Five Things To Know About MPA From Maren G.

Maren with her i-term group in QuebecAs an eighth grader, Maren speaks to leadership opportunities in Middle School, competing on the Nordic ski team, the value of a closely-knit community, and more!

1. We have i-Term in Middle School.

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to travel to Quebec, Canada last year for i-Term. I learned so much about French-Canadian culture and ate a lot of local cuisine.

2. Athletic team experiences are memorable.

I ski every winter on MPA’s Nordic team. It is a great experience and has provided the opportunity to meet new friends, enjoy the Minnesota winter, and improve my skiing!

3. There are so many fine arts opportunities.

The options MPA provides to excel in fine arts has made me a more well-rounded person, and I enjoy being able to play both violin and sing in choir.

4. Students are encouraged to lead.

MPA encourages students to join clubs or create their own. My friends and I run Design Club in the middle school. Some of our past projects include designing the middle school planner, locker posters, and appreciation gifts for our teachers.

5. We have a small, close community

I am grateful for the opportunity to attend MPA with my three sisters. I have one older sister who is a sophomore, and two younger sisters who are in sixth grade and third grade. I am lucky to see them at school thanks to the cohesive community bond we have between divisions.

A Message From Clare Halloran ’03

MPA Alum Clare Halloran '03What interested you in pursuing the career that you are in now? What did the process look like to go into your career and what does it look like now? Did you always know what you wanted to dedicate your time to? How do you spend your time outside of your career?

I paused—these were good questions from my mentee, a senior at MPA. It made me think back on my career path and the turns that led me to the niche I find myself in today. I thought back on the years of figuring out “what I wanted to be.” Now I have the opportunity to share my experience—what would have been helpful for me to hear 20-plus years ago?

I first started participating in MPA’s Mentorship Program a few years ago. As part of this program, development manager Angie Gerstner thoughtfully pairs each MPA senior with an MPA alum who shares the interests or career field that the student is thinking about pursuing.

Over a few months, each mentor and mentee share a few emails with the senior leading the questions to help get to know one another, discuss college and career paths, and share challenges and general advice. The program concludes with an informal Alumni Meet & Greet each January on campus (open to all alums, not just mentors!), during which MPA seniors can ask questions of alums across all career sectors and during which alums can reconnect. Read More

Please Welcome Back Ms. Sarah McFarland To MPA!

Sarah McFarland School Picture 2023MPA is excited to announce the return of Ms. Sarah McFarland! She will take over as a long-term substitute physical education and health teacher and will teach fifth-grade health, fifth through seventh-grade P.E., and ninth and 10th-grade P.E. We are thrilled to reintroduce her to the community!

From what school/organization are you coming?
I previously taught at MPA before teaching middle school math at a local public school.

Tell us about your education and past experience.
I am a familiar face at MPA, returning after a brief hiatus teaching middle school math at a local public school. While new to the Middle and Upper School P.E. department, I’ve worn many hats over the years (math, English, ESL/AL&C, Program coordinator) and am super excited to don this one, too!

What did you find appealing about MPA?
I love MPA’s gentle embrace of the awesome, quirky, and depthless potential of every student—especially the Middle Schoolers who are near and dear to my heart. Likewise, I have found community here (for my own quirky, awesome self!) that cannot be matched anywhere else. There is so much good to be found here!

What lasting impact do you plan to have on MPA and its students?
I simply want to carry students kindly and thoughtfully through this ever-changing world and their ever-changing selves. I hope they see themselves as dynamic, amazing, forever-learning, endlessly capable humans who strive to dream big while doing right.
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Five Things To Know About MPA From Hadley R.

Hadley playing basketball at the Target CenterWhat makes your MPA experience unique to you? How do you find a home at MPA?

We’re excited to launch this new series, in which we’ll share what’s special about our school through the eyes of our community, from cherished traditions to memorable classes and projects. Middle School student Hadley shares her top five things to know about MPA!

1. We have no-cut athletics.

I had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I was able to play with the varsity team at the Target Center!

