Meet Dr. Ann Jurewicz

Ann JurewiczPlease help us welcome Dr. Ann Jurewicz, interim Lower School director, to MPA!

From what school/organization are you coming?
American School of Barcelona

Tell us a little bit about your education and past experience.
I’ve had the joy of serving in senior leadership for the past 10 years both overseas and at the German Immersion School in Saint Paul. I love children of all ages and feel honored every day that parents entrust them to our care. My learning background is in social studies and literature, and I’ve been a technology integrationist and S.E.E.D. diversity trainer. I received my Educational Doctorate from Bethel University.

What did you find appealing about MPA during the interview process?
The very first interview question Bill Hudson asked me was “How are you?” From that moment, I knew MPA was a deeply caring community as evidenced by its motto, “Dream Big. Do Right.” Throughout the process, MPA’s mission and values were at the heart of our conversation. I am thrilled to be joining such a transformative school and look forward to learning much from the families, children, and staff.

What’s your big dream?
To complete a set of art works and hold an exhibition where I invite all my friends.

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about global mindedness, travel, culture, and long conversations with great people over great meals (without cell phones!). I love nature and am an avid scuba diver. I hope to never stop loving, learning, and laughing with others.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
I took a year off to travel around the world with my sister and we got to see my favorite animal—a giraffe!

Students Charting Their Own Course

Graduate with Global GCDSince its founding, MPA has pioneered whole child education in the Twin Cities with a commitment to helping students deepen their understanding of themselves and the world around them. We persistently innovate in alignment with that core value, providing experiences that are challenging to replicate anywhere else.

One of MPA’s visionary programs is the Graduate Certificate of Distinction (GCD). It inspires students’ educational quests in one of four areas: Global Studies, Science Technology Engineering Math & Design (STEM), Fine Arts, and as of this year, Literary Arts. Consistent with the essence of student voice, where students actively shape curriculum and impact their education, MPA encourages and recognizes excellence that takes place outside of our already rigorous curriculum. The GCD program was designed to provide committed students a way to formalize their work. Further, it embodies MPA’s willingness to encourage engagement between students and teachers. A journey of passion, commitment, and hard work, the amount of individualized engagement required to successfully support Upper School students who pursue this challenge can only be offered by a dedicated faculty that interacts one-on-one with each candidate.

“Over the years, Upper School faculty and administrators observed amazing kids pursuing what could only be described as ‘passion projects’—students who dove into fields purely to spend time deepening their understanding,” faculty advisors Kari Kunze (Global), Lisa Buck (Fine Arts), and Jane Anderson (STEM) share. “They were not necessarily those with the highest test scores or GPAs, but students who were independently driven to quench their own thirst for knowledge.”

The GCD program is not a one-size-fits-all concept, nor is it for the majority of students. It’s a time-consuming experience for juniors and seniors who are already naturally exploring multiple subjects in depth. And it’s clear that the student must be leading the process to make this work.

“If you imagine the candidate in front of the line with the advisor close behind and their family supporting from the rear, that’s a good model,” observes Buck. The faculty advisor serves as a sounding board or brainstorming partner and parents can help by factoring their student’s area of passion into family activities, but ultimately, the student is responsible for seeking out new experiences that support the GCD honor. “What those kids offer, in terms of sharing what they’ve pursued, is extremely inspiring to us as teachers and advisors,” says Kunze. “The role of the faculty is to incite curiosity, help build confidence, and cheer them on, but we gain a great deal in the process,” Buck adds.

Graduate with STEM GCDClass of 2018 alum Pranay Somayajula, now at The George Washington University, shares that he chose to pursue the Global Certificate and “the most valuable part of the program was the way it motivated me to get out of my comfort zone and explore the full range of cultural and foreign-policy opportunities the Twin Cities has to offer.” Maija Olson ’17 reflects on her Global Certificate as well, saying, “The freedom to guide my learning offered a new kind of independence. I enjoyed the ability to deeply explore various world issues and focus on something I was truly passionate about.”

