Parent Education: How To Listen To Your Kids

middle school students reading togetherMounds Park Academy is sponsoring the workshop “How to Listen to Your Kids: Learn skills that encourage your kids to tell you everything” to help parents create better communication with their kids. Led by life purpose coach Paul Boehnke, it is open to all parents, whether your children attend MPA or not. The workshop is free and coffee, tea, fruit, and pastries will be provided. Join us Friday, February 21 from 8-9:30 AM in the Porter Conference Room at MPA, 2051 Larpenteur Avenue east, St. Paul, MN.

“Do you ever have power struggles? Do you wonder what’s really going on at school? Wish you had better relationships with your children? The skills I learned as a professional coach completely changed how I related to my own son. Now I’ll share those same skills with you so you can experience the openness, honesty and love you’ve always envisioned,” says Paul.

“I’ve led this workshop in a number of places and attendees have given it rave reviews. You’ll learn skills usually only professionals learn and have a chance to practice these skills before you try them out in the wild, at home.”

Register here to reserve your space!

Thank You For A Magical Middle School Cafe!

the middle school posing at the middle school cafeA huge thank you to everyone who made the MS Cafe possible last week. Thanks to all of our tireless parent volunteers, Sage for the wonderful food, our fantastic custodians and MPA’s faculty and staff that helped out in many ways. It was a joy-filled week for students and parents alike. Thank you to everyone who helped out, in big ways and little. It certainly takes a village to make the Cafe happen and MPA’s is the best! View photos from the magical week here.

Sign Up To Show Your Appreciation

lower school teacher talking to her classMPA Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week is coming up, February 3-7! This week is an opportunity to show thanks and appreciation to our wonderful faculty and staff during Lower and Middle School Conference week. Please sign up to donate your time, treats or both. Thank you for showing your appreciation with us!

Say “Thanks!” With The Parents Association

middle school social studies class discussionMPA Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week is coming up! Save the date for February 3-7. This week is an opportunity to show thanks and appreciation to our wonderful faculty and staff during Lower and Middle School Conference week. A SignUp Genius link will be coming soon, where parents can sign-up to donate drinks and/or help the week of the event.  Thank you for showing your appreciation with us!

Be A Part Of The Middle School Cafe!

middle school cafe "NYC"The MPA Middle School Cafe is a well-loved annual tradition. It is a chance for Middle School students to gather and relax, hang out with friends, eat, and partake in fun activities together. In the past, they’ve been to “Paris” and “New York City;” this year they get to travel to the wacky and magical world of Shel Silverstein! Please help make this adventure possible by signing up here and come be part of the fun.

Volunteer At The Middle School Cafe

middle school cafe "NYC"The MPA Middle School Cafe is a well-loved annual tradition. It is a chance for Middle School students to gather and relax, hang out with friends, eat, and partake in fun activities together. In the past, they’ve been to “Paris” and “New York City;” this year they get to travel to the wacky and magical world of Shel Silverstein! Please help make this adventure possible by signing up here and come be part of the fun.

Thank You For Showing Your Appreciation!

parent volunteers wrapping gifts for faculty and staffA huge thank you from the Parents Association to everyone who participated in the Faculty and Staff Gift Wrapping event on Monday!

It was so much fun to gather together and wrap presents for the staff. There were 23 staff members who brought in gifts for parent volunteers to wrap–which is up from 19 last year–and the total number of gifts wrapped or bagged was…drum roll, please…346, which is 96 more than last year! This was such a great way to come together as a community!

Navigating Mindful Technology Use

Tracey Joyce at the ISACS conferenceOn November 8, MPA’s PreK-12 academic technology integrationist, Ms. Joyce, presented at the ISACS conference in Louisville on the topic of “Digital Wellness: Tech with Intention.” She has presented on Digital Wellness locally for a parent series at Visitation School and at the local ISACS conference last spring. Her discussion covered how the design thinking process can help educators discover the best way to use technology with intention. She also shared apps, extensions, and activities for how to bring mindfulness into educators lives and the lives of students.

On December 13, from 8-9 AM in the PCR, Ms. Joyce will have another opportunity for Lower School parents to learn more about mindful technology use at the Lower School Parent Education event. “We as adults are so influential in the lives of our children, and have a lot to learn so we can model good practices,” she said. She also notes that children are aware of their parents’ technology habits and device use. “Even when the reason for technology use is ‘for work,’ it is still time being taken away from them, and they notice that.” Read More

Join Us For A Rescheduled Screening Of “Angst”

angst the movieDue to technical difficulties during a previous screening of “Angst,” MPA will have a re-screening on Wednesday, December 11 at 8:15 AM in the Recital Hall. This screening is for adults only. We hope you will join us! No RSVP is required.

Producers Scilla Andreen and Karin Gornick have one goal that Mounds Park Academy wholeheartedly supports: to start a global conversation and raise awareness around anxiety. Through candid interviews, they utilize the power of film to tell the stories of many kids and teens who discuss their anxiety and its impacts on their lives and relationships, as well as how they’ve found solutions and hope. In addition, the documentary provides discussions with mental health experts about the causes of anxiety and its sociological effects, along with the help, resources, and tools available to address the condition. The film includes interviews with children, teens, educators, experts, parents, and a very special interview with Michael Phelps.

Thank you in advance for helping spread this invitation throughout your networks! If you have any questions, please contact Jenn Milam, Ph.D., MPA Middle School director, at jmilam@moundsparkacademy.orgor 651-748-5598.

Join The Parents Association For Gift Wrapping

PA wrapping gifts for faculty and staff appreciationJoin us in a long-standing tradition at MPA! To show appreciation for faculty and staff during this busy time of year, the PA lends a helping hand and volunteers to wrap their holiday gifts for them. Please sign up to help wrap holiday gifts for our faculty and staff on Monday, December 9 in the Porter Conference Room.

During this Faculty and Staff Appreciation event, teachers bring us their unwrapped gifts which we wrap and return to them by the end of the day. This is a fun and festive event with coffee, snacks and holiday music provided by the Parents Association. All wrapping materials are also provided by the Parents Association. Sign up for one hour or more–such as one hour at drop off and one hour at pick up–to still free up your day. We appreciate your help and hope this event gets you into the holiday spirit!