RSVP For The MPA Preview–School Day Edition!

Upper School chemistry lab The PreK-12 MPA Preview on Thursday, January 25, 8:30-10 AM, is our final PreK-12 admission event of the year and an opportunity to experience MPA on a regular school day!

With community members as your hosts, you’ll visit classrooms to see students and teachers in action–with a few surprises along the way! The event will end with division-specific Q&A sessions. This event is designed for the adult members of your family. If you will be bringing a child, please do let us know.

MPA Previews are signature PreK-12 events designed to introduce you to the faculty, students, and families who make MPA the exceptional learning community that it is. You’ll hear from a variety of perspectives, be engaged in conversation with academic leaders, experience what a day in the life of an MPA student is like, and leave with a much better understanding of the MPA way.

RSVP today to discover why Mounds Park Academy is an exceptional place to learn and grow!

A Spotlight On MPA Athletics

Nate and Yahya at State 2019 This message is from MPA’s Office of Admission from the November 27, 2023 issue of InsideMPA. Click here to get in touch with Admission and learn more!

What factors contribute to a student athlete’s success, both on and off the field? How does a small-by-design school like MPA foster athletes who go on to do incredible things?

A balance between athletics, academics, and the arts is not found at every school. Often students’ priorities conflict and they must choose one passion area over another. MPA students are encouraged to dive deep into many passion areas and the supportive environment makes doing so possible.

When Nate Bander ’09, coach, saw potential in basketball player Yahya Madar ’19 and inspired him to join the track team as a high jumper, a transformation began, and history was made. What might seem like a sports story is so much more.

Through our no-cut policy, low student-teacher ratio, and committed and passionate community, student athletes are known, understood, and seen by their teachers, coaches, and mentors. They receive help when they ask for it. They are fiercely cared for. They are encouraged to take risks and dream big. Click here to hear their story.

A Message From Tim Koerner ’03

Dear MPA Alumni,

At our house, the Halloween decorations have been put away, the Thanksgiving Turkey yard blow-ups are standing proudly in the fading grass (to the delight of our sons), and I am reflecting on the concurrent themes of this month of November: money and gratitude.

Money has been a topic du jour of this month for our family, as we took the leap to take our 5 year old (MPA Kindergartener, Lewis) and 3 year old, Arlo, to Disney World and Legoland for the first time.

“Is this worth it? What will spending all this money do for them?” These questions swirled in our minds as we overpacked for the journey, walked tens of miles through 5 theme parks in 6 days, and as we laced up our shoes for Legoland on November 16th, these same questions arose as Give to the Max stories, appeals and requests began filling our inboxes, a bread crumb trail of all the causes we have ever invested our faith in over the last 15 years.

“Do you still believe in us?” is how I interpreted the core question of each Give to the Max email I received. In the case of MPA, as a Class of 2003 alumns and MPA ‘Lifer’ (K-12 attendee), myself, and current parents of an MPA student, our answer was and is a resounding ‘Yes!’

My wife and I chose to give to MPA on Give to the Max Day, because they have created access to an environment for our son, Lewis, that nurtures him so well, he stated after the first week of school this fall that “I wish I could move my bed there and stay there!” I graduated 20 years ago from the same halls that my son now walks, and I am reminded of the lyrics to ‘The Thanksgiving Song’ by Ben Rector in this month of November:

“Funny how it all looks different
But it feels the same
Like how life never stops changing
But some things never change”

In this month of November, on such a day as Give to the Max Day, we give our money to the places, people and ideas that give us gratitude.

‘Your Gift, Their Future’ celebrates the countless connections MPA students make each day on campus, across academic innovation, athletic prowess and flourishing arts programs. When I was a high school student at MPA in the early 2000s, gifts such as yours enabled the launching of the laptop program.

During the fall campaign stretch alone in 2023, you see the fruits of such gifts as cross country runners and The Blue Wave make their way to State, middle school students put on a stellar ‘Puss N’ Boots’ production with incredible set design and a NYT bestselling author and poet, Jacqueline West, visits campus.

“Is this worth it? What will spending this money do for them?” Whether it’s a family trip, a campaign gift or a Give to the Max Day infusion at the level you are able to contribute, you perpetuate the spirit, energy and ideals of a place that gives you and your children gratitude.

