Design Club Created at MPA

Design Club working in the makerspaceUpper School student Cloris Lin established MPA’s Design Club this year as a creative outlet beyond the classroom. The Makerspace became home to the club, hosting their meetings officiated by Ms. Koen. The meetings, which take place every Monday during lunch and after school, begin with one simple question: “What do you want to make?”

The freedom of Design Club reflects the flow of ideas that Upper School students at MPA are encouraged to enact on and embrace. It did not take long for students to find interest in MPA’s new club. After just two meetings, it has grown to eight members, ranging from freshmen to seniors who all began with a complete orientation of the Makerspace. Read More

MPA Debate Succeeds at State

Pranay and Meg at StateThe MPA Upper School Debate team competed at the State Debate Tournament last weekend, placing third overall! The varsity team of Pranay Somayajula and Meg Wilkening were semifinalists, losing on an extremely close decision. As a senior, Pranay was both proud and nostalgic as the tournament came to a close.

“I’m really proud of Meg and myself for getting as far as we did. Competing at state was definitely a little bittersweet for me, as it was my last high school debate tournament and debate has meant a lot to me over the last four years,” he said.

Though he’ll be graduating from MPA this spring, he is anticipating a lot of success for the team he is leaving and knows that they’re ready to learn more and conquer new challenges next year.

“The competition was definitely tough, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen MPA compete at the State Tournament with more determination than we did this past weekend, and that’s been reflected throughout the season. I was really happy to see my debate career at MPA end so well,” Pranay said. “I’m also especially proud of our younger debaters who are easily the most dedicated and successful group of novices I’ve ever seen. After what I saw this weekend, I’m confident MPA debate is in a great spot for next year and years to come.” Read More

MPA Sails Through The Great Oaks Regatta

MPA sailing at the Great Oaks RegattaMPA juniors Karan Jain, Toby Sullivan, and Jose Varela came in second in the Great Oaks National Invitational Regatta in New Orleans!

The Great Oaks Regatta is a national championship for schools with small sailing teams. Teams need to qualify in a regional regatta in order to be invited to compete in New Orleans. This is the MPA team’s third consecutive year of qualifying and participating and it was their best result yet. Go Panthers!

MPA Students Selected For State Honor Choirs

Solveig Svennevig-Brosi (Class 2020) and Jordan Akers (Class of 2020)Congratulations to Solveig Svennevig-Brosi (Class 2020) and Jordan Akers (Class of 2020) who auditioned online and were selected to be members of the 9-10 ACDA-MN State Honor Choirs!

Solveig will sing in the SSAA Honor Choir under the direction of Jennaya Robinson from Luther College.

A second-year member of the SATB Honor Choir, Jordan will sing with Jonathan Talberg who teaches at California State University.

Jordan and Solveig will prepare their Honor Choir music for a day long festival in February culminating with a performance in the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Solveig and Jordan both currently sing in the MPA Concert Choir and Madrigals Singers. Best wishes to our musicians!

“Screenagers” Viewing And Discussion

Screenagers promoHow much time does your child spend looking at screens? On average, children spend six and a half hours a day on screens, and that’s not including in the classroom or while doing homework. Do you think violent video games desensitize people to violence? Have you experienced people using screens to avoid face-to-face interactions? Does your child ever make comments online that he or she wouldn’t make in person? These are all questions that every parent struggles with and MPA would like to help better equip you to navigate this important issue.

We had so many members of our community join us for a viewing of Screenagers, followed by energetic and intriguing discussion. For those who were not able to attend, we will be hosting an additional viewing on campus on January 9 from 8-10 AM in the Recital Hall. Please join us!

Join Us For Lunch At MPA

Lower School students together on the playgroundPlease join us for lunch here at MPA! Join us on Tuesday, December 12 from 11:30 AM-1:30 PM for our next Admission Event, Lunch at MPA!

This will include a casual lunch with students and administrators, as well as a tour of campus to see students and teachers in action during a regular school day. We look forward to getting to know everyone!

