Connecting With The Parents Association This November

Thank You!
The PA extends hearty thanks to Renee Roach and Leslie Todero for organizing a wonderful Lower School Halloween Party! Thanks, also, to all of you who helped Leslie and Renee organize the party and to all the party-day volunteers! So much goes into planning these events, and it is awesome to have such great help. Well done, all!

Spruce Up, This Saturday Afternoon
Help spruce up Mr. Thomsen’s outdoor area. Saturday will involve more tidying up, removing weeds, saplings, and helping to improve the access to MPA’s prairie and pond for students to learn and enjoy. Saturday, November 13, 2-4 PM, meeting near the Upper School entrance. If you have any questions, please email Michelle Mick at

Saturday Morning Parent Meet Up!
Join us Saturday, November 13 from 9:00-10:30 AM at Swede Hollow Cafe, 725 East 7th Street, St Paul, MN. Dropping Upper Schoolers off at debate or sports? Running errands during Saturday activities? Drop in and make some connections with other MPA parents. We will meet outside, weather permitting, or in the upper conference room. Hope to see you there!

Help Create This Year’s Middle School Café
The Parents Association invites you to envision the Middle School Café. This is a remarkable opportunity to help host the event at school, get into the building to catch a glimpse of your kid and meet new parents! The Middle School Café is a program aimed at building community within the Middle School and is anticipated the week of January 24 this coming year.

We’re forming the Middle School Café planning committee now which will brainstorm ways to use the $3,000 budget allocated by the PA Board. The planning committee will meet weekly from November 8-January 14 to brainstorm the Café theme and organize the plan to deliver the Café. During the week of January 17 the committee and volunteers will create the Café. Volunteers will also be asked to host the event and debrief during the week of January 24.

If you’re interested in being on the Middle School Café planning committee please email Christine Larson, PA Middle School Co-Lead at If you can’t commit to the committee, no worries, there will be advertised opportunities closer to the Café.

PA LS Co-Lead Position Open
The PA Board is looking for an additional member. The Lower School Co-Lead position is currently open. As a Lower School lead, you would be working in tandem with Michelle Mick to create community and connect people throughout MPA. Lower School Leads also attend and vote at monthly board meetings, oversee and support the Lower School PA events, and serve as conduit between families and school administration. Contact Michelle Mick at if you are interested.

Microfunding Grants Available
Microfunding provides funds for projects and programs, existing or new. It is open to student organizations, teachers and parent volunteers. Requests must benefit the mission of the MPA PA. Requests that are recurring from year to year are discouraged. This program is supported by the Parents Association dues, which are paid by MPA families. The PA encourages student groups to use these funds. We look forward to supporting MPA student organizations, and classrooms for many years to come. Please fully review the procedure and application forms before submitting. Applications are available here.

Congratulations, National Merit Scholars!

National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists and Commended Students

MPA is celebrating our talented and bright students! Elissa Frankel and Leo Yu have been confirmed as National Merit Semifinalists, and MPA also has 4 National Merit Commended students (Skyler Burnett, Rohit Iyer, Kaija Kunze-Hoeg, Ruby Schwieger). The semifinalist status is chosen from top 50,000 scorers in the country then the top 16,000 of those move forward as Semifinalists. The Commended students are acknowledged for their exceptional academic promise as demonstrated by their outstanding performance on the PSAT/National Merit Qualifying exam. Congrats Panthers!

Meet Retired Faculty Member Mary Beggin

Mary Beggin

Position while at MPA
Teacher of second, third, and fourth grade

How many years did you work at MPA?

What do you miss most about MPA?
I miss the children with their laughter, hugs, and their excitement that they showed each day! I also miss my colleagues and our chats each morning.

What have you been up to since leaving MPA?
I love my retirement! I am able to travel to see my children and grandchildren. I am sleeping in, staying up late, reading lots of books and making cards. I am finally able to get back to spending time with my husband and friends and enjoying outings. I am able to walk and exercise each day and feel so relaxed and happy. I also have been able to sub and do what I loved-just teach!

Vaccination Clinic At MPA Monday

Given the FDA authorization of COVID-19 vaccinations for children age 5 and older, MPA will be hosting an on-campus vaccination clinic on Monday, November 8 from 4-8 PM.

In addition to welcoming MPA community members, this clinic will be open to anyone and is being offered in partnership with Health Care Strong. Please help us spread the word by sharing this page with your network.