I can think of no better worth for money, myself, and I am grateful to have experienced MPA firsthand, 20-30 years ago, now seeing my son revere MPA as a second home, as I once did.

Apparently, a few of you out there share similar sentiments, as the challenges seen below were met during the MPA Give to the Max Day and Fall Campaign: $529,156 raised overall throughout the Fall Campaign and $356,491 raised on Give to the Max Day.

Because of your generosity and gifts, students will continue to thrive and joyfully experience opportunities at MPA that will shape and enhance their future(s), in the years to come.

On behalf of the current MPA parent community, the Alumni Association and all our beloved MPA teachers and staff, we are thankful for you this season!

See why others gave by reading the comments here.

PJs and Pancakes: Founders’ Day Breakfast 2023

The Board of Trustees warmly invites you to the Annual Founders’ Day Pancake Breakfast. This is a signature MPA event that you won’t want to miss!

Wednesday, December 6
7-8 AM | Family Commons

Come early to visit and avoid long lines! No RSVP is needed.
Lower School parents should plan to attend with their children.
All students are invited to wear PJs for a cozy day at school!
A top eight allergen-free option will be provided at a separate station.

If you have any questions, contact Cherie Honan, Executive Assistant to the Head of School, at or 651-748-5522.

We look forward to seeing you there!

MPA Parents Association Book Festival 2023

December 4-8

The Book Festival is coming up just in time for Winter Break reading or holiday gifts. Each year at MPA, our community supports the Martin Lenz Harrison Library and the joy of reading through the Book Festival. The Parents Association, in partnership with the Library, organizes the sale of new and used books. Book Festival goals include getting books into the hands of our students while supporting Library initiatives. Whether that is the prompt purchase of the next book in a popular new series, school subscriptions to the New York Times, or helping to fund events, the Book Festival exists to enrich and celebrate the Library experience for all MPA students. This is a time-honored MPA tradition that every family is encouraged to participate in! 

We welcome you to support the joy of reading and the Martin Lenz Harrison Library at MPA in the following ways:

Come Shop
Red Balloon Bookstore and Usborne Books will be in the MPA Gallery, December 4-7, 7:45 AM-4 PM, and on December 8, 7:45 AM-12 PM. Credit cards or checks only, please. A portion of all sales benefit the Library. In addition, join us the evening of December 4 until 7 PM for an MPA Shopping Night at Red Balloon in St. Paul.

If you prefer to shop online, you can order from Red Balloon here. Online merchandise from Usborne Books, Kane Miller Books, and SmartLab STEM kits available through PaperPie Learning (formerly Usborne Books & More) can be found here.

You can also shop at Red Balloon Bookstore on Grand Avenue in St. Paul all week. Please mention at check-out or in the comments that you would like your purchase to benefit MPA.

Used Book Sale
Donate your gently loved books for all ages to our Used Book Sale. Carts are at the North and South entrances through December 1 for convenient donation drop-offs. Please, no textbooks, encyclopedias, or travel guides. All proceeds benefit the MPA library. Read More

Giving For The Future

from Jennifer Rogers-Petitt, director of development and community engagement

Editor’s Note: Periodically, you will find a guest Head’s Message here from members of the administrative team. We hope you will enjoy reading their thoughts and reflections about life at MPA.

Why a lip sync battle? I have been asked that question more than a few times as director of development and community engagement at MPA. I inherited this tradition that started in 2016: an end-of-day all-school assembly on Give to the Max Day. Some have wondered what teachers and staff battling it out with a friendly lip-sync competition has to do with fundraising at an independent school like MPA.

Every year, when we gather to watch the teams put themselves out there in person and our compilation video at the end of the night, this gathering reminds me of why I love MPA. This year, reflecting on how we’ve celebrated as a community on Give to the Max Day in years past feels especially meaningful.

Of course, Give to the Max Day isn’t just about well-rehearsed dance moves or (at times) silly costumes. It’s about the joy, fun, and sense of shared purpose and community a day of giving can spark. And what better way to spark joy than through a lip sync battle? Please know that all community members are welcome to join us in the Lansing Sports Center at 2 PM.

