Save The Date: MPA Talks 2018

MPA Talks 2018MPA Talks is an annual, meaningful, and fascinating event that is completely unique to MPA. Featuring presentations by some of our community’s most intriguing members on inspiring and relevant topics, everyone is invited to come, listen, ask questions, and leave with new lengths of knowledge. Held in the fall and in the evening this year, dinner will be provided.

Save the date to join us as four members of our MPA community share their impactful presentations with you on Saturday, November 10, 2018. This event is designed to bring the community together to gain new perspectives from remarkable stories.


Faculty And Staff Appreciation

Ms. P hugging studentThe best part of the MPA experience is our staff and faculty! Let’s thank them!

All School Conferences begin the week of October 1, coinciding with the MPA Parents Association Staff and Faculty Appreciation Week. Please consider participating in the long-standing MPA tradition of parents and families showing gratitude toward our wonderful staff and faculty. Opportunities include donating beverages or gift cards, volunteering in the PA Room during the week, and helping to staff/plan the evening meals on October 2 and October 4. Sign up to volunteer here!

Reflecting On The Past And Embracing The Future

Dr. Hudson at the south entranceby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

Both my Facebook and LinkedIn accounts were abuzz this week, notifying me of a very important anniversary coming up. September 16 is the five-year anniversary of my first day working at MPA. Professionally, and personally, it is an important date for me and one I truly celebrate each year.

  • It is the date I found a home, a community that embraced my family and me, where I experienced what inclusivity really means.
  • It is the date that I discovered what I think a school should be and the very best of what education is all about.
  • It is the date that marks the beginning of a journey that continues to be a source of great joy and fulfillment.

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Meet Elli Carlson ’20

Upper School studentWhat do you love about MPA?

I love that at MPA, I am able to participate in a wide variety of activities. I can play soccer but also be on the debate team. Additionally, the arts department has so many more options than a lot of other schools do. I can take photography, two ceramics classes, and a theatre class all in one year. This allows me to pursue areas outside of just required courses, and for me, these are the areas that interest me most.

If you have attended another school, how has your experience at MPA been different?

MPA is different from my old school in virtually every aspect. The block schedule at MPA gives us longer class periods, allowing for deep discussion and more in depth learning in each class. The longer lunch period gives students to have a break in the day, allowing us to be able to focus during our afternoon classes. The wide variety of arts courses allowed is much more rigorous than my old school’s and allows me to advance my skills in an area that is important to me, as I plan on pursuing a career in the arts after high school. Read More

Traveling with Purpose

This land is your landMPA students explore civil rights and social justice on “This Land is Your Land” summer trip.

Most summer road trips don’t include Topeka, Kansas. But the city made the itinerary of “This Land is Your Land,” a civil rights-focused trip organized by Mounds Park Academy history teachers Katie Murr and Mike Vergin.

“Our goal was to visit as many major sites associated with the civil rights movement as we could,” said Murr. “We wanted them to see places that are an important part of their history but they might fly over instead of visit.” Read More

Update Your Contact Information

upper schoolers on the computerWork is underway on MPA’s printed community directory. If your phone number, email address, or mailing address has changed, please let your division assistant know so that we can publish the most accurate directory and your fellow Panthers can reach you!

Lower School: Becky Tesdahl,, 651-748-5562

Middle School: Maddy Wolfe,, 651-748-5565

Upper School: Dianne Peterson,, 651-748-5544

If you have any questions or special requests for the printed directory, please contact the Office of Communications at Thank you!

Sign Up to Volunteer at Homecoming!

Sign up to volunteer at MPA’s Homecoming 2018homecoming bounce house! We need your support to make this exciting event succeed. This fun-filled weekend has so many activities going on including fun runs, bounce houses, lawn games, athletic competitions, alumni events, and much more. This incredible weekend for every member of our community would not be possible without the generosity of volunteers who give of their time on Saturday, September 29. If you have an hour or two to spare, volunteering is a great way to get involved with the event and MPA! Read More

We Are a Mosaic

dr. Hudson at lower school lunchby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

“Each individual piece of our mosaic is essential to forming the beautiful whole. Our diversity in age, cultures, talents, interests, and personalities paints an array of colors that make our mosaic vibrant.”

As quoted from the introduction of the 2017-18 school yearbook, the yearbook committee presented a powerful visual image that so eloquently captures the essence of our school’s commitment to equity and inclusion. The students went on to describe each student as unique, their own piece of a beautiful mosaic, that when fitted together, form an exquisite piece of art. Read More

Don’t Miss These September PA Events!

LS children on the playgroundCome meet your Grade Reps, the PA Board and other parents! The MPA Parents Association Meet & Greet is Friday, September 7, at 8 AM in the Gallery. Light breakfast will be served while you learn about the 2018-19 Parents Association events and initiatives and how to get involved. Ask questions, share your ideas, and help us grow our community-building at MPA! We would love to see you!

The first monthly all Lower School Family Social, organized by Lower School Parents Association Grade Reps, is also right around the corner! On Saturday, September 22, from 10 AM-1 PM, please join us at Como Town, where we will use a three-hour unlimited wristband for kids to enjoy the rides and play together! The fee for this event is $5 per child. Read More

MPA Fiber Friends

sewing in makerspaceDo beautiful colors and fabrics grab your attention? Are you interested in learning how to knit, crochet, quilt, or sew? Is there a project that you have neglected, but want to get back on track and finish? Do you simply want to make some friends and learn something new along the way? We have the perfect group for you! Join the MPA Fiber Friends in the AnnMarie Thomas Makerspace every Friday starting September 7 from 11 AM-12:30 PM! Read More