“Some Good News” Returns February 5

Some Good News by the Middle School PlayIf you loved the first episode of the series “Some Good News,” created by the cast and crew of this year’s Middle School play, stay tuned for episode two on February 5!

Inspired by John Krasinski’s “Some Good News” series, the Middle School students (with Upper School students mentoring) were responsible for pitching ideas, collaborating, and writing stories, interviews, jokes, and sketches to produce four webisodes in the series. This approach allows the cast to go beyond acting, but to be involved in writing, filming, and directing.

The Middle School Theatre Department is proud to offer students and community members meaningful theater experiences year after year. Given the unique challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Middle School production is fully virtual so all community members far and wide can experience the joy of the students involved in this special project. Read More

Math League Finishes With 75 Total Points

MPA Senior Sean ParkMPA’s Math League team had their fourth meet this week, finishing with a team total of 75 points.

The top scorers were senior Sean Park and sophomore Qiya Zhang, each earning 10 points out of a possible 14 points, both in the difficult C and D events. Juniors Leo Yu earned nine points and Amy Xiang earned eight points, and senior Lareina Gu earned 8 points as well. Freshman Ella Li earned six points and sophomore Anthony Troullier earned 4 points. Senior Josiah Grabanski, filling in for Amit Manicka (who had a college class at about the same time), earned a solid four points in events C and D.

The team earned 16 points out of a possible 24 points in the team round.

Cretin-Derham Hall, which was leading our section and the state in AA (four points head of MPA and three points ahead of Highland Park), earned 67 points. MPA will be ahead in the State standings after this past meet and might move into the top spot! Congratulations and good luck, Panthers!

Congratulations Ms. Pederson!

Lisa Pederson head shotLisa Pederson, MPA’s Director of College Counseling, has been named one of the twelve recipients from across the country of the 2021 Counselors That Change Lives Award! This honor is given by Colleges That Change Lives (CTCL), a non-profit organization dedicated to the ideal of a student-centered college search.

Ms. Pederson was nominated by Jill Sauber, Associate Dean of Admissions at St. Olaf
College. “Lisa does not hesitate to recommend colleges based on the best fit for her students rather than those that are based on ranking. I have witnessed the research she does for her students, the insightful questions she asks when on counselor tours, the subtle pushing she does to college reps to get honest answers and a true understanding of the institution,” says Sauber.

Ms. Pederson shined in this spring’s challenging circumstances. Sauber recalls, “When high schools pivoted to distance learning last spring, I heard from numerous families at Mounds Park Academy that Lisa made their seniors feel recognized, appreciated and celebrated from afar. They praised her for the ability to handle the changes positively and thoughtfully.” Read More

The Strength Of MPA Is In Our People

Mr. Peterson Teaching Middle School mathby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

“Welcome back to campus!” I said this morning as I greeted a Middle School student on their way into school. “What are you more excited about, being back together with your friends or seeing your teachers in person?” I asked. He paused for quite a while, pondering the rather unfair choice I was asking him to make. However, his response was emphatic, “Both!” Asking such a question of a Middle School student can be rather risky, but I wasn’t surprised with his response. The strong, personal relationships students have with their teachers is a hallmark of MPA.

MPA is incredibly fortunate to have an exceptional faculty who are genuinely dedicated to their students and truly committed to the school. Most teachers remain at MPA for their entire career and we all benefit from their experience and wisdom. At the same time, we’ve had teachers who experienced life transitions that took them in different directions, whether a move to a new city or sometimes experiencing a change in career. Enrollment, program changes, and external factors may also impact our faculty workforce. For instance, our COVID-19 health and safety plan led us to hire several additional teachers and teaching assistants to reduce classroom density. Read More

MPA Speech Hosts “Figure It Out Bout”

MPA Speech teamMPA Speech had a fantastic tournament, called the “Figure It Out Bout,” that was designed to be an educational experience for competing in a virtual world! Teams from all over the state, from Austin to Dassel-Cokato, to our neighbor Stillwater, competed.

As customary, MPA was exempt from placing as a team since we hosted. Technically, MPA placed third, with half the entry of Stillwater and Shakopee, who were first and second respectively. Senior Ryan Ghose won two categories, Humorous and Prose, and was the Tournament Individual Sweepstakes champion–an award that signifies an extraordinary individual effort determined by who earned the most points on the day. Ryan swept both categories on 1’s, meaning he never lost a round. Junior Charlotte Bergh was also a tournament champion in Ex Reading. Seniors Sana Punjani, Salmah Elmasry, Anna Gaudio, and Emma Cohen also placed top three. Sophomore Cynthia Ghannoum, seniors Isak Dai and Livia Wooldridge, and the duo of seventh graders Evie B. and Teagan O. all made the final round as well.

This was the first tournament in which the MPA Middle School Speech Team competed, and we’re so excited to say all seventh and eighth graders who competed either placed or were in a tiebreaker to get into a final round. Congratulations to Teagan and Evie, Annika B., and Yusuf A.!

