Coming Home

Heads Messagefrom Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

I’m old enough to remember those nostalgic Folgers coffee commercials in which a son surprises his family by coming home for the holidays. The warmth, laughter, and love conveyed in those moments brought home the idea that “home” is far more than just a physical place—it’s about the emotions, traditions, and connections we share with one another. That commercial tugged at my heartstrings every time, often bringing a tear to my eye.

Within families, traditions arise and are celebrated, nurturing emotions of acceptance that go beyond the concept of a home as a physical or geographical location. Likewise, Homecoming at MPA has a distinctive meaning as a PreK-12 school. Throughout this week, students of all ages have shown their school spirit in countless ways. From the annual Lower School coloring project and the Homecoming-themed CHAMP Assembly to Middle School poster-making and Upper School dress-up days, the energy has been palpable. Our student-athletes have even been greeting everyone with a smile outside door one each morning. The week culminates with a pep fest tomorrow and athletic contests and activities on Saturday, September 28, and all students, regardless of their grade level, are warmly invited to attend and celebrate together.

Merriam-Webster defines homecoming as “the act of returning to your home or to a place that is like your home.” At MPA, we often refer to our school as a second home—a place where both students and adults are known and valued. This sense of belonging is deeply embedded in our school’s DNA, and it is a crucial element of who we are. Research consistently shows that emotional safety and a strong sense of community are essential for personal growth and academic success.

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Middle School Division News September 26, 2024

MS Division Newsfrom Paul Errickson, Middle School director

Mark Your Calendars 

  • Friday, September 27: MS G5/6 MAP Testing
  • Friday, September 27: MS Quarterly Coffee, 8-9 AM, PCR
  • Friday, September 27: PreK-12 Spirit Wear Day
  • Friday, September 27: G3-12 Homecoming Assembly, 2:30-3 PM, Lansing Sports Center
  • Friday, September 27: Hall of Fame Dinner, 6-8 PM, Family Commons
  • Saturday, September 28: Homecoming, information here >
  • Monday, September 30-Wednesday, October 2: MS G8 Wolf Ridge Overnight Trip
  • Tuesday, October 1: School Photo Retakes, 8-10 AM, Indoor Track
  • Wednesday, October 2: MS G7 & New G8 Signs of Suicide Screening
  • Tuesday, October 8: HeadSpace: Civil Discourse in a Polarized Society, Election 2024, 7-8 PM, via Zoom >
  • Thursday, October 10: All School Evening Conferences, 3:30-8 PM
  • Friday, October 11: No Classes, All School Conferences, 8 AM-5 PM, Panther Care >
  • Monday, October 14: No Classes, Indigenous Peoples’ Day
  • Tuesday, October 15: Election 2024 Through Civil Discourse: A Sample Lesson for MS/US Parents, 6-7 PM, PCR, register here >
  • Wednesday, October 16: LS/MS Grandparents and Special Friends Day, 8 AM-3 PM, information here >
  • Wednesday, October 16: LS/MS Grandparents and Special Friends Day Performance, 11 AM-12 PM, Nicholson Center
  • Thursday, October 17-Friday, October 18: No Classes, Fall Break, Panther Care >

From helping students learn how to open their lockers and navigate Schoology to setting them into classroom routines, getting the school year up and running takes quite an effort.

Over the past two weeks (and into next week for our eighth graders), we have gotten to know many of our Middle School students through two diverse ways. With the fifth and sixth grade overnight trips, many of our faculty joined our students on hikes, in treetops, and even for a “polar plunge.” Teachers got to know students, students got to know them, and everyone got to know each other better. Through laughter and tears, smores and snores, our students were challenged in various ways, and their teachers and classmates were there to support them and help them learn from these meaningful experiences. You can see some of the actions captured by our teachers on the school’s Flickr page.

The experiences that our students have on these trips helps us to talk with them about stepping out of their comfort zones, challenging themselves, and supporting others. They also serve as metaphors for ways to take on challenges in the classroom, such as how scaling the climbing wall, one hold at a time, helps us to tackle a big project or homework load or how the team building needed for a group to orient through an unknown forest might encourage students to look to a peer for help when feeling lost or needing a friend. We are already reaping the rewards of this experience as we notice new friendships, new feelings of connection, and increased empathy.

