Minnesota Independent Schools Diversity Career Fair

MPA is proud to be a part of this year’s Minnesota Independent Schools Diversity Career Fair on Saturday, March 4 from 9 AM-12 PM at Breck School in Golden Valley. Faculty, staff, and school administrators who identify as Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) are welcome to learn more about employment opportunities at a number of independent schools in the Twin Cities. Participating schools include Blake, Breck, City of Lakes Waldorf, Groves Learning Organization, Lake Country School, Minnehaha Academy, Mounds Park Academy, Shattuck-St. Mary’s, St. Paul Academy and Summit School, and Visitation School. Please feel free to share this event with your networks to raise awareness! For more information and to register, click here.

Parents Association News & Events March 2, 2023

Thank You!
A big thank you to Middle School families for their generosity in food donations! This carload of food was donated to the North St. Paul Foodshelf. Special thanks to parent, Molly Oliver for delivery services!

The MPA PA Spring Break Reading Book Club with Dr. Hudson
April 6, 6:30-8 PM
Looking for something great to read over Spring Break? Try The Other Einstein by Marie Benedict! This historical fiction novel tells the story of a not-so-famous scientist who not only loved Albert Einstein, but also shaped the theories that brought him lasting renown. Dr. Hudson will host a discussion of the book. The PA will be providing copies of the book to those who would like to participate. Child care will be provided. Please fill out this form to sign up for the book club and request a book.

MPA All-School Gluten-Free Cooking Class with Kate Thrane Has Been Rescheduled
New Date: April 13, 5:30-7 PM

MPA alum Kate travels here from Boston, and we did not want her to be caught in the storm. Please join us on the new date to learn all about the joy of cooking gluten-free. In the meantime, you can catch her recipes on Instagram at @theglutenlessmaximus.

Save the Date!
Wednesday, April 26, 3-7 PM

Save the date for the Culture Day celebration at MPA! Enjoy an evening of food, music, and crafts from around the world!

MPA Risk Takers: Exploring The New Science Curriculum

Students working on Anatomy LabIt’s always a risk to be the first. Investigating the unknown requires genuine curiosity, determined commitment, and an appetite for asking questions. It commands acknowledging that you are paving the way for whoever takes this journey next. It warrants a sense of courage.

The secondary science curriculum of biology, chemistry, and physics was created to meet the needs of society 200 years ago. But in the last two decades, we’ve witnessed the needs of society change drastically. To evolve with it, MPA’s Upper School science curriculum has undergone a well-planned, research-based reform, and the new science curriculum is a comprehensive program that coordinates math together with science as a coherent whole. In this model, each concept builds a framework upon students’ previous learning.

The MPA students partaking say the new science electives have transformed the way they think about, study, and even experience STEM. When enrolling in the new offerings–Advanced Physics: Mechanics; Advanced Physics: Waves, Optics & Electromagnetism; Advanced Topics in Chemistry; Anatomy and Physiology; Astronomy; Biotechnology; Earth, Atmosphere, & Planetary Science; Environmental Chemistry; Environmental Science; and Neuroscience–for the very first time they’ve been offered as MPA science electives, these students are properly considered risk-takers. Diving into subject matter unlike any other, with the promise of guidance from skillful MPA faculty, they are ready to explore the unknown for the first time in our curriculum’s history.

“The investigative approach is really valuable”
From flying pigs to labs that take place in the Lansing Center weight room, senior Kensi Binstadt says, “Advanced Physics labs are like escape rooms or mystery novels–puzzles that must be solved.” While she finds them to be initially daunting, she notes that they fuel her fiery motivation to find answers. By critically thinking, she starts from a place of perplexity to calculating the most reasonable next steps.

“The investigative approach is really valuable. We are often given labs where we are asked to answer a question with the limited information, and through the lab we discover a formula. Instead of just being given the formula, this ensures that we actually understand the concepts and the process, or the ‘why,’ behind the concepts,” Kensi said. Read More

The Challenge And Inspiration of Change

from Lamar Shingles, director of equity and belonging

Editor’s Note: Periodically, you will find a guest Head’s Message here from one of MPA’s administrators. We hope you enjoy reading their thoughts and reflections about life at MPA.

If you ask anyone who knows me well, I have a deep fascination with understanding how things work. My mother recalls many instances where her home and possessions became a canvas for me to explore my mechanical inclination, two of which would define me above all others. She loves to reminisce about how I used to take apart working kitchen appliances and put them back together before I was old enough for kindergarten. Infamously, there was the time she came home from shopping with a friend to find that her ambitious high schooler had rendered her car unroadworthy, determined to find the issue, and fix it. As she looked precariously upon the bevy of unidentifiable parts strewn across the front lawn, instinctively, her mind searched for ways to fix her car—and me. However, as she observed and allowed initial emotions to subside, she recognized the most important thing to do was embrace my intrinsic motivation to “work the problem.” Not only did this establish the necessary conditions for learning to occur in the moment, but it also expanded my capacity to identify and resolve problems in the future.

