Kao Kalia Yang Shares Her Story Of Hope

World-renowned author Kao Kalia Yang treated the junior class and Lower School students to readings from her books and shared words of wisdom during a visit on May 30. After two years of Zoom visits with the junior class, Yang was able to visit campus in person for an inspirational morning that expanded to include most of the Lower School.

The junior class read her memoir “The Latehomecomer: A Hmong Family Memoir” this spring, which tells the story of the ramifications of the Vietnam War on the Hmong people and the Yang family’s journey to settle in Minnesota via a refugee camp in Thailand. While Yang writes beautifully of the challenge and triumphs in her immigrant experience, the chance to hear her read from the memoir deepened the experience and added dimension to the work. After Yang read, she took questions from the juniors and formed response packed with wisdom and poetry. The juniors eagerly shared their admiration with her as she signed their books. The intimate 75 minutes was a highlight for the year and a meaningful way to punctuate the American Studies course.

An author of four children’s picture books as well, Yang also met with the Lower School children in two separate sessions. She shared her autobiographical book, “From the Tops of the Trees” about her life as a Hmong refugee child, born in the Ban Vinai Camp in Thailand. The students were inspired by her story of hope and resilience. Fourth graders created thoughtful questions in advance to share with Ms. Yang. It was an amazing experience for the children.

The Bold Innovation Fund provided the support for this important opportunity.

Welcome To MPA, Ursula Hargens!

What position will you be holding at MPA?
Upper School Ceramics Teacher

From what school/organization are you coming?
I have been an artist and educator for over twenty years, teaching at colleges, universities, and community art centers. I also led an advanced ceramic certificate program that I co-founded with Northern Clay Center in 2014.

Tell us about your education and past experience.
I earned an MFA in ceramics from the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University and an MA in Art and Art Education from Columbia University Teachers College. I also spent a transformational year in Nova Scotia, studying with the renowned teacher Walter Ostrom. As a teaching artist, I divide my time between creating work for sales and commissions and teaching ceramics in a wide variety of settings. My artistic output is broad, and I make large-scale tile installations as well as wheel-thrown, functional pots for the kitchen.

What did you find appealing about MPA?
MPA is unique in its visible commitment to the arts. I am excited to be stepping into Ms. Buck’s clogs and inheriting such a strong and vibrant ceramics program. I also look forward to working alongside teachers who are deeply invested in building a positive community and focused on creating challenging and meaningful experiences for students.

What lasting impact do you plan to have on MPA?
I want to help students strengthen their understanding of materials, experiment and take risks, gain confidence in the process of making, and see projects through to completion. I feel this is an essential part of a well-balanced education and is increasingly important in a digital world. This kind of creative problem-solving will serve students regardless of where they end up in their careers. I am also interested in building connections with other content areas. For example, ceramics naturally ties into chemistry, art history, material science, and literature, and I look forward to exploring some of these links in the classroom.

What’s your big dream?
In every aspect of my life—whether teaching, making, or personal time—I want to bring value to the community, work in collaboration with others, learn something new, and enjoy the process.

What are you (and your family, if you so choose) passionate about?
My family and I like spending time in the outdoors, hiking, canoeing, and Nordic skiing. I also love gardening and am often watering and moving plants in my yard!

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
I have been a vegetarian for 36 years. My baked tofu was a hotly traded commodity at school lunchtime for both of my kids.

Welcome To MPA, Stephanie Kollm!

What position will you be holding at MPA?
Library Media Specialist

From what school/organization are you coming?
South Washington County Schools

Tell us about your education and past experience.
I have an undergraduate degree in English, Spanish and Secondary Education from Xavier University, a Master of Arts in English Literature from Villanova University and a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. I taught high school English for six years before working in higher education marketing. After spending some time at home with my children, for the past two years I have been busy learning the ins and outs of school libraries at an elementary school in Woodbury.

What did you find appealing about MPA?
The sense of community and genuine care for the well-being of students and faculty was clear from the moment I stepped on campus. There is a strong commitment to academic rigor while allowing students to pursue their passions. I am excited to work with students in preK-12th grade, too.

What lasting impact do you plan to have on MPA?
I plan on building upon the strong community of readers to help foster a love of literature throughout the school. My goal is to empower students to select books that advance their knowledge, expand their worlds and help them develop empathy for others.

I also will work with the MPA community to build the technology, research and creative thinking skills that students will need when they go pursue their big dreams.

