Sign Up For Faculty And Staff Appreciation

Ms. Meras in classThere is still time to join us in thanking the MPA faculty and staff during All School Conferences! During week of October 1, please consider participating in the long-standing MPA tradition of parents and families showing gratitude toward our wonderful staff and faculty. By donating beverages or gift cards, volunteering in the PA Room during the week, and helping staff and plan the evening meals on October 2 and October 4, you are saying “thank you!” in a significant way! Sign up to volunteer here!

Faculty And Staff Appreciation

Ms. P hugging studentThe best part of the MPA experience is our staff and faculty! Let’s thank them!

All School Conferences begin the week of October 1, coinciding with the MPA Parents Association Staff and Faculty Appreciation Week. Please consider participating in the long-standing MPA tradition of parents and families showing gratitude toward our wonderful staff and faculty. Opportunities include donating beverages or gift cards, volunteering in the PA Room during the week, and helping to staff/plan the evening meals on October 2 and October 4. Sign up to volunteer here!

Don’t Miss These September PA Events!

LS children on the playgroundCome meet your Grade Reps, the PA Board and other parents! The MPA Parents Association Meet & Greet is Friday, September 7, at 8 AM in the Gallery. Light breakfast will be served while you learn about the 2018-19 Parents Association events and initiatives and how to get involved. Ask questions, share your ideas, and help us grow our community-building at MPA! We would love to see you!

The first monthly all Lower School Family Social, organized by Lower School Parents Association Grade Reps, is also right around the corner! On Saturday, September 22, from 10 AM-1 PM, please join us at Como Town, where we will use a three-hour unlimited wristband for kids to enjoy the rides and play together! The fee for this event is $5 per child. Read More

Your New Parents Association Executive Board!

MPA kindergarten classThank you to those of you who voted for your new Parents Association Executive Board. The following slate was approved and will begin leading the PA and serving its families on July 1, 2018: Kim Jakway, President; Seema Anwar, President-Elect; Meredith Forgosh, Secretary; Barry Madore, Treasurer; Ginnie Peterson, Grade Representatives Lead; Russ Purdy, Upper School Division Lead; Susan Knapp and Tara Lafferty, Co-Middle School Division Leads; Tiffany Scott Knox, Lower School Division Lead.

In addition, a special thanks to those who are leaving the Parents Association Executive Board for their service this year, and, in many cases, for many prior years: Wendy Cusick, President; Cari Simonson, Secretary; Tricia Hutton, Treasurer, Christine Larson and Heidi Nelson, Co-Lower School Division Leads, Amanda Campbell and Elizabeth Esch, Co-Upper School Division Leads.

Get Involved With The Parents Association!

kindergarten class at mpaBecome a bigger part of your child’s school! Engage with the MPA community and take an active role in the Parent Association by chairing a committee, or becoming a Grade Rep. Now is the time of year when those positions are being secured and we are seeking some amazing volunteers like YOU! To get involved or learn more, please email your interest to Kim Jakway.

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Upper School Parents Association Meeting Tomorrow

upper school gym classTomorrow, April 27, from 8-9:30 AM is the Quarter Four Upper School Parents Association Meeting! Please note meeting is being held in the Porter Conference Room (PCR).

Parents of incoming 2018-19 freshmen are encouraged to attend for a glimpse into Upper School at MPA! This meeting will cover a welcome to incoming freshmen parents, an overview of the Upper School Fine Arts Programs at MPA by Faculty of the Fine Arts Department, Quarter Four calendar events, and an all-call for the 2018-2019 MPA Parents Association Upper School Division Lead.

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Parents Association Family Dinner Social

middle school girls arriving at MPAAs you rush to get ready for the Middle School Parent Meetings and Vocal Concert, the MPA Parents Association wants want to take one thing off your plate: dinner! On Thursday, May 3 from 4:45-5:45 PM, the PA invites you for fresh and delicious soup or salad and sandwiches prepared by Sage. The cost is $6 per person, in cash or check made out to the MPA PA, to be paid ahead of time via the Lower or Middle School offices, or pay the afternoon of the dinner. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

Please RSVP here by Friday, April 27 at so the PA can plan on your attendance!

Lower And Middle School Parent Events

students working by the makerspaceMany Lower and Middle School family and parent events are coming up this spring!

There will be an Lower School Parent AnnMarieThomas Makerspace event on Thursday, April 26 from 5-6 PM and on Friday, April 27 from 8-9 AM! In an effort to accommodate busy schedules, there are two meeting times with the same agenda. If you choose the afternoon time your child is welcome to attend Panther Club/Den at the expense of the Parents Association!

The education topic will cover the Makerspace and Ms Koen, Makerspace Coordinator, is the faculty guest. By consciously connecting liberal arts thinking with 21st century skills and competencies, the Makerspace provides students with the opportunities to construct meaning through making by way of practical, hands-on, interdisciplinary, problem-based projects. Come experience the innovative space and see a glimpse of STEAM at work!

All Middle School parents are invited to the last Middle School Parent Education Event of the year on Friday, April 20 from 8-9 AM in the Porter Conference Room. Dr. Jules Nolan will lead a conversation titled, “It’s All About Emotions: What are developmentally appropriate emotional behaviors for your child? How do we manage our own emotion and that of our children during stressful times?” This session will explore emotional life, how emotions can impede or enhance learning, and how to protect our children by helping them develop emotional resilience. Research from Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence will be discussed as well.

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Upper School Parents Association Meeting

upper school students in classThe date for the Quarter Four Upper School Parents Association Meeting is Friday, April 27, from 8-9:30 AM. Please note the date change!

Parents of incoming 2018-19 freshmen are encouraged to attend for a glimpse into Upper School at MPA! Keep an eye out for the next two issues of Panther Post for more details. An agenda will be sent to parents of students in grades 8-12 prior to the meeting. Parents will additionally get an overview of the Fine Arts programs in Upper School from faculty guests, take a look at the remaining Upper School events scheduled for the year, and discuss the opportunity of a new MPA Parents Association Upper School Division Lead.

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Upper School Parents Association Meeting

upper school students in hallwayThe date for the Quarter Four Upper School Parents Association Meeting is Friday, April 27, from 8-9:30 AM. Please note the date change!

Parents of incoming 2018-19 freshmen are encouraged to attend for a glimpse into Upper School at MPA! Keep an eye out for the next two issues of Panther Post for more details. An agenda will be sent to parents of students in grades 8-12 prior to the meeting.