Details About The AUXS Safety App

upper school student using the health scan stationAll MPA families should have received an email from with information about how to install the Safety App Powered by AUXS. This will enable MPA to effectively monitor and track screening as a preventative measure and will have the ease families need for this step to be quick and easy.

Click here to learn more about this app and how it will help keep our community healthy and safe.

If you were able to download it but are having difficulties submitting your screening, please try the following:

  • When you’re typing in your student’s name in the first box, try waiting for just a moment after you’ve typed in their first and last name for a drop-down auto-fill to appear. Then click on their name for it to autofill to your child’s information that is connected to your account.
  • Try completely closing out the app and logging back in.
  • Ensure you’re filling in the temperature reading, even if it’s within the recommended under 100 degrees range.
  • Ensure you’re using the AM or PM app at the appropriate times. Also, if you’ve already completed that form for the day, it will not let you fill it in again.
  • These screenings should be done every morning before arriving at school and every evening. To aid in establishing this routine, we ask families to begin screening students now, prior to the start of school to identify any possible exposures or symptoms.

We have received some questions about the app’s privacy policy. The AUXS Safety App uses Google Cloud, which regularly undergoes independent verification of security, privacy, and compliance controls, achieving certifications, attestations of compliance, or audit reports against standards around the world. Google Cloud’s industry-leading security, third-party audits and certifications, documentation, and contract commitments supports our compliance. The following resources are available upon request: ISO/IEC certificates, SOC 1/2/3 reports, PCI DSS, CSA STAR and other assessments. The AUXS Safety App does not sell or procure MPA’s data. They do not analyze it or even look at MPA’s data unless the MPA administrator has an issue in the back-end. They have an extremely small team who works with our administrator to ensure that each organization is self sufficient.

If you did not receive the email with information about how to download it from or are having any difficulties with downloading and signing in, please contact Jennifer Rogers-Petitt, director of development and community engagement, at

For more detailed information about the arrival and dismissal process, click here

If you have questions about this screening process, or if you need to report possible symptoms or exposure throughout the school year, please email

Additional Details: The Fall 2020 MPA Student Experience

masked athletes at summer basketball campWe hope you’ve been able to read and digest all of the information coming your way about the student experience this fall—we are working closely to ensure not only our exceptional academic program remains strong, but that we maintain the utmost attention to our students’ health and wellbeing, both at school and at home. We offer here a few more details for your planning and preparation for the start of school in just a little more than a week.

Arrival and Dismissal
As previously shared, one of MPA’s layered health and safety protocols is our plan for staggered arrivals. Families must select their staggered arrival time slot no later than 8 AM on Wednesday, August 19. Your family will receive confirmation of your staggered arrival time with additional instructions by Thursday, August 20. In order to maintain all safety protocols it is important for your family to arrive during their 15-minute window. We know this may be a sacrifice for some of you with changes to morning routines and potentially an earlier arrival time than you’re used to and we appreciate your assistance. Click here for your staggered arrival sign up and contact Jennifer Rogers-Petitt at with any questions or concerns.

Similar to our attention to safe and staggered arrival measures, we have also planned for how to dismiss students seamlessly and safely at the end of each day. We have partnered with Control Point technology to coordinate dismissal. This will allow us to hold students in place until you arrive and coordinate their exit from the building from their respective division and appropriate door. This is how we can keep students from unsafely congregating in hallways, reduce traffic flow, and move our after school traffic efficiently. The most important thing for you to know now is that students will be dismissed when you arrive and will need to be picked up at the same doors where they are dropped off in the morning. Just a reminder that multiple students in a family need to be dropped off at the correct door by division, as opposed to all at the same door (Lower School: Doors #1 and #2, Middle School: Doors #4 and #5, Upper School: #7 North and #7 South) Read More

Characteristics Of A Resilient School And Resilient Children

lower school student arriving on campusby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

With the beginning of the school year less than two weeks away, I find myself increasingly excited to greet our returning students and ever so eager to welcome our outstanding new students. No matter how many years as an educator, the start of a new school year is as exhilarating to me as it is to a new teacher. This year is no different. And yet, the year ahead will be different and will present challenges that we will collectively need to overcome.

As I reflected on a guiding theme for this year, I kept coming back to the importance of resiliency. Perhaps I was influenced by the life and death of U.S. Representative and Civil Rights hero John Lewis several weeks ago. Like many, the depth of my sadness in his passing was buoyed by reflecting on the impact he had over the course of his life. Mr. Lewis suffered life-threatening setbacks and faced hardship that many of us cannot imagine. However, he developed the resiliency necessary to persevere and succeed. Read More

Defining MPA’s Metrics

middle school students physically distant playing outsideThe MPA COVID-19 planning and implementation process is focused on risk-reduction with a multi-layered approach to reducing the risk of transmission when students and staff return to campus. Our planning process is grounded in a variety of quantitative and qualitative considerations as we consider moving our return to school dial. The quantitative metrics have been vetted by our MPA Community Advisory Group and outside professionals that have developed COVID-19 transmission and testing data in order to understand the local conditions and community spread.

