MPA Talks: Meet Hannah Sullivan

Hannah sullivanHannah Sullivan has been teaching science at MPA since 2004. She grew up in New Hampshire and attended high school at Phillips Academy in Andover, MA. She went on to study Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT. She is passionate about science education, the outdoors, and spending time with her own two young boys.

At MPA Talks, Hannah will discuss what it looks like when we create a career that gives us a sense of pride and purpose, how to discover opportunities to use our talents and pursue our passions, and how we can make space to engage our passions in our careers.

We interviewed Hannah so that you could get to know her better before hearing her speak at MPA Talks!

We ask our students to dream big and do right. Do you feel that call to action is important to the future of our society and if so, why?
I think there many different ways to approach dream big and do right. We need people who are making the world a better place on many different levels. We need local leaders, teachers, healthy role models. We need to support our friends and family. We also need national and global leaders. If we can inspire our students to think about how they can make an impact on the community around them, on any scale, then we are setting everyone up for a better future.

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Come One, Come All!

Come one, come all to the Spring Auction 2018—Under the Big Top! Please join us for our only fundraising event of the year at the JX in Stillwater on Saturday, May 12. This fabulous community building event allows parents, alumni families, faculty, and grandparents to connect, enjoy an evening out, and take home some fantastic auction items, all while supporting the school that brings us together! Purchase tickets here!

Sponsors receive special recognition on the website and printed materials, and are invited to the exclusive pre-party where they will have special access to the silent auction, great gatherings, and games. Sponsors also support Mounds Park Academy’s faculty and staff by allowing us to provide them with complimentary tickets to the event. Become a sponsor today!

Items ranging from themed baskets to weekend holidays are needed and very much appreciated. Your contributions are what make this event possible. All items may be dropped off in the Development Office. View the auction item wish list!

If you have any questions, please contact Susan Robertson, Annual Giving and Alumni Relations Manager, at or 651-748-5531. Full event information may always be found at

Save The Date For MPA Talks

MPA talks save the dateJoin us for the fourth annual MPA Talks on Tuesday, March 13, 2018, featuring thoughtful presentations by MPA Lower School parent Dr. Sheneeta W. White, Upper School student Ling DeBellis, and Upper School science faculty member Hannah Sullivan. We are so delighted to feature some of Mounds Park Academy’s most captivating community members and you will learn much more about them in upcoming issues of Panther Post.

This event is designed to bring us together to gain new perspectives and be inspired. The reception and hors d’oeuvres will begin in the Gallery at 5 PM, followed by the featured speakers’ presentations from 6-7 PM. No RSVP is required and Middle and Upper School students are welcome! Panther Club/Den and dinner will be available for students through grade six as well. Reserve childcare and direct any questions you may have to

Generosity Improves The Black Box Theatre

students behind the scenes of Peter panRenovating the Black Box Theatre was MPA’s Fund A Need from the last Spring Auction. In less than five minutes, our community raised nearly $100,000 to make necessary improvements. The Fine Arts Department was humbled to be spotlighted and supported by the community in such a profound way.

The Middle School Play, Peter Pan, sold out four performances in the newly-remodeled space, and everyone noticed a difference in the new lighting, costume shop, infrastructural updates, and learning spaces that proved to be valuable to the students and their teachers throughout the entire production.

Heather Mastel, drama teacher and Middle School Play director, shares the difference: “I overheard many positive comments about the updated look with the new risers and chairs. The curtain made the Black Box look so polished. My favorite part of the remodel was the costume shop though … looking at it now, I don’t know how we even got by with the previous space. The new space allows for collaboration and work in the shop!”

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Thank You For Your Generosity

students cheering at give to the max day assemblyThe Thanksgiving season is a traditional time to recognize and appreciate all that is good in one’s life. At Mounds Park Academy, we are thankful for the continued generosity of our community. This year’s annual five-week Joyful Learning, Joyful Giving Fall Campaign grew like an ocean wave with its peak on Give to the Max Day! Of the nearly $300,000 in gifts throughout the campaign, 43 percent was contributed on that day alone! Incredible! Thank you!

This year’s Give to the Max Day also included the Lip Sync Battle! In its third year, the event is now an established tradition celebrating our fabulous community! Click here to revisit this year’s fun one more time!

