Afterschool Activities and Care Canceled This Afternoon

Due to the weather, all afterschool activities, including games, practices, Panther Club/Den, Middle School study hall, and meetings are canceled this afternoon, Tuesday, November 29. MPA will remain in session until our regular dismissal time of 3 PM.

The families of District 622 and Minneapolis bus riders will be communicated with directly as soon as possible regarding modified bus schedules. All other buses will run as usual, although they may be running late.

PreK Panther, Panther Club, and Panther Den will remain open until all children are picked up; however, families are asked to arrive as quickly as possible after 3 PM so our faculty and staff can travel home as well.

Email if you have any questions. Please drive safely!

RSVP Today For The PreK-12 MPA Preview

upper school student in a chemistry labThe PreK-12 Preview is the perfect opportunity to discover why you belong at MPA! You and your entire family are warmly invited to attend the PreK-12 MPA Preview on Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2 PM. RSVP here!

The PreK-12 MPA Preview is designed to introduce you to the faculty, students, and families who make MPA the exceptional learning community it is. You’ll hear from various perspectives, be engaged in conversation with academic leaders, and leave with a much better understanding of the MPA way. These events are designed for family members of all ages to attend together and will include division-specific time. Read More

What Students Discover In Ninth Grade At MPA

Upper School chemistry class in a labAt Mounds Park Academy, Upper School is demanding, but not draining. The rigorous college-preparatory curriculum is balanced and always focused on the application of learning rather than memorization. Whether studying chemical processes up close and hands-on, diving deep into constitutional law, or taking on a character through the art of improvisation, our students connect their profound content knowledge to the world in ways that prepare them to make an impact.

So, what will you discover when you begin your Upper School journey at MPA?

Rigor With Purpose
“I love the sense of high expectation coupled with a supportive environment which I think is so key for my daughter,” says MPA alum and Upper School parent Dr. Sirid Kellermann ’88. “It can be challenging to recognize and play up your strengths, and to work on the things you’re not so hot at academically.”

Academic rigor peaks in Upper School at MPA, intentionally woven into Upper School students’ education every day. In addition to asking the “why” and “how” behind their lessons, Upper School teachers also ask more of their students, and synchronously, students expect more from their peers. This beautiful balance results in classes that are engaging, hands-on, and challenging. Rigor means that students are not told how to solve problems, but rather given the chance to explore and discover applicable solutions, because at MPA, rigor equates to participation and involvement. It means that students are not sitting in the back, bored, disengaged and distracted, but instead are challenged, attentive, actively participating, and eager to be diving deep into complex concepts. As a result, students graduate prepared life. Read More

Meet Annika Binstadt ’25

Annika and her sister KensiWhat do you love about MPA?
It sounds cliché, but MPA is my home away from home. I know that I can come to school each day and I will have teachers, friends, coaches, and administrators all ready to welcome me. Whenever I speak with students who don’t go to MPA and they tell me how much they dread going to school or that they don’t feel comfortable being themselves at school, I realize that I have never had that experience at MPA. Not only is the Mounds Park campus where I spend most of my time, but it is where I have made many of my fondest memories and closest friends. It is the place that has raised and nurtured me, and it is a huge part of what has shaped my personality, interests, and character.

Why do you believe your teachers teach the way they do?
Teachers at MPA genuinely care for their students, and it shows in the way they teach. At this school, I have never felt like just a grade or another essay. The joy teachers have for their students and for teaching shows in everything they do, inside and outside of the classroom. The teachers are truly the heart of what makes MPA great.

How are you encouraged to dream big and do right at MPA?
At MPA, no dream is too big. If you see a solution, you pursue it. My dreams have been supported, even when they were far-fetched and arguably impossible. There is a strong culture of justice, dedication, and collaboration among the students. Read More

Our Community Is Powerful And Strong

from Bill Hudson, head of school

Throughout the day, you have undoubtedly received multiple messages from MPA and other non-profits urging you to make a gift today. Give to the Max Day in Minnesota is a fun and exciting way to maximize your giving to make a tremendous impact on schools and non-profits. For instance, we have an opportunity today at MPA to unlock $100,000 in gifts if we raise $250,000.

