MPA Competes At Harvard National Speech And Debate Tournament

MPA Speech team at HarvardThe Mounds Park Academy Speech traveled to the prestigious Harvard University National Speech and Debate tournament this past weekend. The tournament included teams from 38 different states, categories exceeding 300 entries each, and is a precursor to the NSDA National Tournament in June. On one of the country’s largest stages in the activity, 14 MPA students shined through three days of competition. Congratulations to the following students on their outstanding achievements:

  • Akshay Somayajula ’24: Top 100 Double-Octafinalist Oratory
  • Amal Sastry ’25: Top 60 and tiebroken from Extemp Speaking Octafinals
  • Nico Bergh ’27: Top 50 and Octafinalist in Humorous
  • Guy Schwieger ’26: Top 50 and Octafinalist in Humorous
  • Zainab Lodhi ’25: Top 25 and Quarterfinalist in Informative
  • Ash Klann ’26: Seventh Place and Semifinalist in Oratory
  • Paul Fertig ’25: Sixth Place and Finalist in Extemp Speaking

The Harvard National Tournament is considered the most prestigious high school Speech and Debate Tournament outside of the official National Tournament. In her speech accepting her nomination to the United States Supreme Court, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson referenced her experience and success at the Harvard Tournament as the reason for her rise to National Champion, and eventually, the highest bench in the country.

Welcome To MPA, Michael Pappas!

Michael PappasWelcome to MPA, Michael! Michael joins us as the communications coordinator. We are so excited to introduce him to our community!

What school/organization are you coming from?
I previously worked for Adams Publishing Group.

Tell us about your education and past experience.
I graduated from St. Cloud State University before heading to work for the Union-Times and County News Review as the sports editor.

What did you find appealing about MPA?
The school seemed like a very welcoming place for everybody.

What lasting impact do you plan to have on MPA? 
I plan to help push MPA to make it even better than it currently is by helping in whatever way I can. Read More

Upper School Division News February 22, 2024

from Mark Segal, Upper School director

Mark Your Calendars

  • Thursday, February 22: Head of School Search Parent/Guardian Listening Session, 7 PM, see email for link
  • Thursday, February 22: Upper School Band and Orchestra Concert, 7:30-8:30 PM, Nicholson Center
  • Friday, February 23: Head of School Search Parent/Guardian Listening Session, 8:15-9 AM, Gallery
  • Friday, February 23: US BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting, 11:20 AM-12 PM, Room 150-151
  • Saturday, February 24: Head of School Search Parent/Guardian Listening Session, 10-10:45 AM, see email for link
  • Sunday, February 25: US SAT Mini Prep Class, 10 AM-1:30 PM, Room 181
  • February 26-March 1: SnoDaze Spirit Week
  • Wednesday, February 28: Senior Performances, 8-9:15 AM, Recital Hall
  • Thursday, February 29: Upper School Vocal Concert, 7:30-8:30 PM, Nicholson Center
  • Friday, March 1: SnoDaze Assembly, 2:20-3 PM, Lansing Sports Center
  • Saturday, March 2: US SnoDaze Dance, 8-11 PM, US Commons
  • Monday, March 11-Sunday, March 24: No Classes, Spring Break
  • Monday, March 25: Classes Resume at 8 AM
  • Tuesday, April 2: World Language Final Exams During Scheduled Class Time
  • Wednesday, April 3: World Language Final Exams During Scheduled Class Time
  • Thursday, April 4: Science Final Exams, 8:45-10:15 AM
  • Thursday, April 4: English Final Exams, 12-1:30 PM
  • Friday, April 5: Math Final Exams, 8:45-10:15 AM
  • Friday, April 5: Social Studies Final Exams, 12-1:30 PM
  • Friday, April 5: End of Quarter 3
  • Monday, April 8: Quarter 4 Begins
  • Wednesday, April 10: No Classes, Professional Development Day
  • Thursday, April 11: Parents Association Culture Day, 3-6 PM, Family Commons
  • Saturday, April 13: National ACT Test Date, 8 AM-1 PM, Lansing Sport Center
  • Thursday, April 18: Senior Performances, 8-9:15 AM, Nicholson Center
  • Friday, April 19: MPA Spring Auction, 6:30-11 PM, Dellwood Golf Club

Important Information

  1. If your student will be absent, late, or needs to be excused early from school, please reach out to the Upper School office via
  2. We are entering Upper School winter concert season this week. The Upper School Band and Orchestra Concert is scheduled for this Thursday, February 22, at 7:30 PM. Then, the Upper School Choral Concert is scheduled for next Thursday, February 29. The students look forward to sharing their love of music and their hard work with you during these concerts.
  3. Be on the lookout for information about the 2024 MPA Spring Auction, Together We Can Move Mountains, scheduled for Friday, April 19 at Dellwood Golf Club. This is your chance to attend a night of fun, inspiration, and community building while supporting MPA with fellow parents, alumni, and friends.

