Honoring The Class Of 2023

from Bill Hudson, head of school

Today is one of my favorite days, a day that embodies who we are as a school community. The entire school gathered for the annual Senior Walk and together celebrated the 60 seniors and their impact on MPA. The joy in the eyes of each student along the pathway, the pride in the eyes of faculty and staff, and the sense of accomplishment reflected in the eyes of our senior class bring tears to my eyes.

I’ve seen countless young people move on from high school to college over the 30 or so years I’ve been a teacher and administrator. Each class is unique and holds a special place in my heart. This senior class strikes me as incredibly genuine and resilient. They have weathered the pandemic, a racial reckoning, and social and political discord. They have prevailed through personal trauma and difficulties and emerged strong and authentic.

The college choices of our senior class are evidence of the uniqueness of each student and the diversity of their interests. Fifty-nine seniors will be attending 39 different colleges and universities in 20 states, Washington, D.C., Canada, and Scotland. They have chosen large research universities, public and private institutions, small liberal arts colleges, Ivies, art schools, and women’s colleges. Students will be attending schools in urban and rural locations that are near and far. Read More

Parents Association News & Events May 25, 2023

All-School St. Paul Saints Game!
Sunday, July 30, 2:07 PM at CHS Field
Join us for a midsummer Saints game! Reconnect with school friends and enjoy America’s favorite pastime. You’ll see the St. Paul Saints vs. the Toledo Mud Hens at CHS Field. This is an all-school event. Tickets cost $16 for students and $17 for adults. Tickets can be picked up at Will Call before the game under the name “MPA Panthers.” We’ll be seated together in section 115. You can see the section here.

End of Year Grade Events
The end of the year is coming soon! Watch your email for all the details from your grade representative.

  • Pre-K: Details coming soon
  • Kindergarten: Wednesday, June 7, 11 AM-12:30 PM at Richard Walton Park, Oakdale
  • Grade 1: Wednesday, June 7, 1-3 PM at Richard Walton Park, Oakdale
  • Grade 2: Details coming soon
  • Grade 3: Wednesday, June 7, 3:30-5:30 PM at Richard Walton Park, Oakdale
  • Grade 4: Wednesday, June 7, 10:30 AM at Seaquest, Roseville
  • Grade 5: Sunday, June 4, 2:30 PM arrival time, St. Croix Riverboat at Taylor’s Falls,
  • Grade 6: Wednesday, June 7, 4 PM, at Can Can Wonderland, St Paul
  • Grade 7: June 7, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
  • Grade 8: June 7, 10:30-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
  • Grade 9: June 7, 10:30-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
  • Grade 10: June 7, 10:45-12:45 PM, Wakefield Park Community Building, Maplewood
  • Grade 11: June 7, 10:30-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
Vote for Next Year’s PA Board Members
  • Co-Presidents: Staci Banks and Christine Larson
  • Vice President/Community Grants: Seema Anwar
  • Secretary:  Cristin Moran
  • Treasurer: Adi Boeder Risner
  • Lower School Division Lead: Michael Soto
  • Middle School Division Lead: Molly Oliver
  • Upper School Division Lead: Julie Bixby
  • Communications Lead: Susan Knapp
  • Staff Development Lead: Tara Lafferty
  • Grade Rep Coordinator: Open

You may vote here.

Meet The Johnston Family

The Johnston FamilyKate Johnston is an MPA Class of 1998 alum. Now, her son Emmett is a ninth grader at MPA.

What do you love about MPA?
MPA has a special energy that is warm and welcoming. It is an inclusive community that truly cultivates joy and a love of learning. I love that MPA prioritizes music and art. I also love that MPA encourages curiosity and creativity and is committed to teaching the whole child. I love the small class sizes and amazing teachers that make it a school where each child is truly seen, heard, and valued. MPA teachers and staff build strong relationships with students and encourage them to shine their unique light.

What initially attracted you to MPA?
I graduated from MPA and have always been grateful for the amazing education I received. When my husband and I were considering a school change for our oldest son, we decided to look at MPA. We wanted small class sizes and a school that was inclusive and committed to growth and progress. When we visited the school, I was happy to see that MPA continued to grow and change in many ways while staying committed to its mission and values. The energy was wonderful, and it felt like a place that could be an incredible partner for us as we raise our boys. Our son is in his second year at MPA, and we feel blessed to have him there. Read More

Because I Had A Teacher

from Bill Hudson, head of school

“Because I had a teacher, I know how good it feels when someone is happy to see me. I know that I can always ask for help. I feel like I have a friend on my side…Because I had you, I learned to believe in me.” From the book, “Because I Had a Teacher” by Kobi Yamada.

