Meet The Mick Family

MickFamilyWhat do you love about MPA?
MPA is an absolute gem of a school. There is a strong commitment to and follow-through with caring for others, and teaching respect toward others, all the while providing the students with an environment where developing the individual is very important.

How is your child encouraged to dream big and do right at MPA?
Our kindergartner is constantly encouraged and supported to reach further within his capabilities. The students are consistently supported to make thoughtful decisions, by wonderful, expert teaching staff.

What would you tell another parent considering MPA?
MPA is the place to be. It is where students flourish, are given life skills that will serve them well in their adult lives, while providing a wide, varied curriculum that gives them a tremendous advantage for further learning. Both horizontal and vertical pattern knowledge is layered in with thoughtful application.

In what ways has MPA prepared your child for life in the 21st century?
Our student, though only in Kindergarten, has been given tools of caring, support, understanding, negotiation, and is learning to verbalize issues. The result is a very well rounded student who considers others, as well as himself, who is caring, and thoughtful toward others. Read More

Meet The Kim Family

What do you love about MPA?
The balanced, supportive, and flexible environment at MPA resonates with our own philosophies as educators and parents and has given us a unified sense of purpose—education not only for our child, but for our family. When your child is happy and getting a great education, nothing else matters. We are so grateful for the opportunity to call MPA home and consider it a true privilege.

How is your child encouraged to dream big and do right at MPA?
William is consistently challenged to think critically and meaningfully about current social and political issues.  His evolving knowledge, character, and emotional intelligence will equate with self-empowerment and increased opportunity.

If your child has attended another school, how has your experience at MPA been different?
Aside from the obvious benefits of small class sizes and individualized attention, MPA’s supportive and collegial atmosphere among students and faculty is exceptional.

What would you tell another parent considering MPA?
The only thing that went smoothly during our international move was our school choice. Our colleagues at the University recommended MPA. We visited. We fell in love. There’s something extra at MPA that’s very magical. If it could be defined, it would be replicated elsewhere, but it’s not. There’s no other school like this. Read More