Next week, our eighth graders will have their overnight trip to Wolf Ridge in Finland, MN; I’m excited to join and ask them to think about leadership skills and legacy as they spend their final year in Middle School. Read More

Reaffirming Ideals Rooted In Our Founding Principles

Headsmessagefrom Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

Last week, I wrote to you about parental stress, highlighting an advisory issued by the U.S. Surgeon General. The ongoing threat of school shootings and the heated nature of the current political landscape have only heightened parental concerns. These issues, intertwined with children’s mental health, safety, technology, and social media, are pulling apart families and communities. This leaves many feeling hopeless and deepens the fears and cynicism of the old and young alike. Families and communities are being torn apart, leaving many without hope and fueling the fears and cynicism of young and old alike. But there must be a path forward, and I am steadfast in ensuring MPA is part of the solution.

As we approach the 2024 presidential election, Mounds Park Academy is reaffirming its commitment to civil discourse, civic engagement, and respect for diverse perspectives. These ideals are not new to MPA but deeply rooted in our founding principles. In 1981, co-founder Bob Kreischer envisioned a school that would prepare students to be “good citizens capable of dealing with the problems they will face in an ever-changing world.” This vision was heavily influenced by John Dewey’s educational philosophy, focusing on experiential, hands-on learning.

In today’s politically charged climate, it is more important than ever that students learn to navigate differing viewpoints with thoughtfulness and respect. MPA teaches students to analyze information critically, distinguish credible sources, and engage in evidence-based discussions. We model how to address complex issues with understanding, empathy, and inclusivity, equipping students to become well-informed, active participants in society. Read More

Parent Mental Health: An Urgent Public Health Concern

Headsmessage from Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

Many of you have kindly asked how my daughter, Ari, and I are doing. I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness. Ari is diving into her studies and college life and seems to be adjusting well. As for me? I’m still navigating the emotional rollercoaster that comes with dropping your child off at college. Recently, I’ve found myself wishing I had held onto that hug just a little longer. At the time, I tried so hard not to let my anxiety overshadow her excitement. I gave her a typical hug, said I loved her, and walked away. But now, I catch myself wondering if I overreacted or perhaps underreacted. Either way, I’m left questioning how well I managed that moment.

You may hear me mention this transition a few more times because it serves as a reminder: whether your child is starting school for the first time, moving up a grade, joining a new division, or leaving for college, new beginnings are challenging for both children and their parents. Parenting doesn’t become easier as our children grow older—it seems to get even more complex.

The pressure we face as parents has intensified significantly. So much so, that the U.S. Surgeon General recently issued an advisory on the mental health and well-being of parents. According to the advisory, over the past decade, parents have consistently reported higher levels of stress compared to other adults. In 2023, 33% of parents reported experiencing high levels of stress in the past month, compared to just 20% of other adults. Some of the key factors contributing to this include: Read More

Middle School Division News September 12, 2024

MS Division Newsfrom Paul Errickson, Middle School director

Mark Your Calendars 

  • Friday, September 13: PA Grade Rep Meeting, 8-9 AM, Family Commons
  • Sunday, September 15: New Student Admission & Indexed Tuition Applications Open
  • Monday, September 16: MS G6 Eagle Bluff Trip
  • Monday, September 16-Friday, September 20: MS G7/8 MAP Testing
  • Tuesday, September 17: MS G6 Eagle Bluff Trip
  • Wednesday, September 18: MS Grade 6 Eagle Bluff Trip
  • Wednesday, September 18: MS G5 Osprey Wild Overnight Trip
  • Thursday, September 19: MS G5 Osprey Wild Overnight Trip
  • Friday, September 20: MS G5 Osprey Wild Overnight Trip
  • Monday, September 23-Saturday, September 28: Homecoming Week
  • Monday, September 23-Friday, September 27: MS G5/6 MAP Testing
  • Friday, September 27: MS Quarterly Coffee, 8-9 AM, TBD
  • Friday, September 27: PreK-12 Spirit Wear Day
  • Friday, September 27: G3-12 Homecoming Assembly, 2:30-3 PM, Lansing Sports Center
  • Friday, September 27: Hall of Fame Dinner, 6-8 PM, Family Commons, RSVP here >
  • Saturday, September 28: Homecoming, information here >
  • Monday, September 30: MS G8 Wolf Ridge Overnight Trip
  • Tuesday, October 1: MS G8 Wolf Ridge Overnight Trip
  • Tuesday, October 1: School Photo Retakes, 8-10 AM, Indoor Track
  • Wednesday, October 2: MS G8 Wolf Ridge Overnight Trip
  • Wednesday, October 2: MS G7 & New G8 Signs of Suicide Screening

Change is in the air!

