Upper School Division News December 1, 2022

Upper school student working on paintingsfrom Mark Segal, Upper School director

One of the quintessential experiences of being a high school student is attending school dances. Recent research shows that high schoolers can spend up to nine hours a day connected to digital media, including social apps and streaming services (“Higher Ed Dive”). School dances, however, provide an outlet for in-person social interaction and development. In my more than a quarter of a century of attending school-sponsored dances, I have witnessed an increase in school spirit and positive social interactions in the weeks preceding and following dances.

At MPA, we hold four dances per year (Homecoming, Semi-Formal, SnoDaze, and Prom), and this coming Saturday evening, the Semi-Formal Dance will be held at Prestwick Golf Club. If history is any indication (and ticket sales have been strong), more than 75% of the Upper School student population will dress up and attend. Our students’ approach to dances is very different than what is experienced at other schools. There is no pressure applied to attend with a date. More often than not, students attend with their friend groups. For dances like the Semi-Formal, students often meet for dinner beforehand and arrive with beaming smiles “fashionably late” (yet before the 9:30 PM arrival deadline). Another thing that sets MPA dances apart from what I have experienced in other environments is that the students actually dance (aka a cluster of students bouncing in harmony). Read More

MPA Board Of Trustees Seeking Nominations

middle school students working in the makerspaceMPA’s Board of Trustees collaborates with the Head of School to guide the school’s strategic direction, to protect its mission, to support the school’s development efforts and to safeguard the school’s financial stability.

Nominations for Trustees
We are pleased to share that the Governance Committee of the Board is launching its annual process to identify potential trustees.

If you, or someone you know, could be a strong contributor to the MPA Board of Trustees, please provide the name of your nominee and a short description of their experience and background, directly to Cherie Honan, executive assistant to the head of school, at chonan@moundsparkacademy.org.

In addition to strong leadership skills, nominees will bring a broad diversity of experience and backgrounds, and a passion to advance the mission of MPA. Areas of desired professional experience include: finance, accounting, investment, banking, business, communications, construction, education, law, governance, scientific training, the arts, IT, human resources, strategic planning, development, marketing, and community service, among others.

Trustees serve up to two three-year terms, participating in MPA Board meetings five to six times a year, in addition to participating in monthly standing committees.

The Governance committee will evaluate all nominees and reach out to shortlisted candidates for further information and interview. Candidates recommended by the Governance Committee will be presented to the full Board at its May 2023 meeting, and approved trustees will begin their first three-year term as of July 2023. Onboarding and training is provided to all trustees.

For more information on the Board and its working committees, please see the Board page on the MPA website.

Parents Association News & Events: December 1, 2022

Pies for MPA faculty and staffPie Love
Right before the holiday break, the MPA Parents Association participated in our annual Thanksgiving Pie distribution to all staff. This year staff had a choice of apple, pumpkin or lemon meringue pie! Thanks to Chef Chris for ordering and Cherie and the Development team for helping with distribution.

Book Festival Is Almost Here! Support the Joy of Reading at MPA.
The annual MPA Book Festival arrives next Monday, just in time for Winter Break reading or holiday gifts! This year the book festival is in-person once again.

Ways to Support MPA’s Book Festival:

  1. Visit the Gallery to purchase new books and gift cards. During the week of the Book Festival, Usborne will be selling books in the Gallery, and Valley Bookseller gift cards will be available for purchase. A portion of the profits generated from those sales will be donated to our library.
  2. Help build a teacher’s classroom library. We will have the books our teachers requested for their classroom libraries available for purchase in the Gallery. Check or cashless payment only.  You can hand-deliver the books you select, or we can deliver them for you. Download the list here.
  3. Visit the Used Book Sale. LS used books will be sold in the LS Atrium at drop off and pick up. MS and US used books will be sold during lunch and recess outside the Family Commons. We have an excellent selection of books for all ages. All proceeds raised from the Used Book Sale benefit the library.

Book Discussions All Week!

  1. December 5, 8 AM in the Gallery: Book Festival Kick-Off Coffee with book recommendations
  2. December 7, 6 PM in the Library: Book Club with Dr. Hudson
  3. December 8, 3-4 PM in the Family Commons: Cocoa and Popcorn Storytime, Upper Schoolers will host a story time for Lower Schoolers. Sign-up here to attend.

middle school students reading in the libraryCan’t make it into school that week? Valley Bookseller is dedicating their bookshop.org/shop/valleybookseller affiliate link to our Book Festival. We must use this website, not the Valley Bookseller site, for the school to get a portion of our purchases. All books must be shipped to your home. Email PA@moundsparkacademy.org with questions. Happy Reading! Read More

Founders’ Day 2022

middle school students playing in the leavesby Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

I invite you and your family to our annual pancake breakfast next Wednesday, December 7, from 7-8 AM to celebrate Founders’ Day. Founders’ Day celebrates the official date that the school was established. This is a very special celebration, and what better way to mark the school’s founding than with a delicious pancake breakfast made by members of the MPA Board of Trustees?! This year, the day is being made extra special with an all-school pajama day in honor of the Book Festival.

My family spent a quiet Thanksgiving with my husband Ross’ brother and sister-in-law. We gathered for the annual Olson Family Lefse and Flatbread Making Day on Saturday. True North Dakotan Norwegians Willard and Vernita would spend a day making lefse and flatbread for their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren to enjoy over the Christmas holidays. Now that they have both passed away, we started a new tradition of getting together as a family to make the lefse and flatbread. It is a beautiful day of remembering, telling stories, arguing over which of Vernita’s lefse recipes we should use, working together to roll the perfectly rounded lefse, nurturing a shared identity, and sharing a meal. Read More

Help Keep MPA Children Safe

Student entering school in the morningIt is MPA’s number one priority to provide the safest campus environment possible for you and your children. Lately, we have noticed an uptick in risky driving behavior in our parking lots and drive-thru lanes.