These metrics include local data points on a variety of factors such as the case and new infection rate, testing rate, travel restrictions, and the reproduction number, or how many new cases are spreading for each infected individual. These metrics have thresholds that help us to think through our dial stops. However, this data alone does not provide the complete picture for our planning or the adjustments we anticipate making throughout the school. Additional qualitative or social factors we are monitoring and weighing include: the current infection or spread within our own MPA community, staff and student overall attendance, travel restrictions, our peer school decisions, recommendations from the state and federal officials, and of course, as we experienced this past spring, the Governor’s emergency orders for staying at home and business closures. These factors work in conjunction with our weekly metric monitoring to provide the complete picture for reopening campus and which mode of learning we are in at any given time. Read More

MPA’s Symptom And Case Response

middle school students at laptop orientationMPA recognizes every community member holds a dual wish of continuing the high-quality educational opportunities families have come to know and expect, while also maintaining health, safety, and wellness for themselves and others. Our symptom and case response protocols are designed with these shared values and goals at the center of our approach. Some families have asked specific questions about what will happen if someone develops symptoms, tests positive, or is potentially exposed on campus. Like so many parts of this pandemic, there is not a one-size-fits all solution for each case. Through our team of medical advisors and the MPA Community Advisory Group, we have developed a detailed and multi-pronged approach to symptom response, contact tracing, and confirmed cases. We will deploy a swift, personal, and private response that is taken through our 49-point COVID-19 response flow chart, which helps our contact tracing and response team to effectively manage each step along the way. Our team will also partner and work hand-in-hand with the Minnesota Department of Health and other local officials should the need arise.

If a student is on campus and begins to experience COVID-19 symptoms they will be treated with compassion, empathy, and the care that every student has come to know at MPA. Students experiencing symptoms in the middle of the school day will be personally accompanied into our waiting room isolation spaces on campus. This trained staff member or school administrator will remain with the student throughout the symptom response process. The goal of this response is to minimize contacts between the individual experiencing the symptoms, while exhibiting compassion and maintaining a calm and supportive environment. We do not want students to feel any stigma or worry about reporting when they are feeling unwell or experiencing COVID-identified symptoms. Read More

Please Welcome Cory Becker-Kim to MPA!

Cory Becker-KimWe’re delighted to welcome Cory Becker-Kim to the MPA faculty and staff to fill the role of international student program coordinator as Sarah McFarland transitions to teaching English in our Middle School.

Mr. Becker-Kim comes to us from the College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University where he was the assistant director of admissions. In addition to general work in admissions, he worked with international student recruitment and retention. Prior to that, he taught English in China and then South Korea for almost five years. Combined, each of these roles have provided Mr. Becker-Kim with the global experience and diverse perspectives that will be so valuable to our international students, and our community as a whole. Read More

Middle School Students Are Motivated To Generate Change

Teagan working on the computerMPA seventh graders Teagan O. and Ida L. have been working together this summer to bring a virtual awareness to different problems that are impacting the environment. They are on a mission to generate change, and are currently building a website to mobilize others. With this platform, they plan to use their voices, connect with others, and make a positive impact on our community and world.

“This group of humans is dedicated to making the world a better place for us and for all of the creatures we take for granted,” they write. “We want to raise awareness for all these problems and protect and nurture our home planet, earth.” Read More

Have You Done These Things?

middle school student wearing a maskWe recognize there are many details related to starting school this year that MPA families need to attend to.To help you stay organized, we are providing this handy checklist to ensure that you don’t miss any of the essential action items.

If you haven’t done so already, please complete any of the following tasks that are applicable to your family as soon as possible. Read More

Upcoming Town Hall Meetings

middle school student on a laptopJust as they were this spring, Town Hall meetings will be used as an important way for our community to connect, learn, and get their questions answered, both PreK-12 and by division. The information shared in these Town Hall meetings will support the written communication being shared regularly. Recordings will be distributed afterward should you not be able to attend!

Lower School Town Hall
August 11, 7 PM
Join on Zoom >
Meeting ID: 927 2973 0635
Password: 951763

Middle School Town Hall
August 12, 7 PM
Join on Zoom >
Meeting ID: 958 5995 8071
Password: MSTownHall

Upper School Town Hall
August 13, 7 PM
Join on Zoom >
Meeting ID: 940 5988 9836
Password: MPAUS0813

MPA Student Council Launches Newsletter

upper school student reading from a pageAs the new school year approaches, the MPA Upper School Student Council launched their first issue of their new monthly newsletter! Named “The StudCo Scoop,” it will be sent out to all Upper School students and faculty on the last Friday of each month and will include updates on school-wide activities. “Learning to navigate this new learning environment will require diligent communication, and that is what we hope to accomplish with this publication,” they said.

In their July issue, they shared a sneak-peek of the Student Council’s plans to stay engaged and connected this fall, including:

  • Club of The Month: ​We know that club leaders and members facilitate important dialogue, create safe spaces, and their efforts strengthen our community. To recognize creativity, consistency, and commitment, Student Council plans to introduce a monthly prize that awards exceptional extracurricular achievement.
  • Student-Run Podcast: “This American Life,” “Serial,” and “Pod Save America” better watch out because Mounds Park Academy Radio is coming out with a new podcast! Under the Student Council’s leadership, we want to create a platform to highlight student interests and achievements and discuss the issues you are passionate about.
  • Monday Morning Memo: Even if we are on campus, it is hard to imagine congregating in the Upper School commons every Monday morning like we used to. Despite how different Monday Morning Meeting might look, Student Council wants to maintain a sense of community through a weekly online news segment, including student announcements and reminders on community events.
  • StudCo Schoology Page: To avoid inundating your inbox, a Student Council Schoology page will be established to locate all Monday Morning Memo uploads, Club of The Month awards, and other announcements.