Makerspace Dedication Event

Student making a buttonThank you to all who came to the Makerspace Dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony. Each and every one of you made the day fun and special! We hope you enjoyed getting to use your hands and minds in the STEAM activities and learned more about what goes on every day in the Makerspace here at MPA. Whether you went home with a customized Makerspace button to wear or a newfound love for building Rube Goldberg machines, it seemed everyone had a great afternoon of discovery and play.  We are proud to show you what our students are experiencing and working with at school. For more photos of the event, visit our Flickr page.

To watch Dr. AnnMarie Thomas’s inspiring and insightful talk to the MPA community during the Makerspace assembly on Friday, October 6, please visit our YouTube channel! She tells a vivid and relatable story of finding her passion, from childhood to college and now as an educator. She truly moved the community at every level.


MPA Blood Drive

Upper school student helping first grade student make a posterThe first grade and Upper School Student Council have teamed up to host the MPA Blood Drive as their service project for the year. Not only is it exciting for the students to work with each other across  divisions, but they are enthusiastic about supporting an important cause.

The students are having the drive to spread a simple message: giving blood is easy, and it will save lives. Much of today’s medical care depends on having a steady supply of blood provided by donors. The philanthropy of it is that donating blood saves lives on a local and global level. Patients in need of red blood cells, transfusions for emergency surgeries, and treatment of illnesses such as Leukemia and other cancers all benefit from your irreplaceable donation.

To support them, please consider offering an hour of your time to donate blood on Thursday, October 26. You may sign-up by going online to Our sponsor code/keyword is Mounds Park Academy. If you know that you are unable to give blood, please be sure to ask friends or relatives! If you have questions about your eligibility to donate please call the Red Cross at 1-800-RED-CROSS (733-2767). The first grade students and Upper School Student Council sincerely appreciate it!

Remind Grandparents And Special Friends To RSVP!

MPA grandparents and special friends are welcomed to a very joyful day on campus! Remind them to join PreK through 8th Grade students for a special glimpse inside the everyday life at MPA. Grandparents and Special Friends Day is Wednesday, October 18.

Registration, coffee, and treats will begin at 9 AM, leading up to programs and classroom visits throughout the morning until 11:30 AM. Grandparents and special friends must RSVP by Wednesday, October 11, by emailing or calling the RSVP line at 651-748-5530. They must include their names and the names of the student(s) that they will be visiting. We can’t wait to have them on campus!

The Journey to MPA

Dr. Hudson with studentsby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

My first impression of MPA was in 1995 and came from a neighbor whose son attended MPA. We had just bought a house in Afton and were in the process of meeting our neighbors. Our next door neighbors spoke so highly of the school and their son struck me as both bright and affable and immediately had a favorable impression of MPA. Even though I taught down the street at Hill-Murray, I did not know much at all about MPA. I made a mental note to myself that I should learn more about the school as my interaction with my neighbors peaked my curiosity.

Josh and Trish Hanson, parents of Lower School students Finley, Liv, and Willa, first heard of MPA in a similar way. Josh recalls, “Another neighbor, the Nickoski’s, attend MPA and love it. That was what initially piqued our interest to learn more. We attended an open house and we were immediately hooked.”

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RSVP Today For Dedication Event!

Girl working in MakerspaceThe Makerspace Dedication and Ribbon Cutting event is coming up on October 7, starting promptly at 1 PM. The formal events will be followed by tours of the space, STEAM activities for all ages, and refreshments. This will be an incredible event that you will not want to miss! Kindly reply to

“The AnnMarie Thomas Makerspace is the only creative center of its kind in the Twin Cities for students in grades PreK through 12. Given the long-standing approach at Mounds Park Academy of hands-on, experiential learning that integrates science, technology, math with the humanities and the arts, the Makerspace fits perfectly alongside the work of Dr. Thomas,” said Dr. Hudson. Dr. Thomas will speak to students at an all school assembly on Friday, October 6.

Homecoming Coverage and Photos

Homecoming was spectacular! Thank you to everyone who attended the festivities. Find professional photo from Saturday on campus here and photo booth moments here!

