Upper School Division News May 18, 2023

from Mark Segal, Upper School director

Looking Ahead

  • May 19: Class of 2023 Last Day of Classes
  • May 24: Upper School Vocal Concert, 7:30-9 PM, Nicholson Center
  • May 25: Senior Performances, 10-11:30 AM, Recital Hall
    •  Senior Walk, 1-1:45 PM, MPA Campus
    • Upper School Awards Assembly, 1:45-3 PM, Nicholson Center
    • MPA Retirement Gathering, 4-6:30 PM, Family Commons
  • May 26: No Classes, Professional Development
  • May 29: No Classes, Memorial Day
  • May 30: Upper School Service-Con, 1-4 PM, MPA Indoor Track
  • May 31: Class of 2023 Senior Dinner, 6:30 PM, Off Campus
  • June 1: World Language Final Exams, During World Language Classes
  • June 2: World Language Final Exams, During World Language Classes
    •  Class of 2023 MANDATORY Graduation Rehearsal, 11 AM-12:30 PM, Nicholson Center
  • June 3: Commencement, 6 PM, Nicholson Center
  • June 5: English Final Exams, 8:45–10:15 AM, Locations TBD
    •  Math Final Exams, 12-1 PM, Locations TBD
  • June 6: End of Quarter 4/Semester 2
    • Social Studies Final Exams, 8:45-10:15 AM, Locations TBD
    • Science Final Exams, 12-1 PM, Locations TBD
  • June 7: Last Day of School
    • Yearbook Assembly, 8:15 AM, Nicholson Center
    • Dismissal, 10:15 AM

It is hard to believe that the 2022 – 2023 school year is coming to an end. Students in grades PK-11 have 11 class days left before their summer vacations begin. The Class of 2023, however, has their last day of classes tomorrow (May 19). Thirteen years of schooling will draw to a ceremonious close when they, as a group, pull down the boldly written #1 which hangs in the Upper School Commons. Each afternoon the senior class gathers at the end of the day to pull down the handwritten numbers 10 to 1 as they countdown their last days on campus. The emotion expressed and cohesion shown by the group is a joy to witness as they celebrate one of the MPA Rites of Passage as the soon to be graduating class.

The US Center for Disease Control shares that, “school connectedness has long-lasting effects on (students’) health and well-being.” The trusting relationships built between the 60 members of the Class of 2023 have been critical in their emotional educational journeys. They have laughed, danced, played sports, debated, shared stories, and grown together as young adults during their high school years. They have also openly welcomed and accepted new students into their Class and have appreciated the new perspective each brings to the fabric of this special group. The members of the Class of 2023 have experienced so much over their upper school career. Each time a new challenge was presented to them, they rallied around and leaned into each other and kept moving forward.

The next two weeks will be ones of self-discovery for this special class. They will complete assignments and work on their Senior Service Projects for Service-Con—the final items are due before they cross the stage to receive their diplomas on June 3. Thankfully, there is still time for the community to be with them before their special day. You are invited to attend the annual Senior Walk and the Upper School Awards Assembly on Thursday, May 25, and Service-Con on Tuesday, May 30. These events will allow us to publicly recognize the Class of 2023 and witness the impact they have had and legacy they will leave behind. Read More

College Athlete Celebration Day

This Monday was an exciting day for Class of 2023 student-athletes and their families! Fifteen members of the class are moving on to participate in college athletics—that’s 25%! The entire Upper School student body gathered in the Lansing Sports Center to celebrate their selections and wish them well. Go Panthers! For the full album of photos, click here.

Congratulations to the following Class of 2023 student-athletes!

  • Alex Appleton: Rowing at Bates College
  • Kensi Binstadt: Track at Pomona College
  • Cameron Collister: Cross Country and Track at Whitman College
  • Audrey Jakway: Basketball at Haverford College
  • Owen Lafferty: Track at Macalester College
  • Nicholas Larson: Track and Cross Country at Colgate University
  • Michael Mairs: Tennis at St. Olaf College
  • Gabriel Messner: Rowing at University of Edinburgh
  • Zoe Mulvihill: Track at Amherst College
  • Lola Pilon: Volleyball and Softball at Augsburg University
  • Andrew Platz: Baseball at Hamline University
  • Freya Rahm: Tennis at Oberlin College
  • Henry Seum: Sailing at Jacksonville University
  • Siri Springer: Softball at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
  • Annabelle Vale: Swimming at Grinnell College

Parents Association News & Events May 18, 2023

Voting for Next Year’s PA Board Members
Watch for the ballot in next week’s Panther Post.

End of Year Grade Events
The end of the year is coming soon! Watch your email for all the details from your grade representative.

