Meet Ms. LaChapelle

PreK teacher talking to a studentPreK teacher

How many years have you been at MPA?
5 years

What do you love about MPA?
The students and families, nurturing community, and great colleagues who are passionate about what they do.

How does MPA nurture students who forever dream big and do right?
Students are given opportunities to create, explore, experiment, participate in community service projects, and have their ideas and opinions heard.

What would you tell a parent considering MPA?
MPA is a warm community with faculty and staff who are passionate about what they do. Small class sizes offer many one-on-one learning opportunities. The learning environment is engaging and hands-on. And being in a PreK through 12 school provides opportunities for cross-grade level activities that are so unique.

In what ways are you preparing students for life in the 21st century?
I offer open-ended, hands-on learning opportunities. And I encourage problem-solving, public speaking, and becoming more independent. Read More

Meet Ms. Kimmerle

Teacher in front of fourth grade classroomFourth grade teacher
Lower School Parent

How many years have you been at MPA?
This is my 13th year.

What do you love about MPA?
When I arrived on campus 12 years ago, I was immediately drawn to the passion that the school had for maintaining and building a diverse community. Having worked in San Francisco previously, I thought I was at the epicenter of an educational environment that valued diversity. I was wrong. That was here, at MPA.

Then there are the students. From my first eighth grade class, to my current fourth graders, I have been impressed with each and every one of them. There is a light … a spark … you do not find that everywhere.

And then there are my colleagues. Watching them is what makes me strive to be better each day. I’ve never been around a harder working, more dedicated group of professionals.

I love MPA as a faculty member, clearly. But now, as a parent, I can hardly put into words my love for the school without getting teary eyed. My children are thriving here, and I can’t imagine a better learning environment for them! Read More

Meet Dr. Bill Hudson

How many years have you been at MPA? Four years

What do you love about MPA?
I love the relationships between the students and their teachers and other adults in the building. Those relationships are built upon trust and respect and creates a safe, nurturing, and joyful school culture.

How does MPA nurture students who forever dream big and do right?
Dreams are grounded in a sense of safety and through self-confidence and take flight through curiosity and creativity. MPA students thrive in such a culture and, through academic and character education, come to the realization that it is their responsibility to serve the common good.

If you have worked at another school, how has your experience at MPA been different?
Having grades PreK-12 all under one roof has brought me tremendous joy and a sense of purpose. To witness children and young people discover who they are is a privilege. I love to see the way in which our younger students look up to the older students and the responsibility the older students feel for their younger buddies is incredibly fulfilling. Read More

Meet Ms. Espeland

Ms Espeland teachingHow many years have you been at MPA?
I started in the fall of 1989, so I have been here 27 years.

What do you love about MPA?
I love that the students and I get to sing, dance, play instruments, improvise, and create every other school day for 35 minutes. The students get to “dig into” learning musical skills and expressing their creative ideas. Music is considered a real subject matter, not just an extra. And, I dearly love watching the students grow from PreK and kindergarten children to accomplished young men and women.

How does MPA nurture students who forever dream big and do right?
Learning music at MPA goes beyond the basic skills of music education. Even the youngest children are asked to “show me your idea,” “sing to me about your favorite color,” or “make-up a pattern.” The children learn that their input and their ideas are important. They learn that they can create ways to express themselves. They learn that when working together with their classmates or the entire Lower School, we can create big beautiful music and dance. Performing in ensemble is like no other experience in the world. MPA students have internalized the amazing feeling of truly working together by the time they complete their kindergarten year. Read More