Coming Home To MPA

Heads Messagefrom Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

Love Actually is one of my favorite movies. I love the opening scene of the movie, which takes place in Heathrow Airport in London. As pictures of families greeting friends and loved ones at the arrival gate are shown, the British Prime Minister, played by Hugh Grant, provides the following voiceover:

“It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often, it’s not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it’s always there: fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge – they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love actually is all around.”

It sounds cheesy and idealistic but I do agree that love is all around us if we are willing and able to see it. I often share that the best part of my day is greeting students at the front entrance of the school each morning. It’s somewhat like the opening scene in “Love Actually” but instead of an airport arrivals gate, it’s like the front door of a home. Home. A place of comfort, love and belonging, of family. For so many of us, MPA is much more than a building or a school. We come together around a common set of values and beliefs as well as a passionate commitment to educate the whole child. Read More

Preparing Students For A Future That Is Difficult To Understand

Katie murr teaching upper school social studiesTo cultivate right makers, you need teachers who are able to connect deep content knowledge to the real world in ways that implore students to use it for good. Katie Murr is one of many exceptional teachers at MPA who have the ability to do just that every single day.

Katie was raised by two public school teachers, including her mother, who holds a Ph.D. in microbiology, and she was immersed in their careers. “They firmly believed in the power of knowledge as the path toward a more meaningful and impactful life,” Katie explained. Never intending to teach, Katie’s early aspirations led her toward law or politics at Wellesley College in Massachusetts. She interned for Paul Wellstone and worked primarily on education policy. “I came to realize that politics is not the place to change education. The classroom is.”

Looking back, Katie now realizes that she was destined to be a teacher. “I always really liked teachers, probably because I wanted to be one whether I knew it or not,” Katie reflected. She attended Eagan High School where two teachers truly inspired Katie—they were known to her at the time as Mr. Vergin and Ms. Kunze, both of whom are now her colleagues at MPA. Early in their careers, they taught Katie social studies and world language, and coached her in debate and speech. “Mike taught me everything I know about patience and evaluating information critically. And Kari is one of the finest educators I’ve ever known. You learn just by being in her presence.” Read More

Maintaining The MPA Experience

from Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

It always seems as though the battery on my cell phone is running low. Maybe it’s because I have an older model, or often forget to close apps and plug it in. It is probably the combination of all those factors, although I often blame it on Waze, a crowd-sourced GPS traffic app I use every day that requires a great deal of power to operate.

I think we can all agree that the last 18 months of the pandemic have drained our collective batteries. COVID-19 has been like the Waze app—always open, always draining, hard to close down. Similarly, political discord, social unrest, racial tension, and climate events have also acted like apps that are constantly open and continually draining our reserve. My kids chastise me to close out my apps when I am done using them. (I wish they would do the same with their dirty dishes!) I have decided to follow their advice. Instead of allowing the pandemic to dominate my home screen, it will become just one of many apps on my phone. We must take COVID-19 very seriously, to be sure, but we must also move forward.

That said, our priority is to be on-campus for in-person learning all year. While we are carrying forward many lessons learned during the pandemic, we know how important it is for students to bring their whole selves to school each day. The Minnesota Department of Health (and all available public health guidance) agrees that the benefits of being physically present in school are significant and creating conditions that help safeguard in-person instruction is a priority.

We’ve designed our plan with the MPA mission in mind. Not only are we committed to keeping in-person learning available to students, but we know that preventing on-campus spread may help to reduce the amount of community spread within the Twin Cities. We want to “do right” by doing our part. Layered mitigation remains our shared responsibility: symptom monitoring, prompt reporting of symptoms and exposure, minimizing gatherings and travel, and higher risk activities (particularly for the unvaccinated) in addition to masking, hygiene practices, enhanced ventilation, onsite testing, and the variety of other strategies we have successfully employed during our COVID response.

Thanks to our shared commitment to all of our recommendations and guidelines, we’ve been able to not only have students be in person and learning with their teachers and classmates, but they’re experiencing all that an MPA education has to offer including safe athletics, robust support services, continuity of theatre classes and curriculum, resumed music education, clubs and activities, and a return to many on campus events.

We should celebrate our community’s commitment to vaccinations: 97% of eligible students and 98% of eligible adults have been fully vaccinated. Once vaccines become available for younger ages, which may be much sooner than we thought, we strongly urge parents to seek vaccines for those under 12 as well. When that occurs, we look forward to relaxing a number of protocols that are currently in place.

Read More

It’s Time For MPA’s Fall Preview

Fall PreviewInvite a friend, neighbor, colleague, or family member to join us for MPA’s largest PreK-12 admission event, the MPA Fall Preview! Held virtually on Sunday, November 7 starting at 2 PM, this event will be a structured program that will allow prospective students and parents to get a sense of what makes MPA an exceptional place to learn and grow.

