Save The Date For Maker Fest 2020

makers at maker fest 2019Join us on February 22 from 1-3 PM in the AnnMarieThomas Makerspace and cafeteria, where you can either host your own table or come as a spectator!

You can sign up here to share your Maker talents, either individually or with a group to have your very own display table at MPA Maker Fest. This is the perfect opportunity to “show and tell” something that you have created and share your accomplishments with the community. Maker Fest is free is open to everyone–students, parents, grandparents, alums, faculty, staff, etc. We can’t wait to see your creations!

If you have questions, please contact Ms. Koen at

Join Us For Pajamarama!

lower school students dancing at the pajamarama concertWear your pajamas or comfy clothes and join us for Pajamarama 2020 on Thursday, January 30! This year at MPA, Lower School students will enjoy a short concert of their favorite Disney music, meet our musicians, and enjoy story telling in a new and imaginative way. Following the Disney performance, the children are led in interactive activities designed to spark excitement and curiosity about music. To finalize our program we will have a reading of a popular children’s book performed by a narrator while being accompanied by the MPA Upper School Orchestra. Students will receive a snack while they cozy up to hear this famous story come to life!

Invite A Friend To Experience MPA

upper school physics labPlease extend our invitation to your friends and neighbors for the MPA Preview on Sunday, January 26 at 2 PM. Visitors will see what’s possible when students are inspired to dream big and do right at MPA! This event will allow families to truly experience the joy of learning that our students do each day by rotating among hands-on, experiential lessons taught by expert faculty. Between lessons, they will join student and parent ambassadors for an opportunity to see our state-of-the-art facilities.

Please have them RSVP here!

Seventh Graders Do Right Through Design For Change

7th graders working with local PreK students“Design For Change” is more than a phrase that our students and faculty have become very familiar with this school year. It is an organization that functions on global and national levels, working with students and educators to “turn empathy into action.” More than one million students are involved in Design For Change and are positively impacting their communities worldwide. This movement has made its way into the minds and hands of MPA students through Ms. Koen, Makerspace coordinator, and Ms. Joyce, technology integrationist, as they work with seventh graders on MPA’s very own Design For Change global challenge.

In November, Ms. Joyce attended the I Can Children’s Global Summit in Rome, which featured students from over 40 countries and their Design For Change initiatives. Their solutions covered global issues including violence, gentrification, medicine, environmental issues, and teens and mental health. After an incredibly powerful experience, Ms. Joyce is helping the MPA seventh graders get their projects ready to submit to the 2020 I Can Global Summit.

“Attending the Summit was definitely a life-changing experience for me,” said Ms. Joyce. “Besides the individual impact of each of the students’ participation in their Design For Change solution, the group impact made possible by the global conference will resonate beyond anything we can imagine.”

The idea behind Design For Change is that there is no single one-and-done solution. The purpose is to spark curiosity, relationships, partnerships, and ongoing work that ripples into the community, and eventually, the world. The MPA students involved are currently focusing their efforts on the United Nations sustainable development global goal of reduced inequalities–specifically, quality education and school funding disparities. Read More

Bumpy Roads Build Skills

middle School student working in ceramics classEmpowering Students To Understand Stress And Navigate Anxiety
Feeling frightened has infiltrated everyday life. As a society, we worry about the future, and are unsettled about the unknowns. We’re stressed and we’re scared, with anxiety showing up among people of all ages.

While anxiety is increasingly common, learning how to manage—and even embrace—difficult emotions helps build resilience while cultivating individual and interpersonal skills. At Mounds Park Academy, Dr. Jules Nolan works with faculty, students, and parents to help families understand what stress means in context of overall well-being. As a licensed, nationally certified school psychologist and president of Minnesota’s association of school psychologists, Dr. Nolan brings expertise in child and adolescent mental health, behavioral issues, school performance, learning issues, and effective teaching and parenting strategies.

“We are seeing a spike in student anxiety (nationwide), driven by three key factors,” she explains. “One factor is that we have more sophisticated tools to diagnose anxiety. So, while the prevalence can seem greater, it’s tied to a better understanding of what anxiety is and what makes it different from other conditions. At the same time, we are seeing circumstances where anxiety is over-diagnosed. For example, in any given population we would expect one to three percent of people to meet criteria for generalized anxiety. However, in some schools we’re seeing as many as 20 to 25 percent of students with that diagnosis. The third, and perhaps most influential factor, is that our society often has a hard time grappling with stress and anxiety, and by trying to push it away, we are actually making it more difficult for children to develop coping skills.” Read More

Moving To Collaboration Over Competition

MPA senior Ella JonesThe following essay is adapted from MPA Class of 2020 member Ella Jones’s Senior Speech.

