A Message From The Spring Auction Committee

Spring auction 2018Join us for the Spring Auction Preview on March 5, from 7:30–9 AM in the Gallery! The Spring Auction Committee is inviting the community to stop into the Gallery after drop-off to preview the Spring Auction as we count down to the big day and be the first to hear our exciting announcement!

Not only will you see some of the fabulous items that will be up for bid, but you can donate some yourself and be entered to win a fabulous prize! Bring a gift card, a bottle of wine/liquor, or something for the silent auction we’ll enter your name into the drawing. Grab some coffee and breakfast treats and start your day off with a little celebration! If you cannot come in for the preview but would still like to donate you can drop it off in the Development Office prior to March 5 and be entered in the drawing for the door prize.

Become A Sponsor For The Spring Auction!

spring auction 2018Sponsors are so important to the success of Once Upon a Time–MPA Spring Auction 2019. Your support allows MPA to extend its mission even further. As a sponsor, you will have the opportunity to raise awareness of your company to our parent, alumni, and alumni parent community and receive special recognition on the website and printed materials. You will be invited to the exclusive pre-party where you will have special access to the silent auction, great gatherings, and games. You will also support Mounds Park Academy’s faculty and staff by allowing us to provide them with complimentary tickets to the event.  We can’t wait to see you there on May 11, 2019 at the Vadnais Heights Commons.

If you have any questions, please contact Susan Robertson, Annual Giving and Alumni Relations Manager, at srobertson@moundsparkacademy.org or 651-748-5531. Full event information and tickets may always be found at moundsparkacademy.org/springauction.

Homecoming And Alumni Reunion Weekend

Alumni Reunion

If you are from the classes of 1994, 1995, 2004, 2005, 2014, and 2015, then please mark your calendars for next year’s Homecoming and Reunion Weekend! We’ll be celebrating your Milestone Reunions on Saturday, September 28, 2019. In the coming months, we’ll be reaching out to your classes to get you involved and provide more information. We hope to see you there!

Save The Date For The Spring Auction

wine toss at the 2018 spring auction

The biggest event of the year, Spring Auction 2019–Once Upon a Time, will be on May 11, 2019 at the Vadnais Heights Commons. Become a sponsor and get early access to the Silent Auction, Great Gatherings, and the special Pre-Party all while supporting MPA! You can also help by donating auction items–see our wish list below to get inspiration or just stop by the Development Office in Lower School.

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Launching Spring Auction 2019!

spring auction 2019 once upon a timeWe are excited to announce that MPA’s Spring Auction 2019–Once Upon a Time will be at the Vadnais Heights Commons on Saturday, May 11! Mark your calendars for the biggest event of the year!

Support MPA by donating auction items, becoming a sponsor, or purchasing your tickets now before they sell out! Find all of the details on the auction’s new website. All donations can be dropped off at the Development Office. If you have any questions please contact Susan Robertson, Annual Giving & Alumni Relations Manager, at 651-748-5531 or via email.

Witness The Impact

by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

If you have logged into Facebook or checked your email today, you are well aware that today is Give to the Max Day. Across the state of Minnesota, this day is a celebration of the power of philanthropy to change lives. For MPA, today marks a celebration of our generous donors who are so very dedicated to our students and who believe in making an impact on our school community.

The mission of Mounds Park Academy is vibrant and powerful, delivered by talented and caring teachers, and is having a tremendous impact on the lives of our students each day. Impact means to have a strong effect on someone or something. You share in that impact by the value you place on learning, the investment you are making in the education of your children, and your commitment and support of Mounds Park Academy. Read More

Happy Give To The Max Day!

Happy Give To The Max Day! As of noon, MPA families have raised an incredible $48,565. If we reach $75,000, a generous family will give a bonus gift of $25,000 to get us to the goal of $100,000 today! Incredible!

As Dr. Hudson shared in his email on Tuesday, “Our young people desperately need an extended family, like the one MPA provides, to provide a safe, nurturing environment in which to thrive. And, our world desperately needs engaged, educated, ethical, and empowered citizens who are committed to improving our world. I contribute to the MPA Fund to make this happen and, if you haven’t already, I humbly ask you to join me.” Follow along on Facebook as MPA’s community shares why MPA matters to each of them! Read More

Save The Date For The Pancake Breakfast!

pancake breakfast 2017Save the date for the annual Pancake Breakfast, hosted by the Board of Trustees! On Wednesday, December 5 from 7-8 AM in the Cafeteria, come celebrate MPA’s 37-year history with us while enjoying a community breakfast served by the Board of Trustees. There will be homemade pancakes fresh from the griddle, a variety of delicious toppings, savory sides, coffee, and juice! You are also invited to explore MPA’s past with the Pancake Breakfast history display!

Please contact Laurie Foss, Executive Assistant to the Head of School, via email or at 651-748-5522 with any questions.

Join Us On Saturday For MPA Talks

Purchase your tickets for MPA Talks to join us on Saturday as four members of our community share their meaningful, impactful, and inspiring stories! MPA Talks is a tradition that brings our community together, and we can’t wait to share the evening with you. Below is just a glimpse of the stories you’ll be inspired by on Saturday evening and tickets are still available!

Laurel Schwartz ’11 will be discussing stories passed down through generations, and how they tell us about the past and also shape the future. As human beings we are predisposed to sharing our life and our histories with others. For so long, the narratives in the news, in books and on the big screen have highlighted a single story that often left many people and identities in the margins. Now, every person has the capacity and the platform to be a storyteller with an audience. And, with that, comes our ability to change the world.

Kelly Turpin ’04’s talk will be covering her journey as an opera singer to artistic activist, which is how Arbeit Opera Theatre came to be. She has always wanted to make a difference, be at the forefront of change and societal progress, but only recently discovered how she could do that with her background in opera.

For years, MPA senior Julia Portis saw Breakthrough’s offices she passed them in the hallway; however, before her junior year she did not know what the program entailed. Upon learning about Breakthrough’s mission and curriculum, she excitedly applied to be a teaching fellow. The 9-week program brought several things to her attention: there are serious flaws in the educational system, and Minnesota suffers from one of the highest opportunity gaps in America. She believes it is imperative that we bring attention to this issue and start a conversation.

MPA Senior Gabby Law is going to talk about education–if education is the “key to success in life,” why is the system failing so many people? As a teaching fellow for Breakthrough Twin Cities, Gabby saw the incredible students in our community that the education system is leaving behind. Through her experience, Gabby will explain how we can make school a place for everyone and show just how powerful and joyful learning is for those who need it the most.

The ticket price of $20 includes passed hors d’oeuvres, dinner, and the presentations. Tickets are limited to 50. Visit mpa.link/mpatalks for more details on each speaker and to purchase tickets.

Your Gifts Make College Counseling Possible

college decision day 2018This article is the fourth in a series called “The Fall Campaign Stories of Impact: Five Weeks, Five Stories, Five Reasons to Give.”

Think of a list of common fears, and a familiar few come to mind. Public speaking. Air travel. Spiders. And here in Minnesota, an early snow! Another typical source of anxiety is the college application process—a journey in U.S. culture that’s often driven by worries about attending the “best” school, instead of the right school.

Lisa Pederson, MPA’s director of College Counseling, addresses that sense of dread head-on, with compassion, expertise, and a proven program that empowers students to customize their college search based on their unique strengths, interests, and long-term goals. “The best fit for one is not the right fit for the next, even among high-achieving, academically strong, and otherwise talented students,” says Pederson. “Today’s college admissions professionals are looking for the authentic voice in their applicants, not a packaged one that checks every box.” Read More