What’s your big dream?
I think I’m about to be living it: Spending my days in a beautiful library, surrounded by great books and sharing that love of reading with others. I love to explore new technologies too, and MPA seems like the perfect place to do so.

What are you (and your family, if you so choose) passionate about?
My two girls and I love horseback riding. We’ve been taking lessons together for the past three years and are going to our first hunter/jumper shows this summer. Our family loves to explore parks and new places. Our favorite recent trip was a tour of six national parks out west. We are always planning our next adventure together. And, of course, I love to read.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
I spend a lot of time at the dog park with my Goldendoodle Buster.

Welcome To MPA, Sean Andrews!

What position will you be holding at MPA?
Curriculum and Technology Integration Specialist

From what school/organization are you coming?
Bay Ridge Prep

Tell us about your education and past experience.
I received my master’s in Learning and Emerging Technologies from Empire State College. While in this program, I also started at the Kidonan School, a school for students with Dyslexia, where I was trained in Orton-Gillingham, a multi-sensory approach for teaching language skills to students with dyslexia, and was also the assistive technology coordinator. This led to publishing my master’s thesis on using digital resources to teach students with dyslexia. Unfortunately, the school closed, but I stepped up to direct the school’s camp, Camp Dunnabeck, which continues to support students with dyslexia to this day.

After Kildonan, I moved to Brooklyn and worked as the Educational Technologist and eventually the Director of Technology at Bay Ridge Prep, a K-12 independent school. There I was a tech team of one, managing student devices, integrating classroom tech, troubleshooting issues, teaching classes, and leading clubs such as Makerspace and Snowsports Clubs

I look forward to continuing to leverage technologies to support the students of Mounds Park Academy!

What did you find appealing about MPA?
I’m most looking forward to working with a team of experts so I am able to focus my efforts on supporting students and staff utilizing educational technologies rather than also having to worry about managing the technology infrastructure on top of that. I am also really looking forward to getting into the Makerspace and supporting the development of project-based learning. I can already tell that MPA is a supportive community, and I greatly look forward to working with the staff and students.

What lasting impact do you plan to have on MPA?
I would like to help innovate classroom curricula and student initiatives to help them build confidence as well as broaden and strengthen their skill sets to become innovative leaders in whichever field they enter.

What’s your big dream?
To leverage technologies to improve the effectiveness of our educational systems, preparing students to be productive citizens in a world that is evolving exponentially. This includes seriously looking at and responding to the ethical usage of immerging technologies.

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about improving access to quality education and minimizing the achievement gap. I think education is our best investment and by supporting students to think critically, be creative, and act compassionately, we create a ripple effect that can lead to improvements in every aspect of life. Many of our societal issues, such as poverty and violence, stem from poor education. I believe in negative utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is doing what is best for the most amount of people to improve society, while negative utilitarianism is about making improvements where there is the most suffering, raising us all up together, and maximizing happiness.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know? 
What really inspired me to go into teaching was working as a snowboard instructor. I’ve worked at Belleayre Mountain in NY, Mount Snow in VT, and even Afton Alps in MN as a freestyle coach.

Honoring The Class Of 2023

from Bill Hudson, head of school

Today is one of my favorite days, a day that embodies who we are as a school community. The entire school gathered for the annual Senior Walk and together celebrated the 60 seniors and their impact on MPA. The joy in the eyes of each student along the pathway, the pride in the eyes of faculty and staff, and the sense of accomplishment reflected in the eyes of our senior class bring tears to my eyes.

I’ve seen countless young people move on from high school to college over the 30 or so years I’ve been a teacher and administrator. Each class is unique and holds a special place in my heart. This senior class strikes me as incredibly genuine and resilient. They have weathered the pandemic, a racial reckoning, and social and political discord. They have prevailed through personal trauma and difficulties and emerged strong and authentic.

The college choices of our senior class are evidence of the uniqueness of each student and the diversity of their interests. Fifty-nine seniors will be attending 39 different colleges and universities in 20 states, Washington, D.C., Canada, and Scotland. They have chosen large research universities, public and private institutions, small liberal arts colleges, Ivies, art schools, and women’s colleges. Students will be attending schools in urban and rural locations that are near and far. Read More

Parents Association News & Events May 25, 2023

All-School St. Paul Saints Game!
Sunday, July 30, 2:07 PM at CHS Field
Join us for a midsummer Saints game! Reconnect with school friends and enjoy America’s favorite pastime. You’ll see the St. Paul Saints vs. the Toledo Mud Hens at CHS Field. This is an all-school event. Tickets cost $16 for students and $17 for adults. Tickets can be picked up at Will Call before the game under the name “MPA Panthers.” We’ll be seated together in section 115. You can see the section here.