Kindly RSVP in advance for this engaging program at If you have any questions, contact the Office of Admission at 651-748-5577 or

Jacob Schwartz ’09 Named Head Varsity Boys Basketball Coach

Jacob Schwartz '09 and studentMounds Park Academy Boys Basketball is thrilled to announce Jacob Schwartz ’09 as head varsity coach! He is taking over for Dan Haase, who moved into the role of Athletic Director after 16 years coaching basketball at MPA. Previously, Jacob coached MPA’s Junior Varsity team while also acting as an assistant coach on the Varsity bench.

“I’m most excited about working with the kids in our program,” said Jacob.  “I’ve built some great relationships with them over the years and to see their progression has been terrific. I’m excited to help them achieve both team and individual success as we strive to take MPA basketball to the next level.”

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Gallery Opening: “Two Perspectives”

Two Perspectives in the art galleryVisit campus to walk through “Two Perspectives,” a beautiful and expressive tandem photo exhibition by MPA Upper School students Alex Esch and Siri Vorvick! The display opened November 6 in the Gallery. Both students are working toward their Certificates of Distinction and describe their art as purposeful, exploratory, and adventurous.

“When I’m with my camera, I feel purpose,” Alex said in her personal statement, also on display in the entrance of the exhibit. “There’s power in being able to capture a moment that vanishes almost instantaneously. I’m truly fascinated by ability I have to forever encapsulate such a small period of time.”

Alex says that the inspiration for her artistic vision comes from the human condition, identifying herself as a portrait photographer. She aims to add dimensions to portraits, capturing ideas and emotions. She also likes to show humans as figures rather than individual people, to focus on the broader nature of humankind.

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“Peter Pan” Across Disciplines

students sewing together crocodile costumeThis isn’t your traditional Peter Pan! Twenty-seven Middle School actors and more than 20 students working backstage have been dedicating their time in and outside of school to concentrate on even the smallest details of costume design, set construction, and more. The sold-out production is bringing the community together in creative, challenging, and hands-on ways.

Weeks ago, before anyone knew all the words to “Neverland,” Upper School students started working with Middle School students on costumes for the cast. The kind of imagination possible through this mentorship shows the strengths of our PreK-12 community.

“Our costume crew grew from five to nine people in basically a day, and a few of them are younger siblings of my friends, so it’s cool to get to know them better,” said sophomore Solie Svennevig-Brosi. “I’m excited to make an awesome show with them!”

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Declan Dahlberg Signs With U of M

Declan signing letter for University of MinnesotaMounds Park Academy is proud to announce that senior Declan Dahlberg signed with the University of Minnesota’s Track and Field and Cross Country Teams. An exceptional student athlete, Declan was accepted to the University’s College of Science and Engineering.

“I’m extremely excited to start this new chapter of my academic and athletic career next fall, and I’m honored to do it at the University of Minnesota. In the end, the combination of my interactions with Coach Plascencia, the boys on the team, and the school in general made this an easy choice. I’m extremely grateful to my high school coaches, Dan Ethier, Jerry Slater, and Bev Docherty, my parents, and my teammates and friends for helping me get to this point. I could not have achieved any of this without all of their support,” said Declan.

Declan is a two-time state champion (1600m in Track and Cross Country as a junior). He also finished second twice (3200m in Track as a junior and Cross Country as a senior). He is a seven-time state qualifier and seven-time All State Honoree between Track and Cross Country. Remarkably, he was part of both of the two closest finishes in Cross Country State Meet history.

Outside of athletics, Declan is an exceptional student and volunteer. He is an academic All State Recipient with a 3.98 Cumulative GPA, making honor roll every semester of high school. Declan was one of 14 members of the MPA Class of 2018 to be inducted into the National Honor Society on October 12, 2017. His selection was due to his exemplary commitment to service, leadership, character, and academics, tenants of NHS and Mounds Park Academy. He writes the weekly Run, Write, Repeat Blog for running website MileSplit MN.

Interested in pursuing medical school after college, Declan volunteers in the emergency room at St. John’s Hospital and does melanoma research with Professor Timothy Lyden at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls specifically related to the 3D modeling of melanoma tumors.

He is a highly skilled percussionist, pianist, violinist, and choral member, exemplifying the balance between academics, arts, and athletics that students find at Mounds Park Academy.

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