In determining your philanthropic priorities, you may ask, “Why give to MPA? Why give philanthropically when I already pay tuition?” That’s a fair question. From one perspective, an MPA education is transactional. Families pay tuition and, in return, receive an excellent education. However, I would venture to say that the relationship between the students, faculty, staff, and families is much more than a simple business transaction. It is transformative, and that is what motivates me more than ever to give to MPA. Read More

Parents Association Book Festival & More

December 5-11
This year, the MPA Book Festival will arrive just in time for holiday gifts or Winter Break reading! Usborne will be joining us in the Gallery during the school day with a wide range of books. Come and peruse the selection, chat with Liz, and enjoy the books on display. Valley Bookseller, a local independent bookstore, will also be represented online and via gift cards. Teacher wish lists will be available soon. Come and share the love of books and reading with all of your family. Please contact Michelle Wessely,, with any questions or for more information.

We are asking for donations of books for readers of all ages (hardcover and paperbacks). Carts are located at the Upper and Lower School entrances through December 9 for convenient drop-off. Sales of these used books take place during the Book Festival and the proceeds benefit the library.

December 7 at 6 PM in the MPA Library, the MPAPA will host a book club moderated by Dr. Bill Hudson. This year’s selection is The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray. “A remarkable novel about J. P. Morgan’s personal librarian, Bella da Costa Greene, the Black American woman who was forced to hide her true identity and pass as white in order to leave a lasting legacy that enriched our nation.”

Sign up for the book club here
Sign up here to volunteer here Read More

Middle School Division News November 10, 2022

from Jenn Milam, Middle School director

I’m happy to report that we have made it safe, healthy, and happy to November on the heels of a beautiful fall and a successful end to our first quarter. As you’ll receive from me on Friday with the release of grade reports, the end of a quarter is a time to reflect, to process, and to set goals for moving forward. The Middle School faculty and I ask for your partnership and continued diligence in supporting your student in timely arrival at school, continued diligence in completing schoolwork, and clarity and consistency in supporting our Middle School Community Expectations. Good habits are not always hard to develop, but sustaining engagement, focus, and efficient work habits can be challenging and your support is truly important and most welcomed as we move into the colder months when motivation and persistence can wane a bit. We can all use some encouragement in our daily lives!

Planned Absences and Attendance Policy
As we approach the holidays and time when families begin to plan for longer times away, I’d like to ask you to review our Planned Absence and Attendance Policy. Both can be found in our Community Handbook and I ask that you read and review with your student.

If you and your family plan to travel outside of the MPA scheduled holidays, please contact the Middle School office to notify us of your planned and extended absence. It is your student’s responsibility to notify teachers of their time away, and request that materials (when possible) be prepared to accompany them while away so that they can keep up to date with schoolwork. If your planned absence impacts a major assessment or project due date, the student and you, should work with the teacher to develop a plan for when those items will be completed and/or scheduled for a make-up date.

If a student is absent from school, per our policy, they have that many days to make-up missed work. More, if a student is absent on a planned assessment day, they should be prepared to sit for that assessment upon their return, unless otherwise arranged with the teacher.

When questions or need for clarification arise, please reach out to your student’s advisor and/or the individual teacher for support. Read More

Parents Association News & Events November 10, 2022

Save the Date for the MPA Book Festival
December 5-11
This year, the MPA Book Festival will arrive just in time for holiday gifts or Winter Break reading! This year we’ll be back in person with opportunities for parents to engage in the festivities. Please contact Michelle Wessely,, with any questions or for more information.

Usborne will be joining us in the Gallery during the school day with a wide range of books. Come and peruse the selection, chat with Liz, and enjoy the books on display. Valley Bookseller, a local independent bookstore, will also be represented online and via gift cards. Teacher wish lists will be available soon. Come and share the love of books and reading with all of your family.

