing these small amounts add up, students realized that even a small helping hand can make a big difference. Cheers erupted at the CHAMP assembly today when the total amount raised was announced.

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