Thank You For A Joyful MPA Book Festival!

lower school student reading outsideThe annual MPA Parents Association Book Festival has left us with many awesome books to carry us through the summer, along with proceeds for our library to purchase new books to benefit our library, teachers, and greater community! It was so wonderful to see Valley Book Seller, Usborne Books, and Breakthrough Twin Cities highlighted on our social media platforms, and all the great responses from our community.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who made the Book Festival a success! First, we want to thank all of you who purchased books, for being flexible and willing to try something new this year, and for supporting the Breakthrough summer literature program. Without you, there would be no Book Festival! We want to thank the parent volunteers, as they are key to helping our MPA community put on so many well-loved traditions. We want to thank Nancy Lage, as well as many teachers and administrators, for the time they spent brainstorming wonderful ways to engage our community in reading activities throughout the Book Festival. Finally, both Valley Book Seller and Usborne Books also send a big thank you to our community for supporting their small businesses during this hard time. We don’t know what next year will bring, but we will be excited to offer our Book Festival anytime, anywhere, anyway! Read More

Ashley Cooper Named 2020 Outstanding Cooperating Professional

Ashley CooperAshley Cooper, MPA Middle and Upper School Counselor, was recently awarded the UW-River Falls 2020 Outstanding Cooperating Professional! Over the past three years, MPA and UW-River Falls’ School Psychology Program have worked together to conduct depression and suicide screenings for our Middle and Upper School students.

The unique partnership allows MPA to deliver high-quality programming that reaches over 150 students each year while providing invaluable, real-life experience to graduate-level mental health practitioners. MPA is incredibly fortunate to collaborate with such a compassionate, knowledgeable, and professional group of people each year.

“Through our work together,” Ms. Cooper shares, “we have been able to highlight and strengthen our school culture in so many ways. I’m incredibly proud that there are dozens of UWRF graduates working at schools all over the state who know of and have a firsthand experience with Mounds Park Academy, and that MPA has gained a positive reputation in the community for how we are addressing student mental health.”

Con Law Class Presents Oral Arguments Virtually

Con law studentsThis year was the 17th annual MPA Constitutional Law oral arguments! Each year the Con Law senior elective culminates with students presenting oral arguments before legal experts in an actual courtroom. They choose a federal case that has been appealed before the US Supreme Court, prepare extensive written briefs which are submitted a week in advance, then appear before a panel of three judges to make their case. Afterward, each judge gives the students feedback.

This year, however, the seniors took a page out of the MN Supreme Court’s playbook and held virtual oral arguments. The students were split up into breakout rooms on Zoom, and conducted their oral arguments in the same way they would if the event was taking place in person. When asked if they enjoyed themselves, one senior responded, “Yes, but I was still nervous, even over Zoom!”

The judges this year were made up of MPA alumni, parents, and MN Court of Appeals Judges. The day could not have happened without their time and support. We want to extend a special thank you to MN Court of Appeals Judges Judge Jeanne Cochran, Judge James Florey, Judge Kevin Ross, and Judge Jill Halbrooks. A big thank you also goes out to the MPA parents who took time out of their busy days as practicing attorneys to serve as judges for the seniors: Nan Etzwiler, Gail Engstrom, Kevin Rhodes, and Steve Quam. Thank you to the MPA alumni who returned to judge the oral arguments they themselves participated in years ago: Kethan Dahlberg ’14, Jenny Portis ’16, Warsame Galaydh ’06, Adam Pabarcus ’03, Sam Bolstad ’08, and Paul Shapiro ’05. Lastly, thank you to Maureen Conway, MPA founding faculty member and retired Upper School History teacher, who started this event 17 years ago, and who was able to return as a judge this year.

“Every year, I am amazed with what our seniors do with the preparation of their briefs and oral arguments,” shared Mike Vergin, Upper School history teacher, and who now teaches the Constitutional Law class. “They are considering cases actually being argued before the Supreme Court this session. One judge participating for the first time in a while commented that these students were every bit as skilled as those he works with in the moot courts at the law school at which he teaches. We literally have not seen each other since the day they found out which cases they’d be arguing. This is challenging enough in a typical year, but the Class of 2020 rose to the occasion and made it happen this year just as well.”

Making A Difference Through Art

Zoe Hutton's art projectsEach MPA senior must complete a Senior Service Project where they submit a proposal, complete a minimum of 30 hours of service work, keep a record or journal of their experiences, and prepare an exhibit or presentation based their experiences. The project is an opportunity for them to use their voices, skills, and carry out a service project with an organization or for a cause they are passionate about.

MPA senior Zoe Hutton chose to create portraits for The Memory Project, which is a nonprofit organization that connects artists with children throughout the world. After completion, the children are sent their portraits. Zoe’s portraits will be sent to children in Venezuela. Visit to learn more and see a touching video about the project!

