Welcome To The Family

Enjoy these extended profiles of the amazing faculty and staff joining our community in the 2018-19 school year!

Ms. Castellanos

Ms. Martha Castellanos

What position will you be holding? Interim K-4 Spanish teacher
Tell us a little bit about your educational background. Elementary Education and Spanish Teacher Media and Library Specialist
What school/organization are you coming from? Singapore American School, Breck School and Anthony Middle School in Minneapolis
What did you find appealing about MPA? It feels great to return to the program I created years ago.
What are you most looking forward to this school year? To instill the love for learning Spanish and my culture to my students.
Any interesting facts about yourself or your family you would like to share? Our family loves to travel in order to learn, appreciate, and connect with peoples from other cultures.

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Witnessing Growth

first and seventh grade in the makerspaceby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

At the door this morning, a kindergartener excitedly showed Ms. Wright and me her wiggly tooth. “Look! I’m losing another tooth! Right next to the one I already lost!” she said as she worked the tooth back and forth with her finger. For several weeks earlier this spring, we received daily updates of the process of losing her first tooth. It is stories like this that I tell when people ask me what I love most about my job.

Losing teeth, “high water” pants, and deeper voices are all outward signs of growing students. Not as obvious are the maturity and confidence students develop over their time at MPA, whether over the course of one year, or many. I see it in the way they carry themselves in the hallways and how they perform on the stage or playing field. Nothing is more rewarding than to witness this growth and to somehow be a part of it.

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2018 Upper School Awards Assembly

Julia portis receiving award from dr. Hudson Congratulations to all of the Upper School students who received honors and awards at the 2018 Upper School Awards Assembly! On Friday, June 1, the school gathered to commemorate all of these students’ achievements. Academic, National Merit, Scholarship, Yearbook, Choir, Band, Orchestra, Visual Art, Math, English, Science, Social Studies, Forensics, French, Spanish, Drama, Athletics, Service, Spirit of ’86, Junior Mission Statement, Certificate of Distinction, and Alumni Association awards were given. Please join us in congratulating the following students! View photos of the assembly or watch the assembly here!

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The Class of 2018 Senior Walk

Alissa krohn '18 during the senior walkAfter 13 years of joyful learning, the Class of 2018 took one final walk among their PreK through 11th grade friends to remember where they came from, celebrate what they have achieved, show gratitude for their community, and inspire those who follow in their footsteps. You can watch this touching tradition here!

Class Of 2018: Kate Van Hecke, Saint Paul, MN

Kate Van Hecke '18As the 2017-18 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2018!

In what grade did you come to MPA? In fifth grade.

How did you come to choose the college that you did? I chose Wellesley because it valued curiosity, exploration, the empowerment of women, and educating the whole person—all things I value as well! I chose a women’s college because I want to surround myself with fierce, intelligent, and dedicated women who also care about the world around us. The world is coed, so being able to go to college in a place run by and dedicated to women is a phenomenal opportunity.

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience? I am so excited to continue studying foreign languages! Throughout my eight years at MPA, I’ve studied Spanish, French, and Arabic as well as Fante during my time abroad and the prospect of being able to add another language or two to that list is thrilling. I am also looking forward to learning to call a new place home—I’ve done it before, and it was incredibly rewarding.

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MPA Spring Athletics Highlights

We are excited to share many updates and highlights from the 2018 spring athletics season! While the season got off to a wintry start, the MPA athletes and coaches made up for their lost time with various achievements. Please congratulate and celebrate them with us!