Pre-K: Details coming soon
Kindergarten: Wednesday, June 7, 11 AM-12:30 PM at Richard Walton Park, Oakdale
Grade 1: Wednesday, June 7, 1-3 PM at Richard Walton Park, Oakdale
Grade 2: Details coming soon
Grade 3: Wednesday, June 7, 3:30-5:30 PM at Richard Walton Park, Oakdale
Grade 4: Wednesday, June 7, 10:30 AM at Seaquest, Roseville
Grade 5: Details coming soon
Grade 6: Details coming soon
Grade 7: June 7, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
Grade 8: June 7, 10:30-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
Grade 9: June 7, 10:30-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
Grade 10: June 7, 10:45-12:45 PM, Wakefield Park Community Building, Maplewood
Grade 11: June 7, 10:30-12:30 PM, Casey Lake Park, North St Paul (sharing with grades 7,8,9 & 11)
Grade 12: Details coming soon

John Malone’s Impact At MPA

from Bill Hudson, head of school

I just returned from my oldest nephew’s wedding in Charleston, South Carolina, the first in the next generation of my family. It was a wonderful weekend, and I thoroughly relished spending time with family and friends. The setting, a historic building on the low-country shore of Charleston Harbor, was delightful. I also had the honor of serving as the officiant for the ceremony, another first. Despite the many graduations I have addressed and the many school events I have presided over, I was incredibly stressed and nervous.

I also took the opportunity to visit the Porter-Gaud School, an independent school in Charleston. I have become friends with the head of school, DuBose Egleston, and enjoyed spending time with him and his administrative team. I’ve come to know DuBose, and Porter-Gaud, through our shared association with the Malone Scholars Program and the Malone Family Foundation.

The Malone Family Foundation is dedicated to improving access to quality education—particularly at the secondary school level—for highly capable students who lack the financial resources to best develop their talents. Mounds Park Academy is proud to be one of the 48 schools across the United States chosen to partner with the Malone Family Foundation. Since 2012, 15 MPA students have graduated as Malone Scholars. We are incredibly proud of our Malone Scholars and are thankful to call them MPA students. They undergo a rigorous application process and not only persist but thrive at MPA. The Malone Scholarship program is a model we hope to expand so more students can access an MPA education in the coming years. Read More

Parents Association News & Events May 11, 2023

Thank You!
A huge thank you to Kirstin Sweet Kennedy, Jessie Flynn, Amy Dahiya, Seema Anwar, Molly Oliver and Christine Larson for helping Tara Lafferty and the Parents Association in the Teaching Kitchen on Tuesday. The PA celebrated National Teacher Appreciation Day with fresh fruit cups topped with whipped cream, drinks, and 18 varieties of fudge from Trio Fudge for all staff to try. Everyone rocked out to a music playlist based on the theme: Teachers Drive the Future. All had a great time!

Neurodiversity Parent Affinity Group meeting
May 17, 3-4:30 PM at MPA in the PCR
All parents and caregivers of neurodiverse MPA students are invited. Our goal is to foster a sense of belonging by providing a space to connect through shared experience and shared identity. Contact Stephanie Sommer with questions at stephaniesommer@me.com.

Get involved with the Parents Association through Informational Sessions

  • May 11, 8 AM, Starbucks, 2146 White Bear Ave, Maplewood
  • May 11, 2 PM, MPA Library, table near the front window
  • May 15, 8 AM, Starbucks, 2146 White Bear Ave, Maplewood
  • May 15, 2-4:30 PM, MPA Library, table near the front window

The Parents Association seeks new board members, grade reps, and volunteers for the 2023-24 school year. Each year PA volunteers organize events for MPA, including the Book Festival, Cultural Diversity Day, Lower School Holiday Parties, and Middle School Snow-Tubing. If you’re interested in learning more about opportunities within the PA, we would love to connect with you. Getting involved with the PA is a great way to meet people and enrich your family’s experience with the MPA community.

Can’t make those times? Please email Staci Banks, sbhehe42@icloud.com, or Christine Larson, chrisandmatt1289@gmail.com, for more information.

Welcome To MPA, Leah Hawley!

What position will you be holding at MPA?
Panther Club Assistant

From what school/organization are you coming?
University of Minnesota

Tell us about your education and past experience.
I graduated from Woodbury High School and am currently finishing my second year of college at the University of Minnesota, pursuing an early childhood and elementary education degree.

What did you find appealing about MPA?
I really enjoyed the community here, and all the staff I interacted with were so nice.

What lasting impact do you plan to have on MPA?
I would like to make a positive impact on the kids that I get a chance to work with.

What’s your big dream?
Right now, my biggest dream is to graduate from college and become an elementary school teacher.

What are you (and your family, if you so choose) passionate about?
I am very passionate about music, as I have been in band since I was little, and have also done choir and musical theater! I also really love the outdoors, whether it’s hiking or just relaxing!

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
I play the mellophone in the University of Minnesota Marching Band.