We will be offering Pfizer vaccinations for anyone age five or older (including adults) as well as Pfizer or Moderna booster shots for those who are eligible.



  • The vaccination clinic will be led by Health Care Strong, with assistance from members of the MPA community who are medical professionals. All injections will be provided by a highly-trained medical professional and the 15-minute observation period will be staffed by medical professionals as well.
  • Please enter at door 2, the Atrium, which is to the left of the flag pole near the south entrance.
  • COVID-19 vaccinations are free and do not require insurance.
  • Do not attend the clinic if anyone in your household has had COVID-19 within the past 14 days, has any symptoms of COVID-19, or is currently quarantining due to close contact exposure.


  • Any student or adult age five (on the day of the clinic) or older may be vaccinated at this event.
  • The second dose of this two-dose series will be administered on campus on Monday, November 29, 4-8 PM.
  • Students to be vaccinated should wear short-sleeved shirts and be rested. They should have had something to eat prior to arriving.
  • Students younger than 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and must present a vaccination consent form (print above and bring or sign at the clinic).


  • Students 18 or older do not need parental consent to be vaccinated.
  • Click here to determine your eligibility for a booster.

We’re grateful to share that 97% of our eligible students are vaccinated and 98% of our faculty and staff. That level of vaccination has contributed to our ability to keep the MPA community healthy, safe, and happy on campus. Just as we have with our families with older children, we strongly urge you to consider vaccinating your younger children at this time.

If you are unable to attend on Monday, please visit to learn more about other options and get information. We hope to offer future opportunities on campus as well.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to should you have any questions or need any additional information or resources.

Fall Campaign Kick-Off

Don’t Miss This Year’s MPA Fall Campaign Kick-Off

November 5, 2-4 PM under the tent in the West Parking Lot.

The MPA Fall Campaign volunteer committee invites you to attend a family gathering to celebrate MPA and the start of this year’s fundraising drive. Join us before, during and after drop off and bring your students along! We will gather to enjoy popcorn, cider, music, conversation and simply being together as an MPA community.

Learn more about the Fall Campaign and how the community joins together to bridge the gap between the cost of an MPA education and tuition.

Thank you to our volunteer parent committee members: Christine Larson (Chair), Heidi Baldwin, Jenn Gatti, Clarence Knox, Barry Madore, Bridget Mayer, Brett Schreiber, and Eric Whittington.

Searching For A Second Home

from Natalie Waters Seum, Director of Admission and Communication

Once per month throughout the school year, a member of the Institutional Advancement team will be writing a guest Head’s Message in place of Dr. Bill Hudson’s. We hope these articles provide families with additional perspectives from throughout the MPA administrative team.

If you’ve been through the admission process in recent years, you’ll recognize this question: “What drew you to MPA? What do you want out of a partnership with a school that will help your child grow and learn?” In short, we’re asking families what they are searching for in a new school community.

In my (brief) time in admission, I’ve come to realize there are three relatively simple things that most families seek. They want their child to be:

  • known and understood—not just a number;
  • loved for who they are—not who others thing they should be; and
  • challenged, appropriately—not too much and not too little.

When we searched for a kindergarten for my now-junior, Henry, we were looking for those very same things. My mother-in-law, Robbie Seum, was the Upper School director at the time and it was generally assumed that MPA would be the perfect fit for our family. The sticker shock spurred us to cast a wider net and I brought her with me to every open house in the east metro. Afterward, I wallpapered my dining room walls with Post-it flip charts that detailed the pros and the cons of every school we explored. In the end, it was her wisdom—the wisdom of a trusted friend—that truly helped us make the right decision. As friends, and family in this case, our values were aligned. She knew that we were searching for Henry to be known, understood, loved for who he is, and challenged appropriately and she knew that’s what MPA offered.

Fast forward to this week and I have the privilege of thanking 33 “Robbies” for recommending MPA to a friend, family member, or colleague who completed the application process and perhaps enrolled. Along with the thank you notes are either tuition credits or refunds that range from $125 to $1,000. I’m only able to thank the current families whom we are aware of—there are so many more of you recommending MPA in your networks that we’ll never be able to properly thank, so please consider this a personal note of thanks to you.