  • Senior Rachel Lindrud qualified for State and placed fourth in the Section Golf competition, scoring 49-43/43-37 172. She will be representing MPA as an individual at the State Meet at Pebble Creek in Becker on June 12 and 13.
  • The MPA boys golf team placed first in Section 4A and qualified for State, winning by 12 strokes: senior Brock Bliese scored 40-39/39-34 152, senior Matthew Berning scored 39-41/40-41 161, senior Jackson Peacock scored 41-41/41-42 165, senior Joe Mecklenburg scored 44-42/42-38 166, senior Anthony Kuba scored 44-48/52-43 187, and senior Nicholas Guiang scored 48-47/45-53 193. They will be competing as a team at the State Meet at Pebble Creek in Becker on June 12 and 13.
  • The boys tennis team of junior Adam Reinke, freshman Alexander Vue, junior Aneesh Syal, freshman Diego Valverde, sophomore Dillon Vue, junior Karan Jain, eighth grader Mario L., junior Parker Law, and senior Travis Mudge won the Section 5A competition, defeating Hill-Murray with a score of 5-2 to advance to the State meet. They are playing on June 5 in the Team State Class A Tournament against Litchfield High School.
  • On June 7, Travis Mudge and and Dillon Vue will play doubles at the State Class A Tournament versus Luverne High School and Parker Law, ranked the number one seed in this tournament, will play against Minnewaska Area High School. Read more about Parker’s ranking in this recent Star Tribune article!
  • Junior Yahya Madar was the Section champion in the high jump at the Section 4A Track and Field championships, tying the meet and school record with a jump of 6’6.
  • Senior Declan Dahlberg placed first at Sections in the 3200m run with a time of 9:50.48.
  • Five individuals and four MPA relay teams earned medals for placing in the top six. Out of 27 schools, MPA’s boys were fifth and girls twelfth.
  • Three Panthers are moving on to the State track and field meet at Hamline University: senior Blake Henke in the Wheel Chair Shot, competing on June 8 at 3:30 PM; senior Declan Dahlberg in the 3200m on June 8 and the 1600m run on June 9 at 5:23 PM; and junior Yahya Madar in the High Jump on June 9 at 3:30 PM.
  • Coach Bev Docherty and Coach Nate Bander ’09 were named the Section 4A Track and Field Boys Head and Assistant Coaches of the year.

Class Of 2018: Alissa Krohn, Oakdale, MN

Alissa krohn '18As the 2017–18 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2018!

In what grade did you come to MPA? 4th Grade

How did you come to choose the college that you did? I was looking for colleges with strong chemical engineering programs, and I greatly appreciated Notre Dame’s strong community and commitment to using one’s education to make a positive difference in the world. I also liked that Notre Dame has a synchronized figure skating team, as this sport has been a major part of my life throughout high school.

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Celebrating The Class Of 2018

dr Hudson eating lunch with seniorsby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

If you happened to drive through the north parking last Friday, you no doubt noticed the playfulness of the seniors as they celebrated their last day of school. From filling the parking lot with cars parked askew, to the American Ninja obstacle course inside the north entrance that we all needed to traverse, to serving ice cream at 8 AM in the morning, the seniors showed a bit of mischievous humor. For that to serve as a last impression would be a mistake. They are a group of accomplished, multi-faceted, enormously talented, and genuinely good people.

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Your New Parents Association Executive Board!

MPA kindergarten classThank you to those of you who voted for your new Parents Association Executive Board. The following slate was approved and will begin leading the PA and serving its families on July 1, 2018: Kim Jakway, President; Seema Anwar, President-Elect; Meredith Forgosh, Secretary; Barry Madore, Treasurer; Ginnie Peterson, Grade Representatives Lead; Russ Purdy, Upper School Division Lead; Susan Knapp and Tara Lafferty, Co-Middle School Division Leads; Tiffany Scott Knox, Lower School Division Lead.

In addition, a special thanks to those who are leaving the Parents Association Executive Board for their service this year, and, in many cases, for many prior years: Wendy Cusick, President; Cari Simonson, Secretary; Tricia Hutton, Treasurer, Christine Larson and Heidi Nelson, Co-Lower School Division Leads, Amanda Campbell and Elizabeth Esch, Co-Upper School Division Leads.

Congratulations to MPA Quiz Bowl!

2018 quiz bowlCongratulations to MPA Quiz Bowl on a fantastic season! On May 26 and 27, freshmen Isak Dai, Ryan Ghose, Hana Miller and Peter Manolis competed at the High School National Championship Tournament for Quiz Bowl. They played in 10 total matches and had a finished record of 5-5, and one of their last matches of the season came down to a buzzer beater on the very last question.

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