While I ultimately did not become the NASA engineer my mother probably assumed I would be, the lessons I learned influenced my career path, nonetheless. Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) work is uniquely challenging. It is intentionally disruptive of the status quo. It is difficult to define, and few standards exist to guide the way. Progress and success can be even more difficult to identify as they are predicated on both individual and collective exploration and growth. I often think of the work as an iceberg, 10% is what everyone can see, while 90% exists below the surface.

2024ward outlines a strategic vision that defines the guiding principle of DEIB work: “Deepen our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging and ensure it is reflected in our policies, programs, and practices and in the life and culture of the MPA community.” Such a commitment requires an approach that must be as unique as MPA itself. It will also require resilience, creativity, empathy, and participation from all within our community.

This year has marked real progress in our DEIB journey. At the core, we are continuing to build our capacity to define and sustain this work while building off previous work. Administration has participated in True Colors and Intercultural Development Inventory trainings that enhance our ability to collectively and effectively lead MPA. Student support has been significantly elevated with the addition of assistant director of equity and belonging, Samantha Sanchez. Faculty have begun training in Culturally Responsive Teaching practices that will help us understand and address implicit bias in the classroom. Employee affinity groups have emerged. A faculty and staff equity and belonging committee has been established that is working to define shared language and equity standards that will dovetail with our curriculum review process. The MPA Parents Association established a DEI committee and paved the way for the creation of affinity groups for parents of LGBTQ+ and neurodiverse students, and the ability to form more groups going forward. We have also recognized and are actively working to improve how we address the needs of our international students and provide greater support for our host families, who selflessly open their homes to our international students.

Implementation is and will continue to be a multifaceted journey with many destinations. Guy Kawasaki once stated, “Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.” I have been asked many times, “why do you do this work?” My response brings me back full circle to the intrinsic motivation my mother helped to cultivate. This is challenging work. But most importantly, it is work with purpose that is inseparable from my internal desire to leave MPA better than I found it.

Upper School Division News February 23, 2023

from Mark Segal, Upper School director

Looking Ahead
February 23: Upper School Band & Orchestra Concert, 7:30-9 PM, Nicholson Center (postponed)
February 24: Upper School SnoDaze Snow Tubing, 4-7 PM, Green Acres Snow Tubing Lake Elmo
February 25: Grades 7-12 PlayMo Diorama Competition, 12-2:30 PM, Makerspace
February 27: Upper School Band & Orchestra Concert, 7:30-9 PM, Nicholson Center
February 28: Dessert & Dialogue, 6:30-8 PM, PCR
March 1: Upper School Vocal Concert, 7:30-9 PM, Nicholson Center
March 3: Spring Break Begins at 2:50 PM
March 20: Classes Resume at 8 AM
March 25: Grades 7-12 PlayMo Diorama Competition, 12-2:30 PM, Makerspace
March 28: World Language Final Exams, during World Language classes
March 29: World Language Final Exams, during World Language classes
March 30: Science Final Exams, 8:45-10:15 AM, Various Locations on Campus
English Final Exams, 12-1:30 PM, Various Locations on Campus
March 31: Math Final Exams, 8:45-10:15 AM, Various Locations on Campus
Social Studies Final Exams, 12-1:30 PM, Various Locations on Campus
April 3: No Classes, Professional Development Day
April 4: Quarter 4 Begins

I realize that what I am about to share may be an unpopular opinion. Winter is my favorite season! As an avid alpine skier, the thought of a fresh snowfall brings a huge smile to my face. There is, however, another side of winter that I dislike. Even though I have lived most of my life in the Twin Cities, my family and I have never invested in a snow blower and are reliant on a sturdy shovel and our strong backs. With the recent winter storm this week, I found myself outside with my trusty shovel in hand. Even though it was cold and there was a stiff breeze blowing from the north, there was something peaceful about being out there. A 2016 University of Kentucky study found that, “snow has acoustical properties which absorb sound – up to 60% of noise.” This quiet, in the middle of a winter storm, has a positive impact that can help us feel calm and centered. According to the University of Sussex, “the peacefulness of the snow also helps us focus in on the sounds of the breeze, the breaking of a branch or the pitter patter of a small animal—and when we hear the sounds of nature, our brain activates the centers which control rest and relaxation.” I realize I may be making lemonade out of lemons, but when looking at the work and expectations that upper school students (faculty and administrators, too) are managing in the weeks leading up to Spring Break, I see time clearing our driveways as beneficial to our mental and physical health. So, when things are hectic, and a little serenity is what each of us needs, shoveling snow can be just the solution we seek.