If you are like me, you have a favorite teacher who you continue to hold close to your heart. Mrs. Long was my third-grade teacher and had a tremendous impact on me. I attribute to her my curiosity and love of learning. My parents recalled how I would come home from school each day with a list of what “Mrs. Long said…” I would go on and on at the dinner table with all that Mrs. Long said that day, and 50 years later, I still hold her dear.

On Thursday, May 25, we will honor six members of the MPA faculty who are retiring this year or during the years of the pandemic. Together, they have more than 200 years of service to MPA. It is impossible to measure the impact these wonderful teachers have had on their students. Indeed, they have touched the hearts and minds of so many.

Please join us to honor the distinguished careers of MPA retirees from 2020-2023 at the Mounds Park Academy Retirement Celebration. It has been our tradition to celebrate retirees at a reception at the end of the school year. I know that the month of May is busy, but I promise that you will not regret attending. Join us in the Family Commons and Martin Lenz Harrison Library from 4-6 PM, with a brief program at 4:30 PM. Read More

Middle School Division News May 18, 2023

from Jenn Milam, Middle School director

Important Dates and Upcoming Events

  • May 22-26: Washington DC, Grade 7 Trip
  • May 26: No Classes, Teacher Professional Development Day
  • May 29: No Classes, Memorial Day
  • May 31: Middle School Track and Field Day, 8:15-11:15 AM
    • Inventor’s Fair (Grade 5), 2:20-3 PM
  • June 2: 5/6 Canoeing Adventure
    • 7/8 Valley Fair Performance and Fun Day
  • June 3: MPA Commencement 2023
  • June 6: Passion Project Showcase, 1 PM
  • Middle School Moving-Up Ceremony, 2 PM
  • June 7: Last Day of School
    • Early Dismissal, 10:15 AM

When you receive this issue of News and Notes, there will be 11 and 1/3 days remaining in our 2023-2024 school year! It’s been an amazing year with lots of growth, lots of fun, and plenty of JOY! I hope you’re enjoying all the performances, opportunities to be with us, and are looking forward to a great summer with your family. When someone told me some time ago, “the days are long, but the years go fast,” I didn’t really grasp that meaning – but boy, were they right! This year has flown by, and as a mom of high schoolers, it feels like each year gets a little faster.

Make sure to slow down, savor the sunshine, be present in that last ball game or performance, take in all the smells, the sounds, the sight of your growing young person—before you know it, they’ll be taller than you, and on their way to their next big adventure!

CLASS of 2029—Washington DC Trip–Early Bird Registration Extended to May 19!
All students currently in sixth grade who wish to travel to Washington DC next year (May 2024) should visit the World Strides website and get registered ASAP! If you register and put down your $49 deposit by Friday, an EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT of $125 will be applied to your trip cost! Payment plans are flexible and available.

Please also refer to the email sent for more details, trip number and informational meeting recording! If you have questions, please reach out to Dr. Jenn Milam (jmilam@moundsparkacademy.org).

NOTE: This is the last extension of the early registration discount—please take advantage and get registered! This trip is meant to be for the entire class, so please consider registering and sending your student on this amazing experience. Read More

College Athlete Celebration Day

This Monday was an exciting day for Class of 2023 student-athletes and their families! Fifteen members of the class are moving on to participate in college athletics—that’s 25%! The entire Upper School student body gathered in the Lansing Sports Center to celebrate their selections and wish them well. Go Panthers! For the full album of photos, click here.

Congratulations to the following Class of 2023 student-athletes!

  • Alex Appleton: Rowing at Bates College
  • Kensi Binstadt: Track at Pomona College
  • Cameron Collister: Cross Country and Track at Whitman College
  • Audrey Jakway: Basketball at Haverford College
  • Owen Lafferty: Track at Macalester College
  • Nicholas Larson: Track and Cross Country at Colgate University
  • Michael Mairs: Tennis at St. Olaf College
  • Gabriel Messner: Rowing at University of Edinburgh
  • Zoe Mulvihill: Track at Amherst College
  • Lola Pilon: Volleyball and Softball at Augsburg University
  • Andrew Platz: Baseball at Hamline University
  • Freya Rahm: Tennis at Oberlin College
  • Henry Seum: Sailing at Jacksonville University
  • Siri Springer: Softball at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
  • Annabelle Vale: Swimming at Grinnell College

Parents Association News & Events May 18, 2023

Voting for Next Year’s PA Board Members
Watch for the ballot in next week’s Panther Post.

End of Year Grade Events
The end of the year is coming soon! Watch your email for all the details from your grade representative.