2. There’s a variety of fine arts.

This year, I loved building the set for “The Odyssey” in Theatre III class!

3. The i-Term experience.

I’ve done the Survivor i-Term and New York i-Term. It’s such a fun experience to have with my friends and make new ones along the way!

4. We have an annual Hour of Code week.

I get to learn coding in different settings and ways.

5. We have an amazing Middle School band.

I love playing the trumpet and learning more about the instrument!

Please Welcome Ms. Julia Ross To MPA!

Ross WPMPA is excited to announce the hiring of Ms. Julia Ross as the Lower School learning specialist. She started on December 2, and we are thrilled to introduce her to the community!

From what school/organization are you coming?
I taught first grade at Partnership Academy.

Tell us about your education and past experience.
I have my bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, and my master’s degree in educational leadership from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. I have taught first grade for the past seven years and absolutely loved my time in the classroom. One of my favorite things about education is building relationships with students, helping them learn so much about the world and themselves, and showing them they are capable of oh so many things!

What did you find appealing about MPA?
I immediately felt that my beliefs aligned with Mounds Park Academy. The inclusivity, high academic achievement, and the commitment to being student-centered is what really drew me in. I can already tell that Mounds Park Academy is committed to each and every student and believes they can achieve anything. I am beyond excited to be a part of the community and to make an impact here.

What lasting impact do you plan to have on MPA and its students?
I believe my commitment to academic excellence and building character will go a long way. I am eager to begin building relationships with students, showing them they can do anything and helping them achieve their dreams! Read More

A Message From Alumni Board Member Kevin McQuade ’07

McquadeAs I see my two-year-old daughter Rory bounce to music (usually to Taylor Swift or Pitbull, to be honest…) in our living room, I’m transported back to MPA’s band room, where Ms. Goucher and Ms. Wantock challenged us to stretch beyond our comfort zones with both the technical music selection and the style of play. Those years of playing taught me more than just musical notes—they instilled a deep appreciation for the joy of creative expression and the rewards of patient practice. Now, as a parent, I find myself drawing on these lessons, encouraging my daughter to explore, create, and persist even when things don’t come easily. It’s because of generous giving during the fall campaign (as well as donations year-round) that students from around the school are able to try, tinker, and hone their skills with a number of musical instruments not available at many schools around the country.

Beyond the arts, my time with educators like Ms. Murr and Mr. Vergin shaped my approach to raising a compassionate human being. Their dedication to fostering empathy and understanding across socioeconomic differences continues to influence how my wife and I guide my daughter. Whether we’re sharing toys at the playground or meeting new neighbors, I hear echoes of their teachings about compassion, kindness, and inclusivity. It is to that end that my wife and I specifically contributed to continue the momentum of the Center for Inclusive Teaching and Learning. As someone who struggled to learn via traditional experiences, particularly in later Middle School and early high school, this mission resonates and, I believe, will enhance the educational journey of many of MPA’s best and brightest.

MPA’s nurturing environment showed me that education extends far beyond textbooks and test scores. As a consultant supporting the federal government (and coach at a gym on the side), the ability to learn about, excite, and build relationships with people from around the world keeps me motivated and open-minded to a variety of perspectives and opinions. I believe the ability to listen, understand, and engage with viewpoints other than your own is critical in today’s society, regardless of your focus area(s).

Today, I’m grateful for the foundation laid during my years at Mounds Park Academy. The school’s commitment to developing well-rounded, thoughtful individuals shapes not only my life and parenting philosophy but also my hopes for my daughter’s future—that she too will grow up to be curious, kind, and eager to make a positive difference in the world. I hope you and your families feel equally as appreciative of MPA’s philosophy and help support continued and impactful initiatives across the school. Please join me in igniting dreams, one gift at a time!

Please Welcome Ms. Staydohar To MPA!

SantinaMPA is excited to announce the hiring of Ms. Santina Staydohar as an assistant to the Lower School director! She started on October 9, and we are thrilled to introduce her to the community!

From what school/organization are you coming?
I am coming from Children’s Minnesota Hospital, where I worked on the St. Paul campus.