End of Year Grade Events
The end of the year is coming soon! Watch your email for all the details from your grade representative.

  • Pre-K: Details coming soon
  • Kindergarten: Wednesday, June 7, 11 AM-12:30 PM at Richard Walton Park, Oakdale
  • Grade 1: Wednesday, June 7, 1-3 PM at Richard Walton Park, Oakdale
  • Grade 2: Details coming soon
  • Grade 3: Wednesday, June 7, 3:30-5:30 PM at Richard Walton Park, Oakdale
  • Grade 4: Wednesday, June 7, 10:30 AM at Seaquest, Roseville
  • Grade 5: Sunday, June 4, 2:30 PM arrival time, St. Croix Riverboat at Taylor’s Falls,
  • Grade 6: Wednesday, June 7, 4 PM, at Can Can Wonderland, St Paul
  • Grade 7: June 7, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
  • Grade 8: June 7, 10:30-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
  • Grade 9: June 7, 10:30-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
  • Grade 10: June 7, 10:45-12:45 PM, Wakefield Park Community Building, Maplewood
  • Grade 11: June 7, 10:30-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
Vote for Next Year’s PA Board Members
  • Co-Presidents: Staci Banks and Christine Larson
  • Vice President/Community Grants: Seema Anwar
  • Secretary:  Cristin Moran
  • Treasurer: Adi Boeder Risner
  • Lower School Division Lead: Michael Soto
  • Middle School Division Lead: Molly Oliver
  • Upper School Division Lead: Julie Bixby
  • Communications Lead: Susan Knapp
  • Staff Development Lead: Tara Lafferty
  • Grade Rep Coordinator: Open

You may vote here.

Meet The Johnston Family

The Johnston FamilyKate Johnston is an MPA Class of 1998 alum. Now, her son Emmett is a ninth grader at MPA.

What do you love about MPA?
MPA has a special energy that is warm and welcoming. It is an inclusive community that truly cultivates joy and a love of learning. I love that MPA prioritizes music and art. I also love that MPA encourages curiosity and creativity and is committed to teaching the whole child. I love the small class sizes and amazing teachers that make it a school where each child is truly seen, heard, and valued. MPA teachers and staff build strong relationships with students and encourage them to shine their unique light.

What initially attracted you to MPA?
I graduated from MPA and have always been grateful for the amazing education I received. When my husband and I were considering a school change for our oldest son, we decided to look at MPA. We wanted small class sizes and a school that was inclusive and committed to growth and progress. When we visited the school, I was happy to see that MPA continued to grow and change in many ways while staying committed to its mission and values. The energy was wonderful, and it felt like a place that could be an incredible partner for us as we raise our boys. Our son is in his second year at MPA, and we feel blessed to have him there. Read More

Because I Had A Teacher

from Bill Hudson, head of school

“Because I had a teacher, I know how good it feels when someone is happy to see me. I know that I can always ask for help. I feel like I have a friend on my side…Because I had you, I learned to believe in me.” From the book, “Because I Had a Teacher” by Kobi Yamada.

If you are like me, you have a favorite teacher who you continue to hold close to your heart. Mrs. Long was my third-grade teacher and had a tremendous impact on me. I attribute to her my curiosity and love of learning. My parents recalled how I would come home from school each day with a list of what “Mrs. Long said…” I would go on and on at the dinner table with all that Mrs. Long said that day, and 50 years later, I still hold her dear.

On Thursday, May 25, we will honor six members of the MPA faculty who are retiring this year or during the years of the pandemic. Together, they have more than 200 years of service to MPA. It is impossible to measure the impact these wonderful teachers have had on their students. Indeed, they have touched the hearts and minds of so many.

