Parents Association News & Events November 3, 2022

Thank You!
A huge thank you to our Lower School Halloween party volunteers! You helped make the celebration a huge success. A special thank you to Jasmin Stees, MPAPA’s community development lead who worked tirelessly to make it happen. Thank you!

PA Board Meeting
Friday, November 18 at 9 AM
The next MPA PA board meeting will be open to all MPA families. If you’re interested in attending, email for a zoom link and more information.

Save the Date and Engage With the MPA Book Festival
December 5-11
This year, the MPA Book Festival will arrive just in time for holiday gifts or Winter Break Reading! As we prepare for this fun week, we have opportunities for parents to engage in the festivities. This is a very long-standing and beloved MPA event that families will not want to miss!

First, get ready to tidy up your bookshelves! We will be hosting a Used Book Sale at school during the week of the Book Festival. We are asking for donations of gently used books for readers of all ages (hardcover and paperbacks). Donation carts will be set up at the North and South entrances from October 27- December 9 for convenient donation drop-offs. Families will be able to purchase used books during the weeks of the Book Festival. If you would like to sign-up to help out with the Used Book Sale or other aspects of the Book Festival, we have sign-up times here. Be sure to look through the three tabs! Read More

Parents Association News & Events October 27, 2022

PA Board Meeting
Friday, November 18 at 9 AM
The next MPA PA board meeting will be open to PA members. If you’re interested in attending, email for a zoom link and more information.

MPA at the MIA
November 20 at 1 PM
Join other MPA families to tour the Special Exhibit, Botticelli and Renaissance Florence: Masterworks from the Uffizi. The cost of the exhibition is $20.00 for adults and free for children, and the MPAPA will be picking up the cost of the guided tour.

US Parent Dinner at India Palace
December 3, 8-10 PM
Looking for something to do while your US student dances the night away? Come meet other parents and have dinner at India Palace in Woodbury! They will stay open late for us, so please come and enjoy delicious food and great company. Read More

Parents Association News & Events October 13, 2022

Thank You!
The PA wishes to thank all the families who donated and volunteered for this fall’s Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week, THANK YOU! We kicked off the weeklong event by making s’mores for all Staff at lunch, celebrated all things 1982 and returned to in-person dinners for all staff that stayed to conference on each Thursday evening. Thanks again to all families who participated, Chef Chris and his Sage staff for the dinners, and the Maintenance staff for keeping the Teaching Kitchen clean!

Halloween Will Soon Be Here
October 28, 8:30-2:20pm
Our annual Halloween Party is back! Please contact Jasmin Stees at if you have any questions or would like to volunteer. You can volunteer through SignUp Genius.

Save The Date!
Watch for more details on these upcoming PA events.

  • December 3, 8-10 PM: Parent Dinner during Winter Semi-Formal at the India Palace
  • Jan. 21, 6 PM: Snowshoe event at 7 Vines Vineyard, $55.00

Save the Date for Book Festival
December 5-11

Book Festival has moved from April to December. Just in time for holiday gifts or Winter Break reading. More information is coming soon!

Wednesday Morning Walks Through the Farmers Market
Wednesdays at 8:15 AM

The Parents Association invites parents and guardians to get together Wednesday mornings after drop off with Michelle Mick. We’ll meet at the Farmers Market at 1850 White Bear Avenue, near the Aldrich Arena. There are just a few weeks left to enjoy this lovely market. We can stroll through the market followed by a longer walk if desired. LS, MS and US families are welcome. Chat with new parents and connect with friends. Younger children are welcome to walk with us. Questions? Contact Michelle Mick at

Parents Association News & Events October 6, 2022

Fall Parent Brunch
October 12, 10AM-12 PM
Parents, please join us for a morning meet-up at Churchill Street in Shoreview. Now that school is back in session, parents deserve a mid-morning break. Head over to this great community gathering spot to meet, connect, and chat with other MPA parents. The PA is covering the cost of the private dining room for the morning, and parents can order what they like and pay for it at the counter. Churchill Street is at 4606 Churchill Street, in Shoreview, MN! Preschool-aged siblings are welcome.