Kindly invite your friends and neighbors to RSVP in advance for this engaging program at If you have any questions, contact the Office of Admission at 651-748-5577 or We can’t wait to meet them!

Upper School Division News

from Mark Segal, Upper School Director

According to the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), “a recent U.S. Surgeon General report indicates that one in five children and adolescents will face a significant mental health condition during their school years.” Those who suffer from these conditions may face barriers to their learning or social-emotional relationships with peers and their school. The Surgeon General continues that, “key responsibilities of schools include creating a safe and nurturing school environment, supporting the physical and mental health of children, fostering their social and emotional well-being, and being prepared to address teen suicide through effective communication and support.” The Mounds Park Academy faculty prides itself on building strong relationships with their students, knowing their students well, and being prepared to support students as they make their way through the adolescent developmental journey.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) shared last August that social media platforms saw a significant increase in COVID-19 materials and information and misinformation left adolescents exposed to associated challenges. The NCBI says that “the social media infodemic has been linked to anxiety, feeling powerless, and catastrophizing situations.”

This past Tuesday and Wednesday upper school students participated in the SOS Signs of Suicide Prevention Program. MPA students received psychoeducation about the signs of suicide and how to help someone who may be having difficult thoughts or feelings. Students also completed an eight-question screener to identify those who need immediate assistance. This is the third time that we have partnered with students and faculty from the University of Wisconsin River Falls Psychology program. They met with students individually throughout the day and contacted parent(s)/guardian(s) of those who needed additional support and provided referrals to some for outside care.

Offering this support system at MPA provides students with the opportunity to engage openly in conversation and find important resources rather than face a stigma that may exist. These supports foster stronger and more authentic relationships which, in turn, allows students to see greater success in their academics and social connections.
I look forward to seeing you on campus soon,

Important Information

MPA Covid-19 Symptom Response
As we continue to navigate the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, we ask for your diligence in working with our Covid-19 symptom response and contact tracing team. At the first sign of symptoms, parents should complete the daily AUXS app symptom screening and/or email When a negative Covid-19 test is required for student clearance, results must be provided prior to the student’s return. All symptomatic community members, regardless of vaccination status must remain at home pending those results. Thank you for your partnership. For any questions, please contact Jennifer Rogers-Petitt at

Looking Ahead

  • Tues, 9/21: SOS Screenings, 9th grade and new 10th grade students
  • Wed, 9/22: SOS Screenings, 9th grade and new 10th grade students
  • Thurs, 9/30: Upper School Conferences, 4:00 – 7:00 PM, via Zoom
  • Fri, 10/1: Upper School Homecoming BBQ & Bonfire, 5:00 – 8:00 PM, Benz Courtyard
  • Sat, 10/2: Homecoming, all day, on campus
  • Wed, 10/6: Class of 2022 Cum Laude Induction, 7:30 AM, location TBD
  • Thurs, 10/7: Upper School Conferences, 4:00 – 8:00 PM, via Zoom
  • Fri, 10/8: No Classes, Upper School Conferences, 8:00 – 4:00 PM, via Zoom
  • Wed, 10/20: No Classes, Fall Break
  • Thurs, 10/21: No Classes, Fall Break
  • Fri, 10/22: No Classes, Fall Break

Homecoming Celebration And Spirit Week Reimagined

Homecoming September 27 – October 2
Join us as we reimagine our annual Homecoming festivities in light of COVID-19 health and safety concerns. We are offering division-specific opportunities for students as a part of a weeklong celebration, building spirit for MPA Athletics and our entire community.

Upper School Activities:

  • MPA Student Council Spirit Week Dress Up Days: September 27 – October 1
  • Upper School student only BBQ: October 1, 5-8 PM, Benz Courtyard
  • Upper School student dance: October 2, 8-11 PM, Benz Courtyard
  • Free Homecoming-themed MPA t-shirts for all Upper School students

Middle School Activities:

  • Middle School Game Day: October 1, 10 AM-3 PM, South Lawn (Parent Volunteers needed!)
  • Spirit Week Dress Up Days September 27-October 1
  • Free Homecoming-themed MPA t-shirts for all Middle School students

Lower School Activities:

  • Pajama Day for all Lower School Students: September 27
  • Spirit Wear Day with Homecoming T-shirt and non-uniform bottom: October 1
  • Homecoming Spirit Photo Booth and Special Appearances by the MPA Panther: September 27-October 1
  • Homecoming Panther Coloring Sheets available for students
  • Free Homecoming-themed MPA t-shirts for all Lower School students