We are up and rolling through September! As our students and faculty settle back into the routine of school, we are collectively leaning into a few changes in the Middle School. With our new schedule, we find more frequent movement breaks from class where students never go more than two teaching blocks without a little time, either out at recess or in a flex period, to reset and get ready for their next challenge. We have also moved advisory to the end of the day–every day for 5/6 and every other day for 7/8–and we are using this as a time to organize, help check in, and ensure that our students are heading home with all that they need to complete any lingering schoolwork or homework.

Also new this year, we have introduced a community meeting to celebrate, inform, and share our Middle School happenings with each other. This “Middle School Meeting” takes place every time we have a “B Day” on a Friday, as this is when all students end the week with their advisories. This time together allows students and faculty to share announcements and wonderings with the Middle School. It is also where we hope our community can share their learning experiences with others.

One way of doing this is through our “Dream Big. Do Right.” Advisory Challenge, in which, throughout the course of the school year, each advisory will be asked to do something for the community in the spirit of the school motto and then share what they did with the Middle School at the next Middle School Meeting. These can be small acts of kindness that bring smiles to other’s faces or BIG, audacious ways in which an advisory looks to make MPA, or our greater community, a better place for others. Teacher Claver’s advisory was chosen first, and I will be sure to update you on what they come up with once they present it at our next Middle School Meeting. Read More

Reflecting on Safety and Community In Light Of The Recent Tragedy

Campusfrom Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

The recent school shooting in Georgia has deeply affected me, both as a parent and as the head of our school. The tragedy of losing innocent lives in a place of learning is heart-wrenching and fills me with profound sadness. My thoughts are with the families of the students and teachers who were killed and with the Apalachee High School community.

In the wake of such events, it’s natural to have concerns about the safety and security of our own children at school. I want to assure you that I have full confidence in our security measures and a deep trust in the strength of our school community. Nonetheless, we remain vigilant and committed to continuous improvement. I’d like to outline our approach to ensuring safety and security at MPA.

Our focus is not solely on security but also on fostering a positive school culture—a broader concept that encompasses both security measures and the values we uphold as a community. While security involves physical protocols and practices—what some might refer to as “hard” security—school culture encompasses the values and relationships that connect us all. Balancing these aspects is a crucial part of my role as head of school. Read More

Join MPA’s Grade 7-12 Sailing Team

FallSailingDid you know that MPA has a highly competitive and successful sailing team? While sailing is not an MSHSL sport and is run as a club at MPA, our sailors have competed at the regional, national, and collegiate levels annually for many years. No experience or boat is needed to join, and all are welcome from grades seven through 12. In fact, it’s free for the first week! Sailing is a lifelong sport that is both technical and physical, and it is a great way to make friends from MPA and other schools.


  • Practices are held September 3-October 24 (weather permitting) at White Bear Sailing School.
  • Attendance is free September 3-5—come try out the sport!
  • MPA’s team is coached and practices alongside sailors from Mahtomedi Public Schools, White Bear Public Schools, and other area schools.
  • Practices are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:30-6:30 PM.
  • Potluck and parent night Saturday, September 7 at 7 PM.
  • Parent information meeting slides can be found here.
  • Regattas are optional but encouraged and held on Saturdays on lakes throughout the Twin Cities.
  • Sailing is a spring and/or fall sport and students can participate in one or both seasons.
  • Some personal gear is required to ensure safety on the water—some gear may be available to borrow.
  • The cost is $550 per season and includes coaching and the use of boats and other equipment.

Registration and more information can be found here. If you have any questions, please reach out to MPA’s sailing team advisor, Natalie Waters Seum at We hope to see you on the water!

Get Ready For The Ice Cream Social!

ice creamLet’s celebrate the start of an incredible year! Make plans to join us for a beloved MPA tradition, the Ice Cream Social on Friday, September 6, from 3-4 PM on the South Lawn! This is an all-school opportunity to connect with one another, enjoy a sweet treat, and meet our new families.

Details For Lower School Families
If you are planning to attend, please meet your child at their classroom door and notify your child’s homeroom teacher in advance. Otherwise, we will send your child on the bus or to the drive thru lane as usual. All Lower School students must be directly supervised by an adult to get their ice cream.

Details For All Families
A sundae bar with all of the fixings will be available for students and their families. The ice cream will be peanut and tree nut free and provided by YoYo Donuts. All of the sundae bar toppings will be peanut and tree nut free and provided by SAGE. JonnyPops Organic Freezer Pops will be available at a separate station for food-allergic students. This should be safe for all MPA students, but it is not guaranteed. Ingredients will be available for review by parents or can be found at the link above. Because any frozen treat could be messy on a bus, bus riders will be sent home with allergy-friendly Partake cookies (free of top-9 allergens, gluten-free, vegan, OU Kosher). All students at Panther Club and Panther Den will be taken outside for a treat and supervised accordingly by Panther staff. Middle School students may navigate the event with or without a parent. If they are without a parent, they should be able to manage any allergies they may have.