Save The Date For Virtual Maker Fest

a student painting at maker fest 2020Save the date for MPA’s Virtual Maker Fest! On Saturday, February 20 from 11 AM-1 PM, MPA will host a variety of community makers to showcase their projects, passions, and hands on how-to demonstrations through Zoom. Participants will be able to the presentations by visiting different breakout rooms. More event details for Virtual Maker Fest 2021 will be coming soon! Please click here to sign up as a presenter!

If you have any questions, please email Nicole Koen at nkoen@moundsparkacademy.org.

“Some Good News” Premieres Tomorrow, January 22!

the middle school play cast and crewThe upcoming webisode series “Some Good News,” created by the cast and crew of this year’s Middle School play, premieres tomorrow, January 22 at 7 PM on YouTube! Inspired by John Krasinski’s “Some Good News” series, the Middle School students (with Upper School students mentoring) were responsible for pitching ideas, collaborating, and writing stories, interviews, jokes, and sketches to produce four webisodes in the series. This approach allows the cast to go beyond acting, but to be involved in writing, filming, and directing.

The Middle School Theatre Department is proud to offer students and community members meaningful theater experiences year after year. Given the unique challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Middle School production is fully virtual so all community members far and wide can experience the joy of the students involved in this special project.

If you love and support the Middle School Theatre offerings every year, please consider making a gift that is right for you to help offset lost revenue from ticket and concessions proceeds this year. Every dollar you give will directly support the students and staff making these experiences a reality. Click here to make your gift and help us reach our goal in support of the Middle School Theatre Department. Simply add Middle School Play in your gift designation on the easy giving form. If you have questions or want to learn more about giving opportunities at MPA, please contact Jennifer Rogers-Petitt director of development and community engagement at jrogers@moundsparkacademy.org.

Alumni Mentors Make Connections Virtually

Isak, Ryan, And Jeremy making alumni mentorship connectionsThe MPA Mentorship Program entered its third year with MPA Alumni being paired with a member of the senior class. The MPA Alums and seniors exchange three emails throughout the months of November and December. A survey was sent to both the seniors and alums to determine what their interests, career goals, college choice, etc. Work then began to recruit mentors who matched with the interests of our seniors. The program is proving to be successful and gain traction as for the second year in a row we had more alumni interested than seniors enrolled. Engagement continued to be at a high level and many connections were made that will continue far beyond the seniors’ last year at MPA.

This year’s alumni mentor program concluded on January 12, 2021 with a virtual networking event taking place on both Monday, January 11 and Tuesday, January 12. Switching to a virtual program proved successful for attendance with almost 90 percent of our mentors being able to participate. Mentors logged in from all over the country and the world.

A large thank you to our 63 mentors for their commitment, dedication and kindness to our seniors during this year’s mentorship program. We are grateful for your time and devotion to MPA!

If you have interest in joining the mentorship program in the next school year please contact Ashley Goetzke, Assistant Director of Development at agoetzke@moundsparkacademy.org.

Net Promoter Score At An All-Time High

middle school student in math classby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

We begin a new year with new hopes and resolutions and with optimism that the end of the pandemic is in sight. We begin a new year complete with new understandings of ourselves, our family, our society, and our values after an extremely challenging year. Our task will be to take what we have learned, put it to good use, and work for lasting change.

You may remember that in December, parents were invited to participate in our annual Net Promoter Survey. I was more than pleased with the incredibly high level of participation—a whopping 78% of our parent community completed the survey. If you are familiar with the Net Promoter Survey, you know that is commonly used in business to measure customer service. Similarly, MPA uses the Net Promoter Survey to measure parent satisfaction and solicit feedback for use in continuous improvement in order to make data-driven decisions. The survey and score is also important because word of mouth referrals are the greatest source of admission inquiries and the best predictor of new enrollment. Read More

Stay Tuned For The Middle School Play!

the middle school play cast and crewStay tuned for more information about the upcoming webisode series, created by the cast and crew of this year’s Middle School play! Inspired by John Krasinski’s “Some Good News” series, the ensemble came together to produce four webisodes, which will begin airing next Friday, January 22. The Middle School students (with Upper School students mentoring) were responsible for pitching ideas, collaborating, and writing stories, interviews, jokes, and sketches. This approach allows the cast to go beyond acting, but to be involved in writing, filming, and directing.

The Middle School Theatre Department is proud to offer students and community members meaningful theater experiences year after year. Given the unique challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Middle School production is fully virtual so all community members far and wide can experience the joy of the students involved in this special project.

If you love and support the Middle School Theatre offerings every year, please consider making a gift that is right for you to help offset lost revenue from ticket and concessions proceeds this year. Every dollar you give will directly support the students and staff making these experiences a reality. Click here to make your gift and help us reach our goal in support of the Middle School Theatre Department. Simply add Middle School Play in your gift designation on the easy giving form. If you have questions or want to learn more about giving opportunities at MPA, please contact Jennifer Rogers-Petitt director of development and community engagement at jrogers@moundsparkacademy.org.