The final presentations have turned out to be transformational for students–sometimes unexpectedly. Even when candidates were extremely nervous to get up before their teachers and present their reports at the end of their senior year, there is an evident level of maturity and empowerment along with a feeling of great accomplishment once they were done.

Alex Esch ’18 remarks that although she would’ve completed all the necessary hours in the Fine Arts area because of her personal interest, “The presentation requirement was incredibly valuable because it gave me the opportunity to share my passion and all the work I completed with teachers and fellow classmates. It was amazing to feel the support of the MPA community—especially from my personal advisor, Ms. Buck—as I expressed my love of the fine arts. She was always willing to answer questions and just be there as part of my artist’s journey.” It is truly a unique opportunity to be recognized by academic elders who have served as mentors and who can now formally honor the students’ hard work and devotion to education.

These students are charting their own course—one that can’t be shown by test scores, GPAs, or more traditional forms of recognition. The GCD program takes whole child education to a deeper level, honoring the unique contributions and multi-faceted academic experiences of each candidate. We’re looking for students to push themselves out of their normal routine in order to build multiple capabilities that intersect.

For more information on MPA’s Graduate Certificate of Distinction program, visit

MPA’s Enduring Spirit


from Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

Over the long weekend, my family undertook the colossal challenge of cleaning out the storage room in the basement. While I wouldn’t classify myself as a hoarder, I must admit that I have a tendency to save a lot of seemingly useless things. A quick search on Google led me to the following definition: “people with a hoarding disorder have persistent difficulty getting rid of or parting with possessions due to a perceived need to save items.” To be sure, there was a fair share of junk but there were also some treasures that made me feel vindicated.

In one bin, I found a stack of birthday greetings from fourth graders in Ms. Stacy’s class from 2014 in which the students shared what they liked about MPA. What made this find special was that they were written by this year’s graduating class. Here are a few examples:

  • “What I like most about MPA is the great lunch variety. I also like that next year when I am in fifth grade I get to stop by at the official salad bar! (I’m kidding but it would be nice.) Anyway, I like how I can make choices on which classes I take when I am older, how we have drama and all those other classes that most people don’t get to take, and once again, a great lunch.”
  • “My parents send me to this school because it’s a really good school and you make a lot of nice friends and this was the school for me.”
  • “I like MPA because I get to have learning opportunities that other schools don’t have like the Book Fair.”
  • “I like MPA because all my great friends are here and the fun teachers. MPA is a great school because everyone is open minded and have great personality (especially the teachers).”
  • “One of the reasons Mounds Park is important to me is that the teachers are really nice.”
  • “I think MPA is a great school because of all the kids. I just love how they all include each other and play with each other and are really friendly.”
  • “I like the risks the school takes to make me happy. I think the new things help us learn, and if not, then they can just stop doing it. I also like the more open-ended responsibilities that the school lets me take control of on my own.”
  • “There are a lot of different things that Mounds Park Academy has in store, from great and positive students to awesome fun loving teachers who know how to teach so that the lessons can be fun. MPA also has great class sizes so it is easier to get one on one attention.”

Reading their letters caused me to pause and consider all that has happened over the course of their career at MPA. Our world, our society, and our school community has experienced significant change in many ways since they were in fourth grade. It was the philosopher Heraclitus who said that the only constant in life is change. Without change, there is stagnation, a lack of growth, and no progress. While some people prefer the predictability of the status quo, such stagnation limits the full potential of an individual or institution.

While we’ve had our share of challenges and change this year, what has stayed constant is the spirit of MPA as reflected in the letters of the seniors as fourth graders. The mission and values of MPA have provided the certainty and the inspiration for growth. As I look back over this school year, I delight in the growth of our students, in their resiliency, in their excitement for learning, in their accomplishments, and in their joyfulness.

