MPA Student Artwork In Invitational Exhibition

MPA is proud to share that the following students’ artwork has been juried into the 14th Annual Shattuck-St. Mary’s Invitational! The exhibition opens Thursday, October 25 and runs until November 12. Local Faribault artist, Jessica Prill, owner of Fleur De Lis Gallery, was this year’s juror. Each school invited was allowed to enter only 10 pieces. Congratulations to the artists!

Junior Elli Carlson received third place for her ceramics piece, titled “Seventeen.”
Senior Mats Dahlberg received fourth place for his painting, “Moonlight Moths.”
Senior Olivia Burton showcased her colored pencil piece, titled “Self-Portrait.”
Senior Dylan Dickenson showcased ceramics, his work titled “Teapot.”
Freshman Amelia Dickson showcased a cut-paper collage, titled “Fleurs.”
Sophomore Colin Simonson showcased photography,  “Yellow Flower.”

Join Us For Halloween At MPA!

halloween parade 2017All parents are welcome to attend the MPA Halloween Parade on Wednesday, October 31! The festivities will begin with warm drinks and treats in the Lower School Atrium, courtesy of the Parents Association, at 2:20 PM. At 2:30 PM, Lower School students, dressed in their costumes, will parade through the student-lined hallways. This is one of MPA’s signature PreK-12 events that has become an honored tradition. Are the younger students or the older students more joyful? It is always hard to tell! Please join us!

And as part of MPA’s efforts to be a more allergy aware school, we are also happy to share the Snack Safely list and a peanut and treenut-free board of ideas on Pinterest to assist you in what to bring to our Halloween festivities!

Flu Season Information From The Nurse

lower school classroomfrom MPA’s school nurse, Julie Koster, and School District 622 

Many students and parents/guardians are frequently concerned about when students should stay home or attend school. The following information is intended to help with this decision.

General Guidelines: 

If the student:
  • Has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, the student should stay home for 24 hours after their temperature returns to normal (less than 100 degrees) without fever reducing medication.
  • Has vomited or has had diarrhea two or more times, the student should stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
  • Has a rash that may be disease-related or the cause is unknown, check with their healthcare provider before returning to school.

If the student is ill, please keep them home and notify (your division office) daily to report the illness. Please notify the School Nurse, Julie Koster, at or 651-748-5509 if your child has a contagious condition such as chicken pox, strep throat, whooping cough, or influenza.
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Your Gifts Make Elective Opportunities Possible

Upper School classThis article is the second in a series called “The Fall Campaign Stories of Impact: Five Weeks, Five Stories, Five Reasons to Give.”

MPA’s Upper School curriculum features a breadth and depth of challenging topics, from Modern United States History and Computer Science, to Literary Analysis and Advanced Argumentation. Can you find the electives in this list? It’s probably not obvious, and that’s by design. At MPA, all courses, both core and elective, are developed around specific academic requirements and developmental goals. Electives play a special role in the mix, reinforcing an interdisciplinary approach to learning that supports the whole student.

“Core and elective classes at MPA have distinct roles, and also have equal billing,” explains Mark Segal, Upper School director. “What’s learned in electives carries over to other courses. For example, the critical thinking and persuasion skills acquired through our elective course in debate translate into the public speaking component of our English courses, and the analytical approach needed in our science program.” Read More

Meet MPA Talks Speakers Gabby Law and Julia Portis

gabby law teaching at breakthroughGabby Law and Julia Portis are both seniors at Mounds Park Academy who worked as teaching fellows with Breakthrough Twin Cities this past summer. At MPA, Gabby captains the tennis, Nordic skiing, and track teams, and has earned several awards in speech and debate. She is a student ambassador, peer leader, and co-leads Social Consciousness Club. When not being a concertmaster to the school’s orchestras, All-State Choir member, and licensed beekeeper, Gabby is busy applying to colleges. Julia is is heavily involved in speech, music, theater, student council (co-president), peer leaders, ambassadors, and debate—interacting with different people and mentors. She also enjoys attending events that allow her to advocate for her beliefs. She also loves traveling and spending time with friends and family.

We asked Gabby and Julia several questions so that you could get to know them better prior to MPA Talks!

Who inspires you to be better and how?

GL: My students inspired me to take full advantage of my educational opportunities. Their lack of access to small class sizes and hands-on learning during the school year reminds me of just how lucky I am to go to a private school. Because of them, I give 100% at school. Read More

Meet JD Ogden ’20

MPA Upper School student with younger brotherWhat do you love about MPA?
I love that I get individual feedback from my teachers on assignments.

How are you encouraged to dream big and do right?
When I see classmates working hard and challenging themselves around me, it makes me aspire to be my best self.

If you have attended another school, how has your experience at MPA been different?
I came to MPA in kindergarten, so I don’t recall exactly!

What would you tell a family considering MPA?
It’s a great community and I know everyone so well. For example, on the Deep Portage overnight trip last year, our grade got to know each other even better. There was a moment when we were in groups and I had new students that I didn’t know as well in mine, plus some teachers that our grade was just getting to know, yet everyone was themselves with each other.

