Lunch And Learn: Social Media And Digital Wellness

two students online togetherErin Walsh is a parent, speaker, educator, and writer. She has worked with communities across the country who want to better understand child and adolescent development and cut through conflicting information about kids and technology. She is fiercely committed to bringing an equity lens and asset-based approach to our understanding of, and response to, youth and media. Her signature down-to-earth approach and sense of humor helps families and educators engage in complicated topics and leave feeling capable and motivated.

Erin will be speaking with MPA parents on Friday, May 22 from 12-1 PM about social media, balance, and parenting in the present moment. Her presentation will last about 30 minutes and then parents will have time to talk and share until the end of the lunch hour.

A special thank you to our Parent’s Association for providing this great opportunity for education and community!

Class of 2020: Katie Goodno

Katie GoodnoAs the 2019–20 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of the Class of 2020!

In what grade did you come to MPA?

I came to MPA in fourth grade, which was the same year my sister Abby started in sixth grade, and two years after my sister Sara started at MPA in sixth grade also. When I shadowed in third grade, I didn’t want the day to be over because I loved the school and the people so much, which is why my parents and I made the easy decision to transfer to MPA.

How did you come to choose the college that you did?

I had no intention of going to college in Texas at all, in fact, I told my parents it was just a waste of time to visit Baylor. During spring break in my sophomore year, we were in Waco, so my mom told me I should visit Baylor. As soon as I got the tour of the campus I started envisioning myself there, and I loved it. In my senior year, I had forgotten about Baylor and didn’t really see a future there, until I visited again, and fell in love with it again. The thing that was most appealing to me was all the opportunities there were for me there and all the choices I had for majors and classes. I also am very excited about all the traditions there are and sports games! The thing that attracted me the most about Baylor was how welcoming and kind the community is. I’m very excited to join that community in the fall! Read More

Virtually Mentoring Lower School Students

upper and lower school mentoring program partnersMPA’s Virtual Mentoring Program matches Upper School students with students in our Lower School. The Upper School students meet virtually weekly or bi-weekly during the day to help Lower School students in a variety personal and academic situations, including one-on-one academic support, one-on-one enrichment opportunities, story writing, Lower School reading, share and tell, word games, charades, and coloring and painting.

This program not only helps our Upper School students develop leadership skills, but also gives them an opportunity to receive their graduation credit for community service while the world is virtual. It benefits our Lower School students because they recognize that there is another person who cares about them, and assures them that they are not alone in dealing with the day to day challenges of school.

We currently have ten Upper School students who are matched up with Lower School students. more than 40 Zoom meetings have been scheduled for these students, with each meeting lasting 25-45 minutes. We also have a waitlist of available Upper School students who are looking for Lower School students to work with. If you are an Upper School student who would like to be a mentor, please contact Dawn Zimmerman at If you are a Lower School family who would like to get involved with this Mentoring Program, please contact Lower School Director Renee Wright at

Spread The Joy Of Reading During The Virtual Book Festival

upper school student reading at a pairing assemblyWe are having so much fun participating in the annual MPA Book Festival virtually! From story time on Zoom, to sharing our favorite stories, and even connecting in real-time live on Facebook, we are inspired by the creativity and dedication that all of you have shown in support of the Virtual Book Festival. This beloved tradition provides our MPA community with opportunities to participate in reading activities, purchase great books, and support our local booksellers. The MPA Library will use the donations from the booksellers to purchase books for teachers, for the classrooms, and the Library. It’s so important in our MPA community to support one another and our extended community–that’s why this year the MPA Library will also donate books to Breakthrough to support their summer literature program. Let’s help spread the joy of reading!

As in years past, you may purchase books from Valley Bookseller and Usborne Books. Since our event is online this year, you have the ability to purchase any books available through their distributors—bonus! You can even purchase a gift certificate for a teacher—double bonus!

If you have any questions, please contact Erin Dimopoulous, Parents Association Book Festival chair, at

Submit Your Photos To The MPA Yearbook

students writing in each others yearbooksA note from the MPA Yearbook Staff

We hope your families are well and thriving as much as possible in the midst of challenging circumstances. The end of the year is approaching and we are looking forward to celebrating with as much “normalcy” as possible. We are excited to put together our traditional slideshow, but the yearbook staff needs your help to capture the craziness of this spring!

Please email the Yearbook Staff photos of your child participating in virtual school or activities related to life during “Stay at Home Minnesota.” Any submissions are greatly appreciated! Stay tuned for information regarding yearbook distribution and the assembly plans!

Students Vote To Name Ms. Murr’s New Kitten

Ms. Murr and her kittenGiving a nod to her Upper School history curriculum on voting rights and the importance of voting, Ms. Murr had her Upper School history class vote on the name of her new kitten! They settled on the name Jackie, for Jackie Kennedy. So cute!

Mental Health Awareness Month Activities With MPA

Student paintingMay is Mental Health Awareness Month! Ms. Cooper, Middle & Upper School Counselor, shared that mental health is “the quality of one’s social, psychological and emotional well-being. It directly impacts every aspect of our life, including how we think, feel, behave, and connect with others. Everyone has mental health. When our mental health is good, we have the flexibility to cope with life’s challenges.”

Throughout the month of May, we will be exploring various parts mental health by participating in a new activity each day. The activities include Mindfulness Mondays, gratitude journaling, introducing healthy routines, art projects, and more. There will also be mental health lunch talks hosted via Zoom on different topics each week.

Reach out to Ms. Cooper at for the full monthly calendar and Zoom links!

MN Secretary of State Visits Upper School History Class

Steve SimonSeniors in the 21st Century Global Issues elective were lucky to hear from Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon about cybersecurity in elections. Secretary Simon discussed issues ranging from potential attacks on election infrastructure to state versus federal control over elections to how to hold elections in the context of a public health crisis. Students were able to ask a range of questions, putting their own learning and research to the test. We appreciate the work of public servants like Secretary Simon.

MPA Partners With Local Booksellers For Virtual Book Festival

two lower school students reading together in the libraryWe’re thrilled to partner with the beloved independent shop Valley Bookseller for our Virtual Book Festival! As “Stillwater’s gathering place for everything book-related,” Valley has been a neighborhood favorite for more than 25 years.

Valley is offering some new and exciting titles, including “Brave Enough” by local athlete Jessie Diggins, “A Map Into the World” by Kao Kalia Yang, and “Hike” by Pete Oswald. They are also donating 10% of all sales back to MPA, and all orders must include “MPA” in the notes section when placing the order so they can track them for the donation.

Books will be shipped via the USPS: Priority Mail costs $7 and arrives in just 2-3 days after books arrive in their store. Media Mail is only $4 and will take 5-7 days. Learn more and order today at!

Class of 2020: Txuj Ci Yang

TC YangAs the 2019–20 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2020!

In what grade did you come to MPA?

I came to MPA in 9th grade.

How did you come to choose the college that you did?

I came to choose St. Catherine’s due to an overnight I attended in the fall! I was looking for a college with a supportive academic environment just like MPA. Upon my overnight at St. Kate’s, I experienced just that. The prospective students and the current students there were absolutely amazing. We clicked instantly. I was able to see how the current students interacted with each other and how much fun they had while still helping each other with their work. I also encountered dozens of amazing individuals who shared the same passion for learning and had wished for everyone around them to succeed!

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience?

I am most excited about branching out and meeting new people with different insights! I am not much of a talker, but I adore listening to people’s stories. I believe that they reveal their beliefs and dreams. Being able to listen to new people passionately talk about what they hold dearly to them inspires me daily to work harder in order to aid them in their path to success. Read More