Tell us about your education and past experience.
I previously worked as an assistant for almost three years and as a health unit coordinator in the Children’s Minnesota Hospital Emergency Department.

What did you find appealing about MPA?
I found the community aspect of MPA to be the most appealing. Everyone was super nice and helpful during my interview.

What lasting impact do you plan to have on MPA and its students?
I plan to always be a helping hand and a warm face to the students and teachers at MPA.

What’s your big dream?
I would love to travel to Bali! Read More

Please Welcome Ms. Mwaniki To MPA

MPA is delighted to announce the hiring of Ms. Juliet Mwaniki as a year-round PreK faculty member starting October 7, 2024! Please take some time to get to know Ms. Mwaniki.

From what school/organization are you coming? 
Breakthrough Twin Cities/Minerva University

Tell us about your education and past experience. 
I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in arts, humanities, and social sciences from Minerva University. Throughout my academic journey, I studied in six countries, gaining a global perspective and a deep appreciation for diverse cultures.

My professional experience includes roles as a teaching fellow at Breakthrough Twin Cities, a program coordinator at Minerva University, and a college counseling advisor at Equity Group Foundation. These experiences have equipped me with strong skills in curriculum development, classroom management, student assessment, and building inclusive learning environments.

What did you find appealing about MPA? 
I was drawn to Mounds Park Academy’s commitment to nurturing the human spirit, fostering social justice, and promoting critical thinking. The school’s innovative education model, which fosters a joy of learning and encourages students to be enthusiastic and self-driven, aligns perfectly with my own educational philosophy. Additionally, I was impressed by the opportunities for professional development and collaboration within the PreK teaching team. Read More

Alumni Association Welcomes New Members

As the new school year approaches, the Alumni Association welcomes its new Alumni Board members. Please join us in thanking them for their service to the community!

Kevin McQuade ’07Kevin

For what grades did you attend MPA?
I attended MPA K-12.

Why did you choose to pursue a position on the Alumni Association Board?
Bringing a diverse perspective helps position MPA students, faculty, staff, and alumni alike to succeed. I jumped at the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing conversation of how to engage alumni to support MPA’s holistic mission.

In what ways do you see yourself as a supporter of MPA and its mission?
Two aspects of MPA’s mission and vision resonated with me as a student, and continue to do so as an adult. First, the concept of “do right” should be at the top of people’s minds as they go through their day-to-day lives, not just as students but as adults. It serves as an important reminder to focus beyond oneself and do the right thing at every turn. Second, an early focus on the integration of technology and experiential learning positions students to be valued, innovative, and sociable contributors to our culture. I am also excited about the recently announced Center for Inclusive Teaching & Learning, as inclusive principles and understanding were key to my growth and education at a young age.

What are you currently doing, professionally and/or personally?
I live in Washington, D.C., with my wife Erica and our two-year-old daughter, Rory! My focus is on strategic planning and innovation for the U.S. Government, mostly in the defense, intelligence, and security portfolios. I have spent over a decade leading efforts to improve Federal transportation security, cybersecurity operations, and procurement. Read More

Welcome to MPA, Mandi Wilson!

WilsonWelcome to MPA, Mandi Wilson! Mandi started as a Pre-K teacher on August 14, and we are so excited to introduce her to our community!

From what school/organization are you coming?
I am coming from Children’s House Montessori School. (Eau Claire, WI)

Tell us about your education and past experience.
I have a Bachelor of Science in biology with a minor in chemistry. I have a Professional Science Master’s Degree in conservation biology. I subbed for Eau Claire Public Schools before becoming a lead PreK teacher at the Children’s House.

What did you find appealing about MPA?
I truly value the emphasis of individual growth, inclusiveness, and the development of a global responsibility. I appreciate the welcoming atmosphere that promotes and celebrates diversity on multiple levels.

What lasting impact do you plan to have on MPA?
I want our students to feel safe, loved, and appreciated for who they are. I feel lucky to be able to bond with students and families to become a part of their educational journey! Read More