MPA Athletics Schedule Saturday, October 2
Please note: Only athlete household members may attend in person. Join in the fun and cheer on our Panthers by streaming games live! Learn more at

  • Varsity Girls Soccer vs New Life Academy 11 AM (available for streaming)
  • Varsity Boys Soccer New Life Academy 1 PM (available for streaming)
  • Varsity Volleyball 9 AM-2 PM (continuous streaming viewing)
  • JV Boys Soccer New Life Academy 11 AM (not available for streaming)
  • Varsity Girls Tennis vs Como Park and Cretin Derham Hall (not available for streaming)

Homecoming Parent Gathering 
Parents, would you like to share your MPA Spirit and support our student athletes? Join the MPA Parents Association for an all-parent coffee and community building meet-up on Friday, October 1 from 7:45 to 10 AM. You’ll find us under the big white tent in the west parking lot, rain or shine. Meet other MPA parents, help to decorate the outdoor fields, and write messages of encouragement for our athletes. Go Panthers!

The Responsibility of Bold Innovation

from Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of SchoolHead's Message

I have to admit I am a big fan of dystopia books, film, and television. Favorite books include “The Stand” by Stephen King and “Swan Song” by Robert McCammon, movies such as “The Day After Tomorrow” and “I Am Legend”, and television shows like “The Leftovers” and “The Walking Dead.” It’s not that I like gloom and doom or enjoy blood and gore. Rather, I see dystopian literature, films, and television as windows into the human condition, what humans are capable of in the face of horrific conditions, great suffering, or terrible injustice, and the triumph of the human spirit.

Living through the last several weeks, let alone the last 18 months, has been all too much like a dystopian novel. Wildfires in the west, hurricanes in the south, the drought here in Minnesota combined with the lingering effects of the pandemic, all present a series of challenges that are testing the fabric of our society. Like characters in a dystopian movie, we are learning a great deal about ourselves, what we value, and what we are willing to do to endure.

Imagine my surprise last week when dystopia seemed to invade my professional life when I came across the article “Schooling in the ‘Fifth Season’” by Justin Reich in the latest edition of one of my favorite education journals, Educational Leadership. What caught my attention was a quote from a study conducted by the United States Change Research Program, “Humans are re-engineering the geo-chemistry of the planet to be inhospitable to our current civilization. As average temperatures rise and extreme weather events become more common, there will be more fires, more floods, more freezes, more novel disease events, and accompanying migration, civil unrest, and conflict.” (Reidmiller, et al., 2018) While I’m not sure I agree with this assessment, I believe that conducting school no just like we did 18 months ago would be a mistake. Educational systems must be inherently structured to pivot and change and to become more agile and proactively responsive. Read More

Connecting With The MPA Parents Association

Homecoming CoffeePA
Join us for an all school morning coffee to celebrate Homecoming on Friday, October 1 from 7:45-10:00 AM. Have a hot cup of coffee and, if you choose, show your support for our athletes by helping to decorate the tennis courts and soccer field fence as well as writing messages of encouragement for our student athletes. We’ll be under the tent in the west parking lot, rain or shine. Go Panthers!

Faculty and Staff Appreciation Sign Up
Fall at MPA is filled with traditions…The first day of school, picture day, after school sports, that first missed homework assignment and Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week. Help the PA keep the tradition of supporting our faculty and staff by donating snacks and beverages during this busy week. They’ll be available all week for staff to grab at their convenience. Donations can be brought to your assigned drop off door during morning drop off (LS, MS, or US). To sign up, click the link below:

Parents Connect: Wednesday Morning Walks
The Parents Association invites parents and guardians to get together Wednesday mornings after drop off with Michelle Mick. We’ll meet at the flagpole near the LS entrance. LS, MS and US families are welcome. Chat with new parents and connect with friends. Younger children are welcome to walk with us.

Remember to bring a mask to all events! Hope to see you there!

Parents Connect: Monday and Thursday Mornings in the Garden
Get your hands dirty after drop off, helping in MPA’s gardens. No experience necessary. Come and help weed, plant, dig, or sow, all are welcome. How long you stay is up to you. If Michelle Mick is not at the flagpole, go around the corner, in the Library gardens, next to Door #2.

Connecting With The MPA Parents Association

Parents Connect: Wednesday Morning WalksPA Connect

The Parents Association invites parents and guardians to get together Wednesday mornings after drop off. Mark your calendars, it will be fun! Wednesday, September 8 we’ll have a 30-minute walk with Michelle Mick. We’ll meet at the flagpole near the LS entrance. LS, MS and US families are welcome. Chat with new parents and connect with friends. Younger children are welcome to walk with us.