In preparation for this chance for our community to support the area that matters most to them— academic innovation, access, the arts, and athletics—I asked teachers, staff, students, and alums why each area resonates with them. Our third-grade teaching team, Ms. Stewart and Ms. Wermager, shared this with me:

“As new teachers at MPA, we both feel lucky to be in a community where students are encouraged to explore, create, and test out their ideas. One of our focus areas is to provide students with many opportunities to make and create in our classrooms. We wouldn’t be able to implement these activities without funds and materials, so we appreciate that MPA provides us with what we need to make these experiences possible.”

I hope you’ll follow along on MPA’s social media channels to hear more inspiring stories about why an MPA education means so much to our students, staff, and alums.

Today, I am giving to support the type of academic innovation in the classroom that I know my own students have benefitted from. I also support access to an MPA education for every student who can benefit from our whole-child academics, prioritizing collaboration over competition. After making a gift to ensure our incredible arts faculty and staff have the resources they need to continue to guide every student to embrace their creativity and expression, I will give my standing ovation for our Middle School students as they perform in the Middle School play this weekend. And while we’re tallying up final gifts tonight, I’ll know my gift in support of athletics at MPA helps our student-athletes, like the Varsity Swim Team, at their state tournament.

We have a big goal today and many challenges remaining to unlock even more financial support for our students and staff. Join with me and thousands of alums, parents, grandparents, and friends to give generously for today’s students and the future we can all hope for, knowing they’ll be the trailblazers and leaders shaking the world and stirring the human spirit.

Parents Association News and Events November 16, 2023

Two New Volunteer Opportunities for MPA Parents/Guardians
The Panther Committee is hoping for your input if you are passionate about Athletics at MPA. If you have a sporty LS student and see MPA athletics in your future, this is a great place to join the team! If you have a MS student who plays club sports and you’re not sure how that translates to MPA sports, this is the spot for you. If you have a US athlete who is hoping to play their sport in college, we may be able to connect you with like-minded families. The Panther Committee will determine topics of interest and work closely with Dan Haase, athletic director, to support MPA athletics. The first meeting will be Friday, November 17 from 1-3 PM in the Porter Conference Room.

If you are interested in topics of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging at MPA this is a perfect opportunity to share your passion. The DEIB Committee will determine topics of interest and work closely with Lamar Shingles, Director of Equity and Belonging, to make an impact at MPA. The first meeting will be Tuesday, November 28, from 4-6 PM in the Porter Conference Room.

Thanksgiving Pie Distribution
Tuesday, November 21, 1:30-3 PM
Before Thanksgiving, the Parents Association will be handing out Pies to our MPA staff in the Family Commons. Stop by to help out. There is no sign up necessary!

LS Parent Quarterly Coffee
Tuesday, November 28, 6-7 PM in the Gallery
Join us for the LS Parent Quarterly Coffee. The topic will be “Responsive Parenting: Understanding Developmental Stages.” We will discuss the common stages of development in the Lower School, to help us understand our children better. Read More

Your Gift, Their Future

from Bill Hudson, head of school

Confidence in the future is at an all-time low for Americans. A recent survey by the Pew Research Center found that many Americans hold negative views about our collective future. It’s not hard to see why. Global strife, an uncertain economy, political vitriol, social discord, and climate change, to name a few, all contribute to the current uneasiness many feel.

Yet, I remain a firm optimist. While I don’t discount our current reality, I have faith in the future because MPA students inspire me each and every day. I see eighth graders working together to imagine, research, design, and build future cities that showcase their solutions to a citywide sustainability issue. I see Upper School students grappling with and researching complex topics in debate, forming arguments grounded in evidence and the result of critical thinking. I see Lower School students learning about and practicing essential social skills such as kindness, respect, listening, and conflict resolution. Read More