It’s not too late to attend. Email Staci Banks at

Halloween Will Soon Be Here
October 28, 8:30 AM-2:20 PM
Our annual Halloween Party is back! Please contact Jasmin Stees at if you have any questions or would like to volunteer. We’ll have a SignUp Genius coming soon. Read More

Parents Association News & Events September 29, 2022

Faculty and Staff Appreciation
Thursday, September 29-Thursday, October 6
As the school year at MPA kicks into high gear and we prepare for Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences, the Parents Association is continuing the annual tradition of Fall Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week! With more Faculty and Staff than ever before, the MPA PA invites you to check out this link and consider signing up for a snack or beverage donation. You can also sign up to spend time in the teaching kitchen, serving our staff during this fun week. There are even evening volunteer options for you or, if you are the parent of an US student looking for service hours, students can volunteer at the evening Staff Dinners by showing up or emailing Tara Lafferty at Donated items can be placed at PA Carts located just inside the Lower School and Upper School entrances.

Please adhere to MPA’s Food Allergy policy. MPA Food Allergy Information and Snack Safely Website Snack Safely Guide. Questions? Please contact Tara Matthews Lafferty at

Gardening at MPA: Harvest Day
Saturday, October 1, 9-11 AM
Join us for a gardening day this Saturday from 9-11 AM. We’ll be harvesting what we’ve grown in the garden along with continuing upkeep. All families are welcome. Questions? Contact Michelle Mick at

Fall Parent Brunch
October 12, 10-12 PM
RSVP by October 5
Parents, please join us for a morning meet-up at Churchill Street in Shoreview. Now that school is back in session, parents deserve a mid-morning break. Head over to this great community gathering spot to meet, connect, and chat with other MPA parents. The PA is covering the cost of the private dining room for the morning, and parents can order what they like and pay for it at the counter. Churchill Street is at 4606 Churchill Street, in Shoreview, MN! Preschool-aged siblings are welcome.

RSVP by October 5 to Staci Banks at

Wednesday Morning Walks Through the Farmers Market
Wednesdays at 8 AM
The Parents Association invites parents and guardians to get together Wednesday mornings after drop off with Michelle Mick. We’ll meet at the Farmers Market at 1850 White Bear Avenue, near the Aldrich Arena. The market currently offers fresh produce, eggs, honey, bakery, cheese, Ayurvedic items, gluten free options, and flowers. We can stroll through the market followed by a longer walk if desired. LS, MS and US families are welcome. Chat with new parents and connect with friends. Younger children are welcome to walk with us. Questions? Contact Michelle Mick at

Gardening at MPA
Thursdays at 8 AM
Calling all those who want to spend some time outside at MPA in the gardens! You’re invited to spend time tidying up, building, sowing, and spuddling around in the dirt surrounded by beautiful flowers and greenery. Come for a few minutes or stay for an hour or two.

All are most welcome including friends and family. We’ll meet outside under the flagpole at the LS entrance, with gardening tools in hand! No gardening experience necessary. Questions? Contact Michelle Mick at

Community Grants Initiative, an Exciting Opportunity for Students and Faculty
(Formerly known as Microfunding)
The Parents Association Community Grants Initiative provides grant-based funding for projects and programs, existing or new. The funds are available for use by student clubs and organizations, as well as for teacher-led initiatives that support the mission of the MPA PA. To access these grants, interested groups must fill out an application. Priority will be given to applications received from September 1-October 31. Applications received outside of that window will be reviewed and approved on a rolling basis. Interested in learning more? Review our application and procedures here. Questions? Email Natalie King at

Parents Association News & Events September 22, 2022

Faculty and Staff Appreciation
Thursday, September 29-Thursday, October 6
As the school year at MPA kicks into high gear and we prepare for Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences, the Parents Association is continuing the annual tradition of Fall Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week! With more Faculty and Staff than ever before, the MPA PA invites you to check out this link and consider signing up for a snack or beverage donation. You can also sign up to spend time in the teaching kitchen, serving our staff during this fun week. There are even evening volunteer options for you or, if you are the parent of an Upper School student looking for service hours, students can volunteer at the evening Staff Dinners by showing up or emailing Tara Lafferty at Donated items can be placed at PA Carts located just inside the Lower School and Upper School entrances.

