Five Things To Know About MPA From Maren G.

Maren with her i-term group in QuebecAs an eighth grader, Maren speaks to leadership opportunities in Middle School, competing on the Nordic ski team, the value of a closely-knit community, and more!

1. We have i-Term in Middle School.

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to travel to Quebec, Canada last year for i-Term. I learned so much about French-Canadian culture and ate a lot of local cuisine.

2. Athletic team experiences are memorable.

I ski every winter on MPA’s Nordic team. It is a great experience and has provided the opportunity to meet new friends, enjoy the Minnesota winter, and improve my skiing!

3. There are so many fine arts opportunities.

The options MPA provides to excel in fine arts has made me a more well-rounded person, and I enjoy being able to play both violin and sing in choir.

4. Students are encouraged to lead.

MPA encourages students to join clubs or create their own. My friends and I run Design Club in the middle school. Some of our past projects include designing the middle school planner, locker posters, and appreciation gifts for our teachers.

5. We have a small, close community

I am grateful for the opportunity to attend MPA with my three sisters. I have one older sister who is a sophomore, and two younger sisters who are in sixth grade and third grade. I am lucky to see them at school thanks to the cohesive community bond we have between divisions.

MPA Takes On Future City Competition

Students at Future City Competition. Three teams were selected from the nine teams that participated in the Future City Competition from MPA. The three teams, Larmes (Holland B., Sylvie W., Mason R., Brooke S., Lily M.), AuroraVann (Mia K., Jaclyn L., Ford B., Maren G., Violette N.), and Makarapolis (Declan S, Sukey R., Tori M., Olivia K., Madelyn K.) attended the regional competition, which was held on Saturday, January 18, at Metro State University St. Paul campus. Teams spent the morning giving their seven-minute presentation twice to two different teams of City Model/Presentation judges. Teams had to present what makes their city innovative and keeps its citizens healthy and safe. Judges then had 8-10 minutes to ask the teams questions about their city.

When teams were not giving their presentations to the City Model/Q&A judges, Special Awards judges visited them and asked them questions specific to the Special Awards. Each team could select up to six Special Awards for which they wanted to be interviewed.

AuroraVann made it to the afternoon judging, where the top five teams of the competition presented. AuroraVann received an honorable mention and an award for having the most points for their city model. Makarapolis won an award for Readiness for Natural and Human-made Disasters, given to the team that has demonstrated the most thought into addressing risks to its infrastructure and populace stemming from potential natural and human-made disasters. We are so proud of our Panther representatives!

Photos from the Future City Competition can be found here.

Why Alumni Are Choosing MPA For Their Children

Middle School students working on homework togetherThis message is from MPA’s Office of Admission from the January 22 issue of Inside MPA. Click here to get in touch with Admission and learn more!

The full-circle moment of welcoming alumni back when they bring their own children to MPA is very special. As such a young school, we’ve started to see an upward trend of alumni bringing their children to MPA in recent years. And because the fabric of our alumni community is so unique, we hear a lot of different reasons why; joyful memories of their time here, aligning values, an overall feeling of home, and crediting MPA for preparing them for the world.

“A lot of who I am and who I came to be started in this building and continues to stay with me today,” says Spencer Butts, a class of 1999 MPA alum. “I’ve seen both of my boys, since they’ve been at MPA, learn better study habits and learn how to challenge themselves without being prompted. I think their self-confidence–socially and academically–has changed and improved. MPA really beautifully walks along that fence of making sure that students understand that rigor is an important part of life. But, I think it’s also understood that you have to be able to understand failure to succeed at the end of the day.” This is why Spencer chose MPA for his children.

Like Spencer, our alumni have had transformative experiences at MPA, and they want their children to benefit from the same environment that shaped their own growth–both academically and personally. Alumni returning, and bringing the next generation with them, reflects the lasting impact MPA strives to have on students for a lifetime.

Please Welcome Back Ms. Sarah McFarland To MPA!

Sarah McFarland School Picture 2023MPA is excited to announce the return of Ms. Sarah McFarland! She will take over as a long-term substitute physical education and health teacher and will teach fifth-grade health, fifth through seventh-grade P.E., and ninth and 10th-grade P.E. We are thrilled to reintroduce her to the community!