I look forward to seeing you on campus soon,

Mark Read More

Parents Association News & Events February 23, 2023

Thank You!
A big thank you to everyone who brought in snacks and drinks for this week’s Faculty and Staff Appreciation.

MS Snow Tubing Food Drive
Extended through Friday, February 24
It’s your last chance to participate! Bring non-perishable food items to your advisory. The items will be donated to the North St. Paul Food Shelf. Since 1979, the food shelf has been dedicated to helping families in need of food. Food shelves have been especially strained with rising food prices. Let’s put our MPA values into action and support our local food shelf!

Dessert and Dialogue with Mr. Segal
Tuesday, February 28, 6:30-8 PM
Upper School parents, please join us in the Porter Conference Room for Dessert and Dialogue with Mr. Segal. In lieu of a quarterly parent coffee for US parents, Mr. Segal will be hosting an evening where he’ll update families on the latest happenings in US, and will open it up for questions and dialogue. Meet other parents, hear school updates and engage in great discussions. RSVP required. Please RSVP to: jbixby@me.com.

MPA All-School Gluten-Free Cooking Class with Kate Thrane Has Been Rescheduled
New Date: April 13, 5:30-7 PM
MPA alum Kate travels here from Boston, and we do not want her to be caught in the storm. Please join us on the new date to learn all about the joy of cooking gluten-free. In the meantime, you can catch her recipes on Instagram at @theglutenlessmaximus.

2023-24 MPAPA Strategic Planning Meeting
March 1, 2-3 PM, in the Porter Conference Room
Are you a parent who would like to be more involved in volunteering at MPA? The MPAPA will be meeting to discuss planning for the 2023-24 School Year. Please join Dr. Bill Hudson, Jennifer Rogers, and the PA Board to share your feedback about events and be part of the planning process for the upcoming school year. We hope to see you there! Read More

Eighth Grade Engineers Demonstrate The Spirit Of Collaboration

This year’s Future Cities project has produced some incredibly impressive work. After winning accolades at the state level, MPA’s VAXA team—Josh M., Carter S., Julia A., Finley H., and Grace K.—had the honor of competing at the national level in Washington, D.C. this week. Two other MPA teams flourished at the regional level as well, earning MPA three special awards: Engineering Excellence, Outstanding Essay, and Best Infrastructure System. Read more about MPA’s success at the state competition here.

Team VAXA arrived safely in Washington, D.C. last Saturday. Though their Future City model arrived in less-than-ideal condition, it was rebuilt with Mr. Braafladt and Mr. Milam’s guidance and assistance to all its former glory. Judging for the Main Event and Special Awards took place, and VAXA presented three times, back-to-back, to three different panels of judges. This process was a diligent and arduous experience that tested the students’ skills, preparation, and knowledge. Though we were not recognized formally this year, Dr. Milam expressed that “being chosen to represent the state of Minnesota at Nationals in Washington D.C. is this year’s award for hard work, creativity, and innovation.” This level of accomplishment for the Future Cities project is a first for MPA, “but I feel certain it won’t be the last time we make our mark in the Capitol city,” she says. Beyond the competition and Future Cities Discovery-E activities, Ms. Murr was able to coordinate with some MPA alumni in the D.C. area and they joined Team VAXA for public viewing of the models at the competition venue. They then ventured out that evening for dinner together. Having MPA students together, current and former, was true MPA magic! Team VAXA also took time to visit the African American History Museum, Aerospace Museum, and walk around the National Mall while in D.C. We’re so appreciative of our alumni coming to support and connect with our current students!

A very special thank you goes to all who supported the students’ work, and very heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Milam, Mr. Braafladt, and Ms. Murr for traveling to D.C. with this incredible group of young engineers. Additional kudos to the awesome eighth grade team, Ms. Atchison, Ms. MacPhail, and Ms. Phillips, who all played important roles in Team VAXA’s success.

Mr. Milam recounted his experience and said, “To end this six-month Future Cities journey surrounded by MPA alumni, parents, board members, teachers, and students was among the most incredible experiences of my professional career. All my eighth graders dreamed big and did right!”

Finally, a huge shout-out to this incredible eighth-grade class, Class of 2027! They worked hard, supported each other, rallied together to polish Team VAXA’s model and presentation before D.C., and truly demonstrated the MPA spirit of collaboration, teamwork, and joyful learning. View the full album of photos from the trip here.