In what ways has MPA prepared you for life?
It has taught me so many life lessons around how to be an ethical person. Read More

MPA Sailing Qualifies For National Competition

Two students sailingDespite frigid, soaking conditions, MPA Sailing is excelling on the water this fall. With a team of three seniors, one sophomore, one freshmen, and one 8th grader, the team has constantly performed at or near the top in every regatta they have competed in, including the Great Oaks Qualifier at Hoover Sailing Center in Ohio. Because of their first place finish there, four members of the team are headed to the Great Oaks Invitational at Southern Yacht Club in New Orleans in early November.

High school sailing in Minnesota is considered a club sport and any student in grade seven through 12 may participate, regardless of experience. Together with students from White Bear Public Schools, Mahtomedi Public Schools, and Mounds View Public Schools, Mounds Park Academy practices out of the White Bear Sailing School at the White Bear Yacht Club.

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The Purpose of Mounds Park Academy

by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

“Do you know the purpose of Mounds Park Academy?” asked Mr. Kevin Breen, chair of our ISACS accreditation visiting team, of several seniors.

“The purpose of the school is to develop the whole child so that we can be fully formed adults,” said the first.

“And when we are more fully formed, we have the self-confidence to respect each other and value inclusivity,” added a friend.

“Yes, so in a way, the most important word in the motto is ‘do,’ as in do things; do right,” said the third. And then, after a pause, he added this: “And our teachers facilitate that. They make it easy to do right. They make volunteerism easy. They make civic engagement easy. They bring opportunities to ‘do right’ right to us.”

The vibrant and powerful mission of Mounds Park Academy, delivered by talented and caring teachers, is having a tremendous impact on the lives of our students each day. You share in that impact by the value you place on learning, the investment you are making in the education of your children, and your commitment to and support of Mounds Park Academy.

Monday will mark the beginning of our fall campaign, “Joyful Learning, Joyful Giving.” For the next five weeks, the MPA community will band together to raise the funds necessary to extend the impact and joy of an MPA education. Culminating with Give To The Max Day and the Faculty and Staff Lip Sync Assembly on November 15, our goal is to raise $300,000 to ensure joyful learning continues at MPA.

One could say that the joy of learning at MPA is dependent upon the joyful giving of parents, alumni, grandparents, friends, and alumni families. Mounds Park Academy, like all independent schools, relies on three principle sources of revenue to support its day-to-day operations: tuition, endowment, and annual gifts made by members of our community. Tuition does not cover the total cost of educating a student at Mounds Park Academy and the gap is bridged by annual giving.

Gifts made to the MPA fund during the “Joyful Learning, Joyful Giving” campaign are used exclusively to fund joyful learning:

  • Joy from throwing a pot in ceramics class.
  • Joy from singing the national anthem so beautifully at Homecoming events.
  • Joy from creating a squishy circuit that powers a light bulb in the Makerspace.
  • Joy from hard work, training, and teamwork that results in a soccer victory.
  • Joy from bringing to live a character on stage.
  • Joy from grasping the nuance of a novel, an aha moment.

The spirit of philanthropy and of joyful giving at Mounds Park Academy is vibrant. I humbly ask you to join me in increasing the impact of the MPA mission. Please know that every gift is valued and participation at whatever level feels right to your family is appreciated. You may also be interested in knowing that 100 percent of faculty and staff gave to the MPA Fund last year and I expect it will be the same again this year. We have the most caring, knowledgeable, talented teachers and staff who make joyful learning and joyful giving possible.

Look for more information in the mail, visit the MPA website, or contact the Development Office to make a gift. With your contribution, you make an impact in the lives of all those who learn, play, create, dream, and do at our school. Your gift directly impacts of the mission of MPA and the lives of our students.

MPA Students Receive National Merit Recognition

national merit studentsMore than 1.6 million high school students from about 22,000 schools nationwide take the PSAT in October of their junior year. Those with the highest PSAT Selection Index scores are recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation for their exceptional performance–and this year, that includes three of our own MPA students! Seniors Ajay Manicka, Henry Peterson, and Lindsey Baldwin were honored this fall by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, based on their scores on last fall’s PSAT.

Ajay and Henry are two of 16,000 Semifinalists selected from the 50,000 highest scorers in the country. Semifinalists proceed in the scholarship competition by submitting their academic records throughout high school, endorsements and recommendations by a high school official, written essays, and SAT® scores that confirm their prior performance on the qualifier test. If Ajay and Henry are named Finalists, they will be eligible for National Merit Scholarship opportunities. Over 90 percent of the Semifinalists are expected to attain Finalist standing, and nearly half of the Finalists will win a National Merit Scholarship. We wish the best of luck to them! Read More

Madrigal Singers Collaboration

madrigal singers practicingThe MPA Madrigal Singers are honored to be collaborating with professional musicians and singing in the beautiful House of Hope! MPA students have been practicing with the Oratory’s professional singers and conductor to prepare for the performance on October 14. See photos of their collaborative practice on campus here!

To join us for the live performance, tickets can be purchased here, with the code MoundsParkAcademy for 20 percent off advanced tickets! Tickets for siblings of students are $5 each. Thanks for supporting our talented student voices!