Happy Give To The Max Day!

Upper school studentsAs of noon, MPA families have raised an incredible $41,028. If we reach $75,000, a generous family will give a bonus gift of $25,000 to get us to the goal of $100,000 today! Incredible!As of noon, MPA families have raised an incredible $41,028. If we reach $75,000, a generous family will give a bonus gift of $25,000 to get us to the goal of $100,000 today! Incredible!

In celebration of such generosity on Give to the Max Day, please join us for a Lip Sync Assembly this afternoon in the Lansing Sports Center at 2:20 PM featuring performances from across all divisions. You won’t want to miss the fabul ous line up of faculty and students.

As Dr. Hudson shared in his Head’s Message, “I give out of gratitude, in thanksgiving for the transformational experience my daughter, and your children, are receiving. I give because parenting is tough and I need and appreciate all the help I can get. I give as a manifestation of hope.” Follow along on Facebook as MPA’s faculty and staff share why they give to MPA each hour!

Please join Dr. Hudson, faculty, and staff, and make a gift…

If you have any questions about making a gift, please contact Matt Magers, Director of Development at 651-748-5532 or via email .

Give To The Max Day

E club planting treesMark your calendars for Give to the Max Day on November 16 and the end of the Fall Campaign on November 17. If we reach our goal of $75,000 that day, a generous MPA family will contribute an additional $25,000, bringing our grand total to $100,00!

Also, please join us for a Lip Sync Battle on Give to the Max Day in the Lansing Sports Center at 2:20 PM featuring performances from faculty and staff across all divisions. Check out a recap of last year’s event to get you excited!

To make a gift …
  • Pledge now and donate later! Make a pledge by simply emailing Matt Magers, Director of Development, at
  • Click here to give online today or on Give to the Max Day!
  • Visit the Development Office anytime or on Give to the Max Day. We accept cash, check, or credit cards and are open daily from 8 AM–4 PM.
If you have any questions about making a gift, please contact the Development Team, at 651-748-5532 or via email.

College Years

POA gatheringby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

A week ago, I had the pleasure of attending a social event at Dellwood Country Club organized by the MPA Parents of Alumni Association. The event brought together parents who have MPA graduates currently in college. It was a spirited group—all were very excited to talk with one another and share stories of how their children are faring at school. I enjoyed hearing from them and learning how well their children felt prepared for college after MPA. In addition to feeling prepared, I frequently hear that many of our alumni are assisting their friends and roommates with schoolwork and/or teaching them how to study and manage their time.

Another common observation that I hear from parents of alumni is that they continue to develop relationships with their professors. In the words of one parent of alumni, “My child has transitioned beautifully to college. She knows how to advocate for herself and how to learn. I am amazed by her ability to access teachers and get her questions answered. I couldn’t be more pleased with her high school experience.” Because of the meaningful relationships they form with their MPA teachers, they have the same confidence and comfort to talk to their professors after class or visit them during office hours. In some instances, this has led to internships or research assistant opportunities.

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Can We Count On You?

Gifts of all size are an affirmation of your commitment to MPA. It sends a powerful message to the students, faculty, staff, and the community that MPA is an institution worth supporting, that the work we are doing to prepare our future leaders to dream big and do right has an impact on our world, and that you know how valuable participation truly is in the Fall Campaign. Thank you!

We all love a pizza party! Your class can join the celebration of giving! Participation is what really makes the difference! Classes that reach 70% participation via their families’ giving will then receive a free pizza party! Also, mark your calendars for the Give to the Max Day Lip Sync Assembly on Thursday, November 16. We can’t wait to see you there!Click here to make a gift

Inspiring Participation

Grandparent with childa message from Matt Magers, Director of Development

“Today is one of my most favorite days of the year!” This is what I heard from several teachers last Wednesday, October 18, the third day of the Joyful Learning, Joyful Giving Fall Campaign. As a new staffer, I initially thought, “Wow! This school is really into philanthropy.”

That is true; however, I quickly realized that they were referring to our traditional Grandparents & Special Friends Day. This day provides an opportunity for our Lower and Middle School students to showcase their school to some of the most important people of their lives—grandparents and special friends! The entire day was filled with enthusiasm and joy as MPA welcomed more than 200 guests to campus (see photos here).

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