As the school year draws to a close, I want to thank you for entrusting your children to MPA. I also want to thank you for investing your expertise, volunteering your time, and contributing your financial resources to the school. I am continually in awe of the generosity of the MPA community and grateful for the positive relationship and partnership between parents/guardians and the school. It is hard to let go of our seniors and other students and families who are moving on. However, I am grateful for their impact and contributions to our school community.

As all of us part ways for a few months, I extend my warm wishes for a restful and relaxing summer. I hope you will enjoy time with family and loved ones and look forward to coming together again in August.

Upper School Division News June 2, 2022

from Mark Segal, Upper School Director

One of the most challenging things an educator does is say goodbye to their students at the end of the school year. They spend the year building relationships based on trust and shared experiences only to have them come to an end early each June. There are some educators who believe that they have become experts at striking the right balance between attachment and detachment. Meaning that when the time comes for them to say goodbye they can do it with relative ease. I am unable to do that, especially with those students who are on the cusp of graduation. I have found that toward the end of each May, when stress, fatigue, and emotion is running high, I focus on the positive interactions and experiences with students. Although this practice eases the inevitable, I still get sad thinking about not having those students as part of the day-to-day community.

Over the past several years the Class of 2022 has spent more time with each other than anyone else in their lives, and next year they will be spread across North America attending new schools, meeting new people, and building new relationships. This will be a significant adjustment for all of us. Gemma Cheney, a senior clinical psychologist and a visiting lecturer at Royal Holloway, University of London, says that “students who are securely attached and have grown up with caring teachers in their lives, turn up in the classroom and school building ready to engage and learn.” I have been fortunate to see this with six graduating classes, and believe whole-heartedly that this is the case at MPA.

I invite you to attend graduation this Saturday evening to celebrate the Class of 2022. As educators, we often spend more time with our students than our own children, so we grow to love and care about each one of them. This class of fifty-one young adults have brought laughter, tears, chaos, and joy to our community. I will continue to reminisce about the time and experiences we shared. To me, they will always be remembered as members of this senior class, and I am excited for their futures and to see who they will become.

I look forward to seeing you on campus soon. Read More

Parents Association News & Events June 2, 2022

Open Garden with Michelle Mick
Saturday, June 4 from 3-6 PM
565 Arlington Avenue West, St Paul, MN 55117

For anyone who would like to wander through a rather wild unruly but fun garden in St Paul, our gardening guru, Michelle Mick has graciously offered a tour of her gardens this Saturday, June 4. All are welcome from 3-6 PM to come on over and wander through her gardens. The irises are starting to bloom, as well as many other lovely plants; many natives share their beautiful colors. For those interested, there are three rain gardens out back, boulevard gardens, and solar on the roof too! If there are seeds around, you are most welcome to have some too!

End of Year Grade Events
Pre-K: Saturday, May 28, 2-3:30 PM, MPA playground. Renee Roach,
Kindergarten: Wednesday, June 8 at 11 AM Powers Lake Pavilion, Woodbury
Grade 1: Party has already taken place!
Grade 2: June 6, 3:30-5:30 PM, West Park Pavilion and Playground, White Bear Lake,
Grade 3: June 8, 11:00 AM-2 PM, SkyZone in Oakdale, Jumping and lunch!
Grade 4: June 11, 9:30 AM-12 PM, 10145 Bush Lake Rd., Bloomington, MN 55438.
Grade 5: June 30, 2-4 PM, West Park in White Bear Lake
Grade 6: June 8, 5-7 PM, Lake Elmo Park Reserve, North Pavilion, Lake Elmo
Grade 7: June 8 at 11:30 AM, Wakefield Park Shelter #2, Maplewood, MN
Grade 8: June 8, 11 AM-1 PM, Lake Elmo Park Reserve, North Pavilion, Lake Elmo,
Grade 9: June 8, 11 AM-2 PM, Ojibway Park, Ojibway Dr, Woodbury, MN 55125
Grade 10: June 8, 2-4 PM, Lake Elmo Park Reserve, North Pavilion, Lake Elmo
Grade 11: June 8, 6-8 PM, Ojibway Park, Ojibway Dr, Woodbury, MN 55125
Grade 12: TBD, Valleyfair Event canceled due to COVID.