Congratulations to All-State Choir Members

Lilly in a playRyan and Caleb Congratulations to Lilly Gasterland-Gustafsson, Ryan Ghose, and Caleb Rhodes who auditioned and were selected to be members of the Minnesota Music Educators Association All-State Choir program! Lilly will sing in the Soprano Alto Choir under the direction of celebrated composer Andrea Ramsey.  Caleb is a member of the Mixed Choir conducted by Sandra Snow from Michigan State University while Ryan will sing with Tesfa Wondemagegnehu from St. Olaf College in the Tenor Bass Choir.  Plans are being made for an All-State Choir experience in February 2021.  Lilly, Ryan, and Caleb are all members of the MPA Concert Choir and Madrigal Singers.

Class of 2020: William Kim

William KimAs the 2019–20 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of the Class of 2020!

In what grade did you come to MPA?

I came to MPA in 8th grade. Prior to attending MPA, I lived in Manitoba, Canada, and I remember the moment I entered the school and how I fell in love with the school’s vibe, facilities, and wonderful teachers. While no classes were in session as I came in June, I still felt as if MPA was the right place for me.

How did you come to choose the college that you did?

I ended up choosing the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. Out of all the music schools that I applied to, I felt that Oberlin was the most similar to MPA. I feel that Oberlin is the perfect place for me because of their incredible opportunities to grow as a musician, while also offering strong academic programs within the college.

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience?

I’m excited to be living in a state that I have never lived in before, and to also experience the wide range of performing opportunities Oberlin offers. Life does not stop here, and I know that I am still maturing as a person. I’m curious to know what my life will be like during and after college!

Confronting Fear Through Writing Lab

Charlie GalicichThe following essay is adapted from MPA Class of 2020 member Charlie Galicich’s Senior Speech.

When I was nine days old, I was diagnosed with coarctation of the aorta, a heart defect that required immediate surgery. Essentially, an important blood vessel in my heart hadn’t opened correctly at birth, so my body wasn’t getting enough oxygen. Even though I remember nothing about that day, I can imagine that I’ve never since been as stressed and fearful as I was in those few hours that must have felt like I was suffocating.

I used to have a different outlook on this heart-iversary of mine. To me, it all seemed to represent the beginning of an unlucky life. I was annoyed that I was the only one in my family with a heart defect. I was irked that my chest throbbed so hard each time I got nervous. I was irritated with my right leg being shorter than my left. It all seemed pretty unfair.

But as I look at my life today, that all just seems like pointless whining. Not everything about my life has been perfectly ideal at all times, or how I would have envisioned it. But it has been because of all of this wrong, because I had this close call, because I am imperfect, that my life is as beautiful as it is today. I’m truly very lucky to have had such a wonderful, uninhibited experience. Every May 1st, I’m aware that my life could have been quite different. Often, I stress and worry and work hard because I want to make the most of the luck that gave me the life I have today. But I cannot allow fear of things going wrong to get in my way. To do so would be to learn the wrong lessons from 18 years ago. Read More

Ian Snider ’21 Gets Accepted to MMEA All-State Orchestra

Ian Snider playing his instrumentCongratulations to junior Ian Snider for getting into the Minnesota Music Educators Association All-State Orchestra! Students from high schools around the state of Minnesota audition in March for a spot in either the MMEA All-State orchestra, choir, or band. In August, Ian will join the other orchestra members in a week long camp to develop advanced technique and make music with new friends. The camp will culminate in a concert showcasing their achievements, as well as a performance at Orchestra Hall in February.

“I’m really looking forward to playing with other students, making music, and learning from amazing conductors,” he shared. Congratulations, Ian!

Class of 2020: Grace Holloway

Grace HollowayAs the 2019–20 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of the Class of 2020!

In what grade did you come to MPA?

I came to MPA right at the end of fifth grade. My cousin was in eighth grade here and had raved about how great MPA is and how my family should look at it. When we toured, we feel in love with the school and I enrolled immediately.

How did you come to choose the college that you did?

I chose Cornell College for a couple reasons. I knew I wanted to be in the midwest but not in MN and I wanted to be at a small school. I looked at a lot of schools and Cornell had always been on my list because of the One Course At A Time program but I didn’t really think much about it until I visited. When I visited last spring break, I instantly fell in love with everything. I loved the campus, the food, the dorms, the town that surrounds it and the sense of community. I instantly felt at home. And being able to get a first hand perspective about the One Course At A Time program and see how amazing it is really made it clear to me that Cornell was were I wanted to be. Read More

Class of 2020 Commencement

the class of 2020MPA is pleased to share that we will be holding an on campus, in-person, outdoor Commencement ceremony for the Class of 2020 on June 6 at 6 PM with appropriate safety measures in place. We will meet and exceed the April 10, 2020 Minnesota Department of Health guidelines on faith-based services in parking lots and the May 8, 2020 State of Minnesota graduation/commencement celebration guidance. By gathering feedback from seniors and their families, we learned that they have a strong desire to gather as a class one last time, albeit in a modified way, and we are happy to be able to honor their requests. MPA has rented a portable stage and the event will be held in the south parking lot, with all attendees remaining in their cars until it is time for the senior to walk across the stage and accept his or her diploma. Sound will be broadcasted to attendees through radio. We ask that only the Class of 2020 and their immediate families attend—to accommodate others, the full Commencement will be recorded and made available to the entire community via Facebook Live. A taskforce of students, faculty, staff, and administrators has been working hard to make it a very special event and we are excited to celebrate the class!