In high school, experiential field trips play a pivotal role in enhancing the educational journey of students. They are offered invaluable real-world experiences that go beyond the four walls of traditional classroom learning. According to a study published in the International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, “students who participate in field trips show significantly higher achievement in (science) subjects compared to their peers who do not have the same opportunities.” This can be attributed to the real-life learning experiences that field trips provide. Read More

A Sacred Space Inside: The Power of Positive Affirmations

Lower School student talking on microphone at champ assembly

from Jennifer Le Varge, Lower School director

Editor’s Note: Periodically, you will find a guest Head’s Message here from members of the administrative team. We hope you will enjoy reading their thoughts and reflections about life at MPA.

I recently came across, on Instagram of all places, a video clip from an episode of Oprah’s “Super Soul Sunday” featuring the great Dr. Maya Angelou. Dr. Angelou, a female Black American poet and civil rights activist, has inspired millions through her writings and teachings. In this conversation, Dr. Angelou recalled advice she gave to her son when he was growing up:

“He said, ‘I don’t have any friends. How can I get some friends?’ I told him two things. First, in order to get a friend, you must be a friend. And second, there is a place in you that you must keep inviolate. You must keep it pristine, clean, so that nobody has the right to curse you or treat you badly. Say no, when it’s no … Because that place must remain clean, clear.”

As the message sank in and I sat there on my couch, in my pajamas on a Saturday morning, this teaching reminded me of the words of my grandfather. Born in Guadalajara, Mexico, my abuelo was a commanding figure in our family. I used to love sitting around the big mahogany table at the tail end of family dinners when the grownups would start drinking coffee and the cousins scattered off to play—this is when the juicy family drama would come out! Sometimes, the grownups would reminisce about the old days, and I often heard renditions of my mother’s great escape from South Bend, Indiana in the late 1950s. At that time, my grandfather returned from serving in the US Navy during the Korean War and was attending Notre Dame University as an engineering student. My mother and uncle were young children in elementary school, and my grandmother worked as a seamstress. One day, they came home and found that slur words for Hispanic people had been painted on the side of their bungalow house. Fearing worse was to come, my grandmother packed up my uncle and mother and escaped on the first train out of South Bend, leaving my grandfather to finish his engineering degree alone. It was years before the family was properly reunited. Read More

The Joys And Challenges Of A PreK-12 Schedule

from Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

I am deeply touched by the outpouring of kind sentiments I’ve received since announcing my intention to retire at the end of the 2024-25 school year. This decision was incredibly difficult, as I have found immense joy in serving as the head of school at MPA and feel privileged to lead such a remarkable community. Each day, I eagerly anticipate coming to school, recognizing the rare fortune of a job that is both professionally rewarding and personally fulfilling.

As I look toward the future, I have full confidence in the board of trustees and the search committee to find an exceptional successor. Rest assured, my commitment and passion for MPA remain unwavering, and I am dedicated to giving my all over the next 16 months.

Looking ahead to the 2024-25 school year, I am excited to share some exciting changes coming to the Middle and Upper Schools. Throughout this year, the academic administration has carefully reviewed feedback on the curriculum and academic schedule from students, parents, faculty, and staff. Our commitment to continuous improvement is guided by our school’s mission and values, ensuring we meet the evolving needs of our students.

Developing a master schedule and academic calendar that caters to students from PreK through 12 is indeed challenging. I often liken my role as head of school to managing a wonderfully messy family with three different schools, each with its own unique students, teachers, and parents—all under one roof. We are one school united by our mission, yet each division approaches the daily schedule with a focus on our students’ academic, social-emotional, and mental well-being. A committee of teachers and administrators, supported by our exceptional new registrar, Renae Wantock, has refined the master schedule to be even more responsive to our students’ needs.

Upper School
In the Upper School next year, we will offer an impressive 50 elective classes, with 29 available to ninth graders, 13 more in the tenth grade, four more in the eleventh grade, and four more in the twelfth grade. This breadth of choice is rare and reflects our commitment to providing an enriching academic experience. Read More

Congratulations MPA Skiers!

