December 1, 2022

from Dr. Jenn Milam, Middle School director
As we find ourselves in the cold, snowy, wintery weeks between Thanksgiving and winter break, it’s important to help your student focus on consistency with their habits related to completing work, getting enough sleep, eating good and healthy food, and finding quality downtime (screen-free is always a good idea!). Because this time of year can be hectic and challenging for adults, and because we know young people regulate (emotionally, socially, and psychologically) with the grown-ups around them, it is important that we offer calm, consistent, and caring support for them and take care of ourselves, too. One of my favorite podcasts takes a new approach to self-care and compassion and its relation to how we care for others…rather than the age-old wisdom to “put your oxygen mask on first,” she suggests filling our own cup so much that it overflows, and it is from that overflow that we give to those who depend on us and need us to be ever more present in their days.
Fill your cups so that they overflow … what a great goal for December!
Many of you have reached out looking for ways to reconnect with the community after two long years apart, and we have a great idea we think you’ll love! We’re looking to begin a new initiative in the Middle School—A Parent Showcase! Several parents have offered to share their time, talents, hobbies, professions, and interests with our middle school students via a short presentation given during afternoon advisory time. These showcases would happen on B-days from 2:20-3 PM once or twice a month, depending on the volume of presenters and grade-level match. If this interests you, please fill out this form, and we will contact you to schedule your showcase!
We look forward to learning more about you and growing our community!
ISACS Parent Education Series–JOIN US TONIGHT!
Parents and families, we hope you will join other independent school parents for one of several evening sessions led by an exceptional and highly regarded team of experts to help you support your children in all areas of their development. We look forward to learning right along with you! The next upcoming webinar is:
Gift of Failure
Thursday, December 1, 2022
Jessica Lahey, Educator & Author
From ISACS: Modern parenting has become defined by an unprecedented level of overprotectiveness. We all know parents who rush to school to deliver forgotten assignments, challenge teachers on disappointing report cards, mastermind their children’s friendships or interfere on the playing field. According to bestselling author, Jessica Lahey, “overparenting” has the potential to both ruin children’s confidence and undermine their education. By letting go and allowing children to learn how to solve problems on their own, we give them the tools to grow up to be self-reliant, confident, and successful adults. That’s the Gift of Failure. Jessica reminds us that teachers, and others who work with children, also teach responsibility, organization, manners, restraint, and foresight—important life skills that shape stronger futures. Lahey champions failure as a crucial element of long-term success while providing indispensable advice to parents for handling homework, report cards, social dynamics, competitive sports, and more. All are invited. The recording of this webinar will be available until January 31, 2023.
Registration is free, but pre-registration is required! Please register here to attend from the comfort of your home! Register here.
Middle School Transition Conversations–Share with those you know!
I’ll be offering two additional meetings for rising Middle School families to learn more about Middle School at MPA, to ask questions, and share in the excitement and wonder of this next important phase in students’ educational journey. Please mark your calendar for Thursday, December 8, 3:30 PM, and/or Tuesday, December 13, 8:15 AM. We will have coffee and hot tea and some light refreshments available. No need to RSVP, just join us if you can! Read More