Meet Some New Families Over the Summer!
Join us for summer fun and to meet new friends and families. We’ve organized a number of events to bring the MPA community together over the summer. All events are for new and returning families. For all the details, download the pdfs below. Read More

Providing A Safe And Secure Space

from Lamar Shingles, Director of Equity and Belonging

One Thursday per month you will see a guest Head’s Message from a member of the Institutional Advancement Team. We hope these additional perspectives will help you catch a glimpse inside the inner-workings of your school.

As the sun begins to set on my first year at MPA, I have become increasingly reflective of my experience over the past 10 months—a cerebral space where many educators find themselves to be on the eve of commencement and summer break. What can I say, introspection is my jam! I have learned so much about education that I didn’t already know and engaged with amazing people across this community. What has really stood out for me and made a profound impact on my experience thus far is the time I’ve spent with students in the Middle and Upper School BIPOC affinity groups.

When I think back on my own experience as one of only a few black students in my class, every day was a reminder that I was different from my peers. I recall my mom’s reaction when I begged her to let me bleach my hair blonde. I remember the feeling I got in the pit of my stomach when racial epithets were read aloud in class text—the bewildered eyes that descended upon me throughout the classroom as my peers searched for my response. Mostly, I remember an overwhelming feeling of loneliness. As a child, I didn’t have the terminology, adolescent social development models, or supportive resources to help define how I felt—but knew, I just wanted to fit in.

So what are affinity groups?

In a recent conversation with two of our Lower School teachers, Ms. Santiago and Mr. Moore, I thought they summed it up very well:

“Affinity groups provide a safe and secure space for students to explore and develop their sense of identity in a facilitated environment where they do not feel isolated, but connected. This enables them to grow into strong advocates for themselves and others”.

Affinity groups provide an opportunity for students to speak from the “I” perspective, at a critical time when they are formulating who they are among their peers and the broader community. These spaces can serve as a powerful mechanism for self and group affirmation by reducing feelings of isolation and discomfort that many students face—and instead, encourages students to be confident and proud of who they are.

Read More

Two National Merit Finalist Scholarship Winners in MPA’s Class of 2022

Congratulations to Elissa Frankel and Ruihan (Leo) Yu, recently announced as winners in the 2022 National Merit Scholarship Program! Elissa and Ruihan (Leo) entered the scholarship competition when they took the PSAT as juniors in October 2020 and scored in the top percentile. This past fall, they were among 16,000 Semifinalists chosen nationwide state-by-state, based on their scores relative to other Minnesota students. After submitting a substantial scholarship application and supporting materials from MPA, they were chosen as National Merit Finalists this winter.

Elissa is one of only about 1,000 students nationally who will receive a corporate National Merit award. Corporate sponsors provide National Merit Scholarships for Finalists who are children of their employees, who are residents of communities the company serves, or who plan to pursue college majors or careers the sponsor wishes to encourage. Elissa will take her scholarship, sponsored by 3M, to Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, where she plans to major in neuroscience. At MPA, among other things, Elissa sang in Concert Choir and Madrigals, led the Social Consciousness Club in discussions of national and international subjects, initiated a voter registration drive, and co-captained the girls varsity soccer team.

Ruihan’s scholarship is funded by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. He is one of only 2,500 Merit Scholar designees from across the country, assessed by NMSC to have the strongest combination of accomplishments, skills, and potential for success in rigorous college studies. Ruihan (Leo) will attend Claremont McKenna College in Claremont, California, where he plans to study economics and philosophy. Ruihan (Leo) also is a strong advocate for the liberal arts at MPA, co-leading the STEM Education Club over the past four years, playing cello in the Orchestra and keyboards in Jazz Ensemble, serving on Student Council and competing with MPA’s varsity baseball team.

We also congratulate the following MPA graduating seniors who scored well on the PSAT as juniors and were recognized by National Merit as Commended Students: Skyler Burnett, Rohit Iyer, Kaija Kunze-Hoeg, and Ruby Schwieger.

