Lower School Family Social

lower school students hangin gout together at lower school entranceThe Lower School Family Social is coming up on May 24 at 3 PM! The MPA Parents Association Lower School Grape Reps will be hosting this gathering outside of the Lower School entrance (the South entrance). Come enjoy popsicles, sunshine, and the opportunity to mingle with other Lower School parents. The popsicles served will meet MPA’s allergy aware policy as well as be gluten free, dairy free and sugar free. We can’t wait to see you there!

MPA Parents Association Is Seeking Volunteers!

PA puts on a wonderful party!The MPA Parents Association is seeking volunteers for the 2019-2020 school year! Please consider getting involved. It’s a great way to meet the school community, show our appreciation to faculty and staff, enrich our children’s school experience, all while making new friends. A willingness to help is the only experience needed!

If you are interested in taking on a Parents Association Board or Event Chair position for next year, let us know so we can can add your name to the list of candidates on the 2019-2020 ballot. Contact Kim Jakway at thejakways@gmail.com. Thank you!

Parents Association Open House & Upcoming Events

pa coffee gatheringWe invite the MPA community to attend the MPA Parents Association Open House on Friday, April 19 from 8-9 AM in the Porter Conference Room. Come enjoy coffee and a light breakfast as we discuss our accomplishments this past year and plans for the upcoming school year. Please attend as we would love to get your feedback and ideas. If you are interested in taking on a PA Board or Event Chair position for next year, come to the Open House for more information or contact Kim Jakway at thejakways@gmail.com. We would love to see you and really appreciate your help! Read More

Conduits For Joy

Upper school student and fourth grader reading together at the reading assemblyby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

It’s true. I am a voracious reader. Throughout my life, I have loved books and can think of few greater pleasures than a good one. Reading fueled my imagination and took me to places I could have never visited. Getting lost in a book and losing track of time is pure joy. For these reasons and many more, the MPA Book Festival, produced by our incredible Parents Association, is one of my favorite MPA traditions. The Book Festival began in April 2000. It was started by the collaborative efforts of parents of alumni Elaine Johnson and Karla Myers, and the library staff. It was also the year MPA librarian Nancy Lage brought in Mary Grand Pre, the illustrator of the American version of “Harry Potter.” Part celebration and part fundraiser for the library, the Book Festival symbolizes so much of what is special about our community.

When I was a child, the library was my favorite place. In the small town I grew up in, the library was an old “mansion” in the center of town. It was warm and comforting, a bit mysterious, and had a wonderful smell. It was my happy place. In college, my use of a library changed dramatically. It served more of a social purpose than an academic one. One of my first experiences of social justice advocacy was participating in a sit in at the college library over its unjust policy banning soft drinks. (Ah, youthful ignorance.) During my graduate work, I practically lived in the library. Buried amidst the stacks, I once more found my happy place. Read More

Be Part Of A Wonderful Tradition

Please sign-up to volunteerbook festival sale 2018 and help make this year’s Book Festival a success! Lots of helpers are needed to put together this wonderful annual tradition at MPA. The goal of Book Festival is to promote the joy of reading, and the MPA Parents Association invites you to come enjoy the many activities offered during Book Festival week, February 25-28!

February 25-28
Bookstore in the Gallery & Used Book Sales During Lunch
Used, donated books will be for sale outside the cafeteria during lunch. All books are $0.25 each!

February 28, 3-6:30 PM
Book Festival Family Night
Lots of activities, games, and crafts in the Makerspace, plus the bookstore and dinner.

If you have any questions or want to get involved, contact Seema Anwar at seema_anwar@hotmail.com.

Volunteer At These Parents Association Events

Lower schooler reading to therapy dogLast week the Gallery became New York City with the help of many, many volunteers. We want to thank everyone who volunteered, whether you donated drinks/snacks, decor, time, or ideas and hard work on the planning committees. It was so wonderful to see the entire Middle School joyfully sharing the same space! An additional thank you to Vern and his facilities staff for helping with heavy lifting and keeping our space clean, as well as Chef Doug and his kitchen staff for providing additional food, NYC style. A special thank you to MPA parent Melissa Johnson and her son Oliver (MPA class of ‘18) for helping to create our vision of NYC, from Central Park to the Food Truck to Bill’s Bodega. It truly made the Gallery a special place last week. We hope everyone had a great time. A huge thank you to Susan Knapp and Tara Lafferty too! It took lots of planning and hard work to put it all together. Kudos to both! Read More

Experience NYC At The Middle School Cafe!

middle school cafe 2018

No plane ticket necessary! Experience New York City at the Middle School Cafe, January 14-18. The Parents Association is transforming the Gallery into the Big Apple with street food, Bill’s Bodega, Central Park, and our (slightly smaller) Statue of Liberty! Parents, come and join us for coffee and conversation each morning at 7:45 AM!

Parents are also invited to sign up for volunteer shifts during Cafe Week. It’s going to be a great time you and you won’t want to miss being a part of it!

Middle School Cafe Planning Meeting

middle school cafe 2018The Middle School Cafe is a week-long, beloved tradition at MPA, where fifth through eighth graders get a chance to come together and socialize with their peers. The Parents Association is looking for volunteers to help plan this event! If you would like to get involved, please join us for a planning meeting on Thursday, November 15 from 1:30-2:30 PM in the PA Room, and stay to enjoy the Give to the Max “Lip Sync” Assembly with us!

Thank You From The Parents Association!

chef Doug's dinner for faculty appreciationOn behalf of the Parents Association, thank you to all of the parents and volunteers who generously donated their time, gift cards, and goodies during Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week. A special thanks to chef Doug Pittman and his staff at Sage for providing a delicious dinner and snacks throughout the week, and to Vern Kissner and the maintenance staff for all of the set-up and extra work they did. The faculty and staff were very appreciative of our efforts to thank them for all they do.

And congratulations to our gift card winners Sarah McFarland, Dan Haase, Craig Dodson, Marc Shapiro, Mark Segal, Jason Schwalen, Angie Gerstner, Nate Bander, Rose Wick, Ashley Goetzke, Susan Roberston, Jake Eibon, Leah Abbe Bloem, Martha Castellanos, Rachel Amundsen, Becky Tesdahl, Michael Vergin, Randy Comfort, Josh Rohricht, Ariel Kitsch, and Pat Reinhardt!

Coffee With The Parents Association

PA coffeeThe Parents Association is trying something new, and you’re warmly invited to join! The PA will be hosting several neighborhood coffee events, where you can come and meet MPA parents who live in your neighborhood. Parents of all grades are welcome! On Saturday, November 3, your coffee hosts will be at the following locations:

JUST ADDED! Amore Coffee–St. Paul
879 Smith Ave, W.
St. Paul MN 55118

Dunn Brothers Coffee–Minneapolis
5008 Xerxes Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55410
9-11 AM

Quixotic Coffee–Highland Park
769 Cleveland Ave S
St Paul, MN 55116
8-10 AM Read More