Please adhere to MPA’s Food Allergy policy. MPA Food Allergy Information and Snack Safely Website Snack Safely Guide. Questions? Please contact Tara Matthews Lafferty at

Sports Swap, Last Chance!
3-5:30 PM through Friday, September 23
The Sports Swap is here! The PA is selling gently used equipment this week after school in the Atrium. Priced to sell, the funds will be used to purchase playground equipment for LS and MS students and/or the US athletics department. Unsold items will be donated to charity. Questions? Reach out to Christine Larson at

We could still use a few volunteers. To volunteer, please click here. Read More

Homecoming 2022 Recap

Homecoming 2022: We Are Panthers was a huge success!

Thank you to students, parents, faculty and staff, volunteers, alumni, and friends of MPA who joined in to make this year’s Homecoming festivities a wonderful time for all. After a week of celebration and school spirit, Saturday was a festive day with MPA athletics, camps, and honoring MPA alumni.

Thank you to Olympian Mason Ferlic ’11 for leading many Lower School students who participated in our cross country clinic, and sharing his experiences as an MPA graduate and Olympian. Students loved the physical activity and joyfully shared their experiences “running a mile” and showing off their new skills.

More than 30 students also participated in the soccer camp led by Mr. Sheehan and Mr. Scinto. We loved watching parents cheering from the sidelines. Read More

Parents Association News & Events September 15, 2022

Sports Swap
September 17-23
The Sports Swap is almost here! There’s still time to bring in your good condition used sports equipment. The PA will organize and sell it at Homecoming and the week after. Priced to sell, the funds will be used to purchase playground equipment for LS and MS students and/or the US athletics department. Unsold items will be donated to charity. Donations are now being accepted at the Lower School and Upper School entrances. Look for clearly marked boxes. Questions? Reach out to Christine Larson at

We are still looking for volunteers for Homecoming day and afterward! To volunteer, please click here.

Faculty and Staff Appreciation
Thursday, September 29-Thursday, October 6
As the school year at MPA kicks into high gear and we prepare for Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences, the Parents Association is continuing the annual tradition of Fall Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week! With more Faculty and Staff than ever before, the MPA PA invites you to check out this link and consider signing up for a snack or beverage donation. You can also sign up to spend time in the teaching kitchen serving our staff during this fun week. Donated items can be placed at PA Carts located just inside the Lower School and Upper School entrances. Please adhere to MPA’s Food Allergy policy. MPA Food Allergy Information and Snack Safely Website Snack Safely Guide. Questions? Please contact Tara Matthews Lafferty at

Community Grants Initiative, an Exciting Opportunity for Students and Faculty(Formerly known as Microfunding)
The Parents Association Community Grants Initiative provides grant-based funding for projects and programs, existing or new. The funds are available for use by student clubs and organizations, as well as for teacher-led initiatives that support the mission of the MPA PA. To access these grants, interested groups must fill out an application. Priority will be given to applications received from September 1-October 31. Applications received outside of that window will be reviewed and approved on a rolling basis. Interested in learning more? Review our application and procedures here. Questions? Email Natalie King at

Wednesday Morning Walks
Wednesdays at 8 AM
The Parents Association invites parents and guardians to get together Wednesday mornings after drop-off with Michelle Mick. We’ll meet at the flagpole near the LS entrance. Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School families are welcome. Chat with new parents and connect with friends. Younger children are welcome to walk with us. Questions? Contact Michelle Mick at

Gardening at MPA: Harvest Day
Saturday, October 1, 9-11 AM
Join us for a gardening day from 9-11 AM. We’ll be harvesting what we’ve grown in the garden along with continuing upkeep. All families are welcome. The second harvest day happens on October 1 from 9-11 AM. Questions? Contact Michelle Mick at

A big thank you to our volunteers for gardening day this past Saturday!

Gardening at MPA
Thursdays at 8 AM
Enjoy the Monarch butterflies filling up before their long migration down to Mexico — pop into the Library gardens after drop-off and see them flitting around the Liatris (long purple flower). In addition, we are calling all those who want to spend some time outside at MPA in the gardens! You’re invited to spend time tidying up, building, sowing, and spuddling around in the dirt surrounded by beautiful flowers and greenery. Come for a few minutes or stay for an hour or two.