After that walk if parents are interested, we can head over to the Farmer’s Market at Aldrich Arena, a short walk from MPA. They have a large variety of great produce and you’ll be supporting local farmers.

Remember to bring a mask to all events! Hope to see you there!

Parents Connect: Monday and Thursday Mornings in the Garden

Get your hands dirty after drop off, helping in MPA’s gardens. No experience necessary. Come and help weed, plant, dig, or sow, all are welcome. How long you stay is up to you. If Michelle Mick is not at the flagpole, go around the corner, in the Library gardens, next to Door #2.

Upcoming garden dates resume on Monday, September 13. Michelle is unable to meet Thursday, September 9.

Remember to bring a mask! Hope to see you there!

News from the MPA Gardens

‘Tis the season to see the beautiful Monarch butterflies fill up, on their way down to Mexico where they overwinter. In the library gardens, this past week there have been lots of butterflies (a kaleidoscope of butterflies!) feeding off the long purple flower at the end of the gardens near the library — the flower is liatris/blazing star, a native, and if you have a chance, do please wander through the gardens, with your student or alone to catch the last glimpse of them before they fly off on their way until next year. This past week we have seen up to 20 of them circling around, landing, dancing in the air — it really is a beautiful sight!

Upper School Division News

US Newsfrom Mark Segal, Upper School Director

Renowned independent school child psychologist, speaker, and author Michael Thompson has spent part of his career providing information about the value of building and maintaining strong relationships. Dr. Thompson shares that having, “a unique bond with one special person can seem, in a word, magical. This feeling is perhaps felt even more by the child exploring their first relationships beyond the family unit.” Originally, this caught me by surprise. I would have thought that having many close friends was an important part of adolescence as with many strong and close relationships a student’s circle of influence would be larger. As I thought more about this, however, I began to realize that Dr. Thompson was speaking about the value and importance of authentically real and trusting relationships between students.

At MPA, we often refer to ourselves as a large family, and during the first two weeks of the school year one of the main foci of our teachers and students has been to build relationships with others in both their classes and advisories. For those Upper School students and families new to the community this earnestly began with two gatherings in mid-August where new students met with Peer Leaders on campus. They ate pizza, played games, and toured the building. A week later, new families and Peer Leader families gathered over a BBQ dinner under the big top on the south lawn and deepened the relationships built at the student gathering.

Since the start of the school year the Upper School has held a number of community touch points for students to build and strengthen their relationships. Weekly Monday Morning Meetings are held on the first day of each week (even if it is not a Monday) to bring the full Upper School student body together. Students in grades 9-11 meet on Fridays in their advisory groups (made up of 10-12 students) and find ways to connect with one another and their advisor. Seniors meet as a full class and discuss ways in which their relationships are strengthened as they look ahead to their final year at MPA. And just last week, the ninth grade went an all-day field trip to Afton State Park and played games, went on hikes, and did art projects as a way to unify the Class of 2025 and to look ahead to their next four years in Upper School.

The Making Caring Common Project through Harvard University reported out data last February that shared 36% of all Americans–including 61% of young adults–feel serious loneliness. The Project suggests that to address this, “we must build a physical and social infrastructure in which we must reimagine and reweave social relationships” and “work to restore our commitment to each other and the common good.” The MPA Upper School is committed to providing opportunities for students and faculty to build genuine and authentic relationships which will, in turn, lessen the possibility of our community members to feel lonely and without someone to connect.

I look forward to seeing you on campus soon!

Mark Segal

MPA Covid-19 Symptom Response
As we continue to navigate the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, we ask for your diligence in working with our Covid-19 symptom response and contact tracing team. At the first sign of symptoms, parents should complete the daily AUXS app symptom screening and/or email When a negative Covid-19 test is required for student clearance, results must be provided prior to the student’s return. All symptomatic community members, regardless of vaccination status must remain at home pending those results. Thank you for your partnership. For any questions, please contact Jennifer Rogers-Petitt at

Looking Ahead

  • Mon, 9/13: All School Picture Day
  • Tues, 9/14: Concert Choir Rehearsals, 6:15-9 PM, on campus
  • Thurs, 9/30: Upper School Conferences, 4-7 PM, via Zoom
  • Fri, 10/1: Upper School Homecoming BBQ & Bonfire, 5-8 PM, Benz Courtyard
  • Sat, 10/2: Homecoming, all day, on campus
  • Wed, 10/6: Class of 2022 Cum Laude Induction, 7:30 AM, location TBD
  • Thurs, 10/7: Upper School Conferences, 4-8 PM, via Zoom
  • Fri, 10/8: No Classes, Upper School Conferences, 8AM-4 PM, via Zoom