Upper School Division News November 9, 2023

from Mark Segal, Upper School director

Mark Your Calendars

  • Monday, November 13: 11th Grade Mock ACT Testing, 11:30-3 PM, MPA 
  • Thursday, November 16: Give to the Max Day Lip Sync Assembly, 2:20-3 PM, Lansing Center 
  • Thursday, November 16: Grade 10 Parent Meeting, 6-7 PM, Recital Hall 
  • Thursday, November 16: Upper School Vocal Concert, 7:30-8:30 PM, Nicholson Center 
  • Friday, November 17:   9th Grade Bring-A-Friend to MPA Day 
  • Monday, November 20: Senior Performances, 8-9:15 AM, Recital Hall 
  • Wednesday, November 22: No Classes, Thanksgiving Break 
  • Thursday, November 23: No Classes, Thanksgiving Holiday Break 
  • Friday, November 24: No Classes, Thanksgiving Holiday Break 
  • Thursday, November 30: Upper School Conferences, 3:30-8 PM, MPA 
  • Friday, December 1: No Upper School Classes, Upper School Conferences, 8-5 PM, MPA 
  • Saturday, December 2: US Semi-Formal Dance, 8-11 PM, Maplewood Community Center 
  • Monday, December 4-Friday, December 8: MPA Book Festival 
  • Wednesday, December 6: Founder’s Day Breakfast, 7-8 AM, Family Commons 
  • Wednesday, December 6: Class of 2028 Feed Your Mind Dinner, 6-8 PM, Family Commons 
  • Thursday, December 7: Upper School Parent Coffee, 8-9:30 AM, PCR 
  • Friday, December 8: Senior Performances, 8-9:15 AM, Recital Hall 
  • Tuesday, December 19: Senior Performances, 8-9:15 AM, Recital Hall 
  • Tuesday, December 19: Class of 2028 Parent Coffee, 6:30-7:30 PM, MPA 
  • Wednesday, December 20: MPA Caroling, 7:30-8 AM, MPA 
  • Thursday, December 21-Tuesday, January 2: No Classes, Winter Break 
  • Wednesday, January 3: Classes Resume 

A few weeks ago, my family and I celebrated one of many traditional Upper School “rites of passage” when our son received his driver’s permit. We anxiously awaited the envelope addressed to him from the State of Minnesota that contained his permit card, which would give him the permission necessary to get behind the wheel of our car and drive. When it arrived, however, I must admit that I was surprised by what I saw. It wasn’t that his picture had more of a smirk than a smile or that he had decided to be an organ donor like his parents, but rather my focus was on the difficult to read “signature” displayed at the bottom of the card. I have known for quite some time that his penmanship was similar to what patients once saw at the bottom of a doctor’s prescription pad, but I was a bit taken aback by what I saw.  

In a recent Washington Post article, author Gina Rich shared that “handwriting is a fine motor skill that isn’t innately learned; it needs to be taught and practiced.” As I thought about this quote, I realized that handwriting is a timeless and fundamental skill that plays a critical role in the process of learning and mastering material. This was a hard reality for me as MPA has for decades been a one-to-one laptop school where academic technology has played an important role in the education of students. While technology has, and will continue, to make vast strides in education, there are compelling reasons to advocate and find time for students to use handwriting as an essential tool in their learning process.   Read More

Parents Association News and Events November 9, 2023

MPA Book Festival
December 4-8
Book Festival is coming up! Just in time for Winter Break reading or holiday gifts! Come and share the love of books and reading with your family. The Book Festival is in-person again this year! Support the joy of reading at MPA!

Used Book Sale
Our students love to browse the used book selection for interesting titles! The PA will be hosting a Used Book Sale at school during Book Festival week. We are asking for donations of gently used books for readers of all ages (hardcover and paperbacks). Please no textbooks, encyclopedias, or travel guides. Donation carts will be set up at the North and South entrances from November 13-December 1 for convenient donation drop-offs. All proceeds benefit the MPA library.

MPA Book Festival Book Club with Dr. Hudson
Dec 7, 6-7:30 PM, MPA Library
“Mad Honey” by Jodi Picoult
Please join Dr. Hudson and fellow book-loving parents for a discussion of Mad Honey. Author Jodi Picoult describes her novel as having “all of the things: alternating narratives, suspense, courtroom drama, and a love story at its core. It’s about authenticity, identity, and it explores the secrets we keep and the risks we take in order to become our true selves.” Please sign up here to let us know you will be coming and to get your copy of the book here. Read More