Upper School Grandparents Day is Next Week!

grandparents dayWe are very excited to bring Grandparents and Special Friends Day to the Upper School! This special MPA tradition has grown into an event specially designed for the Upper School division, and we are happy and proud to host all of your grandparents and special friends on Wednesday. Visitors will receive a unique glimpse inside our older students’ life at MPA!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Gallery Entrance
9 AM-12:20 PM
Full Agenda here!

If your Upper School student’s Grandparent or Special Friend is able to attend, kindly register them online, email GPDayRSVP@moundsparkacademy.org, or call 651-748-5530. Include your name, your student’s name(s), and the Grandparent or Special Friend’s name(s). Please register by April 20.

Any questions may be directed to Susan Robertson, Annual Giving & Alumni Relations Manager, at srobertson@moundsparkacademy.org or 651-748-5531.

Enhancing Play Spaces For All

middle school on the playgroundWe are excited to announce this year’s Spring Auction Fund A Need! Through our community’s generous support, we will significantly enhance the spaces where our students play and rejuvenate, PreK-12. Our goal is to raise $75,000.

With new equipment on the playground specifically designed for students PreK-8, and more comfortable and extensive seating for Upper School students in the Benz Courtyard, our students will benefit from these improved spaces each and every day. Rooted in the knowledge that young people thrive cognitively, socially, emotionally, and physically when they have plenty of time and space to move and play, this Fund A Need will enhance MPA’s ability to deliver on its mission and nurture the whole child.

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Live Auction Sneak Peek!

“Game – set – match.” Whether you favor Nadal, Murray or Federer, or Kerber, Williams or Wozniacki, there will be tennis greats galore as you head to the Big Apple for the U.S. Open Tennis Championship in New York City. You will sit up close to the best players in the world. This auction item includes two premium seats for the night session on Thursday, August 30 and two passes for the day matches on Friday, August 31. The U.S. Open is one of the greatest sports and entertainment events in the world. Don’t be left “out”—call yourself “in” for the Open with these terrific tickets!

If you have any questions, please contact Susan Robertson, Annual Giving and Alumni Relations Manager, at srobertson@moundsparkacademy.org or 651-748-5531. Full event information may always be found at moundsparkacademy.org/springauction.


Come One, Come All To The Spring Auction!

Come one, come all to the Spring Auction 2018-Under the Big Top at the JX in Stillwater! This fabulous community building event allows parents, alumni, parents of alumni, faculty, and grandparents to connect, enjoy an evening out, and take home some fantastic auction items, all while supporting the school that brings us together! Purchase your tickets here!

There are many ways to support Mounds Park Academy, like becoming a Spring Auction sponsor! This is your ticket to the exclusive sponsor pre-party where you will have special access to the silent auction, great gatherings, and games! Become a sponsor here!

Another way is by donating an auction item. Items ranging from themed baskets to weekend holidays are needed and very much appreciated. Your contributions are what make this event possible. All items may be dropped off in the Development Office. See the auction item wish list here!

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Planned Giving Through Beneficiary Designation

Kindergartners working with teacherA simple way to make a planned (deferred) gift to benefit MPA is by designating the school as a beneficiary of all or a portion of your IRA or other qualified retirement plan or life insurance policy. You simply request a beneficiary designation form from your retirement plan provider or life insurance company, complete and return the form to them, and the future gift is put in place. You may also designate MPA as the beneficiary of your stock portfolio by requesting and completing a TOD (Transfer on Death) form from your broker. An even simpler way is to visit your bank and designate MPA a beneficiary of your checking or savings account by completing a POD (Payable on Death) form. In each of these methods, MPA can be designated as the beneficiary of a fixed amount, a percentage, or the remainder of your assets.

The beauty of beneficiary designations is twofold: first, you do not need an attorney or other professional advisor to assist you so there is no cost involved; and second, you maintain flexibility throughout your lifetime. As circumstances change, you can modify or even terminate your gift at any time.

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Upper School Grandparents and Special Friends Day

Student working with grandparentsRegister your Upper School Student’s Grandparent or Special Friend for a day at MPA on April 25!

Grandparents and Special Friends Day has grown to include an event designed especially for Upper School! Visitors will receive a unique glimpse inside our older students’ life at MPA.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Gallery Entrance

9 AM: Registration, Coffee, Morning Treats
9:35 AM: Attend Students’ Second Block Classes
10:40 AM: Attend Preview of The Sound of Music With Students
11:25 AM: Lunch With Students
12:20 PM: Event Concludes for Grandparents and Special Friends. Students return to their regular schedules.

If your child’s Grandparent or Special Friend is able to attend, kindly RSVP them by clicking here for the registration form, emailing GPDayRSVP@moundsparkacademy.org, or calling 651-748-5530. Include your name, your student’s name(s), and the Grandparent or Special Friend’s name(s). Please register by April 20.

Any questions may be directed to Susan Robertson, Annual Giving & Alumni Relations Manager, at srobertson@moundsparkacademy.org or 651-748-5531.

Come One, Come All To The Spring Auction!

Come one, come all to the Spring Auction 2018-Under the Big Top at the JX in Stillwater! This fabulous community building event allows parents, alumni families, faculty, and grandparents to connect, enjoy an evening out, and take home some fantastic auction items, all while supporting the school that brings us together!

There are many ways to support Mounds Park Academy, like becoming a Spring Auction sponsor! This is your ticket to the exclusive sponsor pre-party where you will have special access to the silent auction, great gatherings, and games! Become a sponsor here!

Another way is by donating an auction item. Items ranging from themed baskets to weekend holidays are needed and very much appreciated. Your contributions are what make this event possible. All items may be dropped off in the Development Office. See the auction item wish list here!

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An Inspiring Night At MPA Talks

dr. Sheneeta white at mpa talksThe powerful presentations at MPA Talks left us feeling inspired and motivated on Tuesday night. It was a wonderful evening here on campus to hear MPA parent Dr. Sheneeta White, MPA junior Ling DeBellis, and MPA science teacher Hannah Sullivan give talks that covered everything from efficiency and perseverance to happiness and fulfillment. As a community, we are so grateful to have these amazing women among us. Please enjoy pieces of their captivating presentations here!

“Think of what is valuable to you. Make them standard.” – Dr. Sheneeta White

“My future is bright because I can see hope in anything.” – Ling DeBellis

“Students need to be equipped to choose and supported to pursue their own metrics.” – Hannah Sullivan

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Plant A Tree For Tomorrow

dog sledding I termby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I am fortunate to live in a beautiful neighborhood in south Minneapolis near Minnehaha Creek and Lake Harriet. One of the things I like most about the area is the tall, towering trees that form an umbrella over the streets. They protect our house from the summer sun and fall is absolutely spectacular. I find myself expressing words of gratitude for those families who, more than 40 years ago, planted the trees that we value and enjoy today.

Like many neighborhoods in the Twin Cities, we’ve had a terrible problem with the Emerald Ash Boer. Many of our trees have had to be removed and it has been very sad to see these majestic trees cut down. Our neighborhood, however, has banded together and are once again populating the boulevard from new trees. They are small and scrawny and do not provide any protection or beauty. Yet, as we care for the small sapling in front of our house, I imagine what it will be like in 20 or 30 years as young children yet to be born enjoy the shade.

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Auction Items Needed and Appreciated!

Spring AuctionItems ranging from themed baskets and event tickets to extravagant weekend holidays are needed and very much appreciated. Your contributions are what make this event possible! All items may be dropped off in the Development Office. auction wish list >