October 10, 2024
from Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school
“Makhoche kin de dakhota thamakhoche.” (Maw-ko-chay keen day dah-ko-tah tah-mah-ko-chay) This is the land of the friendly people, the Dakota.
You may be noticing the school calendar over the next week or so is a bit wonky. This is true for several different reasons, including parent-teacher conferences and the long-standing tradition of taking “MEA days” as a fall break. This year, we are also commemorating Indigenous Peoples Day on Monday, October 14.
As we recognize Indigenous Peoples Day on Monday, we have a unique opportunity to reflect on the profound impact that Native cultures, histories, and contributions have had—and continue to have—on our country. This day calls on us to honor the rich heritage of Indigenous peoples while also acknowledging the struggles they have faced throughout history.
Mounds Park Academy acknowledges the language and history of the Wahpekute and the larger Očhéthi Šakówin nation and its connection to these cultures through the land on which the school resides. Mounds Park Academy acknowledges that our school rests on Dakota homeland and that Indigenous Peoples have the longest relationship to this land. Read More