The Foundation For A Long-Lasting Future

from Bill Hudson, head of school

May is one of my most favorite months of the year (not just because of my birthday!). There is so much hope and promise as the grass greens, trees bud, flowers bloom, and boats go in the water.  Hope and promise are important to us all and spring is a reminder of what can and will be.

Hope and promise are important to institutions as well. Over forty years ago, a group of parents and educators banded together in hopes of founding a new and different school, one built upon an understanding of the whole child. They believed in the promise of each child and knew that education is more than academics and includes the social, emotional, and physical development of a child and a balance between academics, arts, and athletics.

Mounds Park Academy would not exist without the vision of the founding families and the generosity of time and resources of so many through the years who have built our beautiful campus and school community. The hope and promise that led to the founding of MPA were fulfilled through financial gifts to sustain the day-to-day operations of the school and through gifts to capital campaigns to augment and enhance the MPA facilities and to provide scholarships to deserving students. Over the years, some families and alumni have made gifts to the school’s endowment, doing their part to ensure that the school benefits in perpetuity. Read More

Upper School Division News May 4, 2023

from Mark Segal, Upper School director

Looking Ahead

  • May 5: New Family Panther Party, 4-5:30 PM
  • May 6: Grade 10-12 Prom, 8-11 PM, St. Croix River Boat
  • May 11: Middle and Upper School Orchestra Concert, 7-8:30 PM, Nicholson Center
  • May 17: Middle and Upper School Band Concert, 7-8:30 PM, Nicholson Center
  • May 19: Class of 2023 Last Day of Classes
  • May 24: Upper School Vocal Concert, 7:30-9 PM, Nicholson Center
  • May 25: Senior Performances, 10-11:30 AM, Recital Hall
  • May 25: Senior Walk, 1-1:45 PM, MPA Campus
  • May 25: Upper School Awards Assembly, 1:45-3 PM, Nicholson Center
  • May 25: MPA Retirement Gathering, 4-6:30 PM, Family Commons
  • May 26: No Classes, Professional Development
  • May 29: No Classes, Memorial Day
  • May 30: Upper School Service-Con, 1-4 PM, MPA Indoor Track
  • May 31: Class of 2023 Senior Dinner, 6:30 PM, Off Campus
  • June 1: World Language Final Exams, During World Language Classes
  • June 2: World Language Final Exams, During World Language Classes
  • June 2: Class of 2023 MANDATORY Graduation Rehearsal, 11 AM-12:30 PM, Nicholson Center
  • June 3: Commencement, 6 PM, Nicholson Center
  • June 5: English Final Exams, 8:45-10:15 AM, Locations TBD
  • June 5: Math Final Exams, 12:00-1 PM, Locations TBD
  • June 6: End of Quarter 4/Semester 2
  • June 6: Social Studies Final Exams, 8:45-10:15 AM, Locations TBD
  • June 6: Science Final Exams, 12:00-1 PM, Locations TBD
  • June 7: Last Day of School
  • June 7: Yearbook Assembly, 8:15 AM, Nicholson Center
  • June 7: Dismissal, 10:15 AM

We are quickly approaching a fun and exciting time for 10th-12th grade students and their families as the MPA Prom is scheduled to be held this Saturday evening on a St. Croix River cruise. I find myself reflecting on the possibility of Upper School students being placed into situations where they may have to make difficult decisions and it is important that we work collaboratively to do all that we can to make it a happy and safe time for our students. Nothing is more valuable to a teenager than their friends, and nothing is more valuable to parents than the safety of their children. Unfortunately, these two don’t always interact well with one another. Statistically, prom night has been one of the most dangerous nights in a high school student’s life. Each year, we lose far too many teenagers to motor vehicle accidents, with an increase in alcohol and drug-related traffic fatalities on prom weekend. Car crashes are one of the leading causes of death for young adults between the ages of 15-19, and the reality is that many of those deaths are caused by teenage impaired or distracted driving. Sometimes, even the best kids encounter situations where alcohol and drug use occur, and our children could find themselves in an environment with unexpected expectations and consequences. As an upper school parent, you have the opportunity and responsibility to help ensure the safety of your children and others by helping them make the right choices.

There is no doubt that alcohol and drug usage is common risk-taking behavior during adolescence, and MPA students are no exception. Often this behavior happens, at home or school, right under our supervision. It is important that adults send a clear and consistent message that any illegal use of drugs or alcohol is forbidden. It is important to remember that it is illegal to provide alcohol to those under the age of 21, even at a supervised party at your own home.  It is also important to know that if you choose to host a party where you serve alcohol to those under the age of 21, you can be held liable if one of your guests drinks alcohol and harms themselves or others by driving under the influence.  Even if you are not actively providing alcohol to under-age drinkers, it is a dangerous choice to allow for teen drinking parties in your home. Read More

Parents Association News & Events May 4, 2023

Panther Party
Friday, May 5, 3:45-5:45 PM
Volunteer at the Panther Party, Friday, May 5, 3:45-5:45 PM. Interested in taking some time to welcome newly admitted families to MPA? We need your help. The Panther Party is looking for folks to welcome new families, answer questions, and socialize. Please sign up here, under the first item: Parent Volunteers to Welcome and socialize with new families in the Family Commons.