All are most welcome including friends and family. We’ll meet outside under the flagpole at the LS entrance, with gardening tools in hand! No gardening experience is necessary. Questions? Contact Michelle Mick at

Be a Volunteer in the PA!
As we start a new school year, now is a great time to volunteer for PA activities! All families are members of the PA, and there are many ways to become involved. You’ll have wonderful leadership opportunities, get to know other families, and help build our school community. If you’re interested in learning more, email

Parents Association News & Events September 8, 2022

Wednesday Morning Walks
Wednesdays at 8 AM
The Parents Association invites parents and guardians to get together Wednesday mornings after drop-off with Michelle Mick. We’ll meet at the flagpole near the Lower School entrance. Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School families are welcome. Chat with new parents and connect with friends. Younger children are welcome to walk with us. Questions? Contact Michelle Mick at

Gardening at MPA: Harvest Days
Saturday, September 10 and Saturday, October 1, 9-11 AM
This Saturday, September 10th will be a gardening day from 9 – 11am. We’ll be harvesting what we’ve grown in the garden along with continuing upkeep. All families are welcome. The second harvest day happens on October 1 from 9 – 11am. Questions? Contact Michelle Mick at

Gardening at MPA
Thursdays at 8 AM
Enjoy the Monarch butterflies filling up before their long migration down to Mexico — pop into the Library gardens after drop-off and see them flitting around the Liatris (long purple flower). In addition, we are calling all those who want to spend some time outside at MPA in the gardens! You’re invited to spend time tidying up, building, sowing, and spuddling around in the dirt surrounded by beautiful flowers and greenery. Come for a few minutes or stay for an hour or two.

All are most welcome including friends and family. We’ll meet outside under the flagpole at the LS entrance, with gardening tools in hand! No gardening experience is necessary. Questions? Contact Michelle Mick at Read More

Parents Association News & Events June 2, 2022

Open Garden with Michelle Mick
Saturday, June 4 from 3-6 PM
565 Arlington Avenue West, St Paul, MN 55117

For anyone who would like to wander through a rather wild unruly but fun garden in St Paul, our gardening guru, Michelle Mick has graciously offered a tour of her gardens this Saturday, June 4. All are welcome from 3-6 PM to come on over and wander through her gardens. The irises are starting to bloom, as well as many other lovely plants; many natives share their beautiful colors. For those interested, there are three rain gardens out back, boulevard gardens, and solar on the roof too! If there are seeds around, you are most welcome to have some too!

End of Year Grade Events
Pre-K: Saturday, May 28, 2-3:30 PM, MPA playground. Renee Roach,
Kindergarten: Wednesday, June 8 at 11 AM Powers Lake Pavilion, Woodbury
Grade 1: Party has already taken place!
Grade 2: June 6, 3:30-5:30 PM, West Park Pavilion and Playground, White Bear Lake,
Grade 3: June 8, 11:00 AM-2 PM, SkyZone in Oakdale, Jumping and lunch!
Grade 4: June 11, 9:30 AM-12 PM, 10145 Bush Lake Rd., Bloomington, MN 55438.
Grade 5: June 30, 2-4 PM, West Park in White Bear Lake
Grade 6: June 8, 5-7 PM, Lake Elmo Park Reserve, North Pavilion, Lake Elmo
Grade 7: June 8 at 11:30 AM, Wakefield Park Shelter #2, Maplewood, MN
Grade 8: June 8, 11 AM-1 PM, Lake Elmo Park Reserve, North Pavilion, Lake Elmo,
Grade 9: June 8, 11 AM-2 PM, Ojibway Park, Ojibway Dr, Woodbury, MN 55125
Grade 10: June 8, 2-4 PM, Lake Elmo Park Reserve, North Pavilion, Lake Elmo
Grade 11: June 8, 6-8 PM, Ojibway Park, Ojibway Dr, Woodbury, MN 55125
Grade 12: TBD, Valleyfair Event canceled due to COVID.

Meet Some New Families Over the Summer!
Join us for summer fun and to meet new friends and families. We’ve organized a number of events to bring the MPA community together over the summer. All events are for new and returning families. For all the details, download the pdfs below. Read More