Please join us to honor the distinguished careers of MPA retirees from 2020-2023 at the Mounds Park Academy Retirement Celebration. It has been our tradition to celebrate retirees at a reception at the end of the school year. I know that the month of May is busy, but I promise that you will not regret attending. Join us in the Family Commons and Martin Lenz Harrison Library from 4-6 PM, with a brief program at 4:30 PM. Read More

Upper School Division News May 18, 2023

from Mark Segal, Upper School director

Looking Ahead

  • May 19: Class of 2023 Last Day of Classes
  • May 24: Upper School Vocal Concert, 7:30-9 PM, Nicholson Center
  • May 25: Senior Performances, 10-11:30 AM, Recital Hall
    •  Senior Walk, 1-1:45 PM, MPA Campus
    • Upper School Awards Assembly, 1:45-3 PM, Nicholson Center
    • MPA Retirement Gathering, 4-6:30 PM, Family Commons
  • May 26: No Classes, Professional Development
  • May 29: No Classes, Memorial Day
  • May 30: Upper School Service-Con, 1-4 PM, MPA Indoor Track
  • May 31: Class of 2023 Senior Dinner, 6:30 PM, Off Campus
  • June 1: World Language Final Exams, During World Language Classes
  • June 2: World Language Final Exams, During World Language Classes
    •  Class of 2023 MANDATORY Graduation Rehearsal, 11 AM-12:30 PM, Nicholson Center
  • June 3: Commencement, 6 PM, Nicholson Center
  • June 5: English Final Exams, 8:45–10:15 AM, Locations TBD
    •  Math Final Exams, 12-1 PM, Locations TBD
  • June 6: End of Quarter 4/Semester 2
    • Social Studies Final Exams, 8:45-10:15 AM, Locations TBD
    • Science Final Exams, 12-1 PM, Locations TBD
  • June 7: Last Day of School
    • Yearbook Assembly, 8:15 AM, Nicholson Center
    • Dismissal, 10:15 AM

It is hard to believe that the 2022 – 2023 school year is coming to an end. Students in grades PK-11 have 11 class days left before their summer vacations begin. The Class of 2023, however, has their last day of classes tomorrow (May 19). Thirteen years of schooling will draw to a ceremonious close when they, as a group, pull down the boldly written #1 which hangs in the Upper School Commons. Each afternoon the senior class gathers at the end of the day to pull down the handwritten numbers 10 to 1 as they countdown their last days on campus. The emotion expressed and cohesion shown by the group is a joy to witness as they celebrate one of the MPA Rites of Passage as the soon to be graduating class.

The US Center for Disease Control shares that, “school connectedness has long-lasting effects on (students’) health and well-being.” The trusting relationships built between the 60 members of the Class of 2023 have been critical in their emotional educational journeys. They have laughed, danced, played sports, debated, shared stories, and grown together as young adults during their high school years. They have also openly welcomed and accepted new students into their Class and have appreciated the new perspective each brings to the fabric of this special group. The members of the Class of 2023 have experienced so much over their upper school career. Each time a new challenge was presented to them, they rallied around and leaned into each other and kept moving forward.

The next two weeks will be ones of self-discovery for this special class. They will complete assignments and work on their Senior Service Projects for Service-Con—the final items are due before they cross the stage to receive their diplomas on June 3. Thankfully, there is still time for the community to be with them before their special day. You are invited to attend the annual Senior Walk and the Upper School Awards Assembly on Thursday, May 25, and Service-Con on Tuesday, May 30. These events will allow us to publicly recognize the Class of 2023 and witness the impact they have had and legacy they will leave behind. Read More

College Athlete Celebration Day

This Monday was an exciting day for Class of 2023 student-athletes and their families! Fifteen members of the class are moving on to participate in college athletics—that’s 25%! The entire Upper School student body gathered in the Lansing Sports Center to celebrate their selections and wish them well. Go Panthers! For the full album of photos, click here.

Congratulations to the following Class of 2023 student-athletes!

  • Alex Appleton: Rowing at Bates College
  • Kensi Binstadt: Track at Pomona College
  • Cameron Collister: Cross Country and Track at Whitman College
  • Audrey Jakway: Basketball at Haverford College
  • Owen Lafferty: Track at Macalester College
  • Nicholas Larson: Track and Cross Country at Colgate University
  • Michael Mairs: Tennis at St. Olaf College
  • Gabriel Messner: Rowing at University of Edinburgh
  • Zoe Mulvihill: Track at Amherst College
  • Lola Pilon: Volleyball and Softball at Augsburg University
  • Andrew Platz: Baseball at Hamline University
  • Freya Rahm: Tennis at Oberlin College
  • Henry Seum: Sailing at Jacksonville University
  • Siri Springer: Softball at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
  • Annabelle Vale: Swimming at Grinnell College