As many of you know, I have only been a member of the MPA community since the beginning of eleventh grade. Before moving to Minnesota, I lived in China. Growing up in Beijing during the Chinese economic boom was a very unique and an eye-opening experience. I watched the entire city develop and grow in front of my eyes. I watched the roads outside my apartment shift overnight from dirt to asphalt, and the vehicles on them evolve from bikes to cars.

The city began to quickly fill with people from many provinces across China. Beijing became a domestic web of people from all corners of the country. Between 1990 and 2015, Beijing’s population doubled, reaching a staggering 20 million people in 2015. At my school in Beijing, there was no such thing as a student on financial aid or scholarship, and because of that, I was surrounded by people who were privileged and had opportunity. School became a competition of who had the nicest clothes or who went to the coolest places for vacation. I started to judge my self-worth on what I had compared to my peers, and not the amazing opportunities I was already provided with. School became a toxic environment where every aspect became a comparison. Read More

Panther Athletics Winter Break Recap

mpa boys basketball team won the annual kreischer tournamentSeveral MPA athletic teams competed and had outstanding performances over winter break. Go Panthers!

MPA fourth and fifth grade soccer players teamed up and competed in the NSC Holiday Classic 5v5 Soccer Tournament, finishing 2-1 overall in the tournament! The team was coached by Mr. Scinto and Mr. Sheehan.

Congratulations to MPA junior Colin Simonson, sophomore Cullen Moore, and the entire Gentry Academy Stars Hockey Team! The Stars won the Herb Brooks Holiday Classic Silver Bracket Champions title when they defeated SPA 4-3 in the championship game at the Tria Center.

The MPA Boys Basketball Team also took a championship title. Congratulations to our 2019 Kreischer Holiday Tournament Champions! Read More

The Shortest Day Of The Year

dr. Hudson with students passing the books into the new libraryby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

Saturday marks the official beginning of winter and is also the shortest day of the year. It marks an important moment in the cycle of life, the end of darkness and the re-emergence of light. Throughout human history, in many cultures and religious traditions, light holds significant meaning, often symbolizing the goodness in each one of us. For many, it represents the warmth of home and family.

These last few weeks before winter break at MPA have been filled with celebrations of light, warmth, and family:

  • The Founders’ Breakfast is a wonderful tradition and it was such a joy last week to see so many students and families celebrating the history and values that bring us together.
  • Maybe it’s the lack of sleep or the holiday spirit, but I had tears in my eyes during the Middle School Band, Orchestra, and Vocal Concert last week. The students did a magnificent job, creating such beauty and joy through their music. As I scanned the faces of our students, I reflected on how much they have grown and come into their own, regardless of whether they were new this year or returning.
  • As I entered school on Tuesday, I was greeted by the comforting smell of waffles and syrup marking the annual Upper School tradition of our Peer Leaders serving homemade waffles to students.
  • This afternoon, we celebrated the completion of our new library, with all students, teachers, and staff passing the final 100 books, one by one, along line bridging the distance between the old and the new.

Read More

Join Us For MPA Community Caroling

2018 community holiday carolingMr. Habermann, Madrigal Singers, alumni, and MPA faculty and staff invite you to campus to enjoy some holiday spirit at MPA! The annual holiday caroling will take place in the North Entrance, hallways, and Family Commons on Friday, December 20, 2019 from 7:15-8 AM!

Self-Portraits Open Doors For Students

ceci driano's self portrait Art is an essential element in the growth and development of every student at MPA. Visual art provides learning experiences for students to create and produce solutions to visual problems. Through a variety of methods and their own authentic experiences, students develop skills in self-expression and realize an appreciation of art in the world around them.

The Upper School Applied Drawing class is a visual opportunity for students to truly see and record life and ideas as they are interpreted. The current Applied Drawing students produced time-lapse videos to showcase each stage of their self-portrait processes. Equipped with drawing fundamentals, students are challenged to develop technical skills while also developing their own style. In class, they are guided to finished drawings, facing visual challenges using a design process, as the finished self-portraits represent. Watch them as they navigate the process below!

Amelia Dickson’s Self-Portrait

Satori Lewen’s Self-Portrait

Vicky Taylor’s Self-Portrait

Ceci Driano’s Self Portrait