Pre-K: Details coming soon
Kindergarten: Wednesday, June 7, 11 AM-12:30 PM at Richard Walton Park, Oakdale
Grade 1: Wednesday, June 7, 1-3 PM at Richard Walton Park, Oakdale
Grade 2: Details coming soon
Grade 3: Wednesday, June 7, 3:30-5:30 PM at Richard Walton Park, Oakdale
Grade 4: Wednesday, June 7, 10:30 AM at Seaquest, Roseville
Grade 5: Details coming soon
Grade 6: Details coming soon
Grade 7: June 7, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
Grade 8: June 7, 10:30-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
Grade 9: June 7, 10:30-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
Grade 10: June 7, 10:45-12:45 PM, Wakefield Park Community Building, Maplewood
Grade 11: June 7, 10:30-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
Grade 12: Details coming soon

Welcome To MPA, Rudy Ford!

We are so excited to welcome Rudy Ford to MPA as our new director of after-school and summer programs. We’re incredibly happy to have him, and we can’t wait to see all of the enhancements and growth he will bring to the program. Rudy will be starting May 31, so make sure to stop by and give him a warm MPA welcome!

What position will you be holding at MPA?
Director of After School and Summer Programs

From what school/organization are you coming?
Sylvan Learning—Twin Cities

Tell us about your education and past experience.
I am a graduate of Williams College and pursued graduate studies at Loyola University (Maryland). I have spent over 30 years in education as a teacher, coach, admissions director, and Middle School principal. Notable stops include Moravian Academy in Bethlehem, PA; Dedham Country Day School just outside of Boston, MA; Charles Wright Academy in Tacoma, WA, and St. Paul Academy and Summit School in St. Paul, MN.

What did you find appealing about MPA?
MPA’s spirit and culture are a match for my background and experience, and those features are tangibly present from the moment you enter the campus. MPA is the only school I’ve encountered that included a demonstration lesson as part of a leadership interview—and that speaks volumes about what is important here. I have never been made to feel more welcome or valued during a school visit.

What lasting impact do you plan to have on MPA?
I look forward to bringing new ideas, energy, and growth to the Panther and summer programs—all the while continuing to keep kids safe, happy, and learning. I’d love to see kids choosing to stay for Panther Program events even when they have the option to go home, and I’d love to see the summer program be something that draws kids from all over the twin cities for its vibrant and innovative program.

What’s your big dream?
I see “off hours” from school and summer days as having just as much potential to provide formative, impactful experiences for kids. I look forward to the day when kids return to tell us how much some of their experiences in those times have meant to them.

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about my family, my ‘extended family’ of great friends, music, and baseball (go Red Sox)! I am passionate about teaching and learning—both of which I have always done and can’t imagine doing without. I love woodworking, cooking, kayaking, and studying music.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
I recently joined a band based in St. Paul to play bass guitar and sing.

Meet The Tanwongsval Family

Tanwongsval FamilyWhat’s the best thing about being part of the MPA community?
A bit of context–our family is an international nomad and our kids have studied in international schools in Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, and China. What we seek in a school is positive diversity (not just cultural but viewpoints), appropriately challenging academics, a small teacher-to-student ratio, a small and tight-knitted community, and warm and welcoming educators and administrators. MPA ticked all the boxes and can easily rival any top international schools we’ve experienced throughout our moves.

What is your favorite MPA tradition or event?
We love the orchestra. Our daughter is not much of a musician, but she enjoys the supportive environment and the opportunity to perform with her friends.

Complete this sentence, “MPA teaches my child…
to be caring, curious, and courageous (3C’s). Read More

John Malone’s Impact At MPA

from Bill Hudson, head of school

I just returned from my oldest nephew’s wedding in Charleston, South Carolina, the first in the next generation of my family. It was a wonderful weekend, and I thoroughly relished spending time with family and friends. The setting, a historic building on the low-country shore of Charleston Harbor, was delightful. I also had the honor of serving as the officiant for the ceremony, another first. Despite the many graduations I have addressed and the many school events I have presided over, I was incredibly stressed and nervous.

I also took the opportunity to visit the Porter-Gaud School, an independent school in Charleston. I have become friends with the head of school, DuBose Egleston, and enjoyed spending time with him and his administrative team. I’ve come to know DuBose, and Porter-Gaud, through our shared association with the Malone Scholars Program and the Malone Family Foundation.

The Malone Family Foundation is dedicated to improving access to quality education—particularly at the secondary school level—for highly capable students who lack the financial resources to best develop their talents. Mounds Park Academy is proud to be one of the 48 schools across the United States chosen to partner with the Malone Family Foundation. Since 2012, 15 MPA students have graduated as Malone Scholars. We are incredibly proud of our Malone Scholars and are thankful to call them MPA students. They undergo a rigorous application process and not only persist but thrive at MPA. The Malone Scholarship program is a model we hope to expand so more students can access an MPA education in the coming years. Read More