MPA Skiers Alpine and NordicThree members of the MPA Alpine Ski Team earned All-Conference Awards for their efforts at the IMAC Alpine Conference Championship Meet at Buck Hill. Congratulations to Sidney Lundeen ’27, Henry Schwartz ’25, and Jaclyn L. ’29.

Two members of the MPA Alpine Ski Team earned Honorable Mention All-Conference Awards for their efforts at the IMAC Alpine Conference Championship Meet at Buck Hill. Congratulations to Myah Hoeschen ’27 and Jacob Wyant ’27.

Two members of the MPA Alpine Ski Team qualified for State at the Section 4A Alpine Ski Meet. Congratulations to Jaclyn L. ’29 and Vittorio Bloyer ’24. They will be participating at the State Alpine Meet at Giants Ridge in Biwabik, MN on February 13. Read More

MPA Students Experience Music Clinic At University Of Wisconsin

Oslo, Julia, and LucyThree exceptional MPA students had the opportunity to attend a prestigious orchestra clinic at the University of Wisconsin-Madison this week. Julia Anderson ’27, Oslo Norcross ’27, and Lucy Mayer ’27 attended intensive rehearsals, guided by university faculty, and all of their hard work culminated in a live concert performance.

“Our MPA musicians are so dedicated to music making and I love that they were able to experience this event,” said Hannah Lawson, MPA’s director of orchestras. “As their director, I want to give my students as many performance opportunities as possible and I’m so proud that they accepted the challenge and can carry this experience with them forever.” Read More

Upper School Division News February 8, 2024

Upper school students in French classfrom Mark Segal, Upper School director

Mark Your Calendars

  • Wednesday-Friday, February 7-9: Grade 10 Deep Portage Trip
  • Friday, February 9: US BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting, 11:20-12 PM, Room 150-151
  • Thursday, February 15: Re-enrollment Deadline
  • Friday, February 16: No Classes, Professional Development
  • Monday, February 19: No Classes, Presidents’ Day
  • Monday, February 19: US SAT Mini Prep Class, 5-8:30 PM, Room 181
  • Wednesday, February 21: Upper School Parent Quarterly Coffee, 8-9:30 AM, PCR
  • Thursday, February 22: Upper School Band Concert, 7:30-8:30 PM, Nicholson Center
  • Wednesday, February 28: Senior Performances, 8-9:15 AM, Recital Hall
  • Thursday, February 29: Upper School Vocal Concert, 7:30-8:30 PM, Nicholson Center
  • Friday, March 1: SnoDaze Assembly, 2:20-3 PM
  • Friday, March 1: Upper School SnoDaze Event (TBD), afterschool

Important Information
If your student will be absent, late, or needs to be excused early from school, please reach out to the Upper School office via

REMINDER: even though there are no Lower or Middle School classes on February 9 due to their conferences, the Upper School will hold classes as usual.

Sharing your story is not just an act of self-expression, it is a powerful tool for personal connection and growth. When you “open up” about your personal, lived experiences, you invite others to participate in your stories and share your authentic self with them. One of the MPA graduation requirements is for all members of the senior class to give a Senior Performance. Most seniors speak to their peers in the Recital Hall, yet some choose to share their story with all members of the Upper School community in the Nicholson Center. The Senior Performances are often speeches that speak to individual growth and reflection, but at times are actual performances where original pieces of music or monologues are performed. Read More

Meet International Student Alum Wei Zhan ’22

Wei Zhan '22What are you currently doing, professionally and/or personally? What experiences or relationships have inspired you along the way?
I went to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and am now attending Santa Monica College. Engaging with a diverse and talented group of individuals fueled my passion along the way.

How was your experience at MPA different than other schools?
MPA has an inclusive and open atmosphere, embracing individuals from all backgrounds and creating a welcoming environment for everyone. Read More

Being An MPA Student Is…

MPA students working together in a small groupThis message is from MPA’s Office of Admission from the January 27, 2024 issue of InsideMPA. Click here to get in touch with Admission and learn more!

Being a student at MPA is a lot of things.

It’s being part of “A generally really diverse, inclusive environment. I fit in like on day one.”

It’s also a place where you will find “Words of encouragement, even when I didn’t really think I needed it,” and opportunities that make you think, “This experience has just made me a much more confident speaker and critical person.”

And even in addition to all of that, it’s “This safe, nurturing, supportive place where I could really explore and learn so many new things.” Read More