Both internal MPA data and external research show the importance and power of these community member referrals. Internally, it continues to be the most important way families come to MPA and the primary indicator that a family will eventually enroll. Why? It is all about aligning values. People in your network have similar values as you—you are searching for similar things—and they trust your recommendation as someone who has found what they are searching for. Nielsen data shows that “92% of respondents trusted referrals from people they knew.” None of this is news to me and it’s likely not news to you either because you very likely came to MPA due to a community member referral, just like we did.

The families of our 138 new students this year are having an incredible experience according to the New Family Survey. On a scale of 1-5, they rate their transition a 4.7 on average. They rate their experience with the admission process a 5.0. On that same survey, they named 40 faculty and staff who have been particularly helpful and 30 students—what an incredibly warm and welcoming community we have!

If you would like to share MPA in your network and perhaps receive a tuition credit next year at this time, please learn how here. Or, simply reach out to me at Sharing your love of MPA with people who are searching is, by nature, a generous act of kindness—you are trying to help the prospective family find a wonderful school community and a second home. And I promise we will take exceptionally good care of them.

Upper School Division News

from Mark Segal, Upper School Director

When I started at MPA six years ago, one of my main goals was to get to know the upper school students. It would have been easy to ignore the seniors as their days on campus were numbered and only focus on the subsequent classes. As I thought about it, however, there was also great value in getting to know the Class of 2017 as they had every reason to provide candid feedback about their upper school experience from which I could learn. To achieve this, I proposed to Dr. Hudson that he and I schedule small group lunches with members of the senior class to get to know them better. That decision six years ago was one of the best choices I could have made as I have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with members of each graduating class. During each lunch Dr. Hudson and I ask the students to tell us when they came to MPA, what they are thinking about for plans after graduation, and to share their “MPA Moment” – a memory or interaction from school that they will carry with them.

Last week, Dr. Hudson and I held the first of five senior lunches. The nine students who attended represented students who have been at MPA since pre-kindergarten to someone who joined the Class of 2022 as an 11th grader. More than half of those who attended joined the community as upper school students and I still remember the first time I met them during their initial admission interview. Their MPA Moments ranged from a recent special on campus celebration of their 18th birthday to celebrating as a team upon learning the Robotics Team qualified for an international competition. Each attendee smiled and nodded, affirming the storyteller of their moment. Each student then shared their thoughts for after graduation. Some were specific (i.e.: studying environmental science at the University of Oregon or pursuing an EMT license while taking classes in premed or biology) and others were more general (i.e.: looking into policy and economics programs on the East coast or pursuing a degree in aerospace engineering).

I share this as most members of the Class of 2022 spent the recent Fall Break visiting schools or diligently working on their college applications. As you may imagine, the stress level within the class is high. It is, however, wonderful to see them (safely) gather around a computer screen reading personal essays and making thoughtful suggestions that will highlight each other’s candidacies to their chosen colleges and universities.

It is hard to believe that we are already thinking about and preparing for the Class of 2022’s next adventure. Watching them develop and mature over the past number of years tells me that they are ready for the next step. Although the next seven months will go extremely quickly, I am thrilled that our community continues to get the chance to be with and celebrate them.

I look forward to seeing you on campus soon,

Important Information

  1. The end of quarter 1 is Friday, October 29. Please help your child(ren) complete their assignments and assessments before the end of the day on Friday. There is no school on Monday (11/1) as teachers close their grade books and prepare for the start of quarter 2 on Tuesday, November 2.
  2. As we continue to navigate the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, we ask for your diligence in working with our Covid-19 symptom response and contact tracing team. At the first sign of symptoms, parents should complete the daily AUXS app symptom screening and/or email This should happen BEFORE seeking a Covid -19 test. When a negative Covid-19 test is required for student clearance, results must be provided prior to the student’s return. All symptomatic community members, regardless of vaccination status must remain at home pending those results. Thank you for your partnership. For any questions, please contact Jennifer Rogers-Petitt at
  3. The Mock and Pre-ACT exams will be held on Monday, 11/1. These are not official ACT products, but tests designed to give students a testing experience in anticipation of taking the actual ACT exam in the spring of junior year. All tenth and eleventh grade students should plan to take the Pre and Mock ACT and please find below some important testing logistics:
    • The Mock ACT for eleventh graders will start at 8:30 AM, so students should report to school no later than 8:15 AM that day.
    • The Pre- ACT for tenth graders will start at 9:00 AM, so students should report to school no later than 8:45 AM that day.
    • Report to door 7 to enter the Lansing Center Lobby
    • Every student needs to do the AUXS safety app the morning of the test
    • BRING A Calculator and several sharpened pencils
    • Students will directed to the main testing room or the extended time rooms.
    • Regular time testing should last 3 hours and 15 minutes
    • Extended testing time will vary for when they will end
    • Please reach out to Director of guidance, Randy Comfort ( with any questions.

