Congratulations All-State Choir Members

All State choir participants Congratulations to Caleb Rhodes, Ryan Ghose, Solveig Svennevig-Brosi, and Jordan Akers who auditioned and were selected to be members of the Minnesota Music Educator’s Association All-State Choirs!

Caleb and Jordan will sing in the Tenor-Bass Choir under the direction of Michael Culloton from Concordia University-Moorhead. Ryan is a member of the Mixed Choir conducted by Joan Miller (University of North Dakota) while Solveig will sing in the Soprano-Alto Choir with Therees Hibbard (St. Olaf College) conducting.

The All-State Choirs convene on the campus of St. Olaf College in early August. This six day camp culminates with a performance in Boe Chapel. In mid-February, the choirs reunite to perform at Orchestra Hall. Caleb, Ryan, Solveig, and Jordan are all members of the MPA Concert Choir and Madrigal Singers.

Class of 2019: Rayaan Ahmed, Fridley

Rayaan AhmedAs the 2018-19 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2019!

In what grade did you come to MPA?
I came to MPA in ninth grade.

How did you come to choose the college that you did?
I chose The George Washington University, because they combine academics with service. By fostering leaders through their positive environment and providing students with world class internships. I know my love for politics and international affairs will only grow in D.C.

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience?
My university is located in a city unlike any other, and so I am able to gain a well-rounded education not just in a classroom setting. The whole city is the classroom; I emerge not just with a diploma, but with experiences that could only happen at GW. I am excited for the internship opportunities, visiting amazing museums, and the ability to take long walks in the National Mall.
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MPA Inspires Me

middle school boys high fivingby Jenn Milam, Ph.D., Middle School Director

Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, you will find a guest Head’s Message here from one of MPA’s division directors. We hope you enjoy reading their thoughts and reflections about life at MPA.

It seems almost unbelievable that as you read this, we have just 21 days of school left before we depart for sunnier days, fewer lunches to pack, and more time to explore this great big world around us. For me, it seems even more unreal that just a few days from now my family and I will have been here for only nine months. As one of the newest members of the MPA family, I often get asked “What’s been the best thing about coming to MPA?” And depending on the day, sometimes the time of day, that answer varies—I do work with middle schoolers, after all! The one thing I always return to, though, is that it is easy to acclimate to goodness here because there is so much of it. I am grateful for my newness to the community because it has allowed me the privilege and joy to see the good, first hand, with a fresh set of eyes.

This week, I want to share with you, our MPA community, my top 10 list of things that have inspired me this year—the top 10 reasons why I am so happy to call MPA my home, to have my own children at MPA, and to serve your children. Read More

2019 Athena Award Recipient

Eleanor Quam and her coachesCongratulations to MPA senior Ellie Quam for receiving the Athena Award for Mounds Park Academy! She was honored for her athletic achievements at the St. Paul Area Athena Awards ceremony at the Vadnais Heights Commons. Laura Bush, the executive director of USA Volleyball, was the guest speaker, and the Master of Ceremonies was Randy Shaver from KARE 11.

The award is named after Greek goddess Athena, known for her wisdom and skills, and thus the Athena Award honors female high school seniors for their athletic achievements. Dedication, confidence, achievement, and motivation are all taken into consideration when choosing a recipient. We are so proud of Ellie for representing MPA with all of these traits!

Did We Reach $4 million?

students prek-12 are excited for their new library!by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

Yesterday was one of my favorite days of the school year thus far. Sam King, a sixth grader, was the head of school for the day. Sam helped our leadership team make an important decision, advocated for an extra jeans day for faculty and staff, and helped me select light fixtures for our new cafeteria. It’s safe to say it was a special day for Sam … and for me!

While I watched Sam soak in all of these new experiences, I was thinking about the very important milestone we had on the horizon for Together, We Dream: The Campaign for MPA. As you probably know, we set a very ambitious goal to make sure Sam and all of our MPA students, staff, and community members could enjoy a new library as soon as possible, in addition to the new commons, cafeteria, and kitchen they will find when they return to school in the fall. Read More

Join Us For Lunch at MPA

Two fifth graders with kindergartenerOn Tuesday, May 14 from 11:30 AM-1 PM, MPA will host Lunch At MPA for prospective families!

