Upper School Parents Association Meeting

upper school students in classThe date for the Quarter Four Upper School Parents Association Meeting is Friday, April 27, from 8-9:30 AM. Please note the date change!

Parents of incoming 2018-19 freshmen are encouraged to attend for a glimpse into Upper School at MPA! Keep an eye out for the next two issues of Panther Post for more details. An agenda will be sent to parents of students in grades 8-12 prior to the meeting. Parents will additionally get an overview of the Fine Arts programs in Upper School from faculty guests, take a look at the remaining Upper School events scheduled for the year, and discuss the opportunity of a new MPA Parents Association Upper School Division Lead.

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Upper School Parents Association Meeting

upper school students in hallwayThe date for the Quarter Four Upper School Parents Association Meeting is Friday, April 27, from 8-9:30 AM. Please note the date change!

Parents of incoming 2018-19 freshmen are encouraged to attend for a glimpse into Upper School at MPA! Keep an eye out for the next two issues of Panther Post for more details. An agenda will be sent to parents of students in grades 8-12 prior to the meeting.

Volunteer On The PA Board!

Wendy CusickThe Parents Association is seeking volunteers to serve on next year’s PA Board! Serving on the PA Board is a wonderful opportunity to make connections with other parents and students, build community between staff, faculty, parents, and students. Join us, and have a lot of fun with your children and their classmates, too!

Descriptions of the Board positions may be found on the Parents Association section of the MPA website. Should you have any questions or if you would like to be considered for a Board position, please email Wendy Cusick at wjcusick@gmail.com.

Microfunding Availability

E-club planting treesThe MPA Parents Association would like to remind student clubs and organizations, as well as faculty, of the availability of microfunds through the PA.

You will find on the MPA website that the Board of the PA accepts applications from student organizations, clubs, and classrooms to receive microfunding and/or parent volunteers for projects that benefit the mission of MPA. This support is a way to connect students with families that is financially supported by the Parents Association dues.

This microfunding provides funds to student organizations, clubs, and classrooms that may not have access to as many funds as they would like to have. It can be used for a regular or new project during the school year. The PA is also offering the support of the parent community for student organizations, clubs, and classrooms needing more than their usual number of volunteers for a project. Read More

Thank You From The Parents Association!

fruit spread for faculty and staffA huge thank you to everyone who participated in last week’s Faculty & Staff Appreciation event! Families from all divisions donated snacks, drinks and gift cards to show our faculty and staff how much we appreciate what they do for our students, each and every day. A special thank you to Chef Doug and his staff for creating breakfast and afternoon treats and for a delicious faculty dinner last Thursday evening during conferences. Another special thanks to Vern Kissner and his staff in the Maintenance Department for help during set up, clean up, and everything in-between.

Faculty & Staff winners of the $25 Gift Card Raffle include:

Tom Connors, Marina Dale, Andy Gilbert, Lauren Hernandez, Vern Kissner, Nicole Koen, Kari O’Keefe, Pat Reinhardt, Jason Schwalen, Renee Sonka, Jay Springer, Shelley Steingraeber, Renette Stinson, Becky Tesdahl, Karen Widerski, and Dawn Zimmerman.

Anyone who brought in food or snacks in a basket or on a platter can get it back by stopping by the PA Room after school on Tuesday 2/20 or Wednesday 2/21 or email Tara Lafferty at tmattrn@aol.com.

Parent Education With Dr. Jules Nolan

middle school girls walking into schoolThe MPA Parents Association invites parents to attend two upcoming talks by Dr. Jules Nolan. Please note that these talks are open to all MPA parents, not just Middle and Lower School. However, the Wednesday discussion will be geared toward Middle School families, so while all can attend, the content will be focused on that age group’s developmental needs.

The Middle School Parent Event is Wednesday, February 21, from 8–9 AM in the Porter Conference Room. Dr. Jules Nolan will present “Social and Emotional Learning: A Better Predictor of Success in School.” This session will explore social and emotional learning, a skill set that is foundational in learning and life, and is currently the focus of new standards and benchmarks from the Minnesota Department of Education. Participants will better understand the five areas of SEL skills and how to develop lagging skills in the areas of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.

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Volunteer At The Middle School Cafe!

Boys practicing at Middle School CafeThe Parents Association is looking for volunteers to help with the Middle School Cafe! This a great opportunity to help out MPA and spend some time with your middle school student.

If you would like to be a part of the Middle School Cafe planning team, please attend the meeting on Tuesday, December 12, at 8 AM in the Parents Association Room, located in the cafeteria. Please contact Ginnie Peterson at ginniepeterson@gmail.com. We hope to see you there!

Faculty & Staff Holiday Appreciation

PA holiday gift wrappingShow your appreciation for MPA Faculty and Staff by volunteering to wrap holiday gifts in the Porter Conference Room on December 11, 2017 from 8 AM-3 PM! Shifts are flexible! Spend one or two hours, or split the day and wrap a little in the morning and a little in the afternoon. Sign up here to volunteer! Thanks for all of your help!

“Screenagers” Viewing And Discussion

Screenagers promoHow much time does your child spend looking at screens? On average, children spend six and a half hours a day on screens, and that’s not including in the classroom or while doing homework. Do you think violent video games desensitize people to violence? Have you experienced people using screens to avoid face-to-face interactions? Does your child ever make comments online that he or she wouldn’t make in person? These are all questions that every parent struggles with and MPA would like to help better equip you to navigate this important issue.

We had so many members of our community join us for a viewing of Screenagers, followed by energetic and intriguing discussion. For those who were not able to attend, we will be hosting an additional viewing on campus on January 9 from 8-10 AM in the Recital Hall. Please join us!

College Years

POA gatheringby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

A week ago, I had the pleasure of attending a social event at Dellwood Country Club organized by the MPA Parents of Alumni Association. The event brought together parents who have MPA graduates currently in college. It was a spirited group—all were very excited to talk with one another and share stories of how their children are faring at school. I enjoyed hearing from them and learning how well their children felt prepared for college after MPA. In addition to feeling prepared, I frequently hear that many of our alumni are assisting their friends and roommates with schoolwork and/or teaching them how to study and manage their time.

Another common observation that I hear from parents of alumni is that they continue to develop relationships with their professors. In the words of one parent of alumni, “My child has transitioned beautifully to college. She knows how to advocate for herself and how to learn. I am amazed by her ability to access teachers and get her questions answered. I couldn’t be more pleased with her high school experience.” Because of the meaningful relationships they form with their MPA teachers, they have the same confidence and comfort to talk to their professors after class or visit them during office hours. In some instances, this has led to internships or research assistant opportunities.

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