From what school/organization are you coming?
I previously taught at MPA before teaching middle school math at a local public school.

Tell us about your education and past experience.
I am a familiar face at MPA, returning after a brief hiatus teaching middle school math at a local public school. While new to the Middle and Upper School P.E. department, I’ve worn many hats over the years (math, English, ESL/AL&C, Program coordinator) and am super excited to don this one, too!

What did you find appealing about MPA?
I love MPA’s gentle embrace of the awesome, quirky, and depthless potential of every student—especially the Middle Schoolers who are near and dear to my heart. Likewise, I have found community here (for my own quirky, awesome self!) that cannot be matched anywhere else. There is so much good to be found here!

What lasting impact do you plan to have on MPA and its students?
I simply want to carry students kindly and thoughtfully through this ever-changing world and their ever-changing selves. I hope they see themselves as dynamic, amazing, forever-learning, endlessly capable humans who strive to dream big while doing right.
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Middle School Division News January 16, 2025

Middle School student works with with Lower School student in the Makerspace. from Paul Errickson, Middle School director

Mark Your Calendars 

  • Friday, January 17: End of Quarter 2
  • Monday, January 20: No Classes, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Tuesday, January 21: No Classes, Grading & Professional Development
  • Wednesday, January 22: MS G7/8 Affinity Group Meeting, 2:30-3PM, Panther Center
  • Thursday, January 23: HeadSpace: Meeting Our Educational Promise Through A Competency-Based Approach To Education, 7-8 PM, Thursday, January 23: HeadSpace: Meeting Our Educational Promise Through A Competency-Based Approach To Education, 7-8 PM, Virtual Meeting, Check Email For Link
  • Friday, January 24: PA Family Trivia Night, 6-8 PM, Family Commons
  • Saturday, January 25: MS Quiz Bowl Tournament, 8:30 AM-3 PM, Edgewood Middle School, Mounds View
  • Thursday, January 30: MS G5 Music Share, 2:20-3 PM, Recital Hall
  • Friday, January 31: Returning Family Re-Enrollment Agreements Sent
  • Friday, January 31: MS G5-8 Talent Show, 12:30-3 PM, Nicholson Center
  • Wednesday, February 5: MS G7/8 Affinity Group Meeting, 2:30-3 PM, Panther Center
  • Thursday, February 6: LS/MS Evening Conferences, 3:30-8 PM
  • Friday, February 7: LS/MS Conferences, 8 AM-3 PM

With the transition into a new year and our academic quarters changing—the end of quarter 2 is Friday, January 17—it’s only natural for us to take time to reflect on the first half of the year and look ahead to what is to come in 2025. As our students returned from the winter break, they looked taller, more confident and comfortable, and newer…the newer may have just been because many were wearing the hoodies or shoes they got over break. At the start of the year, our fifth graders looked (and acted) more like fourth graders. Now, they are quickly on their way into the heart of their Middle School years. And, our eighth graders are acting and looking more and more like Upper Schoolers as well. What impressed me most, though, was how quickly and easily all our folks got right back to learning.

Last Friday, we had one of our best Middle School Meetings yet, with student announcements about raising awareness about pollution and plastics to a seventh-grade novel reading with a couple of our students. A couple of our eighth-grade Future Cities teams described their projects and the upcoming competition. And, as part of our Dream Big, Do Right Advisory Challenge, Mrs. Kramer’s advisory announced that they were collecting supplies to restock everyone’s school supplies. Each Middle School student will get a couple of pencils with extra erasers and a few other things from her advisory this week.

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Announcing The Hudson Fund

Dr. Hudson greets a Lower School familyfrom Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

As I prepare to step away from my role as head of school at Mounds Park Academy at the end of this school year, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey this community has taken together. It has been my deepest honor to serve this extraordinary school, to walk alongside students, faculty, and families who inspire me every day with their strength, compassion, and determination.

When the Board of Trustees kindly asked how they might celebrate my tenure, my thoughts turned not to recognition but to the students who represent the heart of MPA’s mission. It is in their stories—of resilience, courage, and triumph over adversity—that I have found my greatest
fulfillment. Warren Buffet once said, “Tell me who your heroes are, and I’ll tell you how you’re going to turn out.” Truly, students are my heroes, and I am incredibly grateful that the board knew me well enough to establish and work with me to initiate the Hudson Fund for Resilient Students.