Visit campus during a regular school day to meet school administrators over a casual meal and tour the campus to see our students and teachers in action.

RSVP in advance for this engaging program at If you have any questions, contact the Office of Admission at 651-748-5577 or

We can’t wait to meet you!

MPA Triangular Track and Field Meet Results

Taevion at a track and field meetMPA Track and Field hosted SPA and Minnehaha at the Schilling Track on a partly sunny, cool afternoon. On the girls’ side, notable performances included eighth grader Zoe M. winning the 100m dash in 13.2 (all times are hand timed). Eighth grader Greta M. finished third in the 100m in 13.7. In the 200m, that same eighth grade duo finished in first and fourth, with Zoe winning in 27.8 (10th all time at MPA) and Greta fourth in 29.2. In the 400m, 12th grader Sofia Walker finished second in 1:05.8, in the 800m, sophomore Izzy Quam finished second in 2:35.3, and in the 1600m, Katie Dahiya finished second in 5:49.0. In the 100m hurdles, Senior Ellie Quam won in 18.3 seconds, and in the 300m hurdles, Ellie was second in 53.2 and eighth grader Emily B. was tied for fourth in 55.5. Read More

Panthers at Heidi Kunz Invitational

Ellie Quam doing the hurdlesMPA Track and Field athletes opened up the outdoor season strong on a beautiful day at Mahtomedi High School.

On the girls’ side, notable finishes included eighth grader Zoe M., who placed fifth in the 100m dash in her first ever varsity race. Her time of 13.40 places her fourth all time in MPA history in the girls 100m dash and is the fastest 100m dash by an MPA girl since 2002!  Zoe also added a seventh place finish in the 200m, just off the top 10 in a time of 28.27. Eighth grader Greta M. finished eighth in the 200m with a similarly impressive time of 28.35.

In the 400m, Greta M. ran to a fourth place finish, crossing the line in 1:03.56, sixth best all time in MPA history and the fastest since 2007! Senior Sofia Walker, making her track and field debut, finish seventh in the 400m, with a time of 1:05.43, just .12 seconds outside the 400m top 10 all time. In the 800m run, Sophomore Izzy Quam ran a strong debut of 2:40.32 to place third.  Read More

MPA Parents Association Is Seeking Volunteers!

PA puts on a wonderful party!The MPA Parents Association is seeking volunteers for the 2019-2020 school year! Please consider getting involved. It’s a great way to meet the school community, show our appreciation to faculty and staff, enrich our children’s school experience, all while making new friends. A willingness to help is the only experience needed!

If you are interested in taking on a Parents Association Board or Event Chair position for next year, let us know so we can can add your name to the list of candidates on the 2019-2020 ballot. Contact Kim Jakway at Thank you!

I Know We Can

Thomas smiling with his donation to Together, We Dreamby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School 

One of my favorite childhood stories was “The Little Engine That Could.” I remember my father reading the book to me when I was a child, telling me that no matter the obstacles that I face in life, if I work hard and believe in myself, I can do anything. His words have inspired and comforted me throughout my childhood and adult life. Whether it was earning a canoeing merit badge on a windy day as a teen, surviving finals week in college, or writing my doctoral dissertation, I have found the reserve to know that I will be able to persevere and ultimately succeed. It wouldn’t have been unusual, even up to his death, for my dad to send me a note with no words but instead a simple drawing of a train making its way uphill.

I have the same confidence today that together we will meet our goal of $4 million by the very important deadline of May 1 so that we can continue with Together, We Dream: The Campaign for MPA projects. While we have met our goal to fully fund the new cafeteria and kitchen, we are just shy of the amount needed to build the new library. If we do not reach $4 million by May 1—if we do not act now—the library construction phase of the campaign will not be able to start this summer, and costs will increase. From the beginning, our intent was to fully fund these two important projects without risking our short-term and long-term financial sustainability and reaching this milestone will help ensure that. Read More