Staff Appreciation
Tuesday, May 9 in the Teaching Kitchen
Join the Parents Association for the final Staff Appreciation event of the school year! We will be making fruit cups and handing out fudge samples to all teachers and staff for National Teachers Appreciation Day! All supplies will be provided by the Parents Association.

If you would like to volunteer, please sign up here.

Thank You!
Thank you to all who helped make Cultural Diversity Day possible. Chef Chris Pula and his staff, Roy Timm and the Custodial team, Bakari Jackson, Lauren Hernandez, and Natalie Waters Seum in Communication, Keith Braafladt in the Makerspace, Cherie Honan, Mark Segal, Lamar Shingles, Samantha Sanchez, Marisue Gleason, Yamini Kimmerle, Kristine Petersen, Cory Becker-Kim and parent volunteers: Ishmael and Moira Duverneau- Salifu, Samah Fahmy, Annie Kouri, My Nhia Vang, Staci Banks, Reema and Shama Anwar, Ryan Klein, Karlyn Peterson, Mindy Ruane, Briana Rist, Adi Risner, Vonda Schertz, Tara Lafferty, Sue Knapp, and students: Soumya Raman, Pahwa Yang, Yuhan Zou, Annika Dahiya, Peter Clementson, Zaara Nayak, Zoya Nayak, and Koichi Tatsumuru for a beautiful piano performance. A special shout out to Daphne and Zayna Norman in fifth grade and Silvia Ruane in second grade for helping clean up the Makerspace. Read More

The Greatness Of A Community

from Natalie Waters Seum, director of admission and communication

Editor’s Note: Periodically, you will find a guest Head’s Message here from one of MPA’s administrators. We hope you enjoy reading their thoughts and reflections about life at MPA.

I’ve spent this year encouraging new families to join this incredible school community while I’m uniquely positioned at the very end. With a lifer in the Class of 2023, I’ve had the privilege of being an MPA parent for 13 years. I’ve noticed this year that new families come to us with gratitude and anticipation for what lies ahead, and senior parents depart feeling the same way. For both, it’s a unique and very challenging mix of peace and worry. Of joy and sadness. Of gratitude and fear.

I know the community is anxiously awaiting the arrival of these new families. Interest continues to be at an all-time high and on pace with last year. So far in this admission season, we have enrolled 86 new young people and are working toward a goal of nearly 120. I’ll share some interesting facts with you about this year’s incoming families:

  • Nearly half of our new students are joining us in PreK or kindergarten. Strong Lower School enrollment is a foundational element for MPA’s future.
  • They come to us from nearly 55 US zip codes and four countries. MPA continues attracting many relocating families looking for an entirely new place to call home. Interest from international families is rebounding after the COVID-19 decline.
  • Thirty percent of our grades are already full, including PreK, K, 4, and 7; others are very close to being at capacity. We pay close attention to class size to adhere to the established caps. As heartbreaking as it is to wait pool a student, it is essential to our mission.

If your interest is piqued and you would like to help welcome these new families to MPA, please volunteer to help at the Panther Party on Friday, May 5, from 4-5:30 PM. It will be a short, high-energy event, and I guarantee you will leave campus in a good mood! We need additional current families to mingle with new families in the Family Commons. You can You can sign-up here.

In addition, the Office of Development and Community Engagement is seeking buddy families to be paired with new families in grades 1-12. The role of a buddy family is to help the student and family acclimate, get connected, and feel great on the first day at a new school. If you are interested, please reach out to Angie Gerstner, development coordinator, at agerstner@moundsparkacademy.org or 651-748-5539.

The Parents Association will begin recruiting grade representatives and board members very soon. Watch for that opportunity. It is an incredibly important and rewarding way to not only get engaged yourself but help engage other families—particularly our new ones. For more information, please contact co-presidents Staci Banks and Christine Larson at sbanksPA@moundsparkacademy.org and clarsonPA@moundsparkacademy.org.

Or, if your interest is piqued about the other end of the journey and you would like to help bid farewell to the Class of 2023, don’t miss the Senior Walk on Thursday, May 25, at 1 PM. Seniors will don their caps and gowns and parade through the PreK-11 community. It is a beloved tradition and this will be our 7th annual. Bring your tissues!

As Coretta Scott King said, “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” I humbly ask each family to do what they can to welcome our new families and bid farewell to the Class of 2023. Particularly at inflection points like this, there is great gratitude for the MPA community’s support.