This endowed fund embodies our shared commitment to ensuring that every student, regardless of the challenges they face, has the opportunity to thrive at MPA. Whether overcoming personal, academic, or socio-economic barriers, these students exemplify the values we hold dear: perseverance, dedication, and the belief that education has the power to transform lives. Read More

Five Things To Know About MPA From Hadley R.

Hadley playing basketball at the Target CenterWhat makes your MPA experience unique to you? How do you find a home at MPA?

We’re excited to launch this new series, in which we’ll share what’s special about our school through the eyes of our community, from cherished traditions to memorable classes and projects. Middle School student Hadley shares her top five things to know about MPA!

1. We have no-cut athletics.

I had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I was able to play with the varsity team at the Target Center!

2. There’s a variety of fine arts.

This year, I loved building the set for “The Odyssey” in Theatre III class!

3. The i-Term experience.

I’ve done the Survivor i-Term and New York i-Term. It’s such a fun experience to have with my friends and make new ones along the way!

4. We have an annual Hour of Code week.

I get to learn coding in different settings and ways.

5. We have an amazing Middle School band.

I love playing the trumpet and learning more about the instrument!

The Remarkable Value Of A MPA Education

Head of School, Dr. Bill Hudson smiles at a studentfrom Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

As we approach the midpoint of this academic year, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for entrusting us with your child’s education. Returning to school after a long break can be tough for anyone, especially our students, but it was wonderful to see the excitement and joy on the faces of our students on Monday. The privilege of partnering with you to nurture, challenge, and inspire your children is one that I cherish deeply. Today, I invite you to reflect on the extraordinary value of a Mounds Park Academy education and the enduring impact it has on our students, families, and community.

Although we are in the depth of winter, we are already hard at work planning for the 2025-2026 school year. Our outstanding admission team is hard at work fielding inquiries from prospective families and guiding them toward enrollment. In just a few weeks, we will begin the re-enrollment process for returning families. At their January 27 meeting, the MPA Board of Trustees will approve a preliminary budget for the upcoming school year by setting tuition and determining compensation for faculty and staff. This is a challenging task because the decision is made on an enrollment forecast of both new and returning students. However, it is important for parents and guardians to know tuition before re-enrolling, which allows the school to offer work agreements to teachers before spring break. Read More

MPA Experiences At The January 26 Preview

Two middle school students coding with sphero We’re thrilled to offer six MPA experiences at the PreK-12 MPA Preview on January 26, 2025! These are formatted for your family to completely customize your time at the event and take part in the hands-on, joyful learning MPA students do every day. In this casual format, you can explore as many sessions as you’d like and switch to a different one at any time. As you explore our classrooms, interact with students and faculty, and experience firsthand our approach to learning, you’ll discover what makes MPA a spectacular place to learn and grow.

Lower School Homeroom Teacher Meet & Connect | Recommended for Lower School
Meet our Lower School teachers! Stop into the homeroom of the grade(s) you’re exploring to meet, connect, and ask any questions you may have for our faculty.

Reach New Heights On The MPA Climbing Wall | Open to all ages PreK-12
Belay on! The MPA climbing wall is open to all skill levels and ages. With MPA physical education teachers as your guides, you’ll receive tips and support to reach new heights.

Behind The Scenes Of “Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery” | Open to all ages PreK-12
Go behind the scenes of “Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery” with the cast and crew of the show! You’ll get to tour the set, peek at the makeup and costumes, meet MPA theatre faculty, and explore the magic of our Black Box Theatre. Read More

Warmly Welcoming 2025

Upper school students working together writing on the boardThis message is from MPA’s Office of Admission from the January 8 issue of Inside MPA. Click here to get in touch with Admission and learn more!

The new year has arrived, and MPA’s office of admission is both reflecting on what went well in the past year and dreaming big about what else we can work on as we embark on the next.

Ask around the MPA community, and you’ll hear a recurring theme of our school’s warmth and welcoming, family-oriented atmosphere. We are a close-knit community of students, parents, and educators who believe that everyone thrives when we are inclusive, collaborative, and having fun together. Read More