Looking Ahead

  1. Fri, 10/29: Last Day of Quarter 1,
    • Senior Retreat, 8:00-6:30 PM, Camp St. Croix and MPA
  2. Mon, 11/1: No Classes, Grading Day
    • 10th Grade Pre-ACT Testing, 9:00 AM-12:15 PM, MPA Campus
    • 11th Grade Mock ACT Testing, 8:30-11:45 AM, MPA Campus
  3. Tues, 11/2: First Day of Quarter 2
  4. Wed, 11/3: US Instrumental Concert, 7:30-9:00 PM, Nicholson Center
  5. Sun, 11/7: Virtual MPA PK-12 Admission Preview, 2-4 PM, Online
  6. Wed, 11/10: US Vocal Concert, 7:30-9 PM, Nicholson Center
  7. Fri, 11/12: Senior Performances, 8:00-9:15 AM, via Zoom
  8. Thurs, 11/18: Give to the Max Day

Boosting Human Connection And Community

kindergarteners holding hands in the hallfrom Dr. Jules Nolan, MPA school psychologist

As human beings, we are social creatures: having a sense of belonging is a central need. COVID-19 restrictions and safety considerations combined with increasing political polarization have deprived too many people of being connected to each other and feeling part of a community. At Mounds Park Academy, all of us have been working extra hard at building community because we know just how important it is for our health and well-being—and that of our children.

Building community across cultures, beliefs, economic backgrounds, and other points of difference can be challenging and requires open-mindedness, patience, empathy, and understanding. Many children have an immature way to create a sense of community. Too often they connect with the idea that “If I am nice to you, and we are mean to everyone else, then we are connected.”

Uniting in the exclusion of someone else is the easiest way to feel connected. The lack of connection and sense of belonging in the broader world right now is fueling this behavior in grownups. We see it in the tribalism around masking and vaccines and the vitriol spewed in public and online forums across the country. Watching what is going on at school board meetings across the Twin Cities and the country reminds me how grateful I am to work with MPA!

Flight-or-flight reactions increase during times of fear and uncertainty
When we are in conflict with someone, our brain gets stressed and processes information in the most primitive part: the amygdala. The amygdala acts as a manager, assigning emotions like fear or anger to environmental stimuli and triggering the flight-or-fight response. The stress hormone cortisol is released, making us more impulsive, less thoughtful, and often more angry. Read More

Growing Through Experience

from Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

On Wednesday, 48 seventh graders excitedly boarded buses for a day at the Minnesota Zoo. From the outside it might look like a typical field trip, but in true MPA fashion, it is a thoughtfully crafted lesson that intentionally weaves together science, student agency, experiential learning, critical thinking, creativity, design thinking, and a dose of joy. There is a lot to unpack in that description, but I’d like to focus on just one aspect, experiential learning.

You have no doubt heard the term, “hands-on, experiential learning” sometime during your time at MPA. We use it often but have rarely explained it and its importance to learning. The concept first appeared in “Nicomachean Ethics” written in 350 BC by Aristotle, “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” Modern educational theorists such as John Dewey wrote about the importance of learning by doing, but it is David Kolb who developed an experiential learning theory and model. It was upon this body of knowledge that MPA developed our founding pedagogy in 1982.

Kolb defined experiential learning as “The process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience.” Experiential learning recognizes that students come to school with past experience and knowledge and that the school’s job is to provide a rich learning environment that engages the students at their individual levels. Examples of experiential learning abound at all grade levels at MPA and include hands-on laboratory experiments, projects in the Makerspace, work in outdoor gardens, monarch butterfly way stations, prairie restoration, field trips, performances, and more. Read More

Upper School Division News

from Mark Segal, Upper School Director

The day started like any other Monday, but I knew that was not the case. After welcoming students to campus at the north door, my focus shifted as I made last minute preparations for the first in person Monday Morning Meeting in 574 days. I anticipated what it would be like and what I would feel, but I had no idea how impactful this community gathering would be to me. I clearly remembered our last gathering where I wished everyone a safe and restful Spring Break, and since then have facilitated each of our meetings via Zoom. Although a nice substitute, nothing compares to seeing the Upper School students with each other in the same space. According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) one of the key components of a school is, “creating a culture built on community.” Establishing the foundation of familiarity and trust between students within a community sets expectations and builds chemistry that translates to various aspects of their lives— family, team, club, etc.