Parents Association News & Events May 26, 2022

We Love our Faculty and Staff!
On Friday, May 20 all Staff at MPA were treated to a Pop-Up Staff Appreciation event. This event also coincided with the release of Harry Styles’ new album, so it also doubled as an album release party. At MPA , we appreciate our great staff and great music.

Eighth Grade Moving-Up Ceremony
Tuesday, June 7 from 1:30-3 PM
Our Middle School days are coming to an end very soon! To celebrate our wonderful rising ninth graders please plan on attending the moving-up ceremony on Tuesday, June 7 from 1:30-3 PM.
We will honor each student during this commemorative event and ask for your help to make sure everyone is included. Each student will have their own slide during the presentation to celebrate just them!

Please send three (3) pictures of your eighth grader:

  1. From when they were young
  2. One that captures their personality
  3. One with middle school buddies

You can provide your THREE (3) pictures two ways:

  1. Upload to the PARENTS ASSOCIATION GROUP (Class of 2026) Schoology Group: Album – Eighth Grade Moving Up Photos. Albums are found on the left-hand navigation when you are in the Class of 2026 Parent Association Group.
  2. Or if it’s easier you can email the photos to Christine Larson, Grade Rep at

Your photos are due today. If your eighth grader has a fluid identity, may not want pictures of their youth, or any other worry about photos, they can submit any photos they’d like. We just want everyone to be represented and happy!

If you have any questions or concerns about the ceremony, presentation or photos please connect with Dr. Milam.

Open Garden with Michelle Mick
Saturday, May 28 from 9-11 AM and 3-5 PM
565 Arlington Avenue West, St Paul, MN 55117
For anyone who would like to wander through a rather wild unruly but fun garden in St Paul, our gardening guru, Michelle Mick has graciously offered a tour of her gardens this Saturday, May 28. All are welcome from 9-11 AM and 3-5 PM to come on over and wander through her gardens. The irises are starting to bloom, as well as many other lovely plants; many natives share their beautiful colors. For those interested, there are three rain gardens out back, boulevard gardens, and solar on the roof too! If there are seeds around, you are most welcome to have some too!

The address is 565 Arlington Avenue West, St Paul, MN 55117. You can’t miss it, there is a free-stacked stone wall, very English looking!

Gardening at MPA
Thursdays at 8 AM
Calling all those who want to spend some time outside, at MPA, in the gardens! You’re invited to spend time in the gardens tidying up, building, sowing, and spuddling around in the dirt. Come for a few minutes or stay for an hour or two. All are most welcome. We’ll meet outside under the flagpole at the Lower School entrance, with gardening tools in hand!

End of Year Grade Events
Pre-K:  Saturday, May 28, 2-3:30 PM, MPA playground. Renee Roach,
Kindergarten: Wednesday, June 8 at 11 AM Powers Lake Pavilion, Woodbury
Grade 1: Party has already taken place!
Grade 2: June 6, 3:30-5:30 PM, West Park Pavilion and Playground, White Bear Lake
Grade 3: June 8, 11 AM-2 PM, SkyZone in Oakdale, Jumping and lunch!
Grade 4: June 11, 9:30 AM-12 PM, 10145 Bush Lake Rd., Bloomington, MN 55438.
Grade 5: June 30, 2-4 PM, West Park in White Bear Lake
Grade 6: June 8, 5-7 PM,  Lake Elmo Park Reserve, North Pavilion, Lake Elmo
Grade 7: June 8 at 11:30 AM, Wakefield Park Shelter #2, Maplewood, MN
Grade 8: June 8, 11 AM-1 PM, Lake Elmo Park Reserve, North Pavilion, Lake Elmo,
Grade 9: June 8, 11 AM-2 PM, Ojibway Park, Ojibway Dr, Woodbury, MN 55125
Grade 10:  June 8, 2-4 PM, Lake Elmo Park Reserve, North Pavilion, Lake Elmo
Grade 11: June 8, 4-8 PM, Ojibway Park, Ojibway Dr, Woodbury, MN 55125
Grade 12: TBD, Valleyfair Event canceled due to COVID.