We ask that you share this critical information with all of the drivers in your home and others who may provide transportation for you. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and understanding.

Drive-Thru Lanes
We realize it can be frustrating in the morning and afternoon as students unload/reload all of their things for the day and that many drivers are in a hurry to get to where they need to be. In the interest of safety, courtesy, and efficiency, we ask that drivers refrain from pulling in front of another car or “leap-frogging” to the front. To make the process as efficient as possible, please pull up all the way to the crosswalk to allow maximum space in the drive-thru lanes. Please help ensure no gaps are present in the drive-thru lanes, even if that means your child needs to wait or walk further to enter the vehicle.

Entering and Exiting the Car
Children should only be allowed to enter and exit the car from the right/curbside in the drive-thru lanes. If you need to leave the vehicle to help your children in or out, please do so with great caution. Additionally, if you park in a lot during drop off and/or pick up, please take extra precautions to ensure your child is safe and uses the appropriate crosswalks to enter the building. No Lower School student should cross the crosswalk into the parking lot without an adult caregiver by their side. Read More

American Choral State Honor Choir

American Choral State Honor ChoirCongratulations to tenth grader Rowan Mulrooney and ninth graders Truman Wilgocki and Warner Reid who auditioned and were selected to be members of the American Choral Director’s Association 9-10 State Honor Choir!

Rowan will sing in the soprano-alto choir under the direction of Susan Vollbrecht (University of Wyoming) while Warner will perform in the tenor-bass choir with Derrick Fox (University of Nebraska). Truman is in the mixed choir conducted by Merin Guice Gil from Bethel University. The daylong event will culminate with a concert at Ted Mann Concert Hall in Minneapolis. Rowan and Truman are members of the MPA Concert Choir while Warner sings in the MPA Varsity Choir. Keep singing, Panthers!

Afterschool Activities and Care Canceled This Afternoon

Due to the weather, all afterschool activities, including games, practices, Panther Club/Den, Middle School study hall, and meetings are canceled this afternoon, Tuesday, November 29. MPA will remain in session until our regular dismissal time of 3 PM.

The families of District 622 and Minneapolis bus riders will be communicated with directly as soon as possible regarding modified bus schedules. All other buses will run as usual, although they may be running late.

PreK Panther, Panther Club, and Panther Den will remain open until all children are picked up; however, families are asked to arrive as quickly as possible after 3 PM so our faculty and staff can travel home as well.

Email communications@moundsparkacademy.org if you have any questions. Please drive safely!

RSVP Today For The PreK-12 MPA Preview

upper school student in a chemistry labThe PreK-12 Preview is the perfect opportunity to discover why you belong at MPA! You and your entire family are warmly invited to attend the PreK-12 MPA Preview on Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2 PM. RSVP here!

The PreK-12 MPA Preview is designed to introduce you to the faculty, students, and families who make MPA the exceptional learning community it is. You’ll hear from various perspectives, be engaged in conversation with academic leaders, and leave with a much better understanding of the MPA way. These events are designed for family members of all ages to attend together and will include division-specific time. Read More

What Students Discover In Ninth Grade At MPA

Upper School chemistry class in a labAt Mounds Park Academy, Upper School is demanding, but not draining. The rigorous college-preparatory curriculum is balanced and always focused on the application of learning rather than memorization. Whether studying chemical processes up close and hands-on, diving deep into constitutional law, or taking on a character through the art of improvisation, our students connect their profound content knowledge to the world in ways that prepare them to make an impact.

So, what will you discover when you begin your Upper School journey at MPA?

Rigor With Purpose
“I love the sense of high expectation coupled with a supportive environment which I think is so key for my daughter,” says MPA alum and Upper School parent Dr. Sirid Kellermann ’88. “It can be challenging to recognize and play up your strengths, and to work on the things you’re not so hot at academically.”

Academic rigor peaks in Upper School at MPA, intentionally woven into Upper School students’ education every day. In addition to asking the “why” and “how” behind their lessons, Upper School teachers also ask more of their students, and synchronously, students expect more from their peers. This beautiful balance results in classes that are engaging, hands-on, and challenging. Rigor means that students are not told how to solve problems, but rather given the chance to explore and discover applicable solutions, because at MPA, rigor equates to participation and involvement. It means that students are not sitting in the back, bored, disengaged and distracted, but instead are challenged, attentive, actively participating, and eager to be diving deep into complex concepts. As a result, students graduate prepared life. Read More

Meet Annika Binstadt ’25

Annika and her sister KensiWhat do you love about MPA?
It sounds cliché, but MPA is my home away from home. I know that I can come to school each day and I will have teachers, friends, coaches, and administrators all ready to welcome me. Whenever I speak with students who don’t go to MPA and they tell me how much they dread going to school or that they don’t feel comfortable being themselves at school, I realize that I have never had that experience at MPA. Not only is the Mounds Park campus where I spend most of my time, but it is where I have made many of my fondest memories and closest friends. It is the place that has raised and nurtured me, and it is a huge part of what has shaped my personality, interests, and character.

Why do you believe your teachers teach the way they do?
Teachers at MPA genuinely care for their students, and it shows in the way they teach. At this school, I have never felt like just a grade or another essay. The joy teachers have for their students and for teaching shows in everything they do, inside and outside of the classroom. The teachers are truly the heart of what makes MPA great.

How are you encouraged to dream big and do right at MPA?
At MPA, no dream is too big. If you see a solution, you pursue it. My dreams have been supported, even when they were far-fetched and arguably impossible. There is a strong culture of justice, dedication, and collaboration among the students. Read More