The Evolution Of Our Science Curriculum

from Bill Hudson, head of school

In high school, science was not my strong suit. Although I did well, I was only really passionate about science in my senior year when I discovered physics. It was a watershed moment for me, and physics helped me to develop a genuine interest in and true passion for science. I only wish I had it earlier in my academic career. Forty years later, I’m happy that today’s students have opportunities I didn’t.

The Upper School science curriculum has undergone a well-planned, research-based evolution over the last four years. The new science curriculum is a comprehensive program that coordinates mathematics with science as a coherent whole with a distinct view of how each concept builds a framework upon previous learning. Physics, traditionally taught in twelfth grade, is now taught in the ninth-grade year. Biology is taught in the sophomore year and chemistry in the junior year. This new sequence now allows for a series of science electives to be offered in the senior year, building upon this new scope and sequence. The new electives give students a choice and the ability to go deeper into a particular field of science. Read More

Parents Association News & Events February 16, 2023

Thank You!
A big thank you to everyone who brought in snacks and drinks for this week’s Faculty and Staff Appreciation.

MS Snow Tubing Food Drive
Extended through Friday, February 24

Bring non-perishable food items to your advisory. The items will be donated to the North St. Paul Food Shelf. Since 1979, the food shelf has been dedicated to helping families in need of food. Food shelves have been especially strained with rising food prices. Let’s put our MPA values into action and support our local food shelf!

Calling all Cooks!
Thursday, February 23, 5:30 PM
Please join MPA Alum and Instagrammer Kate Thrane for an evening of Gluten-Free Cooking tips! Kate will share information about living gluten-free, and we will bake some delicious gluten-free cookies! Hope to see you in the MPA Teaching Kitchen on February 23, 5:30 PM. Please RSVP to Staci Banks, sbhehe42@icloud.com, so we can be sure to get enough ingredients for the event.

Dessert and Dialogue with Mr. Segal
Tuesday, February 28, 6:30-8 PM
Upper School parents, please join us in the Porter Conference Room for Dessert and Dialogue with Mr. Segal. In lieu of a quarterly parent coffee for US parents, Mr. Segal will be hosting an evening where he’ll update families on the latest happenings in US, and will open it up for questions and dialogue. Meet other parents, hear school updates and engage in great discussions. RSVP required. Please RSVP to: jbixby@me.com.

We’re Looking for a Middle School Division Lead
The MPAPA is actively seeking a Middle School Division Lead/Co-Leads to join the it’s Board of Directors through June 1, 2023. The MS Division Lead partners with the Board and Dr. Jenn Milam to support the PA’s mission as well as carrying out MS traditions through the end of this school year. This parent/guardian will be asked to contribute in the following ways:

  • Support MS Grade Reps in hosting grade level socials and End-Of-Year Parties (share ideas and coordinate efforts to maximize community building)
    Meet quarterly with the MS Division Director
  • Be an inclusive resource for MPA families seeking information about PA events and initiatives
  • Support faculty and staff during Conference Weeks and other special events as requested by the MS Division Director
  • Meet monthly for a PA Board of Directors meeting
  • Host monthly summer community gatherings of your choice

Interested in learning more? Please contact Staci Banks or Christine Larson, MPAPA Co-Presidents at sbankspa@moundsparkacademy.org or clarsonpa@moundsparkacademy.org.

Upper School Artists Receive Scholastic Recognition

The Minnesota Scholastic Art Awards were announced, and the following students had work recognized this year. We’re congratulating Upper School artists for their work being featured this year! Gold Key work will be featured in an exhibition at the Regis Gallery at the University of Minnesota, and the work will advance to compete at the national level. Silver Key and Honorable Mention work will be part of an online exhibition. Congratulations to Maxwell Spencer, Alexx Tolstad, Elise DeBruzzi, Tasos Dimopoulos, Aixa Kellermann, and Ema Santibanez for their excellent artwork!

Elise DeBruzzi (11)—Mixed Media Still Life Honorable Mention Mixed Media
Tasos Dimopoulos (11)—Bones Honorable Mention Drawing
Aixa Kellermann (11)—Berries Silver Key Painting
Ema Santibanez (11)—Colorful Spine Honorable Mention Drawing
Maxwell Spencer (12)—In Stasis 2021 Honorable Mention Painting, Wind Dragon Honorable Mention Painting, Cold Familiarity Gold Key Painting, Beware False Prophets Honorable Mention Printmaking, Cycles of Fire and Ash Silver Key Drawing
Alexx Tolstad (12)—Self Portrait Honorable Mention Drawing, Fall Leaves Honorable Mention Drawing