Needed! Your Gently Used Books. We are asking for donations of books for readers of all ages (hardcover and paperbacks). Carts are located at the Upper and Lower School entrances through December 9 for convenient drop-off. Sales of these used books take place during the Book Festival and the proceeds benefit the library.

Wanted! Your time. If you would like to sign-up to help out, we would love to have you. Decorate, sell used books, or help LS students shop and create wish lists during library time. Be sure to look through all three tabs on the Signup Genius. Many thanks to those who have already signed-up!

Prepare….for Book Club! During the week of the Book Festival, the MPAPA hosts a book club moderated by Dr. Bill Hudson on December 7 at 6 PM in the MPA Library. This year’s selection is The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray. “A remarkable novel about J. P. Morgan’s personal librarian, Bella da Costa Greene, the Black American woman who was forced to hide her true identity and pass as white in order to leave a lasting legacy that enriched our nation.” The PA provides books for those interested in taking part in the evening’s discussion. Sign up for a book using this google form. Questions, email

PA Board Meeting
Friday, November 18 at 9 AM
The next MPA PA board meeting will be open to PA members. If you’re interested in attending, email for a zoom link and more information.

Upcoming Community Events
If you are interested in signing up for any of these events, please email Staci at or Venmo @Staci-Banks-Hehenberger with the name of the event and number attending in the comment line.

MPA at the MIA
November 20 at 1 PM
Join other MPA families to tour the Special Exhibit, Botticelli and Renaissance Florence: Masterworks from the Uffizi. The cost of the exhibition is $20.00 for adults and free for children, and the MPAPA will be picking up the cost of the guided tour.

US Parent Dinner at India Palace
December 3, 8-10 PM
Looking for something to do while your US student dances the night away? Come meet other parents and have dinner at India Palace in Woodbury! They will stay open late for us, so please come and enjoy delicious food and great company.

If you are interested in signing up for any of these events, please email Staci at or Venmo @Staci-Banks-Hehenberger with the name of the event and number attending in the comment line.

Middle School Show Tickets On Sale Now

This fall will be our first full return to the Black Box, with the Middle School production, “Space Princess Wars” by Don Zolidis. It is a bit ridiculous, at times chaotic, but always a lot of fun! Ms. J and Ms. Mastel have been working with 61 Middle and Upper School students to bring this show to life. Star Wars + The Princess Bride = Space Princess Wars!

Tickets go on sale tomorrow, Friday November 4, for the following days/times:

Friday, November 18 at 7 PM
Saturday, November 19 at 2 PM
Sunday, November 20 at 2 PM

Forward Together

11.3.22from Bill Hudson, head of school

It is nearly impossible not to notice that pumpkin spice has overtaken the grocery aisles. According to NielsenIQ data, pumpkin spice products accounted for more than $231 million in sales over last year, 27% higher than the year before. Someone even noticed a sign at a service station offering pumpkin spice oil changes. While I am not a fan of anything pumpkin spice flavored, it does serve as a reminder of fall and the season of gratitude. It won’t be long before many families and friends gather for Thanksgiving and share with one another. In the midst of passing the gravy and turkey, we will share all the reasons we are grateful this year.

As we move into a season of gratitude, our annual fall fundraising drive launches this Monday, November 7, and continues through Friday, November 18. Give to the Max Day is Thursday, November 17, and includes our own special tradition of a faculty and staff lip sync competition and all-school assembly.

Our fall campaign theme, “Forward Together,” represents the momentum we are experiencing as we come together as a community, both metaphorically and literally. After two and one-half years of isolation, separation, and distancing, our building is full again with parents, grandparents, friends, and special guests, adding even more joy to an already joyful school community.

Last Friday was a good example. If you don’t know, MPA has had a longstanding tradition of Lower School students parading through the halls of the school in their Halloween costumes, much to the delight of Middle and Upper School students who take a break from their studies to join in the celebration. Students, faculty, staff, and parents line the hallways to smile, wave, and applaud the Lower School students. I can never decide what I appreciate more—the faces of the young students on parade or the older students cheering them on! Read More