A Magical Moment of Kindness

Kindergarten reading kindness quotes to upper schoolby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

Adults and children alike are asking a question of themselves and others these days: What does it mean to be kind? During a time of societal change and upheaval, the place of kindness in our lives is often taken up by rancor, division, and sometimes violence. I was horrified last week by the incident on I-94 when a driver, overcome with road rage, fired a gun at a school bus driver. Schools are not immune and can be cruel places. It is a sad fact that more than one out of five students nationwide will be bullied this year. Research has demonstrated time and again that when students don’t feel safe, it is difficult for them to learn and grow.

Kindness is not something to be taken for granted. It is important that parents and schools join together and intentionally foster empathy. Ravi Rao, a pediatric neurosurgeon, believes parents should teach feelings as much as they teacher things like color and numbers. She is convinced that for kids to show empathy to us, we need to show empathy to them. At MPA, we believe very strongly in fostering a kind and joyful community. What is at stake is more than academic achievement, it is a sense of self and developing the confidence to fly. Read More

IMAC Nordic Ski Championship

girls nordic ski first place teamCongratulations to the MPA Nordic Ski teams on a fantastic IMAC Championship meet! The girls team won the IMAC Nordic Championship at Battle Creek, with a score of 568. The boys took second in the Championship with a score of 507.

MPA Senior Matt Bourne individually took first place for the boys, while senior Ellie Quam earned first place honors for the girls. We wish the MPA Nordic Individuals advancing to State at Giants Ridge the best of luck and we can’t wait to cheer you on! Go Panthers!

Senior Maia Kelly Signs With Pitzer College

Maia Kelly signing letter of intentSenior Maia Kelly signed a letter of intent to Pitzer College in Claremont, California to play volleyball for their team, the Sagehens.

Maia has received Player of the Match multiple times throughout her high school volleyball career, as well as received the Coaches Award this past season. Her position is middle blocker.

Congratulations Maia! The Sagehens are lucky to have you.

Enjoy Our Free Food For Thought?

students in hot lunch lineWe had a wonderful response to last Friday’s Free Food For Thought, in partnership with SAGE Dining. Please watch for additional dates to come for both students and parents to try MPA’s program.

If your student enjoyed the experience, Middle and Upper School students can add lunch for the remainder of the school year for $430—equivalent to just $5.75 per day. Lower School students can add lunch for the remainder of the school year for $380—equivalent to just $5 per day. Contact Amanda Platson, student billing coordinator, at aplatson@moundsparkacademy.org or 651748-5502 to do so.

Join Us For Maker Fest 2019!

Maker Fest 2018See our community’s hard work come to life at Maker Fest in the AnnMarie Thomas Makerspace on Saturday, February 23 from 1-3 PM. Anyone is welcome to attend as a spectator. No RSVP is necessary! Participation is open to everyone in our community—students, parents, grandparents, alumni, parents of alumni, faculty, staff, and more–showcasing a variety of skills, crafts, inventions, and activities.

Maker Fest is the perfect opportunity to “show and tell” something that you have created and share your accomplishments. If you have questions, please contact Ms. Koen, Makerspace coordinator, at nkoen@moundsparkacademy.org.

Together, We’ll Meet The Changing Needs

Dr. Hudson in the commons with upper school studentby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

We are fortunate to live in an older neighborhood in Minneapolis. Our house, built in 1915, is more than 100 years old and has a warm, comfortable feel to it. However, with two parents, two children, two dogs, and aging parents, we made the decision several years ago to add on a new kitchen, a bathroom on the first floor, and a family room in the basement. The old kitchen was so small that I could touch the counter and cupboards on one side and easily touch the sink and counter on the other side. Cozy doesn’t quite capture the feeling of what it was like to cook in that small space and it limited what we were able to prepare and serve for our family and loved ones.

We love our house and can’t imagine living anywhere else. However, as our family evolved, our needs did too. We needed to change how we lived. Schools are like that too. Over time, our vision of education changes and the needs of our students emerge in ways that cause us to outgrow the spaces that served us so well for so long. Mounds Park Academy is no exception. Throughout the history of the school, we have renovated and added on to the original building constructed in 1958 to better meet the changing needs of our students. Read More

Minnesota Scholastic Writing Awards Recipient

Emilie DavidsonCongratulations to senior, Émilie Davidson!

Her writing portfolio entitled ‘Selected Works’ received a Gold Key Award at the Minnesota Scholastic Writing Awards. Her work is currently being considered in New York City for national recognition. She will be honored at a ceremony in April, hosted by the Minnesota Writing Project.

Social Media: Online And On Edge

Two students sitting with phonesby Jenn Milam, Ph.D., Middle School Director, Mounds Park Academy

Just last week I had the privilege of sitting among fellow Middle School parents to hear a presentation prepared and expertly delivered by Ms. Mohn’s Upper School women’s literature students about the power and dangers of online vulnerability that exist in and through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and any number of newly emerging applications. This parent education session serendipitously followed my attending a screening of the new film, “LIKE: A Documentary About the Impact of Social Media on our Lives,” with my family just a few days before.

What is clear to me as I write this piece is that now, more than ever, we must have open, honest, informed, and critical conversations surrounding not only how we (yes, you and I) and our children are using social media; but more, how it is using us. While online interactions in these virtual worlds may seem somewhat disconnected from reality, make no mistake the influence of the social connections, comments, tweets, direct messages, chats, and images that are exchanged online spill over into the very fiber of our daily lives, and into our beings as humans.

It is present each day that the Middle School students walk through the halls at MPA, when they play basketball afterschool, and attend Quiz Bowl tournaments on the weekend. It’s likely present in Lower School students’ experiences as they attend birthday parties and playdates and parents post pictures with captions on Facebook. And, yes, in Upper Schoolers’ interactions as they navigate college acceptances, celebrations, personal life moments, and social dynamics and move into adulthood.

Does this seem overwhelming? If you answered yes, you are not alone. The good news is, we can change our behavior and therefore, change the impact that social media has on our lives and those of our children. Read More

Free Food For Thought Friday

Two lower school kids in the cafeteriaFriday, February 1 is Free Food For Thought Friday at MPA! This is a wonderful opportunity for students who normally don’t take hot lunch or who haven’t for a while, to try MPA’s program.

A MESSAGE FROM SAGE: SAGE is excited to partner with Mounds Park Academy for this fun event! Come and enjoy lunch on us! We know you’ll love the selections we have to offer. That day features a crowd favorite—house-baked chicken tenders, quesadillas, and brown sugar sweet potatoes. You’ll also find a build-your-own California Cobb salad, creamy baked mac and cheese, fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, and much more. Our team will be proud to serve you. Come and experience the passion and care that goes into every meal we create here at Mounds Park Academy!
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Choosing A School Path That Inspires

Lower Schooler SmilingThere are so many things to think about when you’re raising a child, but there are few things more important than their education. A child’s educational journey only happens once, so it’s important to guide them down the path that is right for them.

For many, a private school education is the right choice because of the personalized attention students receive. Complementing the academic experience, many private schools teach students to be responsible community members and encourage them to make a positive impact on the world.

A strong focus on each child’s unique abilities

At Mounds Park Academy, our focus on every child’s individuality is one of the things that makes us so unique. We embrace every child, celebrate their differences, and help guide them to discover who they are truly meant to be. Teachers are not bound by test- score data as the sole measure of a student’s abilities, so they have more freedom and flexibility to accommodate individual students’ needs. Small class sizes allow teachers to better evaluate their students’ academic and personal strengths and challenges. Teachers engage with students every day in ways that help them thrive. Read More