Senior Rachel Lindrud of “Freethinker,” MPA’s new student-run news source, covered the excitement of Homecoming Week …

MPA students playing soccerHomecoming: A Time for Pride, Competition, and Dancing
by Rachel Lindrud

On Friday, September 22 through Saturday, September 23, Mounds Park Academy came together as an entire community for its annual and spirited Homecoming events. In the days leading up to the games and festivities, parents decorated the hallways and coordinated multiple events, while over the weekend, kids from all grades streamed to the fields and courts to cheer on their classmates, siblings, and mentors. MPA’s “Panther Pride,” an appellation referring to the school’s panther mascot, was uniquely demonstrated throughout the week in the forms of volunteer work, athletic skill, and blue and white pompoms. This event models not only MPA and its athletic accomplishments, but also its proactive parent, student, and teacher volunteerism and its dynamic community-building spirit.

On Friday, the day before the sporting events, MPA held its annual Homecoming Assembly, at which students and faculty of all grade levels came together to wish the athletes a final good luck and also take part in various competitive community-building events. Sylvia H. ’24, supported her sisters and enjoyed watching her friends and teachers compete with one another: “I supported Soccer and Volleyball because my sisters are on those teams. My favorite part of the assembly was watching the sports teams and teachers do relays.”

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Nourishing Since 1982

Group of alumni at eventby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I hope that you were caught up in the wave of school spirit last week during Homecoming. It was a fantastic week as students, parents, and alumni “came back” to celebrate the special place that MPA holds in their hearts. Newly retired athletic director Joe Kordosky remarked that the turnout for Saturday’s events was the largest he could remember. As I moved from event to event, I reveled in the strong school spirit and morale.

We had a wonderful showing of alumni for a happy hour Friday night and a more formal reunion on Saturday evening. Several alums participated in a tour of the school that I led on Saturday morning. Interacting with alumni is an aspect of my job that I really enjoy. You’ve probably come to know that I love to hear people’s stories. It is particularly rewarding to listen to the stories that alumni tell about the influence MPA has had on their lives. Many say that it was, in fact, “life-changing.” For instance: Read More

Volunteer At Homecoming!

Volunteers at HomecomingWe need your support to make all of this fun happen again! Sign up to volunteer at MPA’s Homecoming 2017! This fun-filled weekend has so many activities going on including fun runs, bounce houses, athletic competitions, alumni events, and much more.

This incredible weekend for every member of our community would not be possible without the generosity of volunteers who give of their time on Saturday, September 23. If you have an hour or two to spare, volunteering is a great way to get involved with the event and MPA!

Thank you in advance for your time! If you have any questions, please contact Susan Robertson, Development Manager, at 651-748-5531 or

Makerspace Dedication

Makerspace logoThe MPA community is invited to campus on October 7 for the AnnMarie Thomas Makerspace dedication ceremony, ribbon cutting, and STEAM activities for all ages.

“The AnnMarie Thomas Makerspace is the only creative center of its kind in the Twin Cities for students in grades PreK through 12. Given the long-standing approach at Mounds Park Academy of hands-on, experiential learning that integrates science, technology, math with the humanities and the arts, the Makerspace fits perfectly alongside the work of Dr. Thomas,” said Dr. Hudson. Dr. Thomas will speak to students at an all school assembly on Friday, October 6.

Please arrive before 1 PM if you plan to attend the dedication ceremony and ribbon cutting. RSVP to We hope to see you there!

“When Everyone Comes Back”

Lower School girls cheering at the Homecoming Pep Rallyby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” I was recently at a meeting when someone shared that famous quote from Peter Drucker to emphasize the importance of culture as foundational for organizational success. Clearly strategy is important, yet it will certainly fall flat without engaged, motivated, and cohesive employees who share a common purpose.

As we approach Homecoming in a couple weeks, I found myself thinking about the strong culture at MPA. Educational research is clear that a strong culture leads to higher levels of student achievement. In the ISACS survey administered last year, 85 percent of students agreed that MPA is a caring community, high above the independent school benchmark. A whopping 96 percent of parents agreed as well, also above the benchmark. In the words of one parent, MPA “is a positive nurturing environment. It provides the best well-rounded education I think you can get in Minnesota.”

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