College Counseling at MPA: Andrew Guiang ’08 Shares

Andrew Guiang '08MPA’s college counseling process is driven by careful consideration of each student’s unique set of interests, priorities, and aspirations, balanced with an understanding of the current college admission landscape. MPA alumni Andrew Guiang ’08 shares the most valuable part of the college search process at MPA and how it prepared him for his future. Read the Q&A with Andrew below and more about college counseling at MPA here!

Q: What was the most valuable part of the college search process at MPA? What did you appreciate about MPA’s approach?

A: I liked that, at MPA, it’s cool to be smart, and that fact makes applying to college that much easier. I also like that MPA has a good mix of people who stay local or go away for college, which makes the application process less stressful, since there’s no pressure to choose one region over another. Read More

Purchase Your Tickets For “The Consul”

students create set pieces for the consulTo see the set pieces made my MPA students in “The Consul,” purchase your tickets here!

The Arbeit Opera Theatre was thrilled to collaborate with MPA and our community to put on this opera. Thank you to all of the students and volunteers who helped out! This 1950s-based show deals with issues of immigration and human rights and is intended for audiences of 13 years or older.

Cultivating A Curious Mindset

Lower school French class making maps of France for geography unitby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I recently came across an article shared by Entrepreneur magazine entitled, “The Most Important Skill at the Office Isn’t Being Taught in School.” It caught my attention. What is that important skill? The article argues it is curiosity. Curiosity is named by many behavioral scientists to be among the most valuable attributes in the workplace and yet it is not fostered in many schools. In fact, the way in which schools are structured discourages it. It makes sense because so many schools are driven by standardized testing and measure performance solely on test-based standards. Rest assured that is not the case at MPA, and in fact, is quite the opposite.

At MPA, curiosity is not just encouraged–it is expected. Furthermore, curiosity is valued as a mindset to be cultivated in its own right, not just for the workplace, but for lifelong fulfillment. According to best-selling author Todd Kashdan, “Curiosity—a state of active interest or genuinely wanting to know more about something—creates an openness to unfamiliar experiences, laying the groundwork for greater opportunities to experience discovery, joy, and delight.” Whether in the classroom, the workplace, or in life, curiosity is essential. Read More

Thank You For Your Generosity

2018 lip sync assemblyThe generosity of the Mounds Park Academy community is truly amazing. During the five weeks of our annual Fall Campaign you showed why MPA matters to you by contributing nearly $300,000 to the MPA Fund, including over $130,000 on Give to the Max Day. The Give to the Max Day Lip Sync Battle, now an established tradition celebrating our fabulous community, was so much fun! Click here to revisit this year’s performance one more time.

The MPA Fund is the lifeblood of our fundraising, supporting the school’s mission and the educators who bring it to life. Through these efforts, our community came together to financially support the next generation of MPA students. So many gifts were given by alumni, current parents, faculty, and staff, in support of our school that is making such an incredible impact in the lives of our students.

And, congratulations to the kindergarten, first grade, second grade, seventh grade, and eighth grade classes for hitting the 70 percent participation mark and winning a party for your students! Lower School classes will receive a party with Mr. Sheehan and the Middle School classes will receive a pizza and games party. Details to follow!


Parents Association Opportunities & Events

pa gift wrappingJoin the Parents Association for these exciting upcoming volunteer opportunities and community events!

All School:

MPA Faculty and Staff Gift Wrapping

There are still a few slots open to help with Faculty and Staff Appreciation Gift Wrapping! As a continuation of Faculty and Staff Appreciation during the school year, the MPA Parents Association has a tradition of wrapping gifts for the MPA Faculty and Staff. This year, there will be two gift wrapping events. Come be a part of this joyful experience!

Sign up here to volunteer and wrap gifts for one hour, two hours, or as long as you like! The Parents Association will provide the gift wrapping and all the necessary equipment. We will also provide snacks and drinks–maybe a little holiday music, too! Please contact Tara Matthews-Lafferty at with any questions. Read More

MPA Sophomores Selected For State Honor Choir

Isak and RyanCongratulations to MPA sophomores Isak Dai and Ryan Ghose, who were selected to be members of the ACDA-MN 9-10 State Honor Choir! They will sing in the Mixed Choir under the direction of Bradley Miller from the University of Minnesota, Morris.

Isak and Ryan will prepare their Honor Choir music for a day-long festival in February, culminating with a performance at Central Lutheran Church. Both Isak and Ryan currently sing in the MPA Concert Choir and Madrigals Singers. Best wishes to our musicians!

Invite A Friend To Lunch!

lunch at mpaIf you have know a friend or family that would love to be part of our community, invite them to campus to join us for Lunch at MPA! Lunch at MPA is Tuesday, December 11, 2018 from 11:30 AM-1 PM. This admission event will help prospective families experience what a special school community Mounds Park Academy is!

Guests are invited to campus during a regular school day to meet school administrators over a casual meal, tour MPA, and see our community in action. Please extend our invitation and have your friends RSVP in advance for this engaging program at If you have any questions, contact the Office of Admission at 651-748-5577 or


Dr. Jenn Milam Named Permanent Middle School Director

Dr. Jenn MilamDr. Jenn Milam joined the MPA community in mid-August as our interim Middle School director. She has done an exceptional job leading the Middle School thus far and connected so well with students, parents, faculty, and staff.

Before I could consider the long-term leadership of the division, I wanted to better understand the strengths, challenges, hopes, and dreams of the Middle School so that I could ensure we hired the best possible leader for what the division needs today. I utilized the search firm of Carney, Sandoe & Associates to conduct an independent and comprehensive needs assessment that was inclusive and transparent. They led focus groups of current Middle School parents, students, and teachers and distributed an in-depth survey.

I received the cumulative report recently and it revealed a number of important things:

  • The MPA community believes the Middle School is very strong and, in particular, values its academic excellence, small class sizes and low student-teacher ratio, and close student-teacher relationships.
  • There are three priorities that emerged as focus areas for the next Middle School director. They are recruiting, retaining, and compensating high-quality faculty, continuing to create a safe and nurturing environment that promotes security and risk taking, and continually enhancing academic excellence.
  • Of all the characteristics and qualities listed, there was strong congruence on the three most important for the next Middle School director to possess. He or she needs to have a deep understanding of the developmental needs of middle school aged students, have strong leadership skills, and be an excellent communicator.

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Sage Dining Message About Romaine Lettuce

mpa cafeteriaIn response to the national recall of romaine lettuce based on the alert by the CDC, SAGE Dining Services has immediately pulled all romaine lettuce from our menus until further notice. It will not be served in the cafeteria. SAGE continues to emphasize food safety above all other priorities.

Witness The Impact

by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

If you have logged into Facebook or checked your email today, you are well aware that today is Give to the Max Day. Across the state of Minnesota, this day is a celebration of the power of philanthropy to change lives. For MPA, today marks a celebration of our generous donors who are so very dedicated to our students and who believe in making an impact on our school community.

The mission of Mounds Park Academy is vibrant and powerful, delivered by talented and caring teachers, and is having a tremendous impact on the lives of our students each day. Impact means to have a strong effect on someone or something. You share in that impact by the value you place on learning, the investment you are making in the education of your children, and your commitment and support of Mounds Park Academy. Read More