Looking out at 235 pajama clad students (and many faculty) was the first of many community building activities during Homecoming week. Each day of the week the students excitedly participated in the themed dress up days (my favorite being Dress Like a Teacher Day and seeing several students wearing sweater vests and bow ties), spent time collaboratively decorating their grade level hallways, and engaged in a special Homecoming Assembly where the traditional court selection, introduction of fall athletic teams, and grade level tug of war took place. Friday afternoon brought three-quarters of the Upper School students together for the annual bar-b-que and bonfire in the Benz Courtyard. Even though it has been two years since this event was held, the students quickly fell back into their routines of being with one another and enjoying each other’s company. Throwing the football, kicking the soccer ball, bumping the volleyball, and participating in a cornhole tournament were enjoyed and appreciated activities.

Saturday night brought the finale’ to Homecoming week. The weather gods shined down as the rain cloud disappeared in time for us to hold the first Homecoming Dance since September 2019. More than half the Upper School student body attended the first outdoor Homecoming Dance in school history. Adhering to the required health and safety protocols, students danced and “chilled” with each other through the evening. The addition of a bonfire allowed students to find some peace and quiet in an otherwise fun-filled evening.

A recent Edutopia article shares that once students feel safe, secure, and have a sense of belonging in a school environment they are able to better focus their attention and energy on learning. There is no doubt that the past 19 months have impacted us individually and collectively. After the excitement of last week, I am cautiously optimistic that maybe, just maybe, “normalcy” is returning to our special community.

I look forward to seeing you on campus soon!

Important Information

  1. We are excited to welcome Ms. Rae Dillon as the Upper School and College Counseling Administrative Assistant. Most recently, Rae worked as the Program and Operations Manager with the Minnesota Elementary School Principals’ Association where she served as the primary liaison to their Executive Committee and Board of Directors. Prior to that, Rae held positions at the Universities of St. Catherine and St. Thomas, Oak View Elementary School, Brooklyn Center Elementary and the Northwest YMCA. A graduate of the University of Minnesota, Rae holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Youth Studies. Rae can be reached on or 651-748-5544 to report student absences of if you have any Upper School-centric questions.
  2. As we continue to navigate the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, we ask for your diligence in working with our COVID-19 symptom response and contact tracing team. At the first sign of symptoms, parents should complete the daily AUXS app symptom screening and/or email This should happen BEFORE seeking a COVID-19 test. When a negative COVID-19 test is required for student clearance, results must be provided prior to the student’s return. All symptomatic community members, regardless of vaccination status must remain at home pending those results. Thank you for your partnership. For any questions, please contact Jennifer Rogers-Petitt at

Looking Ahead

  • Thursday, October 7: Upper School Conferences, 4-8 PM, via Zoom
  • Friday, October 8: No Classes, Upper School Conferences, 8-4 PM, via Zoom
  • Tuesday, October 12: Senior Performances, 8-9:15 AM, via Zoom
  • Saturday, October 16: PSAT Testing for Grades 10 & 11, 8 AM-12 PM, Lansing Sport Center
  • Wednesday, October 20: No Classes, Fall Break
    • Non-Official PSAT for 10th Grade, 8 AM-12 PM, Lansing Sport Center
  • Thursday, October 21: No Classes, Fall Break
  • Friday, October 22: No Classes, Fall Break
  • Tuesday, October 26: PSAT Testing for 11th Grade, 8 AM-12 PM, Nicholson Center
    • This is an alternate test date only for 11th grade students unable to test on 10/16
  • Wednesday, October 27: Senior Performances, 8-9:15 AM, via Zoom
  • Friday, October 29: Last Day of Quarter 1
    • Senior Retreat, 8 AM-6:30 PM, Camp St. Croix and MPA
  • Monday, November 1: No Classes, Grading Day
  • Tuesday, November 2: First Day of Quarter 2