If you have any questions or would like more information about ingredients, please contact See you there!

Emotional Milestones

headsmessagefrom Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

Welcome (back) to MPA and another fantastic school year!

Whether you’re a returning family or a family with one of the 103 new students joining the MPA community this year, it’s a fresh start and a new beginning for all of us.

First, I apologize for not being with you last week for Back To School Night. Instead, I was in Tucson, dropping my daughter off at the University of Arizona for her first year of college. I managed to keep my emotions in check—until we returned home, and I passed by her bedroom. The door was open, her bed was made, and her room was spotless—three things that had never been true before. After 34 years in education, helping launch hundreds of students into their futures, I knew saying goodbye would be hard. I just didn’t realize how hard.

Dropping a child off at college for the first time is a deeply emotional milestone for parents. In many ways, it parallels the experience of entrusting your child to a new school or, even for returning students, beginning a new school year. You and I are likely navigating similar emotions right now—moments that signify significant transitions in the parent-child relationship and mark our children’s growing independence. There’s also the natural anxiety about how our children will adapt to a new environment, whether it’s the magical world of kindergarten, a new grade, or the independence of college. Rest assured, our exceptional faculty and staff are dedicated to ensuring a successful transition and making a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of our students every single day. Read More

Middle School Division News August 29, 2024

MS Division Newsfrom Paul Errickson, Middle School director

Mark Your Calendars 

  • Monday, September 2: No Classes, Labor Day
  • Tuesday, September 3: Alumni Current Parent Coffee, 8-9:30 AM, Gallery
  • Friday, September 6: School Photos, 7:30 AM-12 PM, Indoor Track
  • Friday, September 6: Ice Cream Social, 3-4 PM, South Lawn
  • Monday, September 9: MS Show Auditions, 3:15-5:15 PM, Black Box
  • Tuesday, September 10: MS Show Auditions, 3:15-5:15 PM, Black Box
  • Wednesday, September 11: MS Show Callbacks, 3:15-5:15 PM, Black Box
  • Thursday, September 12: MS/US International Program Back to School Social, 3:30-5 PM, Benz Courtyard
  • Sunday, September 15: Admission & Indexed Tuition Applications Open
  • Monday, September 16: MS Grade 7/8 MAP Testing
  • Monday, September 16: MS Grade 6 Eagle Bluff Trip
  • Tuesday, September 17: MS Grade 7/8 MAP Testing
  • Tuesday, September 17: MS Grade 6 Eagle Bluff Trip
  • Wednesday, September 18: MS Grade 7/8 MAP Testing
  • Wednesday, September 18: MS Grade 5 Osprey Wild Overnight Trip
  • Wednesday, September 18: MS Grade 6 Eagle Bluff Trip
  • Thursday, September 19: MS Grade 7/8 MAP Testing
  • Thursday, September 19: MS Grade 5 Osprey Wild Overnight Trip
  • Friday, September 20: MS Grade 7/8 MAP Testing
  • Friday, September 20: MS Grade 5 Osprey Wild Overnight Trip
  • Friday, September 20: MS Quarterly Coffee, 8-9 AM, TBD

One of my duties that I grew to love during COVID times at my previous school was greeting students at our front door to ensure that they had completed their COVID app and were “OK for School.” Watching Middle School students enter a school is just so joyous and slightly comical. They carry a lot into our schools with backpacks filled with books, gym bags filled with sports equipment, bodies filled with energy, hearts filled with emotion, and minds filled with curiosity, joy, and a sense of belonging. While they don’t always have their shoes tied, appropriate outerwear for the weather, or even all that they need for the day (don’t forget that instrument!), they always appreciate a “good morning” and a smile, and even a fist-bump or hi-five. This week, I have genuinely been excited to work our door 4 entrance and get to greet and dismiss most of our Middle School students. I have also appreciated all the waves and the patience from you, their chauffeurs, as you shuttle them to school and navigate the exit maze created by our construction traffic plan.

Welcome to the Division News section of Panther Post. Here, every other week, I will share new information, important dates, and upcoming items that require your attention. This is a rich resource designed to help you and your student(s) plan for upcoming events and stay abreast of all the exciting events and activities we have planned for Middle School parents and students. Read More