Vote for Next Year’s PA Board
The Parents Association (PA) is an organization formed by and for the MPA parents. Every family is automatically a member and eligible to vote. This is your last week to vote for the PA Board. Look for results in the June 2 Panther Post. Please vote for the Executive PA Board for 2022-23 here!

The board position of Community Development Lead is open. This person helps coordinate the Grade Rep Program, organizes a few community events during the year, and attends monthly board meetings. We would love to have a full voting board for the 2022-23 school year.

We are looking for a Grade Rep for the current fourth/rising fifth grade, as well as some co-grade reps at a couple of grade levels.

The PA will be forming Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School committees next school year to help plan our traditional division-specific events.

Please consider getting involved! It is a great way to meet the school community, show our appreciation to faculty and staff, enrich our children’s school experience, all while making new friends and seeing old ones. A willingness to help is the only experience needed. New families are especially encouraged as it’s a great way to get to know your fellow parents. If you are interested in any of these opportunities or have questions, please contact Staci Banks-Hehenberger (

Upper School Division News May 19, 2022

environmental science students measuring turtlesfrom Mark Segal, Upper School Director

It is hard to believe that the 2021–2022 school year is coming to an end. Prek-11 have 13 class days left before their summer vacations begin. The Class of 2022, however, has their last day of classes tomorrow, May 20. Thirteen years of schooling will draw to a ceremonious close when they, as a group, pull down the boldly written #1 which hangs in the Upper School Commons. Each afternoon the senior class gathers at the end of the day to pull down the handwritten numbers 10 to 1 as a countdown of their last days on campus. The emotion expressed and cohesion shown by the group is a joy to witness as they celebrate one of the MPA Rites of Passage as the graduating class.

New York Times author and Anglican priest Tish Harrison Warren says, “We are made to enjoy the physical presence of other human beings. We are made to enjoy rainstorms or sunshine or walks in the woods. We are made to enjoy touchable things. We cannot escape or overcome this need… Our attempts to do so go against the grain of our deepest human needs and longings.” I believe that Warren is speaking directly to the 51 members of the MPA Class of 2022. They have experienced so much over the past couple of years. Each time a new challenge was presented to them, they rallied around and leaned into each other and kept moving forward.

The next two weeks will be ones of self-discovery for this special class. They will complete assignments and work on their Senior Service Projects–the final items due before they cross the stage to receive their diplomas on June 4. Thankfully, there is still time for the community to be with them before their special day. You are invited to attend the annual Senior Walk on Friday, May 27 and the Senior Service Fair on Tuesday, May 31. Both of these events will allow us to publicly recognize the Class of 2022 and witness the impact they have had and legacy they will leave behind. Read More

Honoring All Who Make MPA Great

from Bill Hudson, Head of School

Great schools depend on great teachers and staff. I am reminded of that each day as I travel from my morning post in Lower School to my office in Upper School. It’s the informal conversations, not necessarily the perfect lessons, that most often illustrate that for me. It’s the quick reminders, the high fives, the quiet conversations. What I have learned from my past experience is that one can become a better teacher or staff member, but someone needs to have the heart of an educator first and foremost. MPA has been fortunate to have a strong school culture built and fostered by faculty and staff who not only have the heart, but they are also masters of their craft. They are all committed to continuous improvement and lifelong learning.

As a community, it is our privilege and responsibility to honor the people who make our school great. And next week, we have the opportunity to not only honor faculty and staff who are retiring dating back to the 2019-2020 school year, but the larger community as well. MPA would not exist without the vision of the founding families and generosity of time and resources of so many through the years who have built our incredible community and beautiful campus. This year we are celebrating 40 years of MPA—40 years of faculty, staff, alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, trustees, and friends coming together to demonstrate their love for and commitment to the MPA way. Read More